jeudi 30 avril 2020

Coronavirus Live Updates: In China, Loosened Restrictions Lead to Travel Rush

After weeks of lockdowns and quarantines, countries are starting to relax their rules, with people in China scrambling to take advantage of a chance for holiday travel and South Africa ending its lockdown, one the world’s strictest.

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Labs Across U.S. Join Federal Initiative to Study Coronavirus Genome

The project, announced by the C.D.C., will help trace patterns of transmission, investigate outbreaks and map how the virus is evolving, which can impact a cure.

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In a Victory for Women in Sudan, Female Genital Mutilation Is Outlawed

A new law criminalizes genital cutting, a harmful practice that nine in 10 Sudanese women are said to have endured. But some warned laws alone cannot eliminate the practice.

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Time to Check Your Pandemic-Abandoned Car for Rats

There might be a nest in the engine.

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Live Coronavirus Tracker Updates

The president says federal guidelines on social distancing won’t be renewed. Beaches could close in California. Dr. Fauci said that he is optimistic a vaccine could be available as early as January.

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As Georgia Reopens, Virus Study Shows Black Residents May Bear Brunt

A C.D.C. report released Wednesday suggests that the African-American community in the state is especially vulnerable to infection.

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As Georgia Reopens, Virus Study Shows Black Residents May Bear Brunt

A C.D.C. report released Wednesday suggests that the African-American community in the state is especially vulnerable to infection.

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Why Days 5 to 10 Are So Important When You Have Coronavirus

Tracking your daily symptoms can help you and your doctors make better decisions about whether a hospital visit is needed.

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Old Drugs May Find a New Purpose: Fighting the Coronavirus

A “drug repurposing” strategy uncovers dozens of compounds that have the unexpected potential to combat the virus.

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Why Days 5 to 10 Are So Important When You Have Coronavirus

Tracking your daily symptoms can help you and your doctors make better decisions about whether a hospital visit is needed.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Federal Social-Distancing Guidelines Set to Expire

The weekly jobless report is expected to add millions to unemployment rolls, increasing pressure on states to ease restrictions. Dozens of bodies were found decomposing in two trucks at a Brooklyn funeral home.

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No One to Hunker Down With

Three days before we were told to stay home, the man I’d been dating for a month told me he was self-isolating.

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Weighing Risks for My Patients at a Time of Covid-19

When should the fear of catching a virus, and one that usually causes a mild infection, outweigh the need to address urgent medical issues?

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Her M.R.I. Came Back Normal After a Seizure. Could It Be Covid-19?

Her urine showed what might be an infection, but despite antibiotics, the patient spiked a fever two days later.

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Happy Milestone for Some as New Local Coronavirus Cases Reach Zero: Live Coverage

South Korea, once among the hardest-hit countries, had its first day with no domestically transmitted infections. Hong Kong has reported no new cases at all for days.

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mercredi 29 avril 2020

Powerful Meat Industry Holds More Sway After Trump’s Order

The executive action signals that decisions around whether to close or reopen plants should be driven by the federal government, not local authorities.

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New Coronavirus Test Offers Advantages: Just Spit and Wait

Saliva tests like the one developed by Rutgers are less painful for patients and less risky to medical workers.

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Inside a NYC Hospital Coronavirus Unit During the Pandemic

Nurses from N.Y.U. Langone Health describe the toll the coronavirus is taking on their patients, and on themselves.

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8 Lessons From Arnold Schwarzenegger That Will Set You Up For Success

“I never believed I was average, and that alone is a big reason I wasn’t.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger

Very few of us are ever able to feel like we accomplish the majority of our goals. And, whether we want to admit it, life is a game of trial and error. So, it’s easy to get caught up in the errors and frustrated by the trials. 

But, if you learn from those who have repeated, timeless successes, their mindset usually leaves clues about how they were able to apply different rules to the same game.

Arnold Schwarzenegger is the ultimate example of someone who has created opportunities throughout his life. And, while no one needs to replicate his path, the way he approaches life is a masterclass in mental mastery.

“No matter what, I had to prove to myself that I’m extraordinary. There is no normal,” Schwarzenegger shared in an exclusive interview for Ladder.

The mind is a powerful thing, and Schwarzenegger has leverage an unbreakable mindset to seemingly create a competitive advantage over the universe. As someone who started with nothing when he immigrated to the United States, his belief in himself has made the world apparently bend to his will — and not the other way around.

“Always think of yourself as special. And think, ‘I’m going to prove to myself and the rest of the world that I can do it.’”

Even at 72 years old, the bodybuilder-turned actor-turned governor-turned activist continues to believe there’s more that he can accomplish — and it’s likely the main reason he continues to add new achievements to his resume.

Here are 8 lessons that I took away from my interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Don’t Think About Difficulty

“There’s an advantage of doing things automatically,” says Schwarzenegger. “I have a routine where you don’t have to think much — if at all. [Routines] are the foundation of a house.”

Schwarzenegger has built his life on habits and routines that have made him a creature of habit and efficiency.

Whether it’s his workouts — delts and arms one day, chest and back and calves another day, abs every day, and an extra 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise at night — or checking email and catching up on news, Arnold has built-in expectations for his day.

“Add as many of those routine things as possible because you do them without ever thinking about them. This is your daily schedule. Like breathing.”

While this isn’t earth-shattering, his mindset towards creating habits isn’t what you’d expect. 

Whereas you might consider certain habits as difficult to build, that’s the first step in guaranteeing that it’ll be harder to adopt change.

“People should realize that I don’t have sympathy for ‘difficult.’ There are a lot of things in life that are difficult,” adds Schwarzenegger. 

“If you want to build routines, you need to change your expectations. Are you going to back off every time something is difficult? Or, are you going to be the person who looks at something that is difficult — or the most difficult — and say, ‘I’m going to go and do it and prove it to myself.’ That’s how you build habits. “

“Don’t ask should or shouldn’t I. You just do it.” 

Make Things Automatic

Part of Arnold’s legendary focus is a byproduct of his routines. But, just as importantly, it’s knowing what’s fixed in life — and when you need to put additional time, energy, and creativity into the non-routine aspects of your day.

To help you understand the importance of automated experiences, Arnold shared his experiences in politics.

“When I was Governor, I had fixed funds on what you could spend on certain programs like education. It’s a fixed expenditure. Same for healthcare and prisons.”

“I had something like only 8 percent of discretionary funds. There’s very little wiggle room. But, knowing what is automatic and knowing what is not help you focus,” says Arnold.

And that’s the way it should be with your daily routine. He recommends creating as many fixed moments in your day. Then, you have fewer aspects where you need to dig deep, be creative, and come up with custom solutions.

You might see this as a limitation, but Arnold sees it as an advantage. Less variation means more focus. And the more you can focus on fewer things, the more likely you’re able to create a bigger impact. 

Doing Isn’t Enough. Effort Influences Value.

I asked Arnold about something most people don’t know about him, and he shared his love of art and painting. But, that’s not what stood out to me (even though I was impressed by his painting). It was how he thinks of his time spent creating art for others. 

“Today, it’s easy to go to a store and buy a gift or go to the flower shop and get flowers. You used to go out and pick flowers and put in a vase. It’s all flowers. But, my mother was in heaven that we made an effort to go out and make the gift.”

Arnold understands that output isn’t the only measure of success. Your effort is also an important part of the equation. 

“You must try to make an effort in everything you do, especially things for others. When you find pottery and paint on that, they know you spent hours on that. It makes a difference. It takes effort and people really like that.”

Be Unconventional

According to Arnold, more than 50 years ago, no one worked out in the morning. Gyms didn’t open until 10 am, so the entire structure of the day was based on rules that, as it turns out, didn’t exist for a good reason.

Arnold broke down how back then, people believed that you were weaker in the morning. It wasn’t until he lived with his idol, Reg Park, that he started squatting 500 pounds at 5:30 am, and his entire workout schedule adjusted. 

The shift helped him remove limiting beliefs about his body, which, in turn, helped him understand that most limitations are self-conceived. This even led to some unreal 3 am workouts as an actor.

“If you think you can’t do something, you won’t. But, if you try to do something different, you might be surprised how much what you thought was a limitation wasn’t real.”

Goals Aren’t Enough. Have a Vision…

“Arnold, you’ve been asleep 16 hours. Something went wrong with this non-invasive procedure…you had internal bleeding, and in order to have you not die, we had to open you up.”

In the most powerful moment of our discussion, Arnold shared how his “routine” heart surgery took an unexpected turn and he was faced with a difficult comeback prior to filming the latest Terminator film.

When he was awakened after 16 hours, his immediate response wasn’t what you might think.

“Wait a minute, in three-and-a-half months, I’m supposed to be in Budapest to shoot Terminator 6. But, they are saying it takes 6 months to recover.”

While it might seem like Arnold wasn’t thinking about the big picture and overall health, it was — in fact — the opposite. He was visualizing where he needed to be as a way to return to health.

“I always look for motivation. If you have no motivation, then it’s hard to get going under those circumstances. You’re down and you have a major setback. And the vision is what can bring you back.”

“If you have no goal, you have nothing. You have to know where to go. You need a vision.”

…But, Focus on Small Wins

Once you have your vision, then you need to put in the reps or mileage. This is exactly what Arnold, whom many consider the greatest bodybuilder of all-time, had to do in order to recover from his heart surgery. 

“I asked the doctors, ‘When can I get up?’ And the doctor says 3 to 4 days. People don’t die from the procedure; they die from pneumonia and lungs filling with fluid,” recalls Arnold.

“I’m going to be up tomorrow and I’m going to be walking. Get me a walker. And that’s what I did. I went for walks, would lie back down, rest, and then get back up for another walk. I was a fanatic. I built up to 2-hour walks. Then, I traded the walker for a cane.”

Within 6 days he was out of the hospital. Just 3 weeks later he was working out with light weights. And, as he promised, three-and-a-half months later, he was on set for Terminator 6.

“The director said, ‘I can’t believe you had open-heart surgery three-and-a-half months ago,’” says Schwarzenegger.

“We all have setbacks, but, if you have a very clear vision and a clear goal, then you put in the reps, you can come back.” 

Find Your “On Switch”

Despite his success, Arnold isn’t immune to having down moments or aging. But, it’s his ability to adapt and be self-aware that allows him to keep on thriving.

“When I hit 50, I realized I was not able to come back as quickly at 2 am for filming after 2 hours of sleep. So I said, ‘I will never sleep again at night when I’m filming.’ But, I needed something to give me a spark.”

That spark was chess.

“The more chess I played, the more alert I was and able to come to the set fully charged because my mind was ready from all the chess. I remembered the lines 100% and the physical work felt 100%.”

“You have to figure out what it takes to be on. When you have a setback or feel sluggish or mentally tired, you must find a way to recharge.”

Busy Is OK. Distracted Is Not.

In the 1970s, Arnold found himself overwhelmed with bodybuilding, acting, buying real estate, and building construction. 

“A lot of things were coming together at once. I was overloaded,” recalls Schwarzenegger.

At that point, Arnold turned to meditation, something he has discussed in the past. For a year, he would meditate 20 minutes in the morning and another 20 minutes at night. Whereas many might find meditation beneficial for its ability to calm and destress, Arnold found another invaluable benefit that continues to help him today.

“[After meditating] all of a sudden, I could focus on one thing. I could do real estate and not be thinking about bodybuilding When training, I wasn’t thinking about acting. I got really focused and learned how to focus, and it made me better at everything I did.

“Knowing how to focus on one thing at a time has made me better at everything I did.”


Whatever you take away from Arnold, the foundation of his mindset is rooted in something we can all possess: confidence. And it’s that confidence that has allowed Arnold to take chances and push himself to heights no one could’ve ever imagined — except maybe himself. 

“Prove to [the world] that there are extraordinary things that can happen because that’s when they can.”


The post 8 Lessons From Arnold Schwarzenegger That Will Set You Up For Success appeared first on Born Fitness.

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Live Tracker of the Coronavirus: Deaths and Cases

The U.S. economy shrank at a 4.8 percent annual rate in the first quarter. Officially, more than 53,000 have died, according to The Times’s count, but death rates suggest the true toll is far greater.

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Gilead Claims ‘Positive Data’ to Come From N.I.H. Trial of Remdesivir

Neither the company nor the institutes discussed the data. Previous results for the potential coronavirus treatment have been inconclusive.

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‘Will You Help Save My Brother?’: The Scramble to Find Covid-19 Plasma Donors

A doctor stricken with Covid-19 was running out of options. His family mounted a search for a donor whose plasma might help.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: 100 Days and One Million Confirmed Infections in U.S.

The first patient in the country tested positive on Jan. 20. Officially, more than 53,000 have died, but death rates suggest the toll is much higher. President Trump signed an order to keep meat plants open.

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The 4-Second Workout

Intense bursts of exercise throughout the day may have surprising metabolic benefits.

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Aching for My Grandchildren in Isolation

With my compromised immunity, blowing kisses through the window is an act of love and hope.

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Coronavirus World Updates

The virus was found in the air at two hospitals in Wuhan, China, the first real-world examples that airborne transmission may be possible. And in Russia, the government extended a nationwide lockdown until May 11.

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mardi 28 avril 2020

Filtered Coffee May Be Especially Good for Heart Health

Coffee put through a paper filter had enhanced benefits compared to methods like French press or espresso.

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Filtered Coffee May Be Especially Good for Heart Health

Coffee put through a paper filter had enhanced benefits compared to methods like French press or espresso.

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Airborne Coronavirus Detected in Wuhan Hospitals

While the RNA of the virus was found in tiny droplets in China, scientists don’t know if it was capable of transmitting the virus.

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Mel Baggs, Blogger on Autism and Disability, Dies at 39

Candid blog posts and a widely viewed short film sought to expand the very definition of what it means to be human.

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Sexting, Consent and the ‘Quaranteen’

Guidance for parents on talking to teens about consent while on lockdown. Hint: Use French fries as an example.

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Let the Sunshine in

Sunlight is not a cure for coronavirus, but it does have other benefits for mind and body.

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Endless Summer Puts Homebound Kids at Risk for Weight Gain

With schools shuttered, the inactivity and snacking typical of summer breaks puts more students at risk of obesity and health ills.

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Live Coronavirus News and Updates

At least a dozen U.S. states forged ahead with a variety of strategies to ease restrictions. The C.D.C. expanded the list of symptoms associated with the virus. The relief program for small businesses faltered again.

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Coronavirus Diplomacy: How China’s Red Cross Serves the Communist Party

The Red Cross in China seems like any other humanitarian group. But there is one crucial difference: it is funded and directed by the Chinese Communist Party.

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Endless Summer Puts Homebound Kids at Risk for Weight Gain

With schools shuttered, the inactivity and snacking typical of summer breaks puts more students at risk of obesity and health ills.

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A Mother, a Pandemic and Scorched Rice

“You have an American amount of rice,” my mother told me as news of the coronavirus intensified. “Go get the biggest bag you can find.”

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Unified in Coronavirus Lockdown, India Splinters Over Reopening

As India starts loosening restrictions, a once-broad consensus among leaders on how to proceed has weakened — and many people are staying home anyway.

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Marc Benioff’s $25 Million Blitz to Buy Protective Gear From China

A call from a university chancellor set in motion a private sector effort to procure 50 million masks, gowns and swabs for American medical facilities.

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World Coronavirus Coverage: Live Tracker

Even Malaysia’s deputy health minister fell afoul of the rules. In India, plans for a partial reopening create fear and uncertainty.

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Abortion by Telemedicine: A Growing Option as Access to Clinics Wanes

The coronavirus has created a surge in demand for telemedicine of all types — including for a quietly expanding program for terminating pregnancies.

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lundi 27 avril 2020

Trump’s Bleach Statements Echo Claims by ‘Miracle Cure’ Quacks

Doctors and public health officials fear the attention could boost purveyors of dangerous elixirs who push ‘miracle cures’ with no basis in science.

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Behind the Wheel, Women Are Safer Drivers Than Men

Compared with women, male drivers of cars and vans were involved in twice as many fatal accidents.

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Arthritis Drug Did Not Help Seriously Ill Covid Patients, Early Data Shows

The drug, sarilumab, sold as Kevzara, didn’t show benefits to patients who were hospitalized but not on ventilators. The study will continue with critically ill patients.

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Live Coronavirus in the US Updates

About three million cases have been detected around the world, and the global death toll passed 200,000. The C.D.C. added six new Covid-19 symptoms. Some states gradually allowed some businesses to open, as oil prices plummeted.

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World Coronavirus Pandemic: Live Updates

Even as the global death toll passed 200,000, countries are mapping out a return to public life. New Zealand will loosen restrictions on Tuesday, and Italy next week.

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C.D.C. Adds New Symptoms to Its List of Possible Covid-19 Signs

Chills, muscle pain, sore throat and headache are among the ailments now considered potential indicators of the disease.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Social Distancing Will Last for Months, Birx Says

About three million cases have been detected around the world, and the global death toll passed 200,000. States across the United States gradually allowed some businesses to resume even as social distancing remains the norm.

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A Survey of Essential Workers Shows a Political Divide

Most of them worry about contagion, but there’s a partisan difference in concern levels and workplace safety actions.

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Coronavirus as a Reminder of the Urgency of Getting Your Vaccines

Even before the pandemic, many parents rejected readily available, safe and effective immunizations that can protect their children.

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Can Estrogen and Other Sex Hormones Help Men Survive Covid-19?

Men are more likely than women to die of the coronavirus, so scientists are treating them with something women have more of: female sex hormones.

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World Coronavirus News: Live Coverage

Limited testing means the actual toll is higher. In New Zealand, restrictions will begin to loosen on Tuesday. Mosques will reopen in Iran.

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dimanche 26 avril 2020

Can Antibody Tests Help End the Coronavirus Pandemic?

The tests are not reliable enough to guide policy on lockdowns and reopenings, experts said. But they can help model the spread of the virus.

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“My actions were an error in judgment for which there are no excuses and I will learn from this episode,” State Senator Dale Zorn said of his homemade face mask.

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Needing At-Home Workers, Call Centers Turn to People With Disabilities

Companies caught short by the pandemic are hiring from a pool that was already prepared to handle a surge in phone traffic away from offices.

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32 Days on a Ventilator: One Covid Patient’s Fight to Breathe Again

Jim Bello, 49 and healthy, fell gravely ill, highlighting agonizing mysteries of the coronavirus. Doctors’ relentless effort to save him was a roller-coaster of devastating and triumphant twists.

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Live Coronavirus News and Updates

The governor of Colorado says that if policymakers fail to adjust social distancing carefully to keep the virus at bay while reopening the economy, then “the stay-at-home was for nothing.”

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Closed Hospitals Leave Rural Patients ‘Stranded’ as Coronavirus Spreads

A for-profit company bought three struggling hospitals in West Virginia and Ohio. Doctors were fired, supplies ran low and many in need of care had to journey elsewhere. Then the doors shut for good.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: U.K. Leader to Return to Work After Battling Covid-19

Wuhan, the Chinese city where the outbreak first emerged, has no more hospitalized coronavirus patients, an official said.

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samedi 25 avril 2020

Amid the Coronavirus Crisis, Heart and Stroke Patients Go Missing

Emergency physicians are seeing declines in the number of patients arriving with cardiac problems. Some say they were afraid to go to the hospital.

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Prescriptions Surged as Trump Praised Drugs in Coronavirus Fight

Prescriptions for two antimalarial drugs jumped by 46 times the average when the president promoted them on TV. There’s no proof they work against Covid-19.

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Coronavirus Live News and Updates

As of Friday, the U.S. death toll was more than 45,000 and the global total was creeping toward 200,000, even as nations and American cities tentatively reopen.

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March, April, May: City’s Mood Darkens as Crisis Feels Endless

With no clues about when the pandemic might subside, short-term discomfort is becoming long-term despair: “I feel like I have accepted this, and given up.”

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World Coronavirus Tracker: Live Coverage

The global death toll is nearing 200,000. Britain’s government is under pressure to be more open about a secretive group that is shaping its handling of the pandemic.

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vendredi 24 avril 2020

California Lifts Ban on Plastic Bags Amid Virus Concerns

For the next 60 days, supermarkets in the state can hand out single-use bags without charging. Some are skeptical that suspending the ban will protect anyone’s health.

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Coronavirus Antibody Tests: Can You Trust the Results?

A team of scientists worked around the clock to evaluate 14 antibody tests. A few worked as advertised. Most did not.

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F.D.A. Warns of Heart Problems From Malaria Drugs Used for Coronavirus

The drugs, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, have been repeatedly promoted by President Trump. But they should be used only in clinical trials or hospitals, the agency said.

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‘Playing Russian Roulette’: Nursing Homes Told to Take the Infected

California, New Jersey and New York have made nursing homes accept Covid-19 patients from hospitals. Residents and workers fear the policy is risking lives.

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How Should You Stock Your Medicine Cabinet?

We asked pharmacists and doctors what they would want in the house for their own families. Here’s what they suggested.

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The Beginner Resistance Band Workout You Can Do At Home

Are you doing a lot of home workouts right now but it all feels a bit random? We’re here to stop that.

No more random bodyweight workouts.

No more random resistance band workouts.

If you want to make the most of this time at home, you need a training plan.

One that’s designed to improve your strength and build muscle week-after-week.

We’ve got you covered.

This resistance band workout is a take on the classic Push, Pull, Legs (PPL) template, which is a 3-day muscle and strength-building split. Our approach was to keep it simple for beginners. Rest assured that this split addresses all of the major muscle groups.

Instead of using barbells or dumbbells, we’re going to maximize the use of resistance bands. Don’t have one at home? We will our recommendation below on what you can order today.

How? By using tactics and exercises that drive more muscular tension and push you closer to fatigue.

Are you new to training with resistance bands?

The first question you should ask is what is your fitness level? This article is targeted for beginners.

So let’s start with setting the right resistance.

The key is that for each exercise you need the band to start above its resting threshold.

In simpler terms, you should feel the resistance in the band before you begin any of the exercises outlined below. What is most important during a resistance band workout is not to rush through the movements. Be sure to take your time, feel the burn, and squeeze your muscles during the workout. You want it to have constant tension.

What if you don’t have a resistance band at home?

Here’s the band we recommend right now: The EliteFTS Pro Monster Mini Resistance Band.

How often should you train?

You may train more than 3 times per week, but always follow a Push, Pull, Legs cadence.

Here are some sample splits that you may consider:

Once Per Week

  • Monday: Leg workout
  • Tuesday: Off
  • Wednesday: Push workout (upper body workout)
  • Thursday: Off
  • Friday: Pull workout (upper body workout)
  • Saturday/Sunday: Off

Every Day, No Off Days

  • Monday: Leg workout
  • Tuesday: Push workout (upper body workout)
  • Wednesday: Pull workout (upper body workout)
  • Thursday: Leg workout
  • Friday: Push workout (upper body workout)
  • Saturday: Pull workout (upper body workout)
  • Sunday: Leg workout

Every day, no off days: Lower, Push, Pull, repeat

3 On And 1 Off

  • Monday: Leg workout
  • Tuesday: Push workout (upper body workout)
  • Wednesday: Pull workout (upper body workout)
  • Thursday: Off
  • Friday: Leg workout
  • Saturday: Push workout (upper body workout)
  • Sunday: Pull workout (upper body workout)
  • Monday: You would start again with Lower body

And, although we’ve assigned 3 sets for most lifts below. The number of sets is really up to you.

If you only have 20 minutes, just run through all of the exercises once.

Have an hour and really want to get after it? Do 4 sets.

How Do You Get The Right Tension In The Band

Getting the right tension in your bands comes down to your foot placement within the bands.

Get it right, and the band will resist your full range of motion. Get it wrong, and the band will be either too tight (and therefore restrict your range of motion) or not tight enough to challenge you.

Here’s a quick video on where to put your feet in the bands.

Exercise Band Video Demonstrations

Let’s go through each movement below to make sure you are doing it with proper form.

Kneeling Adductor Stretch

Glute Bridge

Band Resisted Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat

Band Resisted RDL

Bear Crawl 

Band Resisted Glute Bridge

Bodyweight Squat 

Shoulder Taps

Single Leg Plank


Band Resisted Floor Press

Pike Press

Band Resisted Lateral Raise

Band Resisted Tricep Pressdown

Bird Dog

Band Resisted Face Pull

Single Arm Resistance Band Row

Hollow Band Resistance Band Lat Pulldown

Band Resisted Bent Over Row

Resistance Band Pull Apart

Resistance Band Hammer Curl

4-Week Resistance Band Workout For Beginners

Below we share our 4-week resistance band workout, exercise videos for each, and a video showing the entire workout.

Legs Resistance Band Exercises

A1. Kneeling Adductor Stretch  2x :30 hold
A2. Glute Bridge 2×10
B1. Band Resisted Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat 3×10-12ea
C1. Band Resisted RDL 3×10-12
C2. Bear Crawl  3×10 yards
D1. Band Resisted Glute Bridge 3×10-15
E1. Bodyweight Squat  2×20 + :10 hold last rep

Push Resistance Band Exercises

A1. Shoulder Taps 2x8ea
A2. Single Leg Plank (:15 ea leg) 2x:30
B1. Pushups 3×10-12
B2. Band Resisted Floor Press 3×10 (squeeze at top for :2)
C1. Pike Press (or Inchworm) 3×5-12
D1. Band Resisted Lateral Raise 3×12-15
D2. Band Resisted Tricep Pressdown 3×12-15

Pull Resistance Band Exercises

A1. Bird Dog 2x10ea
A2. Band Resisted Face Pull 2×10
B1. Single Arm Resistance Band Row 3×10-12ea
C1. Hollow Band Resistance Band Lat Pulldown 3×10-12
D1. Band Resisted Bent Over Row 3×10-12
E1. Resistance Band Pull Apart 3×15-20
E2. Resistance Band Hammer Curl 3×15-20

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The post The Beginner Resistance Band Workout You Can Do At Home appeared first on Born Fitness.

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I Was Ready to Help Fight the Pandemic. Then I Got Sick Myself.

As a surgeon, I anticipated seeing Covid-19 through the eyes of a medical professional. But being a patient was a different matter.

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Coronavirus in the USA: Live Updates

The F.D.A. warned the drugs can cause dangerous abnormalities in heart rhythm. The maker of Lysol and other disinfectants issued a warning against improper use of its products after President Trump touted their power to kill the virus.

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What’s a Pulse Oximeter, and Do I Really Need One at Home?

A tiny fingertip device can give you valuable information about your health during a bout of Covid-19 or any respiratory illness.

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Coronavirus in the USA: Live Updates

The F.D.A. warned the drugs can cause dangerous abnormalities in heart rhythm. The maker of Lysol and other disinfectants issued a warning against improper use of its products after President Trump touted their power to kill the virus.

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Live Coronavirus World Tracker

China reported no new coronavirus deaths for at least the seventh straight day. Pakistani doctors warn that the country is loosening its lockdown too soon.

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Do You Want to Die in an I.C.U.? Pandemic Makes Question All Too Real

Sobering statistics for older patients sharpen the need to draw up advanced directives for treatment and share them with their families.

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Could the Power of the Sun Slow the Coronavirus?

A study suggests that ultraviolet rays could slow the virus, though not enough to wipe it out, and not as a treatment.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Trump to Sign Aid Deal; States Struggle With Soaring Jobless Claims

The $484 billion relief package aims to prop up small businesses but has no money for state governments. Tantalizing new clues are changing the understanding of the depth of the virus’s spread across the U.S.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Trump to Sign Aid Deal; States Struggle With Soaring Jobless Claims

The $484 billion relief package aims to prop up small businesses but has no money for state governments. Tantalizing new clues are changing the understanding of the depth of the virus’s spread across the U.S.

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Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Kill Viruses. ‘Not as a Treatment,’ Birx Says.

At a briefing, the president promoted unproven treatments and asked Dr. Deborah Birx if she had heard of the success of sunlight as a tool against viruses.

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Do You Want to Die in an I.C.U.? Pandemic Makes Question All Too Real

Sobering statistics for older patients sharpen the need to draw up advanced directives for treatment and share them with their families.

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How to Create Screen-Life Balance When Life Has Shifted to Screens

Being thoughtful about our use of screens can help us emerge from this crisis empowered and in control, and with more self-awareness.

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Trump Asks if Sunlight Can Kill Viruses. ‘Not as a Treatment,’ Birx Says.

At a briefing, the president promoted unproven treatments and asked Dr. Deborah Birx if she had heard of the success of sunlight as a tool against viruses.

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World Coronavirus News: Live Coverage

China reported no new coronavirus deaths for at least the seventh straight day. A lockdown in the Philippine capital has been extended to mid-May.

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jeudi 23 avril 2020

C.D.C. Stresses Need for Coronavirus Testing at Homeless Shelters

A study of four cities suggested that those living in close quarters in shelters can spread the virus at high rates even when asymptomatic.

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Nearly All Patients Hospitalized With Covid-19 Had Chronic Health Issues, Study Finds

Only 6 percent of patients at one New York area health system had no chronic conditions. Hypertension, obesity and diabetes were common.

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When Mental Distress Comes Home

The pandemic has closed many mental-health residential centers, sending residents home to families ill-equipped for the challenges.

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When Mental Distress Comes Home

The pandemic has closed many mental-health residential centers, sending residents home to families ill-equipped for the challenges.

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Nearly All Patients Hospitalized With Covid-19 Had Chronic Health Issues, Study Finds

Only 6 percent of patients at one New York area health system had no chronic conditions. Hypertension, obesity and diabetes were common.

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1 in 5 New Yorkers May Have Had Covid-19, Antibody Tests Suggest

Accurate antibody testing is a critical tool to determine if the pandemic has slowed enough to begin restarting the economy.

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Be a Friend to the Elderly, Get Paid

Combating loneliness is vital work. Services that offer ‘grandkids on demand’ are doing just that.

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Hospitals Play ‘Songs of Hope’ as Virus Patients Go Home

Anthems like “Don’t Stop Believin’,” the “Rocky” theme and “Every Breath You Take” have been adopted by hospitals to celebrate each victory in the battle against coronavirus.

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What to Say (and Not Say) to Workers on the Front Lines

Send messages of support, without the expectation of a reply.

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26 Million Americans Have Filed for Unemployment: Live Updates

Senator Mitch McConnell said states should consider declaring bankruptcy. The discovery of an early death rewrote the timeline of the U.S. outbreak.

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Goggles, Masks, Ponchos: Air Travel in the Days of the Coronavirus

Some people who have had to board commercial flights in recent weeks have taken elaborate precautions to protect themselves from the coronavirus.

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Coronavirus News: Live Updates

Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate leader, said states should consider declaring bankruptcy. Unemployment is set to soar again. The discovery of an early death rewrote the timeline of the U.S. outbreak.

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Coronavirus News: Live Updates

Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate leader, said states should consider declaring bankruptcy. Unemployment is set to soar again. The discovery of an early death rewrote the timeline of the U.S. outbreak.

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Vaccine Rates Drop Dangerously as Parents Avoid Doctor’s Visits

Afraid of Covid-19, parents are postponing well-child checkups, including shots, putting millions of children at risk of exposure to preventable deadly diseases.

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You’re in the Army Now. Roll Up Your Sleeve.

Getting shots is part of the military. But an influenza vaccination Pfc. Monroe Scherer received in late 1945 made him sick for a week.

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Pakistan Coronavirus Lockdown Is Thwarted by Imams as Ramadan Nears

The government gave in to clerics’ demands that mosques be allowed to stay open during the Islamic holy month. Now critics are asking who’s in charge.

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Coronavirus World News: From Beirut to Hong Kong, Pandemic Quiets Mass Protests

The pandemic is shaking assumptions about American exceptionalism. Pakistani clerics override lockdown orders as Ramadan nears. New restrictions in northern China show the challenge of containing the virus.

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mercredi 22 avril 2020

The Fear of Coronavirus and Flu Colliding in the Fall

Even as the president plays down that possibility, the C.D.C. chief and other experts warn of a dual challenge.

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The Fear of Coronavirus and Flu Colliding in the Fall

Even as the president plays down that possibility, the C.D.C. chief and other experts warn of a dual challenge.

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Two Cats Are First U.S. Pets to Test Positive for Coronavirus

The animals appear to have mild symptoms and likely caught the virus from their owners. And there’s no evidence pets can pass it to humans.

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Coronavirus in US: Live Updates

The first known death from the illness came in early February in California. An order by Trump will impose a 60-day halt in issuing green cards. Some stability returned to the energy market.

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Live Coronavirus Global News Tracker

The European Union accused Poland and Hungary of undermining democracy — and awarded them billions. Meanwhile, shutdowns and an oil glut are crushing national economies.

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‘Instead of Coronavirus, the Hunger Will Kill Us.’ A Global Food Crisis Looms.

The world has never faced a hunger emergency like this, experts say. It could double the number of people facing acute hunger to 265 million by the end of this year.

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As Leaders Urge Face Masks, Their Behavior Muffles the Message

The medical guidelines are clear, but it’s not always an easy choice for image-conscious politicians.

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India Sees Coronavirus Threat to Fragile Population: Tigers

The country is home to most of the world’s wild tigers, and wildlife authorities announced steps to protect them.

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Solving the Mysteries of Coronavirus With Genetic Fingerprints

Scientists traced the virus brought to the Seattle area in January. They were astonished to learn that the same branch of the virus traveled on through at least a dozen states and to other parts of the world.

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Coronavirus Crisis Offers Taiwan a Chance to Push Back Against China

Saying “Taiwan Can Help,” the island is resisting China’s efforts to isolate the self-ruling democracy that Beijing claims as its territory.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Clues Emerge on Virus’s Path; Trump Orders Halt on Green Cards

The first known death from the illness in the U.S. came weeks earlier than thought. The Senate approved a $484 billion relief plan.

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Older and Stuck at Home? Expert Advice on Fitness

Experts who study exercise and aging offer tips for older adults during the coronavirus lockdown.

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Coronavirus World Updates: Missouri Sues China Over Outbreak

The lawsuit, which says China’s response led to the pandemic, has little chance of succeeding, experts say. And Iraq said it would not bow to pressure from Iran, which has been hard hit by the virus, to open its shared border.

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mardi 21 avril 2020

New U.S. Treatment Guidelines for Covid-19 Don’t See Much Progress

A panel of experts said there was insufficient evidence about many drugs that have been considered as possible remedies for coronavirus patients, including some President Trump has advocated.

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Ann Sullivan, Animator of Disney Hits, Dies at 91

She contributed to modern favorites like “The Little Mermaid” and “The Lion King.” She succumbed to complications of Covid-19.

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Coronavirus Infections May Not Be Uncommon, Tests Suggest

Two preliminary efforts to survey citizens for antibodies to the virus have produced controversial results.

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Compártenos tus fotos desde la trinchera del coronavirus

Nos gustaría saber de los médicos, enfermeros y trabajadores sanitarios que arriesgan la vida para salvarnos durante la pandemia del coronavirus. ¿Por qué estás haciendo lo que haces?

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Congress Reaches Deal With White House On Aid Package

Oil prices cratered. President Trump announced a plan to suspend immigration in a late-night tweet with few details. Mayors in Georgia pushed back on the governor’s decision to reopen the state.

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Can You Make a Mask Out of Jeans? Bra Pads? Reusable Grocery Bags?

More researchers are studying everyday materials for homemade masks. Here are the latest findings.

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How Many Coronavirus Infections? Rewards for Testing May Provide an Answer

Economists say incentives could overcome hurdles in gauging the overall coronavirus infection and mortality rates from a limited population sample.

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Christian Health Sharing Group Is Target of Customer Lawsuits

State regulators in New York and elsewhere are also trying to stop the marketing of plans they say look like health insurance but offer no guarantees of coverage.

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Live Coronavirus Global News Tracker

A new report warns that the number of people facing acute hunger could double. In southern Italy, the pandemic is choking an already fragile economy.

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Dementia Patients Aren’t in Their ‘Perfect Mind.’ Then Again, Who Is?

In “On Vanishing,” Lynn Casteel Harper argues that society needs a better approach to understand and care for people who are suffering cognitive decline.

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As Coronavirus Spreads, Poison Hotlines See Rise in Accidents With Cleaning Products

A new study suggests a link between the increase and recommendations to clean and disinfect.

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As Coronavirus Spreads, Poison Hotlines See Rise in Accidents With Cleaning Products

A new study suggests a link between the increase and recommendations to clean and disinfect.

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Help! My Mask Fogs My Glasses

Health workers have a few tricks for solving this vexing problem, but it will take trial and error to find the one that works for you.

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F.D.A. Approves First In-Home Test for Coronavirus

The test, sold by LabCorp, would first be made available to health care and other front-line workers, the company said.

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Coronavirus Roommate Tips: The Dos and Don'ts

In most zombie movies, there’s usually someone who endangers the lot. Don’t let that be you.

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Live Coronavirus Global News Tracker

Hong Kong announced an extension in its restrictions a day after reporting no new cases. And President Trump said he planned to close the United States to people trying to immigrate.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Trump Says He Will Suspend Immigration

President Trump announced the temporary ban in a late-night tweet with few details. The worldwide death toll from the pandemic is far higher than official counts suggest, according to a Times analysis.

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Daily Aspirin Tied to Lower Risk of Various Digestive Cancers

Regular aspirin use was associated with a reduced risk for colon, rectal, stomach, esophageal, liver, gallbladder and pancreatic cancers.

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Helping Teens Make Room for Uncomfortable Emotions

Psychological health includes being able to bear unpleasant feelings.

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Dancing With My Mortality

I’ve been dying for a long time. Here’s what I’ve learned about how it’s done.

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Coronavirus Is Forcing Medical Research to Speed Up

What does it mean for science — and public health — that scientific journals are now publishing research at warp speed?

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Coronavirus Global Tracker: Trump Plans Immigration Ban

Hong Kong announced the extension a day after reporting no new cases. And President Trump said he planned to close the United States to people trying to immigrate.

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lundi 20 avril 2020

How Coronavirus Infected Some, but Not All, in a Restaurant

A limited study by Chinese researchers suggests the role played by air currents in spreading the illness in enclosed spaces.

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Live Coronavirus News and Updates

Congress is nearing a $450 billion deal to aid taxpayers and small businesses. Maryland’s governor struck a deal with South Korea for test kits. As the virus overwhelms the health care system, people with other illnesses struggle to find treatment.

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Married E.R. Workers Fear the Worst: What Would Happen to Their Son?

A couple who both work in New York City public hospitals are facing unimagined strain as they fight the coronavirus pandemic.

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Coronavirus Live Cases Tracker: World Coverage

An early success story, Singapore is having a surge in cases. The director of a Chinese lab rejected suggestions that the virus originated there.

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The Pandemic’s Hidden Victims: Sick or Dying, but Not From the Virus

As the coronavirus overwhelms the health care system, people with other illnesses struggle to find treatment.

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The Pandemic’s Hidden Victims: Sick or Dying, but Not From the Virus

As the coronavirus overwhelms the health care system, people with other illnesses struggle to find treatment.

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Help! My Mask Fogs My Glasses

Health workers have a few tricks for solving this vexing problem, but it will take trial and error to find the one that works for you.

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Breastfeeding May Lower Risk of Ovarian Cancer

Nursing for three months was associated with an 18 percent lower risk of ovarian cancer, and for more than a year with a 34 percent lower risk.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: States Plead for More Testing and Congress Considers More Aid

Governors demanded wider screening before opening their economies, but shortages of supplies and diagnostic kits persisted. Congress neared a $450 billion deal to aid taxpayers and small businesses.

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How Poor Diet Contributes to Coronavirus Risk

Improving our metabolic health could help ward off future medical, economic and social calamities from whatever pathogen next comes down the pike.

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C-Section Births May Increase Risk for Diabetes

Women born by cesarean section had a higher risk for developing Type 2 diabetes decades later.

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World News Updates: Germany Begins Reopening Shops as Coronavirus Limits Ease

Smaller stores in Germany were allowed to open for the first time in nearly a month. Protests in Brazil included calls for a return to military rule. China warned its citizens in Russia to stay there.

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World News Updates: Brazil President Speaks at Anti-Quarantine Protests

The protests in Brazil included calls for a return to military rule. China warns its citizens in Russia to stay there.

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dimanche 19 avril 2020

70 Died at a Nursing Home As Body Bags Piled Up. This Is What Went Wrong.

The sprawling New Jersey nursing home, which was chronically short of staff and protective equipment, quickly fell prey to the coronavirus.

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Bars and Restaurants Peel Cash From Walls to Help Idled Workers

Owners are removing currency that had been stapled or taped inside their businesses to donate to employees affected by the coronavirus shutdown.

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Lady Gaga's One World Concert: Pop Music Faces the Coronavirus in Prime Time

Lady Gaga, the Rolling Stones, Billie Eilish and more took over the major networks for a Global Citizen event celebrating essential workers and supporting the World Health Organization.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Test First, Reopen Second, Hard-Hit States Say

New York and New Jersey say they can’t reopen their economies without wider testing for the virus. Civil rights organizers are finding new ways to organize during the lockdown.

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‘Turn Around, Go Back’: Summer Islands Don’t Want Coronavirus, or You

With few medical resources to fight the virus, residents of the island havens east of New York City have fiercely protected their secluded hometowns.

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Thousands in Bangladesh Defy Coronavirus Lockdown for Funeral: Live Updates

Several police officers were suspended for failing to disperse the crowd. The Global Citizens concert ran for eight hours, with performances from some of the biggest names in entertainment.

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Competitive Marble Racing Finds Fans in a World Missing Sports

Videos of the races are meant to be an escape from reality and a distraction from the coronavirus pandemic, organizers say.

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samedi 18 avril 2020

‘Something Is Going to Explode’: When Coronavirus Strikes a Prison

An oral history of the first fatal outbreak in the federal prison system, in Oakdale, La.

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C.D.C. Labs Were Contaminated, Delaying Coronavirus Testing, Officials Say

Fallout from the agency’s failed rollout of national coronavirus kits two months ago continues to haunt U.S. efforts to combat the spread of the highly infectious virus.

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Liyna Anwar, 30, Dies; Publicized Inequities in Stem Cell Registry

She was a journalist of South Asian descent whose struggle to find a matching donor to treat her leukemia became a cri de coeur and encouraged more people of color to register.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Rising Shortage of Dialysis Units Alarms Doctors

Democratic lawmakers and the Trump administration seek to break an impasse over a small-business loan program.

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An Overlooked, Possibly Fatal Coronavirus Crisis: A Dire Need for Kidney Dialysis

Ventilators aren’t the only machines in intensive care units that are in short supply. Doctors have been confronting an unexpected rise in patients with failing kidneys.

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The Coronavirus in America: The Year Ahead

There will be no quick return to our previous lives, according to nearly two dozen experts. But there is hope for managing the scourge now and in the long term.

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Are Face Masks the New Condoms?

If people with no symptoms are spreading the coronavirus, as some studies suggest, it may be time to give face masks the kind of advertising and promotion that support condoms as lifesavers.

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Coronavirus News: Live Protest Updates

Supporters of President Trump plan to participate in the “You Can’t Close America” rally even as Texas’ governor said he was starting a “phased-in” approach to reopen the state economy.

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In Italy, a Sharp Drop in Coronavirus I.C.U. Patients: Live Coverage

Africa is desperate for ventilators. Pockets of people reluctant to take a coronavirus vaccine are emerging. A petition says Japan’s Olympic Village should house homeless people.

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In Spain, a Call to ‘Free Our Children’ From Coronavirus Confinement

The strictest lockdown measure in Europe have left countless children bored, exhausted and sometimes depressed.

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Are Face Masks the New Condoms?

If people with no symptoms are spreading the coronavirus, as some studies suggest, it may be time to give face masks the kind of advertising and promotion that support condoms as lifesavers.

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Coronavirus World Live Tracker: Donald Trump, China, Mexico

Iran lifted Tehran’s lockdown despite warnings from health officials. A judge ordered Mexico to extend virus protections to migrants.

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vendredi 17 avril 2020

At Least New Yorkers Can Still Roll Their Eyes

Most people are seeming to obey, if sometimes reluctantly, the new statewide order to wear facial coverings in public wherever social distancing is not possible.

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When Duty Calls, and Menaces

Amid the cheers of gratitude, a painful debate is brewing as doctors grapple with whether to join the front lines of a pandemic.

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Fears of Ventilator Shortage During Coronavirus Pandemic Unleash a Wave of Innovations

Hair dryer hoods, sleep apnea machines and simply flipping patients on their stomach have helped sustain patients and reduced the need for critical care ventilators.

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Global Tracker: Denmark, India, France, Spain Virus News

The most vulnerable of the young could face poverty, lost schooling, medical distress and hunger, a U.N. report says. Nearly half of the sailors in a French aircraft carrier group tested positive for the coronavirus.

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Live Coronavirus News Updates

Stocks jumped as investors rallied around efforts to reopen parts of the economy. Epidemiologists expect resurgent waves of infection that could last into 2022.

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Live Coronavirus News Updates

Stocks jumped as investors rallied around efforts to reopen parts of the economy. Epidemiologists expect resurgent waves of infection that could last into 2022.

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Fears of Ventilator Shortage Unleash a Wave of Innovations

Hair dryer hoods, sleep apnea machines and simply flipping patients on their stomach have helped sustain patients and reduced the need for critical care ventilators.

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Trump Calls This Drug a ‘Game Changer.’ Doctors Aren’t So Sure.

The malaria drug hydroxychloroquine has become a political litmus test. But doctors on the front lines of coronavirus say it’s just another tool in desperate times.

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We All Live in Bubbles Now. How Safe Is Yours?

Isolating with others requires rules and trust. What happens if your roommate keeps seeing other people?

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Is the Virus on My Clothes? My Shoes? My Hair? My Newspaper?

We asked the experts to answer questions about all the places coronavirus lurks (or doesn’t). You’ll feel better after reading this.

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When Coronavirus Care Gets Lost in Translation

Medical interpreters must now work remotely, multiplying the challenges for front-line doctors and non-English-speaking patients.

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Doctors Press F.D.A. to Let More Gay Men Donate Blood

A letter signed by more than 500 medical professionals cited recent fears of a blood shortage during the coronavirus pandemic.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: N.Y. Extends Shutdown; ‘Call Your Own Shots,’ Trump Tells Governors

More than 22 million Americans lost their jobs in one month, and a federal fund to help small businesses ran out of money. China’s economy took a steep dive.

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A Pulse of Joy Amid Tragedy

Under North Carolina’s stay-at-home order, our family is discovering the bounty of the mountain we live on.

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Coronavirus Updates: China Revises Its Wuhan Death Toll by 50 Percent

Chinese officials added 1,290 deaths in Wuhan, putting the new tally at 3,869. The United States is aiding the Palestinians, but the Trump administration’s larger approach isn’t changing.

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jeudi 16 avril 2020

Doctors Press F.D.A. to Let More Gay Men Donate Blood

A letter signed by more than 500 medical professionals cited recent fears of a blood shortage during the coronavirus pandemic.

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Global Coronavirus Cases Tracker: Live Coverage

Singapore reported a sharp increase in new infections, many of them among migrant laborers. As it declared a nationwide emergency, Japan said it would provide individuals with cash payments of 100,000 yen, nearly $1,000.

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Obesity Linked to Severe Coronavirus Disease, Especially for Younger Patients

Young adults with obesity are more likely to be hospitalized, even if they have no other health problems, studies show.

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Disposable N95 Masks Can Be Decontaminated, Researchers Confirm

Several methods are effective at killing the new coronavirus on N95 masks — primary protective gear for health care workers — for two or three rounds of use.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: A Loans Program to Save Jobs Runs Dry; 22 Million Americans Have Filed for Unemployment

New York extended its shutdown to May 15. New research suggests obesity is a risk factor. Protesters, some encouraged by anti-government activists, have begun demonstrating against stay-at-home orders.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: A Loans Program to Save Jobs Runs Dry; 22 Million Americans Have Filed for Unemployment

New York extended its shutdown to May 15. New research suggests obesity is a risk factor. Protesters, some encouraged by anti-government activists, have begun demonstrating against stay-at-home orders.

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A Tiny Hospital Struggles to Treat a Burst of Coronavirus Patients

Rural hospitals have few or no intensive care beds, ventilators or critical care specialists. Here’s how one hospital, with a single doctor caring for inpatients, handled a Covid-19 surge.

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Asthma Is Absent Among Top Covid-19 Risk Factors, Early Data Shows

Despite warnings that asthmatics were at higher risk for severe illness from the coronavirus, asthma is showing up in only about five percent of New York State’s fatal Covid cases.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. to Issue New Social Guidelines as Jobless Figures Are Set to Soar

Flaws in testing are hindering efforts to track the virus, adding to the risks of reopening the U.S. for business too quickly. Another dizzying jump in unemployment numbers is expected on Thursday.

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W.H.O., Now Trump’s Scapegoat, Warned About Coronavirus Early and Often

The World Health Organization, always cautious, acted more forcefully and faster than many national governments. But President Trump has decided to cut off U.S. funding to the organization.

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FEMA’s ‘Air Bridge’ to Coronavirus Hot Spots Leaves Other Regions on Their Own

The federal government’s system of directing medical supplies for the hardest-hit regions has left areas out of the spotlight scrambling to prepare as the outbreak spreads.

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Covid or No Covid, It’s Important to Plan

Now is an excellent time to assess your own situation and choose the best approach should the worst happen.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Singapore Sees Record Number of New Cases

The city-state has seen a sharp increase in infections among migrant laborers. In South Korea curbing the pandemic came with a trade-off: Big Brother.

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mercredi 15 avril 2020

Coronavirus Testing Falls Woefully Short as Trump Seeks to Reopen U.S.

Flawed tests, scarce supplies and limited access to screening have hurt the U.S.’s ability to monitor Covid-19, governors and health officials warn.

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Hailey Herrera, 25, Dies; Therapy Student Focused on Families

She was especially dedicated to working with Latino patients — and to organizing social events for friends.

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UnitedHealth Reports Profit, Citing Falling Demand for Elective Care

The health care insurance giant’s earnings is one of the first to offer a hint of how the health crisis is affecting the nation’s health care industry.

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When Older Relatives Shrug at Coronavirus Restrictions

Although the virus poses a heightened threat to older people, some of their middle-aged children feel they aren’t taking it seriously enough.

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Coronavirus Live World Tracker: Germany, W.H.O., India

Germany joined other European nations gingerly plotting a way forward. The head of the W.H.O. expressed dismay at U.S. funding cuts. More than 125,000 people have died worldwide, and confirmed infections are nearing 2 million.

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How Bubonic Plague Has Helped Russia Fight the Coronavirus

A network of health centers formed by the Soviet Union in the 1920s is providing expertise in quarantines and epidemic response for Covid-19.

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Though President Trump’s decision to halt funding centered on the W.H.O.’s response to the coronavirus, the cut could affect programs like polio eradication and developing vaccines.

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Live Coronavirus News Updates

Grocery stores and pharmacies may have seen surging demand, but many businesses closed and consumers cut their spending. President Trump’s decision to halt W.H.O. funding was condemned. Universities are anticipating a big drop in enrollment.

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In a Manila Slum, Coronavirus Lockdown Hits Hard

Life was already a struggle in the crowded shanties of San Roque. Then came the coronavirus.

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For Runners, Is 15 Feet the New 6 Feet for Social Distancing?

When we walk briskly or run, air moves differently around us, increasing the space required to maintain a proper social distance.

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What Cancer Has Taught Me About Fear

Cancer patients deal daily with dread stirred by organisms produced by the body they attack.

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How to Have a Birthday Party in the Coronavirus Age

The birthday party as we knew it is over. Here’s how to have a birthday gathering.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: In Midst of Pandemic, Trump Halts W.H.O. Payments

New York City deaths jumped on a revised official count. Governors outlined early plans to reopen economies. President Trump ordered his name to appear on stimulus checks.

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Treating Coronavirus in a Central Park ‘Hot Zone’

They’ve set up field hospitals in wartime, after natural disasters and during disease outbreaks overseas. But this is a first.

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A Visual Trek Through the Sweltering Jungle: In Search of Colombia’s ‘Lost City’

Ciudad Perdida, an ancient city that predates Machu Picchu by several hundred years, has become one of South America’s most rewarding adventure destinations.

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Living Longer, and Better

Don’t smoke. Maintain a healthy weight. Exercise regularly. Use alcohol in moderation.

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For Runners, Is 15 Feet the New 6 Feet for Social Distancing?

When we walk briskly or run, air moves differently around us, increasing the space required to maintain a proper social distance.

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Overweight at 4? Beware of Broken Bones

Overweight preschoolers had higher rates of broken arms and legs in childhood.

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What Cancer Has Taught Me About Fear

Cancer patients deal daily with dread stirred by organisms produced by the body they attack.

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M.L.B. Employees Become the Subjects of a Huge Coronavirus Study

The testing, which will screen for antibodies in workers, is intended to provide a better understanding of how many people in various parts of America have been infected.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: South Korea Goes to the Polls During Pandemic

Voters in South Korea had their temperatures checked and were made to sanitize their hands before entering polling places. Globally, more than 125,000 people have died, and confirmed infections are nearing 2 million.

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