mardi 31 mars 2020

Infected but Feeling Fine: The Unwitting Coronavirus Spreaders

The C.D.C. director says new data about people who are infected but symptom-free could lead the agency to recommend broadened use of masks.

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International Center of Photography Wants Your Images of the Pandemic

Artists, both professional and otherwise, can submit their photos on Instagram using the hashtag #ICPConcerned.

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Should I Make My Own Mask?

The advice from public health officials has been confusing, leaving us to decide whether a D.I.Y. mask is better than nothing.

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Live Coronavirus News and Updates

The White House is expected to release models showing the future course of the disease, and the C.D.C. is reviewing its guidance on wearing masks as new data suggests many people with no symptoms are infecting others.

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Frightened Doctors in Coronavirus Pandemic Face Off With Hospitals Over Gear

Many hospitals bar doctors and other staff members from wearing protective masks in public areas. Some have been disciplined for pushing back.

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C.D.C. Weighs Advising Everyone to Wear a Mask

Widespread use of nonmedical masks could reduce community transmission. But recommending their broad use could also cause a run on the kind of masks that health care workers desperately need.

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Frightened Doctors Face Off With Hospitals Over Rules on Protective Gear

Many hospitals bar doctors and other staff members from wearing protective masks in public areas. Some have been disciplined for pushing back.

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D.I.Y. Coronavirus Solutions Are Gaining Steam

From Ireland to Seattle, makers and engineers are creating open-source versions of much-needed medical equipment.

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Keeping Older People Safe During the Coronavirus Crisis

How caregivers can use technology to help older people minimize going to the doctor during this pandemic.

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North Korea Claims No Coronavirus Cases. Can It Be Trusted?

Decades of isolation and international sanctions have ravaged North Korea’s public health system, raising fears about its ability to confront an outbreak.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Crisis Builds From Coast to Coast in U.S. as Death Toll Nears China’s

The White House is expected to release models showing the future course of the disease. President Trump said the states had plenty of testing kits, but governors disagreed. Leaders around the world are seizing dictatorial powers.

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Creatures in This Underwater Forest Could Save Your Life One Day

Before this 60,000-year-old submerged forest disappears, scientists recently raced to search for shipworms and other sea life that might conceal medicine of the future.

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lundi 30 mars 2020

Hospital Safety Rules Are Relaxed to Fight Coronavirus

The federal government has redefined a hospital to include tents and dormitory rooms.

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Restrictions Are Slowing Coronavirus Infections, New Data Suggest

A database of daily fever readings shows that the numbers declined as people disappeared indoors.

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The Doctor’s Symptoms Weren’t Typical. Was She Sick Enough to Stay Home?

On her run, she finished a six-mile loop with no trouble, but she felt a little off: a bit of chest tightness, a headache. Was this coronavirus?

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How to Donate N95 Masks

Even a single one is worth offering for donation. But call a health department or look online for drop-off specifics — don’t bring them to a hospital.

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Hive Mind of Makers Rises to Meet Pandemic

Tinkerers, sewers and scientists bring their ideas and 3-D printers to bear on the shortage of medical supplies.

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What Are My Obligations if I’m a Doctor Who Is High Risk?

The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on how a physician should balance treating patients against protecting himself during the coronavirus pandemic — and more.

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Live Coronavirus News and Updates

A 1,000-bed Navy hospital ship docked in Manhattan, while new questions were raised about China’s case tally. Oil prices plummeted and Macy’s said it would furlough the majority of its workers.

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The World Pushes Back Against E-Cigarettes and Juul

Facing ire at home, the e-cigarette giant counted on international expansion to offset losses in the U.S., but the regulatory response abroad has been even worse.

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Coronavirus and Fever Temperature: Tracking Symptoms with Thermometer

Taking one’s temperature to look for signs of fever is not as easy as it sounds. For one reporter, the first challenge was finding a thermometer.

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Xinjiang Returns to Work, but Coronavirus Worries Linger

The Chinese region, where hundreds of thousands of Muslims are held in indoctrination camps, has been an information void. Uighurs fear a lockdown in the region drove many to hunger.

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Inside G.M.’s Race to Build Ventilators Before Trump’s Attack

The automaker and its partner, Ventec, had spent more than a week figuring out how to make thousands of the lifesaving devices when the White House said G.M. was “wasting time.”

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Are Bike Lanes Really Safe?

I’ve had two recent cycling accidents in which I had the right of way but inattentive drivers cut me off.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Deaths Could Exceed 200,000; Social Distancing Guidelines Extended

Americans were advised to avoid nonessential travel and gatherings of more than 10 people until at least April 30. Deaths nationwide approached 2,500, with more than 1,000 in New York. Spain asked the nation to go into “hibernation.”

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‘Group of Local Vigilantes’ Try to Forcibly Quarantine Out-of-Towners, Officials Say

A group of residents from an island town in Maine cut down a tree and dragged it into the middle of a road.

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dimanche 29 mars 2020

White House Airlifts Medical Supplies From China in Coronavirus Fight

Officials have teamed up with medical supply companies to speed the arrival of masks, gloves, gowns and other goods.

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‘A Heart-Wrenching Thing’: Hospital Bans on Visits Devastate Families

To curb the risk of spreading the coronavirus, hospitals nationwide are banning visits from family and friends.

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Gargling for Coronavirus? What Science Can Tell Us

There no firm proof that gargling prevents respiratory infections caused by coronavirus — or any virus or bacteria. But there’s also little downside.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: State and City Leaders Clamor for Medical Supplies as U.S. Cases Top 135,000

The global count has passed 670,000, an official warns Britain that some kind of lockdown may last for months and Biden urges mail-in elections.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Trump Drops Idea of Quarantining New York Region

India’s abrupt nationwide lockdown left hundreds of thousands of laborers homeless and prompted one of the largest migrations in the country’s modern history.

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samedi 28 mars 2020

Instacart Shoppers Plan to Strike Over Coronavirus Protections

As many as 200,000 workers could walk off the job unless demands for improved equipment and hazard pay are met.

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‘Women Will Not Be Forced to Be Alone When They Are Giving Birth’

In response to some private hospitals’ decision to bar partners, New York will order all hospitals to allow partners in delivery rooms, despite the coronavirus risk.

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The Lost Month: How a Failure to Test Blinded the U.S. to Covid-19

Aggressive screening might have helped contain the coronavirus in the United States. But technical flaws, regulatory hurdles and lapses in leadership let it spread undetected for weeks.

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A Single Gesture Behind Trump Fuels an Online Conspiracy Theory

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the administration’s most outspoken advocate of emergency virus measures, has become the target of claims that he is mobilizing to undermine the president.

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Coronavirus Crisis Awakens a Sleeping Giant: China’s Youth

How the ruling Communist Party manages the coming months will help shape how hundreds of millions of young people see its authoritarian political bargain for decades to come.

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Coronavirus May Add Billions to the Nation’s Health Care Bill

Insurance premiums could spike as much as 40 percent next year, a new analysis warns, as employers and insurers confront the projected tens of billions of dollars in additional costs of treating coronavirus patients.

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In the Coronavirus Fight in Scandinavia, Sweden Stands Apart

The country has drawn global attention with an unorthodox approach while its neighbors have imposed extensive restrictions.

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Live Coronavirus News Updates and Coverage

President Trump said the government would buy thousands of ventilators, but it seemed doubtful they could be produced in time to help overwhelmed hospitals. The virus’s death toll has surged in Spain and Italy.

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vendredi 27 mars 2020

A Heart Attack? No, It Was the Coronavirus

Cardiologists are seeing infected patients whose worst symptoms are not respiratory, but cardiac.

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Are You Pregnant and Concerned About Coronavirus? Tell Us Your Concerns.

We’d like to hear your concerns about bearing a child during the coronavirus pandemic. Please fill out our brief form, and a reporter may respond to you.

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Has Coronavirus Affected Your Fertility Treatments? Tell Us Your Concerns.

If you’ve had to cancel a fertility treatment because of coronavirus, we’d like to hear from you. Please fill out this form.

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A Heart Attack? No, It Was the Coronavirus

Cardiologists are seeing infected patients whose worst symptoms are not respiratory, but cardiac.

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More Americans Should Probably Wear Masks for Protection

Experts have started to question whether masks may offer at least some protection to healthy individuals and essential workers.

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Live Coronavirus News Updates and Coverage

President Trump, who had questioned the need for additional ventilators, pushes industry to make more. A new survey of mayors finds dire shortages of urgently needed medical supplies. And in Britain, Prime Minister Boris Johnson tested positive.

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More Americans Should Probably Wear Masks for Protection

Experts have started to question whether masks may offer at least some protection to healthy individuals and essential workers.

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Shielding the Fetus From the Coronavirus

New studies suggest the virus can cross the placenta, but newborns have been mildly affected if at all.

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Getting a Coronavirus Test: Where, How Long and Results

Here are some of the experiences and bits of advice from those who have been able to get tested.

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Coronavirus vs the Flu: Are They Different?

As new cases appear in the U.S., some — including the president — have compared it to the seasonal flu. Here’s a close look at the differences.

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A Heart Attack? No, It Was the Coronavirus

Cardiologists are seeing infected patients whose worst symptoms are not respiratory, but cardiac.

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How to Flatten the Curve on Coronavirus

One chart explains why slowing the spread of the infection is nearly as important as stopping it.

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Don’t Need That $1,200 Stimulus Check? Here Are Places to Donate It.

The federal government approved a $2 trillion stimulus package, which includes direct payments to millions of Americans to help get through the coronavirus outbreak. If you don’t need the money, here are some ideas to help you give it to someone in need.

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The Babies Were Delivered. No One Realized the Mothers Had the Virus.

Two women at a N.Y. hospital ended up in intensive care after giving birth. They were infected with the coronavirus, which had been undetected when they were admitted.

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When Romance Is a Scam

More con artists are finding their marks on all manner of social media platforms, knowing that the payoff from older victims can be big.

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How to Take Care of Your Lungs

If you’re one of millions of Americans exposed to air pollution, you may be at a greater risk of catching the coronavirus — and of having a more severe infection.

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Daily Aspirin Does Not Lower Alzheimer’s Risk

Older men and women who took low-dose aspirin did not show improvements in memory or a lower risk of dementia.

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Ventilator's and Coronavirus: What if I Need to Go on One?

A critical care doctor explains what treatment for coronavirus looks like in the intensive care unit.

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Boris Johnson, U.K. Prime Minister, Has the Coronavirus

The British leader is now isolating himself, but he said that he would not relinquish his duties and would continue to lead the country’s response to the pandemic.

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No Longer Just a Walk in the Park

The new terror, and the intensifying debate, over going outside.

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What if I Need to Go on a Ventilator?

A critical care doctor explains what treatment for coronavirus looks like in the intensive care unit.

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The Virus Is Coming to Myanmar, but the Pain Has Already Begun

Economic fallout from the pandemic has upended lives in the impoverished country, where the first coronavirus cases are only now being reported.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Has More Cases Than Any Other Country

At least 85,000 people have been infected in the United States. As states pleaded for supplies, the White House canceled a plan to produce thousands of ventilators.

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jeudi 26 mars 2020

Early Graduation Could Send Medical Students to Virus Front Lines

Hundreds of fourth-year students at universities in Boston and New York could start caring for patients months ahead of schedule.

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‘The Other Option Is Death’: New York Starts Sharing of Ventilators

To keep coronavirus patients breathing, hospitals pioneer a little-tested method.

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Expert Advice: Should ‘Snowbirds’ Stay or Go?

Because they are older, this population is at higher risk of Covid-19 complications. Here’s how to think about heading North or staying put.

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The U.S. Now Leads the World in Confirmed Coronavirus Cases

Following a series of missteps, the nation is now the epicenter of the pandemic.

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Coronavirus Threatens an Already Strained Maternal Health System

No visitors. Induced labor. Converted delivery wards. Tens of thousands of women across the country are giving birth in unprecedented circumstances.

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National Cathedral, Nasdaq, Businesses and Unions Locate Troves of N95 Masks

One stockpile was in the cathedral’s crypt. Others were with companies like Goldman Sachs. And a health care union said it found 39 million more.

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Blood Plasma From Survivors Will Be Given to Coronavirus Patients

In people who have recovered, plasma is teeming with antibodies that may fight the virus. But the treatment beginning in New York is experimental.

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Online Help to Stay Sober During a Pandemic

Though face-to-face counseling and in-person group meetings have been suspended to curb the spread of the coronavirus, there are many virtual options newly available for support.

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Significance of Pangolin Viruses in Human Pandemic Remains Murky

Scientists haven’t found evidence that the new coronavirus jumped from pangolins to people, but they do host very similar viruses

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With Meetings Banned, Millions Struggle to Stay Sober On Their Own

Addiction experts are calling the coronavirus pandemic a national relapse trigger. Online support groups, doctors and even federal agencies are rushing to aid people in recovery.

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When Dementia Meets the Coronavirus Crisis

Disruptions in routines and the need for hands-on care are among the special challenges for dementia patients and their caregivers.

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A.I. Versus the Coronavirus

A new consortium of top scientists will be able to use some of the world’s most advanced supercomputers to look for solutions.

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‘We’re in Disaster Mode’: Courage Inside a Brooklyn Hospital Confronting Coronavirus

Test kits and protective gear have been in short supply, doctors are falling sick, and every day gets more difficult. But the staff keeps showing up.

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What Made New York So Hospitable for Coronavirus?

Despite some obvious suspects, scientists say chance may have played a big role in the explosion of cases.

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Who Knew Grocery Shopping Could Be So Stressful?

Pushing a shopping cart, braving crowded aisles and even unpacking bags feel perilous. Here’s our guide to shopping during the coronavirus crisis.

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‘God Will Protect Us’: Coronavirus Spreads Through an Already Struggling Pakistan

While Pakistan’s government and military are at odds over how to respond, doctors are protesting to get equipment and more testing, and clerics are refusing to limit mosque gatherings.

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Fresh From Iran’s Coronavirus Zone, Now Moving Across Afghanistan

Thousands of Afghans returning each day bring a risk of widespread infections to the border city of Herat and beyond in a country with little capacity to test for or treat Covid-19.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: $2 Trillion Stimulus Package Passed by Senate

The Senate unanimously approved a bill that promises a $1,200 payout to millions of Americans, increases jobless aid and creates a business bailout fund. The House is expected to pass it by Friday, sending it to President Trump for approval.

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When Your Restaurant’s Star Dish Is Blamed for Spreading Coronavirus

As restaurants around the world close or retool to enforce social distancing, Hong Kong’s hot pot eateries offer a cautionary tale and some good advice.

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mercredi 25 mars 2020

How to Sleep With Coronavirus Anxiety

Sleep has never been more important. Here are our most concrete recommendations for getting some.

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Can You Become Immune to the Coronavirus?

It’s likely you can, at least for some period of time. That is opening new opportunities for testing and treatment.

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How to Get Health Insurance if Worried About Coronavirus or Unemployment

There are more options for getting coverage than in past economic crises.

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A Homeless Family Navigates a Life Warped by the Coronavirus

April Goode and four of her children moved into a hotel room in New Jersey in February. She had no job and no car. Then the pandemic hit.

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Becoming a Man, Virtually

We couldn’t have guests, but the bar mitzvah ceremony would go on.

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Live Coronavirus Updates and Coverage

Four Republican senators said they believed the bill could incentivize employees to leave their jobs and go on unemployment. Senate leaders still hoped to vote on the measure later Wednesday.

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Coronavirus Symptoms Full List: What Are They? Is There a Cure?

Here’s what to do if you feel sick and are worried it may be the coronavirus.

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Ventilators and Coronavirus: Amid Desperation, Calls Grow for Federal Intervention

President Trump wants the private sector to fill the urgent need for the lifesaving devices. Experts say that strategy may doom the thousands who will need them in the coming weeks.

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Gilead Withdraws Request for Special Orphan Status on Experimental Coronavirus Treatment

Critics said the company was profiteering from the coronavirus pandemic by seeking tax and monopoly benefits under a program intended to encourage drug development for rare diseases.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Senate Moves Toward Passing Sweeping $2 Trillion Aid Deal

People fleeing New York to other parts of the country were told to quarantine themselves for 14 days. Prince Charles has the virus. The number of deaths in Spain — more than 3,400 — surpassed the toll in China.

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Jane Goodall Is Self-Isolating, Too

She’s in England, in the house she grew up in, and she has a few thoughts about chimpanzees, the coronavirus pandemic and the loo paper shortage.

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Lawmakers Question Start-Ups on At-Home Kits for Coronavirus Testing

The makers of unauthorized kits designed for consumers to collect their own saliva or throat swabs faced scrutiny from Congress.

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‘A Week of Snow Days’? Ha! Families Deal With Cabin Fever

As people become hostages in their own homes, hired clowns and costume nights may not be enough to maintain sanity.

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How ‘Muscle Memory’ May Help Keep Us Fit

Muscles may “remember” in ways that will allow us to regain fitness once gyms reopen and we start working out again.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: White House and Congress Reach $2 Trillion Stimulus Deal

The legislation, which will send direct payments and jobless benefits to individuals, is the biggest economic stimulus package in modern American history.

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mardi 24 mars 2020

Can We Put a Price Tag on a Life? The Shutdown Forces a New Look

President Trump and others have asked if halting normal life and commerce to fight the coronavirus is worth the cost. Here’s how economists figure it.

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Spring Breaker Who Said, 'If I Get Corona, I Get Corona,' Apologizes

A beachgoer whose defiance of social distancing guidelines drew widespread attention said that he had not been “aware of the severity of my actions and comments.”

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What I Learned When My Husband Got Sick With Coronavirus

Our world became one of isolation, round-the-clock care, panic and uncertainty — even as society carried on around us with all too few changes.

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Medicare Is Updating Coverage to Help in the Coronavirus Crisis

With its beneficiaries among the most at risk for Covid-19, the agency is relaxing some rules.

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Brightening Up Coronavirus Quarantine With Christmas Spirit

Families are decking the halls to bring light in a dark time.

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Some Doctors Stockpile Trial Coronavirus Drugs for Themselves, States Say

The stockpiling has become so worrisome that pharmacy boards in many states have issued emergency restrictions on how the drugs can be dispensed.

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Live Coronavirus News, Updates and Video

The Tokyo Olympics have been postponed. New York, now the center of the outbreak in America, braces for a flood of patients. The playwright Terrence McNally dies of complications from the coronavirus.

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States Say Some Doctors Stockpile Trial Coronavirus Drugs — For Themselves

The stockpiling has become so worrisome that pharmacy boards in many states have issued emergency restrictions on how the drugs can be dispensed.

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China to Ease Coronavirus Lockdown on Hubei 2 Months After Imposing It

The province will let people outside Wuhan leave for the first time since late January. Despite the official sign of confidence, many fear the virus is still spreading silently.

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You’ve Got Mail. Will You Get the Coronavirus?

The practice of disinfecting mail dates back to the invention of quarantine. There’s little evidence it needs to be invoked today.

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Welcome to the Virosphere

SARS-CoV-2, the cause of the pandemic, belongs to one of 6,828 named species of virus. Hundreds of thousands more species are known, with perhaps trillions waiting to be found.

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Rome’s Homeless Don’t Have the Luxury of Staying Home

How do you wash your hands without a sink? Stock up on food without money? Or shelter in place when you live on the streets? Charities in the Italian capital are struggling to respond.

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A Medical Class ‘Minted by the Pandemic’

Across the nation, medical students are graduating directly into the path of an epic health crisis.

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Who Should Be Saved First? Experts Offer Ethical Guidance

Well before coronavirus shortages, norms were established about “who lives and who dies.”

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Laboring Alone: Some Hospitals Bar Partners Because of Virus Fears

“I have not stopped crying,” said an expectant mother who learned that her husband could not be with her when she gives birth.

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Cooking Through a Crisis With Grandma, Virtually

At a moment when the present is terrifying and the future is uncertain, we’re returning to the recipes of the past.

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Getting Through, Making Memories and Being the Grown-Ups

You can’t change the world, but you can help shape the way your children experience this and remember it. And you will. You’re the person they need.

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What Does Our Body Temperature Say About Our Health?

Humans seem to have cooled over the past 150 years. What does that mean for us now?

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Democrats and Treasury Say They Are Close to Deal on $2 Trillion Package

Officials warn that New York is experiencing a virus ‘attack rate’ at five times that of other parts of the United States. President Trump downplays threat of the virus, as at least 16 states institute stay-at-home orders.

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lundi 23 mars 2020

Grieving the Losses of Coronavirus

In addition to the tragic losses of life and health and jobs we are grieving the losses of weddings, sports and the ability to buy eggs or get a haircut.

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Coronavirus Patients in Limbo as Gilead Suspends Emergency Drug Access

The company says it will switch to a broader approach for its experimental drug, remdesivir. But it was overwhelmed by demand for a potential treatment promoted by President Trump.

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Singalongs From Windowsills Lift Spirits During Coronavirus Crisis

Following an example set by Europeans who sang from balconies, some homebound Americans are communally belting out tunes from their windows.

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Eleven States Now Letting Uninsured Sign Up for Obamacare

More coronavirus care will be covered in many states. Federal officials are considering similar action for the 37 state markets they run.

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Coronavirus Makes Daily Life Confounding. Here Are Some Answers.

Welcome to Dilemmas, where we find solutions to your toughest quandaries.

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Obamacare Turns 10 Today. Here’s a Look at What Works and Doesn’t.

With the coronavirus, a new Supreme Court case and a blistering election debate, the Affordable Care Act is facing challenges as never before. We looked at how it’s held up to its promise.

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Medical Students, Sidelined for Now, Find New Ways to Fight Coronavirus

After medical schools ended contact with patients, disappointed students organized to collect masks, work at call centers and offer child care to health workers.

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These Doctors Have Specialties. Fighting Coronavirus Wasn’t One of Them.

The pandemic’s spread is creating new challenges for doctors who usually care primarily for patients with particular medical needs.

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Supplements for Coronavirus Probably Won’t Help, and May Harm

Worried Americans are scrambling to buy wellness products they think will protect against coronavirus. Some may do harm.

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When Coronavirus Closes Your Lab, Can Science Go On?

Plenty of work can be done from home, but the pandemic is forcing some parts of the scientific process to be put on the shelf.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Global Leaders Beg Public to Stay Home; Fed Vows to Buy as Much Debt as Needed

Spain’s health system is under strain as medical workers fall ill. A $1.8 trillion relief package is stalled in Congress. “We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself,” President Trump said.

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Thalidomide Use Did Happen Here, These Americans Say

They believe they were harmed in the thalidomide crisis of the 1950s and 1960s.

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The Story of Thalidomide in the U.S., Told Through Documents

A trove of archival records shows how in the early 1960s the Food and Drug Administration investigated the use of a drug that caused severe birth defects.

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The Unseen Survivors of Thalidomide Want to Be Heard

The U.S. was supposed to have escaped the devastation of a drug that caused birth defects in babies overseas. This is the almost forgotten story of its toll in America.

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The Medical ID Bracelet That Doesn’t Look Like One

An ID can be crucial in a medical crisis, and it doesn’t have to be something you want to hide.

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Take Steps to Counter the Loneliness of Social Distancing

Attempts to avoid coronavirus can increase the risk of physical and emotional harm from limited social contact.

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Heartburn Drugs Tied to Bone Fractures in Children

Proton pump inhibitors are sometimes needed in children with reflux, but parents should be aware they may increase the risk of fractures.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Japan’s Leader Hints at Olympics Delay; States Plead for Masks and Ventilators

Senate Democrats blocked a $2 trillion rescue package that they said failed to adequately protect workers, and President Trump authorized the National Guard. New cases in the U.S. surpassed 31,700 as an outbreak hit another nursing home in Washington State.

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Scientists Identify 69 Drugs to Test Against the Coronavirus

Two dozen of the medicines are already under investigation. Also on the list: chloroquine, a drug used to treat malaria.

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dimanche 22 mars 2020

With Live Sports Gone, Announcer Offers Play by Play of the Everyday

Nick Heath narrates his videos of people doing mundane things, like crossing the street, with the verve and dramatic flair of competitive sports.

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Harsh Steps Are Needed to Stop the Coronavirus, Experts Say

Scientists who have fought pandemics describe difficult measures needed to defend the United States against a fast-moving pathogen.

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Lost Sense of Smell May Be Peculiar Clue to Coronavirus Infection

Doctor groups are recommending testing and isolation for people who lose their ability to smell and taste, even if they have no other symptoms.

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Some Tips on How to Stay Sane in a World That Isn’t

The coronavirus outbreak has magnified all kinds of fears. Try living in the moment. Take stock of what’s working. Turn off the television.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Fighting on Capitol Hill Threatens Vast Stimulus Package, as Governors Plead for Supplies

New York State has 15,000 cases, roughly 5 percent of the pandemic’s growing global total. As testing capacity grows, so are case numbers around the country.

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Plácido Domingo Says He Has the Coronavirus

“I beg everyone to be extremely careful,” the opera singer said in a Facebook post on Sunday after developing a fever and cough and testing positive for the virus.

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Target Apologizes for Selling N95 Masks in Seattle

The company said the masks were offered for sale “in error” at some stores in Washington State, which has been a hot spot for the coronavirus pandemic.

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Warmer Weather May Slow, but Not Halt Coronavirus

Nature may help diminish the pandemic if aggressive measures to control the spread of infections continue, experts say. That doesn’t mean the virus won’t return.

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Geese May Not Inspire You, but They Certainly Take Your Mind off the Virus

Watching birds that do not practice social distancing is a nice break from washing your hands and disinfecting friends.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Alarm Across Europe as Toll Continues to Rise

Italy’s numbers are soaring, Spanish hospitals are overflowing and France has ordered 250 million masks.

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Christian Siriano and Dov Charney Are Making Masks and Medical Supplies Now

Fashion designers and manufacturers are rebooting their operations to help with shortages of masks and gowns in the coronavirus pandemic.

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samedi 21 mars 2020

The Hottest Parties in Town Are Now Online

As many are quarantining or socially distancing themselves to curb the spread of the coronavirus, the party has moved to social media.

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Americans Coping With the Coronavirus Are Clogging Toilets

Sewage systems and toilets are backing up as consumers clean their homes with disinfectant wipes and turn to paper towels, napkins and baby wipes to cope with the lack of toilet paper.

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How to Help Victims of the Coronavirus Pandemic

From charities that support children to organizations that feed families, there is no shortage of ways to get involved.

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Where Are All the Face Masks for Coronavirus?

In the United States, there is a shortage of medical equipment. What’s going on?

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Where Are All the Masks?

In the United States, there is a shortage of medical equipment. What’s going on?

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Freezers Sell Out as Consumers Stock Up

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, people are preparing to hunker down for weeks or longer.

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How You Can Help Victims of the Coronavirus Pandemic

From charities that support children to organizations that feed families, there is no shortage of ways to get involved.

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The Hardest Questions Doctors May Face: Who Will Be Saved? Who Won’t?

As coronavirus infections explode in the U.S., hospitals could be forced to make harrowing choices if pushed to the brink. Planning is already underway.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: With Known U.S. Cases Surging Above 21,000, Pressure for Federal Aid Mounts

President Trump applauds voluntary help from companies as medical officials in a number of states warn of dwindling supplies of crucial gear and equipment. One in four Americans is being asked to stay indoors.

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With the Coronavirus Restrictions, Can I Travel by Car?

We asked experts in epidemiology and infectious diseases, who offered precautions you should take to stay safe from infection.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Senators Near Deal on a $1 Trillion Rescue Plan

One in five Americans will soon be required to stay indoors as New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Illinois join California in severely restricting residents’ movement.

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vendredi 20 mars 2020

Trump’s Embrace of Unproven Drugs to Treat Coronavirus Defies Science

Doctors and patients also worry that the president’s rosy outlook for the treatments will exacerbate shortages of old malaria drugs relied on by patients with lupus and other debilitating conditions.

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As Coronavirus Looms, a Hospital Begins Sterilizing Masks for Reuse

Surgical masks are supposed to be used just once. But doctors in Nebraska are attempting a novel experiment as gear shortages arise.

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Coronavirus Test: What My Experience Was Like

Here are some of the experiences and bits of advice from those who have been able to get tested.

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Trump’s Embrace of Unproven Drugs to Treat Coronavirus Defies Science

Doctors and patients also worry that the president’s rosy outlook for the treatments will exacerbate shortages of old malaria drugs relied on by patients with lupus and other debilitating conditions.

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‘I Feel Like I Have Five Jobs’: Moms Navigate the Pandemic

Families are scrambling to balance work and child care in a society where women still do most of the domestic tasks. Will a worldwide emergency change anything?

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Coronavirus Test: What My Experience Was Like

Here are some of the experiences and bits of advice from those who have been able to get tested.

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As Coronavirus Looms, a Hospital Begins Sterilizing Masks for Reuse

Surgical masks are supposed to be used just once. But doctors in Nebraska are attempting a novel experiment as gear shortages arise.

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In Italy, Coronavirus Takes a Higher Toll on Men

Being male may be a risk factor for illness, just as being older is, experts say.

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Live Coronavirus News and Updates

New Jersey, Connecticut and Illinois were preparing to follow the lead set by California and New York in telling people to stay mostly inside. The Federal Reserve moved to backstop municipal money market funds, and the U.S. was set to close borders with Mexico and Canada.

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A Different Way to Chart the Spread of Coronavirus

Those skyrocketing curves tell an alarming story. But logarithmic graphs can help reveal when the pandemic begins to slow.

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You Can Take Care of Yourself in Coronavirus Quarantine, Starting Right Now

Six things you can do right at this moment, along with some simple exercise equipment to get for your house.

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Can't Get Tested for Covid-19? Maybe You're in the Wrong Country

Decisions and blunders made months ago have caused testing disparities worldwide. The science, it turns out, was the easy part.

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The Calculus of Coronavirus Care

A shortage of ventilators is bad. A shortage of doctors and nurses critically compounds the problem.

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Coronavirus May Keep California’s Nursing Students From Graduating

As many as 14,000 students may be unable to complete their rotations, making them unavailable to help.

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You Can Take Care of Yourself in Isolation, Starting Now

Six things you can do right at this moment, along with some simple exercise equipment to get for your house.

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Coronavirus May Keep California’s Nursing Students From Graduating

As many as 14,000 students may be unable to complete their rotations, making them unavailable to help.

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What’s Happening to the Monarch Butterfly Population?

“Something’s going on in early spring,” a professor said, and researchers are trying to solve the mystery.

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Burnout Isn’t Just in Your Head. It’s in Your Circumstances.

We can fight emotional exhaustion by decreasing demands, increasing support and enhancing control.

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‘None of Us Have a Fear of Corona’: The Faithful at an Outbreak’s Center

A gathering of 16,000 at a Malaysian mosque became the pandemic’s largest known vector in Southeast Asia, spreading the coronavirus to half a dozen countries.

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Young Adults Come to Grips With Coronavirus Health Risks

It can be a serious disease for younger people, and many millennials have chronic physical and mental health conditions.

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Can’t Get Tested? Maybe You’re in the Wrong Country

Decisions and blunders made months ago have caused testing disparities worldwide. The science, it turns out, was the easy part.

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Parenting by FaceTime in Coronavirus Quarantine

I tested positive. I’m locked in the bedroom and can’t help take care of my children.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: In California, 40 Million Ordered to Stay Home

The governor of California banned gatherings, and nonessential businesses closed. In Texas, the authorities took similar measures. Overseas, the virus has killed more people in Italy than in China.

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jeudi 19 mars 2020

Burnout Isn’t Just in Your Head. It’s in Your Circumstances.

We can fight emotional exhaustion by decreasing demands, increasing support and enhancing control.

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With Minimal Evidence, Trump Asks F.D.A. to Study Malaria Drugs for Coronavirus

The president cites “tremendous promise” for existing drugs, but their use against the new virus is unproven.

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With Minimal Evidence, Trump Asks F.D.A. to Study Malaria Drugs for Coronavirus

The president cites “tremendous promise” for existing drugs, but their use against the new virus is unproven.

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Molly Brodak, Poet and Memoirist of Her Father’s Crimes, Dies at 39

Her father, Joseph Brodak, robbed 11 banks in and around Detroit when she was a teenager. But his crimes were just the jumping off point for her unsparing memoir.

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Doctors Say Shortage of Protective Gear Is Dire During Coronavirus Pandemic

The lack of proper masks, gowns and eye gear is imperiling the ability of medical workers to fight the coronavirus — and putting their own lives at risk.

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This Artist Got His Start as an I.C.U. Nurse

Nate Lewis developed a visual language in the rhythms of EKGs. Now, his intricate works on paper take the scalpel to society.

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They Fled Coronavirus in Europe. Border Agents Asked if They’d Visited China or Iran.

Americans returning from Italy and Spain say border control officials didn’t screen them or tell them to isolate themselves.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Italy’s Death Toll Surpasses China’s as State Dept. Is Expected to Warn Against Travel Abroad

As U.S. cases soared past 10,000 and doctors pleaded for protective gear, the president said the government had “slashed red tape” to try to expand trials for possible treatments. Last year, the U.S. tested its pandemic response and found substantial shortcomings that have been further exposed by the current crisis.

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How to Donate Blood as Coronavirus Threatens the U.S. Supply

What you need to know about donating in a time of crisis.

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This Artist Got His Start as an I.C.U. Nurse

Nate Lewis developed a visual language in the rhythms of EKGs. Now, his intricate works on paper take the scalpel to society.

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Quaranteenagers: Strategies for Parenting in Close Quarters

Because of coronavirus, teenagers are missing out on major rites of passage. Offering compassion paves their way toward feeling better.

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Coronavirus Death Rate in Wuhan Is Lower than Previously Thought, Study Finds

Researchers calculated a 1.4 percent likelihood of dying in the city where the pandemic began. Earlier estimates ranged from 2 percent to 3.4 percent.

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Coronavirus Tests Are Now Free, but Treatment Could Still Cost You

Congress passed legislation covering people’s costs for getting tested for the virus, but you could still face high bills for everything else.

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Free E-Book: Answers to Your Coronavirus Questions

The Times has compiled more than two dozen pieces of journalism in “Answers to Your Coronavirus Questions,” which is available to download for free.

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‘It Feels Like a War Zone’: Doctors and Nurses Plead for Masks on Social Media

As supplies have dwindled, doctors and nurses have improvised ways to make their stock last. Now they’re urging leaders to help.

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Catherine Hamlin, Pioneering Doctor Who Treated Childbirth Injury, Dies at 96

Dr. Hamlin developed reconstructive surgery techniques to treat tens of thousands of women across Ethiopia.

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Can I Jog Outside? Is That Drinking Fountain Safe? Exercise in the Time of Coronavirus

Answers to questions about coronavirus and exercise.

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You Can Help Break the Chain of Transmission

“Every time each of us stops, or even just delays, an infection is a small victory.”

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Complacency, Not Panic, Is the Real Danger

Only a small minority of people panic under threat, research shows. Far more don’t take the threat seriously enough.

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How to Keep Your Distance

The concepts of social distancing and self-quarantine are being interpreted in a variety of ways, not always correctly. Here’s a guide to help you make the right decisions.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: As Virus Spreads Swiftly Worldwide, China Reports Zero New Infections

The White House is seeking $500 billion in direct payments to taxpayers and President Trump invoked a wartime law to press companies to make medical supplies. Britain, bracing for a surge, puts 20,000 troops on standby.

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mercredi 18 mars 2020

China Hits a Coronavirus Milestone: No New Local Infections

All of the new cases reported on Thursday involved people who had come to China from elsewhere, the government said.

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A Promising Treatment for Coronavirus Fails

Researchers had hoped that antiviral drugs would help patients, but a new study from China said that one antiviral drug combination didn’t work.

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Younger Adults Comprise Big Portion of Coronavirus Hospitalizations in U.S.

New C.D.C. data showed that nearly 40 percent of patients sick enough to be hospitalized were aged 20 to 54. But the risk of dying was significantly higher in older people.

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Don’t Trust Memes That Promise Coronavirus Cures

Gargling warm salty water, taking vitamins or heating your nasal passages won’t eliminate the virus or keep it from reaching your lungs.

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Partygoers in Seattle, a Suburban D.C. Mom: Coronavirus in the Community

What doctors are learning about Covid-19 in the community.

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Can Smart Thermometers Track the Spread of the Coronavirus?

A company that makes internet-connected thermometers has followed the flu more closely than the C.D.C. can. Now the devices may be turning up cases of Covid-19.

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10 Ways to Ease Your Coronavirus Anxiety

These simple tips will help you relax and put things in perspective — in between washing your hands, of course.

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A Nebraska Hospital Aimed to Contain the Coronavirus. But It Had Already Spread.

Doctors at the University of Nebraska Medical Center treated some of America’s first coronavirus patients. Now, the center is preparing for many.

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Coronavirus Test Obstacles: A Shortage of Face Masks and Swabs

Hospitals and doctors say they are critically low on swabs that are needed to test patients for the coronavirus, as well as face masks and other gear to protect health care workers.

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Lynn Nottage and Annie Baker Say Theaters Want Their Advances Back

The Pulitzer Prize winners Lynn Nottage and Annie Baker are among those who said they had been asked to give back advances because of the coronavirus pandemic.

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At the Front Lines of Coronavirus, Turning to Social Media

Like many of my colleagues in the emergency room, I have been gathering information from Facebook and Twitter.

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There Aren’t Enough Ventilators to Cope With the Coronavirus

The United States and other countries face a critical shortage of the lifesaving machines — and no easy way to lift production.

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Eating Fish During Pregnancy May Have Metabolic Benefits for Children

One to three weekly servings of fish during pregnancy was tied to better metabolic health in offspring.

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Free E-Book: Answers to Your Coronavirus Questions

Symptoms, Social Distancing and More Reporting From The New York Times

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There Aren’t Enough Ventilators to Cope With the Coronavirus

The United States and other countries face a critical shortage of the lifesaving machines — and no easy way to lift production.

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Celebrities, Athletes and Politicians With Coronavirus: Updating List

From Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson to the N.B.A.’s Rudy Gobert and Kevin Durant, public figures have shared their conditions and advice with the world.

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My Coronavirus Test: 5 Days, a Dozen Calls, Hours of Confusion

The symptoms have been easy to deal with. The health care system has not.

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Learning From a Father-Son Marathon Team

Tommy and Eoin Hughes, father and son, followed a unique road to running victory.

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With Travel Plans in Flux, Readers Share Their ‘Staycation’ Ideas

We asked New York Times readers how they’re coping with coronavirus travel restrictions. Here’s how they responded.

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His Immune System Went Out of Whack. The Usual Treatment Didn’t Work. Why?

A 61-year-old man lost a total of 25 pounds in a matter of two months and was not responding to treatment. The doctor was stumped.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Nations Pledge Trillions to Stave Off Economic Catastrophe

The death toll in the U.S. passed 100 as the White House issued stimulus plans that included sending $1,000 to every American. New York City’s mayor says a “shelter in place” order is being considered.

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mardi 17 mars 2020

Did Federal Officials Really Question W.H.O. Tests for Coronavirus?

Dr. Deborah Birx said she did not mean to suggest the widely used diagnostic tests generated frequent false-positive results.

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How Long Will Coronavirus Live on Surfaces or in the Air Around You?

A new study could have implications for how the general public and health care workers try to avoid transmission of the virus.

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Children and Coronavirus: Research Finds Some Become Seriously Ill

A study of more than 2,000 children with the virus in China found that babies were especially vulnerable to developing severe infection.

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Is Ibuprofen Really Risky for Coronavirus Patients?

Experts are puzzling over a claim made by France’s health minister.

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Live Coronavirus Updates and Coverage

The number of known cases of the coronavirus in the U.S. has surpassed 5,000 as testing, which was initially limited, has expanded, according to a New York Times database that is tracking every identified case in the country.

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Children With Pneumonia May Not Always Need Antibiotics

Doctors often prescribe an antibiotic for children with pneumonia, but a new study suggests the drugs are not always needed.

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Coronavirus Treatment: Hundreds of Scientists Scramble to Find One

In an ambitious international collaboration, researchers have “mapped” proteins in the coronavirus and identified 50 drugs to test against it.

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Where Women Are Ahead of Men: Hand Washing

During a global pandemic, personal hygiene habits have far-reaching consequences.

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Tracking the Coronavirus: How Crowded Asian Cities Tackled an Epidemic

Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong offer successful strategies, at least so far, in battling a pandemic. But they use tactics that the U.S. and Europe may not be able to replicate.

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In the I.C.U., Before the Coronavirus Storm

Even as public life grinds to a halt, here in one of the intensive care units that will become ground zero for coronavirus infections, the everyday tragedies continue.

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Having Brushed Off Coronavirus Threat, Southeast Asia Begins to Confront It

The delay in containment efforts could prove dangerous, particularly in nations where the health care system can’t handle a major outbreak.

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‘It Is a Nightmare Out Here’: Seattle Parents Struggle to Balance Work and Child Care

One of the first major cities to face coronavirus is now dealing with a child care shortage.

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Is Closing the Schools Because of Coronavirus a Good Idea?

Weighing the advantages gained in slowing down coronavirus transmission versus the problems such closures create.

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The Universal Language of Caring

Hospitals have interpreters. But doctors and patients who speak different languages do not always need a translator’s help.

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Is Closing the Schools a Good Idea?

Weighing the advantages gained in slowing down coronavirus transmission versus the problems such closures create.

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Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson Are Released From the Hospital

The actors will remain in self-isolation in a rented home in Australia but are “feeling a lot better,” their son Chet Hanks said.

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India Scrambles to Escape a Coronavirus Crisis. So Far, It’s Working.

Fears are growing about what happens if community transmission takes off in the crowded areas of the world’s second-most-populous nation.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Urges Restrictions; Nations Lock Down

Countries across the globe are closing their borders, restricting travel, locking down cities and banning gatherings. In the United States, President Trump recommended limiting groups to fewer than 10 people.

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White House Takes New Line After Dire Report on Death Toll

Federal guidelines warned against gatherings of more than 10 people as a London report predicted high fatalities in the U.S. without drastic action.

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lundi 16 mars 2020

Trial of Coronavirus Vaccine Made by Moderna Begins in Seattle

Healthy volunteers will test different doses of the first vaccine to find out if it is safe.

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No More Than 10 People in One Place, Trump Said. But Why?

The recommendations of federal agencies and other jurisdictions for limiting crowd sizes have varied widely in recent days.

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What Should I Look for When Buying Whole Grains?

There are several reliable ways to identify whole-grain foods.

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How Long Will the Coronavirus Outbreak and Shutdown Last?

Though President Trump mentioned July or August, the prevailing optimistic guess among experts for when the outbreak will abate hovers at about two months.

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Hotels Were Rolling Out Tools to Help Calm Travelers. Then Coronavirus Hit.

The in-room relaxation offerings are well-suited to the times, one hotel expert said, because they limit contact with other people but still provide a wellness experience.

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Coronavirus Is Hiding in Plain Sight

For every known case of coronavirus, another five to 10 cases are out there undetected, a new study suggests.

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Live Coronavirus Updates and Coverage Globally

President Trump announced new guidelines and European nations sealed their borders. Bay Area counties were expected to direct millions of residents to stay at home.

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Children With Pneumonia Don’t Routinely Need Antibiotics

Doctors often prescribe an antibiotic for children with pneumonia, but a new study suggests it might be better to skip it.

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Starbucks Goes From Sip and Stay to Grab and Go

The coffee chain said it was removing seating at its outlets to promote social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic.

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Coronavirus Vaccine Dreams

If we get a vaccine for the coronavirus, it will immediately make our world a safer, easier, more reassuring place once again. That’s what vaccines do.

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Aging Out of the Mammogram

For many women, regular breast cancer screening is standard medical protocol. But for older women, should it be?

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How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

New research identifies the keys to success for long-term weight management.

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Coronavirus Live Updates and Coverage

The Centers for Disease Control recommended that all gatherings of more than 50 people be banned. Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York called for the military to help. And public life is severely curtailed.

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dimanche 15 mars 2020

Pence Pledges High-Speed Coronavirus Testing From 2,000 Labs This Week

Federal officials said many more drive-through testing sites, along with expanded processing of tests by commercial labs, would help ease a bottleneck.

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Nunes Encourages People to Dine Out as Experts Urge Them to Stay Home

Representative Devin Nunes, a California Republican, appealed to Americans to help promote the economy in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Health experts are advocating isolation.

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Spain, on Lockdown, Weighs Liberties Against Containing Coronavirus

Empty streets. Shuttered stores. Spain has joined the number of countries struggling to balance public health with freedoms especially prized in a relatively young democracy.

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Coronavirus Travel Restrictions and Bans Globally: Updating List

Nations across the world have imposed travel restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Here, the current list of countries limiting entry.

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5 Ways to Help Your Community Combat Coronavirus (While Still Social Distancing)

Instead of isolating, you can help your neighbors and community in these ways.

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Live Coronavirus Updates and Coverage

A top U.S. health official urges personal sacrifices to avert a ‘worst-case scenario.’ Passengers returning from Europe are waiting hours at U.S. airports for health screening. Italy’s cases and deaths jump.

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The V.A. Prepares to Back Up a Health Care System Threatened by Coronavirus

The sprawling Department of Veterans Affairs is legally designated as the nation’s backup health system and could prove vital in the pandemic.

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How to Make College Decisions When Campuses Are Closed

With coronavirus closings, tours for admitted students are off the table. Here are some workarounds in this time of social distancing.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Airport Screenings Cause Long Waits; Trump Tests Negative

Spain and France have announced countrywide restrictions, and passengers on U.S. flights from Europe are waiting hours to go through enhanced health screening.

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Coronavirus Travel Restrictions, Across the Globe

Nations across the world have imposed travel restrictions to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Here, the current list of countries limiting entry.

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samedi 14 mars 2020

How to Protect Older People From the Coronavirus

People over 60, and especially over 80, are particularly vulnerable to severe or fatal infection. Here are some steps to reduce their risk.

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As Trump Is Tested for Coronavirus, Experts Ask: What Took So Long?

Federal officials are asking Americans for extraordinary vigilance against a new pathogen. President Trump has taken a different course, worrying scientists.

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Live Coronavirus Updates and Coverage

President Trump Says He’s Been Tested, New York reported its first virus-related death, and a cruise ship exposed to the virus is heading to France.

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Internet Providers Won’t Cut Off Users Over Unpaid Bills for 60 Days

The pledge some companies took, in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, also calls for them to open public Wi-Fi hot spots and waive late fees, the F.C.C. said.

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Spain Considers Nationwide Lockdown to Fight Coronavirus

A day after an emergency is declared, government officials debate whether to follow Italy’s lead in restricting everyone’s movements.

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These Lab Animals Will Help Fight Coronavirus

Scientists are ramping up the breeding of lab mice as well as the testing of primates and other animals, but it all takes time.

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He Has 17,700 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer and Nowhere to Sell Them

Amazon cracked down on coronavirus price gouging. Now, while the rest of the world searches, some sellers are holding stockpiles of sanitizer and masks.

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As China Cracks Down on Coronavirus Coverage, Journalists Fight Back

The Communist Party is trying to fill the airwaves with positive stories about its battle against the virus. Chinese reporters, buoyed by widespread calls for free speech, are resisting.

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Fact Check: Trump's Claims About His Response to the Coronavirus

The president inaccurately described travel restrictions he had announced, falsely blamed his predecessor for testing shortages and misstated the role Google was playing in mitigating the outbreak.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: House Passes Sweeping Package to Assist Affected Americans

The measure includes free virus testing for those who lack insurance. New Zealand’s prime minister announces that everyone entering the country must isolate themselves for 14 days.

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vendredi 13 mars 2020

Cap and Gone? College Commencements Confront the Coronavirus

The University of Michigan canceled its planned ceremony while students at the University of Maine threw an impromptu “Coronamencement.”

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Trump’s False Claims About His Response to the Coronavirus

The president inaccurately described travel restrictions he had announced, falsely blamed his predecessor for testing shortages and misstated the role Google was playing in mitigating the outbreak.

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What Are the Rules for Play Dates During the Coronavirus Crisis?

We asked the experts.

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As Europe Shuts Down, Britain Takes a Different, and Contentious, Approach

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has largely kept Britain open, opting for more targeted measures, a strategy that has startled some epidemiologists.

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A Brain Hack to Break the Coronavirus Anxiety Cycle

Uncertainty about coronavirus spreads anxiety through social contagion. Here’s a way to minimize that.

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Live Coronavirus News Updates and Coverage

President Trump said he was making $50 billion in emergency funding available, lifting restrictions on doctors and hospitals and waiving interest on student loans. But prospects for a congressional bill to aid affected people remain unclear.

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Spain Becomes Latest Epicenter of Coronavirus After a Faltering Response

The government declared a state of emergency Friday, days after it allowed mass gatherings in the capital and cases jumped to 4,200.

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In the Eye of the Coronavirus Testing Storm: Robert Redfield of the C.D.C.

He has been cautious, technical and reserved in the face of intense criticism for his agency’s delay in rolling out widespread testing for the infection.

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Meet the New Drive-Through: A Coronavirus Clinic Serving Up Swabs

In Seattle, the center of the U.S. outbreak, one medical center has begun screening workers for the new virus by setting up a mobile clinic in a parking lot where cars serve as isolated waiting rooms.

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Your Nose Itches. You Wonder: Is It the Coronavirus?

Seasonal allergy symptoms differ from those caused by viral infections like influenza or the coronavirus.

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Opioid Settlement Offer Provokes Clash Between States and Cities

The big drug distributors would pay $19.2 billion over 18 years. Some 30 states have signed on so far but most cities and counties hate the deal.

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Opioid Settlement Offer Provokes Clash Between States and Cities

The big drug distributors would pay $19.2 billion over 18 years. Some 30 states have signed on so far but most cities and counties hate the deal.

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Trump Administration Moves to Speed Coronavirus Testing

The Department of Health and Human Services and the Food and Drug Administration are funding private companies that are rushing faster tests to the market.

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Why Soap Works

At the molecular level, soap breaks things apart. At the level of society, it helps hold everything together.

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Mapping the Social Network of Coronavirus

To slow the virus, Alessandro Vespignani and other analysts are racing to model the behavior of its human host.

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Why Soap Works

At the molecular level, soap breaks things apart. At the level of society, it helps hold everything together.

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The Worst-Case Estimate for U.S. Coronavirus Deaths

Officials at the C.D.C. and epidemic experts conferred last month about what could happen in the U.S.

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How 4 Big States Are Preparing to Vote as the Coronavirus Spreads

Elections officials in Ohio, Florida, Illinois and Arizona, the next states on the primary calendar, are taking extra precautions but have expressed confidence that voting can be held safely.

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This Trendy Baby Formula Maker May Pose Health Risks to Infants

Pediatricians say the automated Baby Brezza dispenser may produce watery bottles of formula.

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High Blood Pressure in Young Adulthood May Be Bad for Your Brain

High blood pressure before age 30 was tied to poorer mental function at age 50.

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How to Give Bad News

After 25 years as a pediatrician, I know my doctor is very good at giving bad news.

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The Gift of Silence, When There Are No Words

In that room, the wild thing of grief went untamed by touch, unwalled by words, but with a witness who let it have its way. And its way was quiet.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: The Virus Reaches Into Halls of Power Around the World

In the United States, Congress neared a deal with the White House on a sweeping economic rescue package. New York City declared a state of emergency and schools will close in at least six states.

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jeudi 12 mars 2020

Why Women May Face a Greater Risk of Catching Coronavirus

Health experts worry that the roles women hold in society, such as nurses or caregivers, place them squarely in the virus’s path.

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Why Coronavirus Is a Special Risk to Half of Americans

Those with chronic health problems are more likely to develop severe illnesses and to die, research shows.

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Your Phone is Filthy. Here's How to Clean it

It’s one thing to stop touching your face. It’s another to stop touching the things that touch your face.

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Italy’s Health Care System Groans Under Coronavirus — a Warning to the World

In less than three weeks, the virus has overloaded hospitals in northern Italy, offering a glimpse of what countries face if they cannot slow the contagion.

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How the Coronavirus Changed the 2020 Political Campaign

The three major presidential candidates have quickly pivoted to try to shape a new political discourse, as they face a real-time test of leadership in a national crisis.

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U.S. Hospitals Prepare for Coronavirus, With the Worst Still to Come

Emergency rooms across the country are preparing for a crush of cases, but with limited capacity and supplies, administrators fear they will not be ready.

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Home-Schooling Tweens and Teens During Coronavirus Closings

Advice from experts and home-schoolers on what do with your children if their schools are closed.

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Broadway Will Shut Down After Governor Limits Attendance

Facing concern from actors and audiences about health risks during the pandemic, the industry announced that shows will be shuttered through April 12.

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Live Coronavirus Updates and Coverage

A Brazilian official tested positive days after being with the president and Vice President Mike Pence, as Americans returning from Europe are grappling with the prospect of self-quarantine for 14 days.

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What Climate Change Can Teach Us About Fighting the Coronavirus

The slow global response to climate change shows the cost of inaction in global crises.

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The World Has a Plan to Fight Coronavirus. Most Countries Are Not Using it.

The World Health Organization is supposed to coordinate the global response to epidemics. But the U.N. agency cannot force countries to play by international rules.

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Trump’s Travel Ban Leaves Americans in Europe Scrambling to Get Home

With little clarity on the rules of the 30-day suspension set to take effect on Friday, many are feeling stranded and confused.

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‘Human Nature’ Review: We Can Now Alter Our DNA. But Should We?

Adam Bolt’s new documentary focuses on Crispr technology, which can edit genes, thus giving people the ability to change human, animal and plant life.

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No Room at the Inn

Hospital emergency rooms have been overcrowded for years. The new coronavirus will drastically compound the problem.

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Here’s the Biggest Thing to Worry About With Coronavirus

We don’t have enough ventilators and I.C.U. beds if there’s a significant surge of new cases. As with Italy, the health system could be overwhelmed.

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Trump’s Payroll Tax Cut Would Dwarf the 2008 Bank Bailout

President Trump is pushing a nearly $1 trillion fiscal stimulus that some economists say would not be well targeted to offset damage from the coronavirus.

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Omega-3s Show No Overall Benefits for Heart Health or Cancer Prevention

Two analyses found no overall harms or benefits from taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Trump Restricts Travel and Tom Hanks Tests Positive

The World Health Organization declared a global pandemic. President Trump banned travel from most of Europe to the United States. Italy is under lockdown and the N.B.A. suspended its season.

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mercredi 11 mars 2020

How Right-Wing Pundits Are Covering Coronavirus

Conservative media stars aren’t worried. Neither is President Trump.

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Coronavirus Has Caused a Hand Sanitizer Shortage. What Should You Do?

Using hand sanitizer helps prevent the spread of coronavirus. So what do you do when it’s sold out?

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From Pandemic to Social Distancing: A Coronavirus Glossary

Here are some of the terms and phrases you need to know to understand the virus and how it spreads.

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Coronavirus Has Become a Pandemic, W.H.O. Says

But the virus can still be stopped if nations are willing to take aggressive measures, said the organization’s director-general.

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As Coronavirus Testing Increases, Some Labs Fear a Shortage of Other Supplies

Lab directors and federal officials are keeping a close eye on the supply of other materials needed to conduct the tests.

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What Does Coronavirus Do to the Body?

Here’s what scientists have learned about how the new virus infects and attacks cells and how it can affect organs beyond the lungs.

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Fauci Warns House on Coronavirus: ‘It Is Going to Get Worse’

Democrats and Republicans on the House Oversight Committee squared off Wednesday over the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.

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Insulin Costs May Be Capped in a Medicare Program

If drug companies and insurers agree to participate, the Trump administration proposes limiting insulin costs to $35 a month for some older Americans.

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Alcoholics Anonymous vs. Other Approaches: The Evidence Is Now In

An updated review shows it performs better than other common treatments and is less expensive.

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Doctors and Patients Turn to Telemedicine in the Coronavirus Outbreak

The use of virtual visits climbs as a way of safely treating patients and containing spread of the infection at hospitals, clinics and medical offices.

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Broadway, Seeking to Stay Open, Suggests Stars Keep Their Distance

Actors are being asked to suspend the tradition of greeting fans at stage doors, one of several steps that theaters are taking to limit the coronavirus threat.

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Sitting Is Bad for Our Health. Should We Squat More Instead?

Our bodies may be evolutionary adapted to continual muscular activity, something we don’t achieve with chairs.

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5 Ways to Help Teens Manage Anxiety About the Coronavirus

Adults can help by making sure adolescents don’t overestimate the dangers or underestimate their ability to protect themselves.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Reaches Grim Milestone; I.R.S. Considers Tax Deadline Move

Washington State banned community gatherings and the U.S. surpassed 1,000 cases. A British health minister said she tested positive for the virus, leading lawmakers to consider suspending Parliament.

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‘It’s Just Everywhere Already’: How Delays in Testing Set Back the U.S. Coronavirus Response

A series of missed chances by the federal government to ensure more widespread testing came during the early days of the outbreak, when containment would have been easier.

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mardi 10 mars 2020

Coachella, Influential Music Festival, Is Postponed Amid Virus Fears

With the spread of the coronavirus threatening the California event scheduled for next month, organizers moved the dates to October.

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Message Received: Italians Are Staying Home

Italy is under Europe’s first nationwide restriction on movement. ‘Surreal,’ said one citizen.

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First Coronavirus Death in New Jersey Is 69-Year-Old Man

The Bergen County man is believed to be the first fatality from the virus in the Northeast.

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For 4 Days, the Hospital Thought He Had Just Pneumonia. It Was Coronavirus.

The case of a New York lawyer shows how the virus can wreak havoc on a health facility and spread anxiety across a region.

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F.D.A. Halts Overseas Inspections of Drugs and Devices, Citing Coronavirus

The agency said the spread of the virus globally prompted its decision. It had already pulled back from China, but this move will also affect India, a major generics manufacturer.

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Coronavirus Is Very Different From the Spanish Flu of 1918. Here’s How.

The fear is similar, but the medical reality is not.

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California Cracks Down on Alternative Health Insurance Plans

State insurance regulators accused a ministry offering an alternative to traditional insurance of misleading consumers.

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Coronavirus: Sorry, but Working From Home is Overrated

Home-cooked lunches and no commuting while we deal with coronavirus can’t compensate for what’s lost in creativity.

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Canceled Events Because of Coronavirus List

Here’s a look at some major events around the world that have been canceled, postponed or moved because of concerns about the new coronavirus.

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Can I Boost My Immune System?

Fears about coronavirus have prompted online searches and plenty of misinformation about how to strengthen the immune system. Here’s what works — and what doesn’t.

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A Call to Arms: Under Attack, Pro-Vaccine Doctors Fight Back

Providers who defend vaccines face online death threats and negative reviews from fake patients. Now the staid medical establishment is finally speaking out.

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Coronavirus Brings a New Legislative Push for Paid Sick Leave

Democrats introduce a measure they hope will find bipartisan support, and a new study explores the economic effects of sick-leave mandates.

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How Siblings’ Gender Can Affect a Child’s Development

Whether siblings are of the same sex or not can affect how much time children spend with their parents, romantic relationships and risk-taking, research shows.

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The Patient Was Like My Dad in Two Telling Ways: Age and Sex

Like some cartoonish anvil, the weight of my dad’s mortality hit me at a dying patient’s bedside.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Italy Is Locked Down; Global Deaths Top 4,000

Nationwide restrictions on travel and public gatherings began in Italy on Tuesday. China’s leader, Xi Jinping, visited Wuhan, where the outbreak began.

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Haunted by a Gene

For the first time, Nancy Wexler reveals that she has inherited the disease she has spent her life studying.

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lundi 9 mars 2020

Canceled Because of Coronavirus: A Brief List

Here’s a look at some major events around the world that have been canceled, postponed or moved because of concerns about the new coronavirus.

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Even If Bernie Sanders Wins, Medicare for All Almost Certainly Won't Happen

Most House Democrats who won Republican seats don’t support it. Even if Democrats win control of the Senate, they’ll be well short of a supermajority to overcome a filibuster.

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Pelosi, Seeking to Insulate House Majority, Presses Plan to Lower Health Costs

Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s plan is aimed at distancing vulnerable Democrats from Medicare for All and other proposals being pushed by the party’s presidential contenders.

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Even If Bernie Sanders Wins, Medicare for All Almost Certainly Won't Happen

Most House Democrats who won Republican seats don’t support it. Even if Democrats win control of the Senate, they’ll be well short of a supermajority to overcome a filibuster.

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Even if Sanders Wins, Medicare for All Almost Certainly Won’t Happen

Most House Democrats who won Republican seats don’t support it. Even if Democrats win control of the Senate, they’ll be well short of a supermajority to overcome a filibuster.

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Some Hospitals Are Close to Running Out of Crucial Masks for Coronavirus

N95 masks are essential for protecting health care workers and controlling the epidemic, but some hospitals have been unable to get new shipments as supplies dwindle.

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F.D.A. Warns 7 Companies to Stop Claiming Silver and Other Products Treat Coronavirus

The Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission said the claims threaten public health because consumers might stop or delay appropriate medical treatment.

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President Trump on Vaccines: From Skeptic to Cheerleader

He once blamed vaccines for autism. Now he’s demanding the quick development of one for the coronavirus, but shows limited understanding of the science.

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President Trump on Vaccines: From Skeptic to Cheerleader

He once blamed vaccines for autism. Now he’s demanding the quick development of one for the coronavirus, but shows limited understanding of the science.

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