vendredi 31 mai 2019

North Carolina to Investigate After Concerns Raised at Children’s Hospital

The state health secretary announced an inquiry after a report in The New York Times revealed doctors’ fears that children seemed to fare poorly after heart surgery.

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LaSalle Leffall Jr., 89, Dies; Cancer Society’s First Black Leader

A prominent surgeon and Howard University professor, he promoted awareness of the risks of cancer, particularly among African-Americans.

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Why Gulping Down a Cold Drink Feels So Rewarding

In a study of mice, researchers found no links between the neural systems related to reward and monitoring water intake.

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Why Gulping Down a Cold Drink Feels So Rewarding

In a study of mice, researchers found no links between the neural systems related to reward and monitoring water intake.

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‘Screen Time’ Is Over

The phrase can’t remotely capture our ever-shifting digital experience, social scientists say. Say hello to the “screenome.”

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An Army Veteran Comes to Terms With Not Having PTSD

A reminder that popular tropes and easy assumptions about how trauma affects people often do not fit, and we all still have much to learn.

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Six Simple Barre Stretches to Try on Vacation

No matter where you are in the world, you can always find something to lean on so you can stretch your muscles.

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Cannabis Companies Push F.D.A. to Ease Rules on CBD Products

The F.D.A. has been wary of cannabis-derived products. But it is now under pressure to help them get to market legally.

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A Nursing Home Chain’s Collapse Leaves the Government on the Hook

The failure of the Rosewood Care Centers is the biggest default in the history of a little-known program that underpins 15 percent of the nation’s nursing homes.

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Chest Binding Helps Smooth the Way for Transgender Teens, but There May Be Risks

People who use binders report symptoms like back and chest pain, overheating and shortness of breath.

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Does Marathon Running Increase the Risk of Cardiac Arrest?

Endurance exercise reduces the overall risk of heart troubles but can raise the risk in the short term, especially during a race.

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jeudi 30 mai 2019

Stress Early in Pregnancy Tied to Lower Sperm Counts in Adult Sons

“The time to get pregnant is when you’re healthiest, both physically and psychologically,” said one researcher.

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Measles Cases Reach Highest Level in More Than 25 Years, C.D.C. Says

There have been 971 known cases of measles in the United States so far this year.

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Fighting the Gender Stereotypes That Warp Biomedical Research

Female animals were once deemed too hormonal and messy for science. Some scientists warn it’s not enough to just use more female lab rats.

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These Mole Rats Felt No Pain, Even From Wasabi’s Burn

Discovering the rodent’s imperviousness to a stinging chemical compound may lead to advancements in pain treatment for people.

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Can an Abortion Affect Your Fertility?

Only abortions that are associated with complications could potentially impact future fertility.

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I’m a Veteran Without PTSD. I Used to Think Something Was Wrong With Me.

I couldn’t understand why I was able to move on from my traumatic experiences until I joined a PTSD study.

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Your Surgeon’s Childhood Hobbies May Affect Your Health

Medical schools are noticing a decline in students’ dexterity, possibly from spending time swiping screens rather than developing fine motor skills through woodworking and sewing.

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mercredi 29 mai 2019

An Experimental Ebola Cure May Also Protect Against Nipah Virus

African green monkeys survived infection with the Nipah virus after they received remdesivir. The virus, a pandemic threat carried by bats, has killed dozens of people in Asia.

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An Experimental Ebola Cure May Also Protect Against Nipah Virus

African green monkeys survived infection with the Nipah virus after they received remdesivir. The virus, a pandemic threat carried by bats, has killed dozens of people in Asia.

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Dog Owners Get More Exercise

Dog owners spent close to 300 minutes each week walking with their dogs, about 200 more minutes of walking than people without dogs.

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mardi 28 mai 2019

Oklahoma Faces Off Against J & J in First Trial of an Opioid Maker

With Purdue Pharma and Teva settling the case, the state sought to hold J & J responsible for the broader opioid crisis. The company argued that it operated responsibly and lawfully.

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High Doses of B Vitamins Tied to Hip Fractures in Women

The more of either B6 or B12 supplement consumed, the higher the risk for fracture in postmenopausal women.

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After Death on Airliner, Autopsy’s Grim Discovery: 246 Packs of Cocaine

A man died en route to Japan from Colombia, after one of the packs of cocaine he had swallowed ruptured, said officials in Mexico, where the plane made an emergency landing.

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The Power of a Name: My Secret Life With M.R.K.H.

I had no uterus, but until I learned the name for my syndrome, I couldn’t connect with others. I felt defective, marginalized and alone.

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lundi 27 mai 2019

Frances Arnold Turns Microbes Into Living Factories

Instead of synthesizing new biochemicals from scratch, the Nobel Prize-winning chemist puts nature to the task — with astonishing results.

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Half of H.I.V. Patients Are Women. Most Research Subjects Are Men.

Trials of vaccines and treatments have not included enough female participants. Now that scientists are exploring possible cures, the need to enroll women is greater than ever.

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A Missed Opportunity for the Malpractice System to Improve Health Care

A small percentage of doctors keeps doing a large share of the damage.

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Sleep Apnea Can Have Deadly Consequences

The condition is on the rise because the most frequent cause is obesity, which continues its unrelenting climb among American adults.

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Scientists Wanted: Recruited by Juul, Many Researchers Say No

Juul needs good science to prove to the F.D.A. that its e-cigarettes offer more benefits than risks. Some researchers say they are loath to take the company’s money.

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dimanche 26 mai 2019

Craft Brewers Lighten Up and Take Aim at the ‘Sweaty Consumer’

Smaller breweries are responding to the demands of consumers more concerned with health and active lifestyles than they are with hops or high alcohol content.

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First Opioid Trial Takes Aim at J & J

Having settled with Purdue Pharma and Teva, Oklahoma will now try to blame Johnson & Johnson for its opioid disaster. Nearly 1,900 lawsuits remain nationwide.

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samedi 25 mai 2019

Returning to Racing After an Injury

After being sidelined for 84 days, my body remembered what it could do — which is where I got into trouble.

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In Russia’s Provinces, the Doctor Is in (the Streets)

A new doctors’ union is organizing job actions and demanding greater pay than the $8,670 one surgeon said he was making.

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vendredi 24 mai 2019

June Dobbs Butts, Sex Therapist Who Preached Frankness, Dies at 90

By many accounts the first African-American to train with William Masters and Virginia Johnson, she brought their uninhibited view of sex therapy to black patients.

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Older People Are Contributing to Climate Change, and Suffering From It

Growing numbers of seniors are using more energy. They also are most likely to suffer in extreme weather, which has become more common as the planet warms.

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This New Treatment Could Save the Lives of Babies. But It Costs $2.1 Million.

The price set by the Swiss drugmaker Novartis may be the world’s highest for a single treatment — prompting renewed debate about how society will pay for gene-therapy breakthroughs.

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To Calm Nervous Families, Pakistan Changes Polio Vaccination Tactics

Paralysis cases spiked after a vaccination drive was derailed by false rumors that dozens of children had collapsed and died.

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To Calm Nervous Families, Pakistan Changes Polio Vaccination Tactics

Paralysis cases spiked after a vaccination drive was derailed by false rumors that dozens of children had collapsed and died.

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To Calm Nervous Families, Pakistan Changes Polio Vaccination Tactics

Paralysis cases spiked after a vaccination drive was derailed by false rumors that dozens of children had collapsed and died.

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What Causes Stress Fractures in Runners? Can Diet Contribute?

Overtraining is the most common cause, but diet and other factors can play a role.

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4 Women With Lives Scarred by Genital Cutting: Could a Surgeon Heal Them?

Over 200 million women and girls alive today have been circumcised. Four of them shared with The Times their pain, emotional trauma and sexual struggles — and their journey to feel whole.

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jeudi 23 mai 2019

No, Night Owls Aren’t Doomed to Die Early

Despite alarmist headlines and a study that suggested morning people live longer, the truth is more complicated.

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How to Care for Your Hair...Down There

There are several pubic hair products on the market, but they seem to offer a solution to a nonexistent problem.

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To Fight Deadly Candida Auris, New York State Proposes New Tactics

The state health department calls on hospitals to do more to fight Candida auris, a mystery germ spreading the globe.

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My Miscarriage Cured My Fear of Childbirth

It was a heartbreaking yet galvanizing preview of what the human body can endure — physically, emotionally and spiritually.

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How to Pack a First Aid Kit for Extended International Travel

We talked to travel health experts and our own 52 Places Travelers to learn what products and medicines should go in your first-aid kit.

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How to Bullyproof Your Child

Teaching children how to take the air out of the teasing.

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There’s Evidence on How to Raise Children, but Are Parents Listening?

Day-to-day individual choices matter less than we think, but national policies seem to matter a lot.

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mercredi 22 mai 2019

Dr. Leonard Bailey, Who Gave a Baby a Baboon’s Heart, Dies at 76

The case of Baby Fae, the recipient of Dr. Bailey’s experimental transplant in 1984, generated worldwide headlines — along with criticism, demonstrations and threats.

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In Warmer Rooms, Women Were Better Test Takers

A new study is the latest skirmish in the “battle of the thermostat.”

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Eggs Not Tied to Higher Stroke Risk

“For healthy people without heart problems or diabetes, up to one egg a day should be O.K.,” said one researcher.

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Phys Ed: A Possible Weight Loss Strategy: Skip Breakfast Before Exercise

A new study finds that the choice to eat or omit a meal before an early workout could affect our relationship to food for the rest of the day.

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Voices: Lessons on Living From My 106-Year-Old Aunt Doris

Love, meaningfulness and the power of connection don’t stop just because we get old.

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mardi 21 mai 2019

Teenage Girls and Dating Violence: Why We Should Be Paying Attention

A new study found that 90 percent of young people killed by an intimate partner from 2003 to 2016 were girls.

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Dog Person? It May Be in Your Genes

Scientists calculated that genetics is responsible for 57 percent of dog ownership in women and 51 percent in men.

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Adolescence: When a College Student Is Home for the Summer

Adding college students back into family life is rarely as simple as rebooting their high school days.

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lundi 20 mai 2019

Global Health: Measles Outbreak Now at 880 Cases, With Fastest Growth Still in New York

Warming weather usually slows transmission of the virus, but it is not clear that this outbreak is fading, experts said.

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Why Tuesday’s City Primary Could Mean the End of Philadelphia’s Soda Tax

The tax isn’t on the ballot, but the beverage industry has spent more than $600,000 to back City Council and mayoral candidates who want to strike it down.

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Why High-Class People Get Away With Incompetence

People who came from higher social classes were more likely to have an inflated sense of their skills, a new study found. This overconfidence was interpreted by strangers as competence.

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A.I. Took a Test to Detect Lung Cancer. It Got an A.

Artificial intelligence may help doctors make more accurate readings of CT scans used to screen for lung cancer.

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Turmeric Takes a Star Turn in Cocktails

The spice widely praised as a curative superfood is showing up in a different kind of medication.

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French Patient in Right-to-Die Dispute Is Taken Off Life Support

Vincent Lambert was left in a vegetative state after a 2008 car accident. His family has been split over whether to let doctors stop artificially feeding and hydrating him.

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The Checkup: Is ‘Digital Addiction’ a Real Threat to Kids?

Think of screens as something to handle in moderation, like food, rather than something without any healthy place in our lives, like heroin, experts say.

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The New Health Care: Is Our Health Care Spending Worth It?

Putting a price on longevity or well-being is tricky, but not impossible.

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Personal Health: Millions Take Gabapentin for Pain. But There’s Scant Evidence It Works.

“There is very little data to justify how these drugs are being used and why they should be in the top 10 in sales,” a researcher said.

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samedi 18 mai 2019

What Does It Really Mean to Be 6 Weeks Pregnant?

So-called ‘heartbeat’ legislation restricting abortion as early as six weeks into pregnancy has started a conversation about when most women actually learn that they’re pregnant.

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Maternity Leave for Sponsored Runners

A video about female runners losing their pay and health insurance if they are pregnant sends ripples through the running world.

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In Cities Where It Once Reigned, Heroin Is Disappearing

The rise of the more potent fentanyl in its place has put a generation of older users, who had managed their addiction, at far greater risk of overdose.

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vendredi 17 mai 2019

Deadly Germs, Lost Cures: Citrus Farmers Facing Deadly Bacteria Turn to Antibiotics, Alarming Health Officials

In its decision to approve two drugs for orange and grapefruit trees, the E.P.A. largely ignored objections from the C.D.C. and the F.D.A., which fear that expanding their use in cash crops could fuel antibiotic resistance in humans.

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A Rare Genetic Mutation Leads to Cancer. The Fix May Already Be in the Drugstore.

A common dietary supplement may help overcome mutations in the Pten gene. Should patients take it?

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Living With Cancer: Sleeping With Cancer

Ten years after diagnosis, could I finally dispense with chemical sleeping aids?

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U.S. Birthrate Drops 4th Year in a Row, Possibly Echoing the Great Recession

The birthrate hit a 32-year low and the fertility rate reached a record low in 2018, bringing the United States more in line with other wealthy countries.

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Cystic Fibrosis Patients Turn to Experimental Phage Therapy

Microphage therapy has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, but there is growing interest in the treatment for cystic fibrosis.

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jeudi 16 mai 2019

House Passes Legislation Aiming to Shore Up Health Law and Lower Drug Costs

Democrats tied several bills together, trying to hold Republicans to promises to protect coverage of pre-existing conditions and rein in drug costs, but the minority party did not bite.

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you asked: Of Age and Pleasure

What can be done to help a woman who is having less-satisfying sexual experiences as she ages?

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A Daunting Operation Offers Relief to Obese Teenagers

Gastric bypass surgery works as well in adolescents as it does in adults, researchers report. But the procedure requires a major commitment.

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Why Eating Processed Foods Might Make You Fat

People who ate of diet of ultra-processed foods ate about 500 more calories a day compared to when they ate a whole foods diet.

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Studies Show: How Much Alcohol Can You Drink Safely?

That depends on how you do the research — and then on how you read the results. Here’s what studies show.

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Thousands of Women Have Shared Abortion Stories With #YouKnowMe. She Was First.

After Busy Philipps opened up about her abortion on TV, a friend saw an opportunity for a bigger conversation about reproductive rights.

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Fitness for Bodies That Don’t Fit the Mainstream

Workouts tailored to the needs of transgender people who want to build strength after surgery.

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mercredi 15 mai 2019

Barbara Marx Hubbard, 89, Futurist Who Saw ‘Conscious Evolution,’ Dies

In her writings and lectures, she postulated that the human race was on the brink of an enhanced way of existing and could bring about great things.

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Dax Cowart, Who Suffered for Patients’ Rights, Dies at 71

Doctors forced Mr. Cowart to undergo treatment after he was severely burned in an explosion. He spent the rest of his life arguing for patient autonomy.

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How Busy Philipps Turned ‘You Know Me’ Into #YouKnowMe

When the actress opened up about her abortion on TV, a friend saw an opportunity for a bigger conversation about reproductive rights.

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How Tiger Woods Won the Back Surgery Lottery

Surgeons cured Tiger Woods’s back on the fourth try — with plenty of help from Woods himself. But fusion surgery provides no guarantees of success.

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Nonfiction: We Have Abundant Food. Why Is Our Health — and the Planet’s — So Bad?

Bee Wilson’s “The Way We Eat Now” delves into the startling consequences of the globalization that has revolutionized our relationship to food.

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A Rival to Botox Invites Doctors to Party in Cancun, With Fireworks, Confetti and Social Media Posts

Plastic surgeons’ Instagram accounts of the weekend trip didn’t note the drug company’s sponsorship, which some ethicists say should be disclosed.

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The Met Will Turn Down Sackler Money Amid Fury Over the Opioid Crisis

The decision by one of the world’s leading museums could spur other institutions to turn down philanthropy from the family behind OxyContin.

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Diagnosis: Scans Suggested the Boy Had Cancer. But No Doctor Could Prove It. Why?

After the pain in his knee spread to other parts of his body, his mother pressed the doctors to figure out what was going on.

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Doctors: Doctor, We Need You in the Writer’s Room, Stat

I took a break from the I.C.U. to write on a medical drama. It was a chance to imagine a world where the outcomes followed the script I wanted.

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Phys Ed: To Move Is to Thrive. It’s in Our Genes.

A need and desire to be in motion may have been bred into our DNA before we even became humans.

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mardi 14 mai 2019

Does Having More Muscle Really Increase Your Metabolism?

Recently we received the following question from a reader: “I’ve always thought that adding muscle speeds up your metabolism. But then I read this isn’t correct. So what’s the truth: Does increasing your muscle mass really increase your metabolism?” -Phil, Vancouver

For as long as I can remember, a lot of people have believed that for every 1 pound of muscle you gain, your body burns an additional 50 calories. On paper, this sounds awesome. But unfortunately, it’s not true.

Does Increasing Muscle Mass Increase Metabolism?

The answer is “yes, but not by a whole lot.”

Research shows that every pound of hard-earned muscle burns about an additional 4-7 calories per day. Translation: if you wanted to burn 100 calories extra per day, then you need to add a solid 10-20 pounds of muscle to your body — and that’s a lot of muscle.

But Here’s The Good News

The ever-wise Dean Somerset wrote a great post on why this seemingly depressing news can be a bit deceiving. Let’s start with basics: even if you were able to add 10 to 20 pounds of muscle (and that would take you years, not months, to do), that extra 100 calories burned per day still wouldn’t give you “the fat-burning capabilities of a furnace on high in Phoenix in July.” But gaining that muscle would still be very helpful for your body — and your fat loss goals.

More Muscle Moving Means More Calories Burned Faster

While the caloric burn of a single pound of muscle at rest is very much overstated, the work you’d need to do in order to build that muscle would still create positive changes for your body. And then, as Somerset goes on to explain, when the now-more-muscular you exercises, you’d be able to burn more calories faster.

So the big outline of this is that adding muscle mass on its own won’t help you to burn a lot of calories, but can help you to do more work, which is what will actually burn more calories,” Somerset writes.

The Takeaway

While adding more muscle doesn’t speed up your metabolism as much as you’d like, don’t overstress the impact on your baseline metabolism. Instead, realize that there are many good reasons to exercise and add more muscle (and drop fat) as a means to being healthier and looking better.

Read More:

How Much Fat Should I Eat?

Is Sugar Bad For You? (You’ll Be Surprised)

Understanding Proteins, Carbs and Fats

The post Does Having More Muscle Really Increase Your Metabolism? appeared first on Born Fitness.

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Glucosamine Tied to Heart Benefits

A dietary supplement widely used for arthritic pain may reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease, researchers report.

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In her words: Women, Alcohol and Perceived ‘Sexual Availability’

A new study finds that women who drink alcohol in social settings are seen as more “sexually available” and “less human.”

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As Swine Fever Roils Asia, Hogs Are Culled and Dinner Plans Change

An African swine fever outbreak that had been centered in China is rapidly spreading to neighboring countries, pushing up prices of pork, a staple in many Asian nations.

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Mind: Firing Up the Neural Symphony

Scientists are racing to treat brain disabilities with electrical stimulation. Here’s a metaphor to help make sense of the progress.

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The New Health Care: Why Politics Should Be Kept Out of Miscarriages

The possible problems of a new Georgia law, including causing further pain.

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The Intersection of Race and Blood

Blood can be racially or ethnically specific, so having more blood donors in certain groups can be crucial for saving the lives of patients who share their backgrounds.

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Girls Enter the Boys’ World of Flipping

Teen girls are claiming their place inside an emerging online community of extreme athletes who flip, freerun and defy expectations.

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lundi 13 mai 2019

$2 Billion Verdict Against Monsanto Is Third to Find Roundup Caused Cancer

A state jury’s award for a Northern California couple followed awards in separate cases in March and August, and was the largest by far.

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New Tax Will Help Washington Residents Pay for Long-Term Care

Starting in 2025, eligible state residents in Washington State will get $100 per day for 365 days of long-term care costs. A payroll tax will pay for it.

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An Antibiotic Shot May Prevent Some Infections of Pregnancy

Prophylactic antibiotics may help when women who are giving birth require the aid of forceps or vacuum extraction.

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Stem Cell Treatments Flourish With Little Evidence That They Work

The F.D.A. has taken an industry-friendly approach toward companies using unproven cell cocktails to treat people desperate for relief from aging or damaged joints.

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The New Health Care: The Lifesaving Potential of Proper Gun Storage

It could make more of a difference in saving children's lives than many legislative efforts that get more attention.

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The Checkup: The Impact of Early Sexual Initiation on Boys

A survey finds that most boys who had sex before age 13 had not yet had comprehensive sex education in school.

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dimanche 12 mai 2019

Your 5G Phone Won’t Hurt You. But Russia Wants You to Think Otherwise.

RT America, a network known for sowing disinformation, has a new alarm: the coming ‘5G Apocalypse.’

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Personal Health: A Little-Known Skin Disease That Can Disrupt People’s Sex Lives

Patients deal with pain and itching and often encounter medical ignorance and mistreatment until affected tissues become irreparably scarred.

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samedi 11 mai 2019

Generic Drugmakers Conspired to Inflate Prices Up to 1,000%, State Prosecutors Say

Over golf outings and at dinners, more than a dozen competitors agreed to keep prices for H.I.V., asthma and cancer drugs artificially high, 44 states allege in a new lawsuit.

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news analysis: Why Do You Grab Your Bag When Running Off a Burning Plane?

As passengers fled a burning plane in Moscow, some stopped to get their luggage. Don’t be too quick to judge.

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Why Runners Shouldn’t Wear Flip-Flops

It’s the start of sandal season, but wearing ones without the right support can lead to foot pain.

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vendredi 10 mai 2019

Global Health: Where Will Measles Break Out Next? Chicago, Los Angeles or Miami, Scientists Predict

A new study ranks the risks in U.S. counties by the numbers of unvaccinated children and proximity to international airports. But no one predicted the outbreak in Brooklyn.

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Hundreds of Bodies, One Nurse: German Serial Killer Leaves as Many Questions as Victims

A nurse, Niels Högel, admitted to dozens of murders but might have killed as many as 300 patients. So what prevented colleagues from stopping one of the world’s deadliest serial killers?

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The New Old Age: Many Americans Will Need Long-Term Care. Most Won’t be Able to Afford It.

A decade from now, most middle-income seniors will not be able to pay the rising costs of independent or assisted living.

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Take Two Bike Rides and Call Me in the Morning: Cycling as Doctor’s Orders

Doctors in Wales can now prescribe free bike rides to encourage people to exercise under a pilot program, the first in Britain.

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In her words: The Race to Limit Abortion Access

Four states have passed “heartbeat bills,” and Alabama is close to banning most abortions completely, a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade.

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Smoke, Drink and Eat What You Want, Norway’s Public Health Minister Says

The new minister, from a right-wing, anti-immigration party, told an interviewer that people knew what was healthy and she would not be the “moral police.”

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Making Playgrounds a Little More Dangerous

“I came to the counterintuitive conclusion that engaging in risk is actually very important in preventing injuries,” a researcher says.

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Doctors: Treating a Patient With a Nightmarish Condition

She had lost all of her skin and I feared I had helped make her last weeks an unrelenting horror show, until our chance reunion.

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jeudi 9 mai 2019

Global Health: Gilead Will Donate Truvada to U.S. for H.I.V. Prevention

The manufacturer will provide enough of the drug to supply 200,000 patients annually for more than a decade. Critics said it would not be enough to end the AIDS epidemic and questioned the company’s motives.

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How This Chronic Skin-Picker Created a Sane, Affordable Skin Care Routine

After years of picking my skin bloody, I’ve finally found (and stuck to) a routine that anyone can follow.

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What Do New State Abortion Laws Really Mean for Women?

The so-called fetal "heartbeat" laws ban abortion before many women even know they're pregnant.

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What Do New State Abortion Laws Really Mean for Women?

The so-called fetal "heartbeat" laws ban abortion before many women even know they're pregnant.

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Many Hospitals Charge Double or Even Triple What Medicare Would Pay

A study of 25 states provides a rare glimpse of the stark disparities between what private insurers and the federal government paid for inpatient and outpatient care.

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Statins May Cut Glaucoma Risk

Long-term use of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs cut the risk of a leading cause of blindness.

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You asked: How to Stop a Hot Flash

Effective treatments are available to stop the discomfort of menopause symptoms.

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mercredi 8 mai 2019

Walmart Raises Minimum Age to Buy Tobacco Products to 21

The move makes the company the latest retailer to make recent changes regarding tobacco sales to minors.

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Elizabeth Warren, Unveiling Opioid Plan, Says She Will Give Sackler Family’s Donations to Charity

Ms. Warren, a Democratic presidential candidate, also called on Harvard University to remove the pharmaceutical family’s name from its campus buildings.

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Global Health: A New Ebola Vaccine Strategy in Africa: Smaller Doses

As violence makes it harder to reach stricken villages in Congo, experts plan to stretch supplies and to give the vaccine to everyone, not just contacts of victims.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Brother and Sister Accuse Him of Spreading Misinformation on Vaccines

His relatives say the family has for decades been committed to vaccines and that Mr. Kennedy’s anti-vaccine messages are putting children at risk.

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Matter: In This Doctor’s Office, a Physical Exam Like No Other

Genetic and molecular analysis of 109 volunteers turned up hidden health problems in about half of them. Critics say the approach amounted to ‘carpet-bombing’ the body.

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Half of People Miss Benefits of Statins

Many people who are prescribed statins are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease because they stop taking the drugs.

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Drug Prices Will Soon Appear in Many TV Ads

A Trump administration change will require TV ads for prescription drugs covered by Medicare or Medicaid to include the list price if it is over $35.

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Robert Pear, a Mainstay Times Reporter in Washington, Dies at 69

An understated but tenacious journalist who mastered national health care issues with reporting that became a must-read in the capital and beyond.

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Robert Pear, Who Covered Washington for 45 Years, Dies at 69

Despite his shy persona, he was known as a relentless reporter whose beat for The Times was health care and other social policy issues.

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5 People Who Can Help You Love Your Body

Learning to love your body — whatever shape or size you may be — is easier said than done, but these people are out to teach all of us that there’s no time like the present to fall in love with who you see in the mirror.

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What to Say (and Not to Say) to Someone Grieving a Suicide

Suicide can leave the survivors with anger, confusion and guilt, and even well-intentioned words can cause pain.

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Phys Ed: The Stoner as Gym Rat

Many people who frequently use cannabis also seem to be people who frequently exercise.

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mardi 7 mai 2019

Eating Nuts During Pregnancy Tied to Brain Benefits in Baby

Children of mothers who ate 2 to 3 ounces of nuts a week during pregnancy tended to score higher on tests of memory, attention and I.Q.

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Huge Racial Disparities Found in Deaths Linked to Pregnancy

African-American, Native American and Alaska Native women are about three times more likely to die from causes related to pregnancy, compared to white women in the United States.

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Q&A: To Crickets, Your Basement Is a Cafeteria

It’s dark, it’s damp, and there’s lots more to eat down there than you’d think.

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Germany Considers Fines for Not Vaccinating Children Against Measles

As cases of the disease rise, the country’s health minister proposed barring school entry to pupils without immunization and a penalty of $2,800 for parents.

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For Nurses, Trauma Can Come With the Job

As many as one in four nurses experience PTSD at some point in their careers.

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Work Out and Chill?

Cool temperature workouts may be the answer for those who want to exercise without becoming a hot mess.

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lundi 6 mai 2019

Is Conference Room Air Making You Dumber?

A small body of evidence suggests that when it comes to decision making, indoor air may matter more than we have realized.

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The Checkup: Doctors, Is It O.K. if We Talk About Why Finger-Wagging Isn’t Working?

Nobody likes to be lectured. An alternative approach, motivational interviewing, emphasizes respect for the patient’s autonomy, and works better with overweight kids.

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Personal Health: When Travelers Bring Skin Infections Back as Souvenirs

As more people travel abroad, travelers and doctors need to be alert to unusual and often perplexing skin infections.

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dimanche 5 mai 2019

Nurse’s London Marathon Record Is Rejected Because She Didn’t Wear a Dress

Wearing her scrubs, Jessica Anderson crossed the finish line in 3 hours 8 minutes 22 seconds. Guinness World Records said it didn’t qualify as a nurse’s uniform.

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samedi 4 mai 2019

Ebola Deaths Top 1,000 in Congo Amid Clinic Attacks

Hostility toward health workers continued to hamper efforts to contain the second-deadliest outbreak of the virus.

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Ebola Deaths Top 1,000 in Congo Amid Clinic Attacks

Hostility toward health workers continued to hamper efforts to contain the second-deadliest outbreak of the virus.

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After a Runner’s Fracture Heals, Fighting the Fear of Re-injury

Fear can be a useful protective mechanism for an athlete, but sometimes it holds us back too much, an expert says.

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vendredi 3 mai 2019

Global Health: F.D.A. Approves the First Vaccine for Dengue Fever, but Limits Its Use

The agency placed restrictions on who can get the vaccine, Dengvaxia. Its use overseas has lagged amid concerns over rare safety risks.

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Half of People Miss Benefits of Statins

Many people who are prescribed statins are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease because they stop taking the drugs.

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A Pregnant Woman Avoids Transit, Parents Battle in Court and Other Tales of Measles Anxiety

Readers in some of the 22 states where measles have been diagnosed this year discuss how the fear of catching the disease is affecting their daily lives.

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Shrimp From 5 U.K. Rivers Have One Thing in Common: Cocaine

A new study of chemicals in river wildlife found pesticides in many of its samples, and cocaine in all of them. The drug’s source remained a mystery.

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in her words: How Larry Nassar ‘Flourished Unafraid’ for So Long

A new HBO documentary explores the rise and fall of the disgraced Olympic doctor and the institutions that gave him access to girls.

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A Word With: Dr. Ruth Says ‘Make Time’ for Sex. Millennials, She’s Looking at You.

At almost 91, the renowned sex therapist and subject of a new film reflects on four decades of advice.

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You Will Never Smell My World the Way I Do

Scientists find that whiskey’s smokiness, the smell of beets and lily of the valley perfume can be utterly different depending on your genetic wiring.

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jeudi 2 mai 2019

Modern Love: Years Ago, My Sister Vanished. I See Her Whenever I Want.

The winner of this year’s Modern Love college essay contest explores the comforts and limits of online connection.

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McKesson, Drug Distribution Giant, Settles Lawsuit Over Opioids in West Virginia

The state accused the nation’s largest drug distributor of flooding rural counties with opioids. McKesson denied the allegations in a $37 million settlement.

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Trump Administration Strengthens ‘Conscience Rule’ for Health Care Workers

A shift in the balance between the rights of patient and provider, with religion in the middle.

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Top Executives of Insys, an Opioid Company, Found Guilty of Racketeering

The defendants, from Insys Therapeutics, were accused of conspiring to bribe doctors to prescribe a fentanyl-based painkiller.

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F.D.A. Won’t Ban Sales of Textured Breast Implants Linked to Cancer

Many other countries have already banned the products. But the U.S. agency said the risk was still low, despite repeated requests from women and doctors that the implants be removed from the market.

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Anti-Infective Drugs Tied to Eating Disorders

The more infections or hospitalizations a girl had, the more likely she was to develop anorexia, bulimia or another eating disorder.

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Running in Bolivia

At just shy of 4,000 meters, my wheezing lungs and leaden legs remind me that I’m in foreign territory in every sense.

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Saving the Teeth of Patients With Special Needs

A new dental center is built to welcome patients with special needs and those in wheelchairs, who often run into obstacles elsewhere.

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Cruise Ship Quarantined in St. Lucia After Measles Case Is Reported

The confirmed case, on a ship reportedly owned by the Church of Scientology, comes as the U.S. grapples with the largest measles outbreak in a quarter century.

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mercredi 1 mai 2019

Trump Administration Files Formal Request to Strike Down All of Obamacare

The court filing, which goes beyond an earlier administration position, is expected to be an issue in the presidential campaign.

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‘Medicare for All’ Gets Much-Awaited Report. Both Sides Can Claim Victory.

The Congressional Budget Office usually offers detailed estimates, but not in this case.

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Does Testosterone Really Give Caster Semenya an Edge on the Track?

Probably so, medical experts say. But whether that means athletes like her should be barred from competitions is a fraught question.

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Premature Birth Raises Risk of Kidney Disease

People born prematurely should be especially vigilant about the onset of kidney disease decades later.

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‘Medicare for All’ Gets Much-Awaited Report. Both Sides Can Claim Victory.

The Congressional Budget Office usually offers detailed estimates, but not in this case.

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Matter: Denisovan Jawbone Discovered in a Cave in Tibet

Until now, fossils of the ancient human species had been found in just one Siberian cave. The discovery suggests that Denisovans roamed over much of Asia.

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I’m Embarrassed by My Prenatal Depression. Here’s Why I Talk About It Anyway.

One in five women will have mental health issues during and after pregnancy. Raising awareness matters for getting them the treatment they need.

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Diagnosis: His Symptoms Pointed to M.S. Then He Had a Strange Personality Shift.

The M.R.I. indicated one thing. Eventually a doctor found another problem entirely.

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You Can Make a Treadmill From These Common Household Items (but Don’t)

Internet users are posting videos of themselves exercising using nothing more than soap, water, a slick hard floor and maybe a lack of common sense.

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Phys Ed: How Exercise Affects Our Memory

Even a single workout may make our brain’s memory centers, like our muscles, more fit.

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