mardi 30 avril 2019

Like ‘Uber for Organs’: Drone Delivers Kidney to Maryland Woman

A team at the University of Maryland is developing drone technology to deliver organs faster and give doctors timely updates on their transit.

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Is Dancing the Kale of Exercise?

Research shows that dance offers a wealth of anti-aging benefits. It’s also fun.

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Should Adults Get a Measles Booster Shot?

Measles outbreaks have occurred in 22 states. Now adults are wondering if they are immune and whether they should get a shot of the vaccine. Here’s what you need to know.

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Drug Agency Calls for Strong Warning Labels on Popular Sleep Aids

The labels must mention that side effects include risky behaviors, such as sleepwalking and sleep driving, that can lead to injury and even death.

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Trilobites: The Microbots Are on Their Way

Tiny sensors with tinier legs, stamped out of silicon wafers, could one day soon help fix your cellphone battery or study your brain.

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How to Minimize Allergies in Your Home

If you have terrible seasonal and indoor allergies, here’s how to minimize them when you’re indoors.

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Sunny Garcia’s Suicide Attempt Rocks Surfing

The Hawaii native has long been a legend in the sport, but four years after opening up about his mental illness, Garcia’s struggles appear to have led to a suicide attempt.

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F.D.A. Approves IQOS, a New Tobacco Device

The agency said the “heat-not-burn” tobacco device was an alternative to traditional cigarettes.

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They Want It to Be Secret: How a Common Blood Test Can Cost $11 or Almost $1,000

Huge price discrepancies like that are unimaginable in other industries. Also unusual: not knowing the fee ahead of time.

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lundi 29 avril 2019

U.N. Issues Urgent Warning on the Growing Peril of Drug-Resistant Infections

A new report says the overuse of antimicrobial drugs in humans, animals and plants is fueling resistant pathogens that could kill 10 million people annually by 2050.

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In Month After ‘13 Reasons Why’ Debut on Netflix, Study Finds Teen Suicide Grew

The TV series is linked to a troubling jump in suicide rates among boys the month after its premier.

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How Has the Measles Outbreak Affected You and Your Family?

Tell us how your community is coping with the disease.

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Global Health: Measles Cases Surpass 700 as Outbreak Continues Unabated

The virus has been found in 22 states, and outbreaks in New York and Los Angeles are growing quickly.

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Pakistan’s War on Polio Falters Amid Attacks on Health Workers and Mistrust

Pakistani officials had hoped that 2019 would be the year they declared victory against the disease. But attacks and mistrust of vaccinations make that goal unlikely.

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Personal Health: Virtual Reality as Therapy for Pain

It’s more than a distraction, researchers say. It’s more like a brain hack that occupies the brain so fully that it has no room to process pain sensations at the same time.

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The New Health Care: Why Your Doctor’s White Coat Can Be a Threat to Your Health

A defining symbol of a profession may also be teeming with harmful bacteria and not washed as often as patients might hope.

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dimanche 28 avril 2019

Wait, Is That Another Ad for Egg Freezing?

As fertility and parenting companies proliferate, their ads are showing up in women’s social media feeds — occasionally at the most inappropriate times.

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In Washington, Juul Vows to Curb Youth Vaping. Its Lobbying in States Runs Counter to That Pledge.

Juul has told the F.D.A. it will do all it can to stop youth vaping. But in state capitols and city halls around the country, the company is embracing measures that undermine that vow.

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samedi 27 avril 2019

How to Stay Patient While Recovering From an Injury

What I did during my break from running.

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Lego Is Making Braille Bricks. They May Give Blind Literacy a Needed Lift.

In the United States, just 10 percent of blind children learn Braille, which is tied to success in the work force.

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vendredi 26 avril 2019

More Than 700 at 2 California Universities Under Quarantine Amid Measles Outbreak

The number of staff members and students who were under quarantine on Friday was up by about 400 from the day before, according to the authorities.

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The New Old Age: Ageism: A ‘Prevalent and Insidious’ Health Threat

The World Health Organization has begun four studies intended to define ageism and identify ways to combat it.

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Chasing Growth, a Women’s Health Start-Up Cut Corners

Nurx, an online prescribing app, drew attention with its pitch about female empowerment. Former employees said it took a laissez-faire approach to women’s health.

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Should the ‘Vaping Age’ Be 21? Drugstores Say Yes

In raising the minimum age to purchase tobacco products at its stores, the drugstore chain joined other retailers and lawmakers seeking to curb teenagers’ use.

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Global Health: Religious Objections to the Measles Vaccine? Get the Shots, Faith Leaders Say

Devout parents who are worried about vaccines often object to ingredients from pigs or fetuses. But the leaders of major faiths have examined these fears and still vigorously endorse vaccination.

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Measles Outbreak Prompts Quarantines at U.C.L.A. and California State-Los Angeles

More than 200 university students and employees in Los Angeles County may have been exposed to measles and were given quarantine orders this week.

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Help Desk: No to Pseudoscientific Diets! Yes to Less Stress About Food!

Judith Newman’s Help Desk column tackles myths about what we eat, how we gain weight and what we see when we look in the mirror.

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Ties: Out to Lunch

In a brief respite from the draining routines of caregiving, an affinity for a man at another table sparks a certain hunger.

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jeudi 25 avril 2019

Cavities? Blame Nurture, Not Nature

Environmental factors are more important than genetics in determining who gets cavities, a new study reports.

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Amid Measles Outbreak, Quarantine Is Ordered at U.C.L.A. and California State-Los Angeles

More than 200 university students and employees in Los Angeles County may have been exposed to measles and were given quarantine orders this week.

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Trilobites: An Emperor Penguin Colony in Antarctica Vanishes

A colony in Halley Bay lost more than 10,000 chicks in 2016 and hasn’t recovered. Some adults have relocated.

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Over 20 Million Children a Year Miss Out on First Dose of Measles Vaccine

Over eight years to 2017, a Unicef report found, nearly 170 million children worldwide failed to receive the first of two doses.

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Over 20 Million Children a Year Miss Out on First Dose of Measles Vaccine

Over eight years to 2017, a Unicef report found, nearly 170 million children worldwide failed to receive the first of two doses.

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Americans Are Among the Most Stressed People on the Planet, Poll Finds

An annual, global Gallup poll, released Thursday, reported that feelings of stress and worry are particularly high in the United States.

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Soft Bedding, Unsafe Sleep Practices Cause Most Infant Suffocation Deaths

Experts recommend that cribs have no soft bedding or soft objects, and that adults never sleep in the same bed with a baby.

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mercredi 24 avril 2019

Global Health: Measles Outbreak Infects 695, Highest Number Since 2000

The outbreak, linked to skepticism about vaccines, has led to extraordinary measures, including $1,000 fines and bans on unvaccinated children in public.

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Long-Term Use of Antibiotics Tied to Heart Risks

Taking antibiotics for two months or longer may be linked to an increase in a woman’s risk for cardiovascular disease.

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Trump Declares Commitment to Ending Opioid Crisis ‘Once and for All’

Many leading authorities on the opioid crisis have been critical of the government’s response, starting with the Obama administration, but say there has been some improvement under Mr. Trump.

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W.H.O. Says Limited or No Screen Time for Children Under 5

Infants under 1 year old should not be exposed to electronic screens, and children between the ages of 2 and 4 should not have more than one daily hour of “sedentary screen time,” the agency said Wednesday.

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Global Health: Widespread Testing Begins on Malaria Vaccine That Is Only Partly Effective

Despite the vaccine’s drawbacks, the W.H.O. endorsed testing on 360,000 children, in an effort to lower death rates in Africa.

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Scientists Create Speech From Brain Signals

A prosthetic voice decodes what the brain intends to say and generates (mostly) understandable speech, no muscle movement needed.

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Woman Wakes After 27 Years Unconscious

An Emirati mother who suffered brain damage in a car accident in 1991 made an unexpected recovery at a clinic in Germany.

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Phys Ed: After a Knee Injury, Be Wary When Returning to Sports

Athletes who pass return-to-play tests after an A.C.L. injury remain just as likely to experience a subsequent knee injury as those who fail the tests.

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Doctors: Getting to Know Our Patients

Listening to patients is a critical part of a doctor’s education.

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Putting Down Your Phone May Help You Live Longer

By raising levels of the stress-related hormone cortisol, our phone time may also be threatening our long-term health.

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mardi 23 avril 2019

Walgreens Raises Tobacco-Buying Age to 21, Strengthening a Consensus

In raising the minimum age to purchase tobacco products at its stores, the drugstore chain joined other retailers and lawmakers seeking to curb teenagers’ use.

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For First Time, Pharmaceutical Distributor Faces Federal Criminal Charges Over Opioid Crisis

The charges against the wholesaler, Rochester Drug Cooperative, and two of its former executives marked a new tactic for prosecutors in tackling the epidemic of addiction to prescription painkillers.

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How Gay Are You?

A new film explores the many shades of human sexuality.

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Is Sex by Deception a Form of Rape?

Laws are seeking to elucidate the problem of “rape by fraud.”

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lundi 22 avril 2019

Skipping Breakfast May Increase Stroke and Heart Risks

Eating breakfast could be a simple way to promote cardiovascular health, one researcher says.

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A Vicious, Untreatable Killer Leaves China Guessing

African swine fever, which harms pigs but not humans, has swept across the country, the world’s largest pork producer. And those are only the cases the government knows about.

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At War: The Military Wants Better Tests for PTSD. Speech Analysis Could Be the Answer.

Using computerized voice analysis, a new study found 18 features of speech that identify markers of PTSD in veterans.

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Wary of Chinese Espionage, Houston Cancer Center Chose to Fire 3 Scientists

The director of the National Institutes of Health said that 55 similar investigations into possible foreign exploitation of American research are happening nationwide.

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Well : Why Does Exercise Guard Against Cancer? Inflammation May Play a Role

How exercise guards against colon cancer and other types of cancer remains a mystery.

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The New Health Care: What Can the U.S. Health System Learn From Singapore?

Americans argue over insurance while Singaporeans keep perfecting the delivery of care.

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The Checkup: The Search for a Biomarker for Early Autism Diagnosis

Children with autism spectrum disorder took significantly longer to look away from a video when their names were called, a new study found.

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Personal Health: Should You Be Eating Eggs?

Do eggs raise your cholesterol? The advice keep changing.

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The Giants at the Heart of the Opioid Crisis

Civil suits filed by three states accuse pharmaceutical distributors of flooding the country with opioids while devising systems to evade regulators.

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dimanche 21 avril 2019

Travel Tips: How to Protect Yourself from Air Pollution While Traveling

Poor air quality is a growing problem for travelers headed abroad. Here’s how to read up before you go, and protect yourself once you’re there.

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Hospitals Stand to Lose Billions Under ‘Medicare for All’

Private insurance pays hospitals much more than the federal government does for patient care. If Medicare for all means Medicare rates, expect an industry backlash.

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vendredi 19 avril 2019

Before Fisher-Price’s Rock ’n Play Recall, Safety Fears and Dubious Marketing

The company knew for years about potential risks linked to its popular sleeper and about pediatricians’ objections to the way the product was being pitched to parents.

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Strategies: ‘Medicare for All’ Is Hammering Health Care Stocks. For Now.

The popularity of proposals for a government-run, single-payer system among Democratic presidential candidates has hurt health care stocks, despite their strong earnings.

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Ask Well: How Low Should Blood Pressure Go?

Symptoms, rather than numbers, may best define when blood pressure is too low.

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Commuting While Pregnant: A Long Ride Could Be a Risky One

Traveling 50 or more miles to and from work may negatively affect unborn babies, a new study suggests.

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jeudi 18 avril 2019

Kentucky’s Senator McConnell Supports Bill to Raise Minimum Age to Buy Tobacco to 21

Seeking re-election to a seventh term, the senator cited the rise in teenage vaping as a reason to curtail sales of tobacco and other products.

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Can Botox and Cosmetic Surgery Chill Our Relationships With Others?

Experts say mirroring another person’s facial expressions is essential not only for recognizing emotion, but also for feeling it.

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This Genetic Mutation Makes People Feel Full — All the Time

Two new studies confirm that weight control is often the result of genetics, not willpower.

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Here’s Soylent’s New Product. It’s Food.

The Silicon Valley food-drink of choice is now a ‘complete nutrition platform.’ The beverage plot thickens.

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Living With Cancer: The Lifesaving Power in Stem Cells

Liars and thieves should not be allowed to detract from legitimate scientific research that has made umbilical cord blood mystic in its regenerative powers.

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Prostate Drugs May Raise Diabetes Risk

Proscar and Avodart, prescribed for an enlarged prostate, were tied to an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes.

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mercredi 17 avril 2019

The Right Way to Use a Public Bathroom (to Avoid Getting Sick)

The odds of becoming ill from using a public bathroom are slim. But there are a few things you can do to minimize your risk even more. Here’s what to keep in mind.

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Dr. Richard Green, 82, Dies; Challenged Psychiatry’s View of Homosexuality

At a time when being gay was classified as a mental disorder, Dr. Green defied the advice of his colleagues and took a professional risk by arguing otherwise.

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Deadly germs, lost cures: How a Chicago Woman Fell Victim to Candida Auris, a Drug-Resistant Fungus

The mysterious infection has appeared at hospitals around the world but few institutions or families have discussed their experience.

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Trilobites: Look What the Cat Dragged In: Parasites

Researchers found that house cats that roam outdoors were more likely to pick up diseases than indoor cats.

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‘Partly Alive’: Scientists Revive Cells in Brains From Dead Pigs

In research that upends assumptions about brain death, researchers brought some cells back to life — or something like it.

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Stress Tied to Heart Disease, Especially in People Under 50

Someone with a stress disorder was 37 percent more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those in the general population.

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Generation Grandparent: Anna Quindlen’s ‘Life in the 60s’

A Bubbe and a Nana share the joys of grandparenting: “This is the closest we get to immortality, right?”

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Phys Ed: 10 Years After an Exercise Study, Benefits Persist

The benefits of exercise may last longer than many of us might expect.

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In India, a Renewed Fight Against Leprosy

Health workers thought they had vanquished the disease in 2005. But it lived on, cloaked in stigma and medical mystery.

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mardi 16 avril 2019

Stanford Clears Professor of Helping With Gene-Edited Babies Experiment

Stephen Quake and two colleagues were found to have followed proper scientific protocol in their interactions with the Chinese researcher who did the work.

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F.D.A. Halts U.S. Sales of Pelvic Mesh, Citing Safety Concerns for Women

Boston Scientific and Coloplast were the last two companies selling the controversial devices used to repair pelvic organ prolapse. Women suffering from injuries related to the transvaginal mesh implants have earned billions in settlements.

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Employee Wellness Programs Yield Little Benefit, Study Shows

A rigorous new study calls into question whether workplace wellness programs can quickly save employers money on health care bills.

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Don’t Count on 23andMe to Detect Most Breast Cancer Risks, Study Warns

The DNA testing company, which has 10 million customers, misses nearly 90 percent of people with risky BRCA mutations. It says the criticism is overblown.

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Nonfiction: A Psychotherapist Analyzes Her Patients’ Stories — and Her Own

Lori Gottlieb’s “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed” is a treasure trove of stories and hard-earned advice.

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Parents Mourning Stillbirth Follow Familiar Patterns on YouTube

Over the course of about 15 years, a researcher says, YouTube has become a kind of virtual cemetery for parents experiencing stillbirth.

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lundi 15 avril 2019

Global Health: In African Villages, These Phones Become Ultrasound Scanners

A hand-held device brings medical imaging to remote communities, often for the first time.

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90 New Cases of Measles Reported as Outbreak Continues at Record Pace

This year’s outbreak is on course to be the worst since measles was eliminated as an endemic disease in 2000.

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The Checkup: Measles Now

On the frustration of pediatricians taking care of children suffering from a preventable disease.

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The New Health Care: Healing Your Feet, and Finding a Balance in Following Doctor’s Orders

With plantar fasciitis and other ailments, a key is a realistic therapy routine you can fit into your day.

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Personal Health: After a Hip Fracture, Reducing the Risk of a Recurrence

Following a fracture, patients should have a bone density test, evaluation of calcium and vitamin D levels and, in nearly all cases, medication to protect against further bone loss.

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dimanche 14 avril 2019

Paul Greengard, Nobel Prize-Winning Neuroscientist, Dies at 93

His 15-year quest to understand how brain cells communicate provided the underlying science for many antipsychotic drugs.

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Gene-Edited Babies: What a Chinese Scientist Told an American Mentor

Stanford is investigating Stephen Quake’s interactions with He Jiankui, the scientist who performed the controversial experiment.

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samedi 13 avril 2019

Doctors Use Electrical Implant to Aid Brain-Damaged Woman

A pilot study offers “a very promising start” in the effort to help people recover from traumatic brain injuries.

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Trilobites: You Need Vitamin D to Live. How Could This Woman Survive With None in Her Blood?

She had a series of bone fractures, but when doctors did blood tests, the supplements she took for treatment were nowhere to be found.

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Medicare Aims to Expand Coverage of Cancer Care. But Is It Enough?

Doctors and patients are pushing the Trump administration to pay for a powerful but costly cancer treatment known as CAR-T, one of many new “personalized medicines.”

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vendredi 12 avril 2019

Rite Aid to Stop Selling E-Cigarettes, Citing Surge in Young Users

The chain said it would remove the products from its more than 2,400 locations over the next 90 days. It will continue to sell regular tobacco products.

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Children Are Swallowing Foreign Objects More Frequently, Study Finds

According to a new study in the journal Pediatrics, the rate of foreign-body ingestions among children under age 6 nearly doubled in the two decades after 1995.

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Ohio’s Fetal Heartbeat Abortion Ban Is Latest Front in Fight Over Roe v. Wade

Anti-abortion activists have passed similar measures in several states with the hope that a legal fight could upend Supreme Court precedent.

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As Ebola Cases Rise in Congo, the W.H.O. Declines to Issue Emergency Declaration

The epidemic shows no signs of abating. In the eight-month-old outbreak, the highest number of cases recorded in a single day occurred this week.

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The New Old Age: A New Rx for Diabetes: Lighten Up

In older patients, rigorous lowering of blood sugar may offer few benefits and pose unexpected risks.

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CBD Lures Stressed-Out Parents Looking to Unwind

Caught in the churn of long days and sleepless nights, some parents have found solace in a nonintoxicating chemical derived from hemp. But is it safe?

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Native American Women Are Facing a Crisis

Three senators are hoping to combat what they see as an overlooked epidemic: missing, murdered and trafficked women.

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jeudi 11 avril 2019

Opioid Sales Reps Swarmed New York at Height of Crisis

New disclosures in the New York attorney general’s lawsuit detail the massive sales efforts of Purdue Pharma and other companies.

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Measles Outbreak: Tensions Rise as New York City Steps Up Response

An order to require immunizations in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community seemed to mobilize vaccine skeptics. Others worried that the effort did not address the root of the problem: misinformation.

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Living Near a Major Highway Tied to Developmental Delays in Children

Exposure to air pollution could be a factor, experts suggest.

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Matter: Scott Kelly Spent a Year in Orbit. His Body Is Not Quite the Same.

NASA scientists compared the astronaut to his earthbound twin, Mark. The results hint at what humans will have to endure on long journeys through space.

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You Asked: Period. Stop.

Is it a misconception that a woman needs to have a period for good health?

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Eat Less Meat, Live Longer?

Men who ate more than a half pound of red, white or organ meat daily were 23 percent more likely to die prematurely than those who ate much less.

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Lawmakers in Both Parties Vow to Rein In Insulin Costs

A hearing on Wednesday was one of several signs that Congress was serious about trying to address the cries of distress from constituents unable to afford the medicines they need.

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mercredi 10 avril 2019

Abnormal Levels of a Protein Linked to C.T.E. Found in N.F.L Players’ Brains, Study Shows

The research is the first step toward developing a diagnostic test that could identify brain-related injuries in living players.

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Very Low Cholesterol May Increase Stroke Risk

Researchers found that very low LDL, or “bad” cholesterol, and very low triglycerides are associated with an increased risk for hemorrhagic stroke.

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Facing Nurses Strike, New York Hospitals Reach Landmark Deal on Staffing

The agreement will lead to the hiring of more nurses and for the first time set minimum ratios of nurses to patients.

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Phys Ed: Sitting for More Than 13 Hours a Day May Sabotage the Benefits of Exercise

People who sat for long periods and took fewer than 4,000 steps a day developed metabolic problems, even if they exercised.

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mardi 9 avril 2019

Global Health: New York City Is Requiring Vaccinations Against Measles. Can Officials Do That?

Mandatory vaccination is rare, but it has been done — and upheld by the courts. While judges have allowed health officials to fine citizens for refusing, forced vaccinations are highly unusual.

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CBD Oil: Should You Take It?

Most Osteoporosis Drugs Don’t Build Bone. This One Does.

In clinical trials, Evenity substantially increased bone density and prevented fractures more effectively than available treatments, according to the drug makers’ findings.

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‘Monkey, Rat and Pig DNA’: How Misinformation Is Driving the Measles Outbreak Among Ultra-Orthodox Jews

In some ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities in New York, fliers, handbooks and influential groups continue to contradict the scientific consensus that vaccines are generally safe and highly effective.

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lundi 8 avril 2019

You’re Covered in Fungi. How Does That Affect Your Health?

Following extensive study of the body’s bacterial occupants, researchers are turning to how our fungal residents may contribute to inflammatory bowel diseases and other maladies.

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Culture of Secrecy Shields Hospitals With Outbreaks of Drug-Resistant Infections

The lack of transparency puts patients at risk, some say. Institutions say disclosure could scare some people away from seeking needed medical care.

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Choose Foods, Not Supplements

Dietary supplements do not help you live longer, and in large quantities may be harmful.

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A Diet to Ward Off Gum Disease?

People who ate an anti-inflammatory diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish were less likely to have gingivitis.

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Times Insider: Candida Auris: The Fungus Nobody Wants to Talk About

The medical community is usually eager to discuss public health issues. But the rise in drug-resistant microbes is cloaked in chronic secrecy.

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Mind: To Improve Memory, Tune It Like an Orchestra

A noninvasive technique shows promise in improving the working memory of older adults. But, the scientists note, “Do not try this at home!”

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A Conversation With...: Gregg Gonsalves Blends Activism and Science

The former Act Up campaigner is now an epidemiologist — and MacArthur grantee — searching for new ways to halt epidemics.

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The Diagnosis Is Alzheimer’s. But That’s Probably Not the Only Problem.

Most people with dementia have a number of brain abnormalities, not just Alzheimer’s disease. The finding is forcing scientists to rethink the search for treatments.

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The New Health Care: Can Doctors Talk Teenagers Out of Risky Drinking?

The answer is worth knowing. The research is lacking.

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The Checkup: Dealing With Aggression in Children

Some aggression is normal, experts say; parents can respond with redirection or distraction rather than by punishing the child with anger, yelling or spanking.

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Personal Health: A Guide to Sustainable Eating

Have you considered the effects of what you eat on the planet, and made changes that will protect not only the Earth but also your health and the well-being of generations to come?

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dimanche 7 avril 2019

deadly germs, Lost cures: In a Kenyan Slum, Cheap Antibiotics Fuel Deadly Drug-Resistant Infections

Overuse of the medicines is not just a problem in rich countries. Throughout the developing world antibiotics are dispensed with no prescription required.

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samedi 6 avril 2019

Making It Into the Boston Marathon, Finally

He beat the qualifying time for the race twice and still could not get in. This year he made it.

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Deadly germs, Lost cures: A Mysterious Infection, Spanning the Globe in a Climate of Secrecy

The rise of Candida auris embodies a serious and growing public health threat: drug-resistant germs.

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What You Need to Know About Candida Auris

C. auris is a mysterious and dangerous fungal infection that is among a growing number of germs that have evolved defenses against common medicines. Here are some basic facts about it.

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Revenge of the Bacteria: Why We’re Losing the War

Bacteria are rebelling. They’re turning the tide against antibiotics by outsmarting our wonder drugs. This video explores the surprising reasons.

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vendredi 5 avril 2019

Artists as ‘Creative Problem-Solvers’ at City Agencies

Four artists will embed with city agencies to tackle social issues as part of the Public Artists in Residence program that began in 2015.

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France Is First to Ban Breast Implants Linked to Rare Cancer

The ban covers textured breast implants, which are suspected of being linked to anaplastic large-cell lymphoma. Regulators in other countries are following suit.

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The Latest in Military Strategy: Mindfulness

Soldiers in several countries, including the U.S., are being taught deep breathing and meditation techniques to improve focus during chaos.

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A Diet to Ward Off Gum Disease?

People who ate an anti-inflammatory diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish were less likely to have gingivitis.

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Ties: Great Eggspectations

Egg freezing had become so routine among my single peers that when I hit 35, I never thought twice. Here’s what I wish I had known.

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Ask Well: Is the Saturated Fat in Chocolate as Bad as the Fat in Meat?

Chocolate contains a healthier blend of fats than meats do. But don’t go overboard.

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Night Shifts May Raise the Risk of Miscarriage

Pregnant women who worked two or more night shifts a week were at increased risk of miscarriage.

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jeudi 4 avril 2019

Scott Gottlieb Says He Will Return to Conservative Think Tank After Leaving F.D.A.

His last day at the agency is Friday, then he will return part-time to the American Enterprise Institute where he will focus on drug prices.

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Ralph Metzner, LSD and Consciousness Researcher, Dies at 82

After participated in controversial studies by Timothy Leary involving hallucinogens, he continued researching alternate states of consciousness.

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N.Y. Attorney General Sues Manhattan Stem Cell Clinic, Citing Rogue Therapies

Echoing F.D.A. concerns, the state’s top prosecutor accused Park Avenue Stem Cell of charging thousands of dollars for unproven, unregulated treatments.

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Memorial Sloan Kettering Leaders Violated Conflict-of-Interest Rules, Report Finds

A policy review follows months of turmoil at the cancer center, which pledged an overhaul, including new rules on public disclosure and limits on outside profits.

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Mind: Beyond Biden: How Close Is Too Close?

Psychologists have studied personal space and physical contact for decades. Here's why people get so uncomfortable.

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You Asked: How to Perk Up Your Breasts

A reader wonders if there is anything she can do to fight the effects of aging on the shape of her breasts.

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Cancer’s Trick for Dodging the Immune System

In a study of tumors in mice, scientists may have learned why immunotherapy doesn’t work in many patients and what might be done to boost its effectiveness.

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Diagnosis: The Boy Was Feverish, With a Swollen Testicle. What Could He Possibly Have?

A 16-year-old gets sick for weeks over the summer. When antibiotics don’t help, his mother has an idea.

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Doctors: When Opposites Attract, for Life

Of all the obstacles to initiating hospice care that have been cited, the devotion of wife to husband, or child to parent, is the hardest to quantify.

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mercredi 3 avril 2019

Eat Your Veggies: Study Finds Poor Diets Linked to One in Five Deaths

A study in The Lancet found that in 2017, 11 million premature deaths were linked to diets short on fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

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‘Predatory’ Scientific Publisher Is Hit With a $50 Million Judgment

The Federal Trade Commission accused Omics International, a publisher in India, of operating hundreds of fake research journals with deceptive business practices.

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Overlooked No More: S.N. Goenka, Who Brought Mindfulness to the West

He gave up life as a successful Burmese businessman to teach meditation in India, and played a significant role in the explosion of interest in meditation as we know it today.

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At War: The Army Thought He Was Faking His Health Issues. Turns Out He Had Chronic Lead Poisoning.

After years of misdiagnoses, Stephen Hopkins learned that lead in his bones was making him sick. Now he’s calling for the military to increase testing for metal poisoning in troops.

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Global Health: Scientists Thought They Had Measles Cornered. They Were Wrong.

Following intensive vaccination efforts, measles cases plunged across the world. Now clusters of new infections — some linked, some not — have confounded health officials.

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Risky Stem-Cell Treatments Come Under F.D.A. Scrutiny — Again

Warning that unapproved stem-cell treatments put patients at risk, the F.D.A. is notifying clinics and manufacturers that flout its rules.

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Drug Sites Upend Doctor-Patient Relations: ‘It’s Restaurant-Menu Medicine’

A new wave of websites turns physicians into mere gatekeepers for popular lifestyle drugs, increasing public health risks, experts say. The sites say they ease connections with doctors.

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Express Scripts Offers Diabetes Patients a $25 Cap for Monthly Insulin

Drug makers, insurers and pharmacy benefit managers face mounting pressure from Congress and the public to reduce the high list prices of drugs like insulin.

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Phys Ed: The Heart of a Swimmer vs. the Heart of a Runner

Regular exercise changes the look and workings of the human heart. And researchers are discovering that different sports affect the heart differently.

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How to Raise Vegetable Eaters

Experts offer advice on how to help children develop a taste for vegetables without hiding them in tater tots.

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mardi 2 avril 2019

Global Health: Cholera Is Spreading in Mozambique, and It’s Far From the Only Health Threat

About two million people are displaced, cholera has broken out, and malaria is expected. But doses of cholera vaccine have arrived, and the humanitarian crisis may yet be contained, aid agencies say.

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A California Hospital Filmed Women Without Their Knowledge, Lawsuit Says

The cameras were set up in three operating rooms at Sharp Grossmont Hospital in La Mesa, Calif. as part of an effort to catch a possible thief.

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Doctors: Rituals of Honor in Hospital Hallways

Hospitals across the United States are holding honor walks to show respect to patients at the end of life who are donating organs to others.

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lundi 1 avril 2019

One Day There May Be a Drug to Turbocharge Your Brain. Who Should Get It?

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Transplant Patients Need Anti-Rejection Drugs. Why Won’t Insurers Pay for Some of Them?

Drugs to prevent organ rejection are not always covered for patients who had transplants before they enrolled in Medicare.

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Americans Borrowed $88 Billion to Pay for Health Care Last Year, Survey Finds

A new survey by Gallup and the nonprofit West Health also found that nearly half of Americans fear bankruptcy in the event of a health emergency.

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Books Q&A: What Your Therapist Is Thinking About in That Therapy Session

A conversation with Lori Gottlieb about her new book, “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed.”

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Q&A: How Bees Find Your Flowerpots

It’s not just the famous waggle dance: Bees rely on sophisticated eyesight and even electrostatic fields.

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Omega-3s May Ease Asthma Symptoms

High levels of omega-6 fatty acids in the diet, on the other hand, may make childhood asthma worse.

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The Checkup: How to Minimize Exposures to Hormone Disrupters

Experts say adults and children alike can benefit from avoiding canned goods and certain plastics and substituting natural products for commercial cleaning products.

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Personal Health: Brain Booster in a Bottle? Don’t Bother

To support brain health as you age, start with the same foods that can help to keep your heart healthy.

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Lawsuits Lay Bare Sackler Family’s Role in Opioid Crisis

Three generations of the Sackler family were deeply involved in running Purdue Pharma and knew of opioid abuse risks, according to lawsuits.

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