vendredi 31 juillet 2020

Should Youth Come First in Coronavirus Care?

If medical rationing becomes necessary, some older adults are prepared to step aside. But many have the opposite concern: that they will be arbitrarily sent to the rear of the line.

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How Can I (Kindly) Tell People to Wear Masks in Public?

Our advice columnist tested a few possible lines. Here’s how that went.

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Overlooked No More: Roland Johnson, Who Fought to Shut Down Institutions for the Disabled

He survived 13 years of neglect and abuse, including sexual assault, at the notorious Pennhurst State School and Hospital outside Philadelphia before emerging as a champion for the disabled.

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Coronavirus Live News: World Updates

Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline will use government funds in exchange for millions of doses of an experimental vaccine. Britain is halting reopenings and adding regional restrictions after a surge in cases.

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Contact Tracing Is Failing in Many States. Here’s Why.

Inadequate testing and protracted delays in producing results have crippled tracking and hampered efforts to contain major outbreaks.

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Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline Snag Biggest Government Deal Yet For Covid-19 Vaccine

The arrangement brings the Trump administration’s investment in coronavirus vaccine projects to more than $8 billion. The head of the federal effort is a former GSK executive.

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Contact Tracing Is Failing in Many States. Here’s Why.

Inadequate testing and protracted delays in producing results have crippled tracking and hampered efforts to contain major outbreaks.

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In Indonesia, False Virus Cures Pushed by Those Who Should Know Better

In the absence of a unified message from the national government, local officials and opportunists have filled the gap with misinformation and quack remedies.

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Gum Disease Tied to Alzheimer’s Disease Risk

Severe gingivitis with tooth loss was associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

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jeudi 30 juillet 2020

Is Your Blood Sugar Undermining Your Workouts?

Eating a diet high in sugar and processed foods could dent our long-term health in part by changing how well our bodies respond to exercise.

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Aboard the Diamond Princess, a Case Study in Aerosol Transmission

A computer model of the cruise-ship outbreak found that the virus spread most readily in microscopic droplets light enough to linger in the air.

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Children May Carry Coronavirus at High Levels, Study Finds

The research does not prove that infected children are contagious, but it should influence the debate about reopening schools, some experts said.

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Live Coronavirus News Updates and Analysis

The spread is rapid in Arizona, Florida, North Carolina and Wisconsin, states critical to President Trump’s re-election hopes. California and Florida set single-day death records. A virus patient recovered after a rare double lung transplant.

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Cancer, Religion and a ‘Good’ Death

It is hard to know how much my patient, caught in an eternal childhood, understood about his cancer.

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As Covid Has Become a Red-State Problem, Too, Have Attitudes Changed?

There’s still a persistent partisan gap in the level of concern and in mask wearing.

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Johnson & Johnson's Covid-19 Vaccine Protects Monkeys, Study Finds

It’s the second study in a week to report promising results in monkeys for a vaccine candidate. But the real test will come with human trials that are now underway.

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A Covid Patient Goes Home After a Rare Double Lung Transplant

Mayra Ramirez was the first of a small but growing number of people whose only hope of surviving the coronavirus was to replace their lungs.

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Pandemic Loneliness in Late Life

Many seniors comply with the physical distancing and stay-at-home orders, even as we understand that social isolation generates the lethal byproducts of loneliness.

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His Face, Hands and Feet Swelled Up. What Was Going On?

The young boy’s grandmother saw strange red lines snaking around his body. Could this be an allergic reaction? A rare autoimmune disease?

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mercredi 29 juillet 2020

Old Vaccines May Stop the Coronavirus, Study Hints. Scientists Are Skeptical.

Certain vaccines may provide broad protection against infections. But new research doesn’t prove these vaccines can turn back the coronavirus, experts said.

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Why It’s Good to Be Old, Even in a Pandemic

That aging can make us better than ever may be the biggest dirty little secret of all time.

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Intermittent Fasting May Aid Weight Loss

Obese men and women who restricted the times they ate lost weight and had metabolic benefits.

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Renada McGuire, Resilient Home Health Aide, Dies at 39

She decided to work with adults with mental disabilities after giving birth to a child with challenges. She died of complications of the novel coronavirus.

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Mysterious Coronavirus Outbreak Catches Vietnam by Surprise

After months without a single coronavirus death, or even a confirmed case of local transmission, a new outbreak has struck Vietnam. And it’s spreading.

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What No One Tells You To Look For In A Healthy Diet

Each week, we review feedback from coaching clients and readers of the site and our emails. One of the most common frustrations is figuring out what to eat, specifically knowing what to look for in a healthy diet.

The reason for the struggle is that it’s not clear where to begin to fix the problem. It’s not like eating one food suddenly improves your diet.

In fact, you’re likely already aware of what stands in your way. We hear three common barriers: 

  1. Time (or lack thereof)
  2. Confusion (not being sure of what to do or believe)
  3. Motivation

A lack of time is a struggle for everyone. But, trying to make time becomes easier if you can eliminate confusion and increases motivation. 

And, despite being different issues, they are both deeply connected.

What Prevents Good Diets From Working

In the book Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard, authors Chip and Dan Heath explain that your lack of clarity undercuts both.

In their book, the Heath Brothers were speaking about business and answering the question, “Why won’t your employees do what you want?”

The answer is “Because they don’t know exactly what that is, or how to do it.”

That’s true for your health, too.

Let’s say you set out to make a big change in your life, such as losing 10, 20, or even 100 pounds. It feels exciting but also overwhelming. After all, you think to yourself, “I need to adjust my diet, exercise, and even my sleep. Where do I start?”

Maybe you decide to start by eating better, but what exactly does that mean?

Or, you say: “I’m going to work out more.” But, in the back of your mind, you wonder, “How much is ‘more’? Will it be enough to make a difference? And do I really have the time for that?”

These are the sorts of questions that can kill your motivation before you even begin. You aren’t sure what to do next, so you do nothing. Or, maybe you take a step or two, but then feel you aren’t getting results. Soon, the entire plan starts falling apart.

When you aren’t confident that a change is going to make a difference, it’s hard to truly commit to that change.

4 Habits That Make Any Diet More Effective

Before you can gain confidence in your plan, it helps to have more clarity in your plan.

The Heath Brothers explain that when you know exactly what changes to make — and you see them make a difference — you want to keep doing them.

That’s essentially the same idea behind habit-based coaching. You take one step, then another, and another.

The changes needed for weight loss start with something that seems simple. Painfully simple. Perhaps, even boring.

If you’re looking to build a healthy diet, it doesn’t start with extreme restrictions, blood tests, or need to measure every ounce of food. It begins with habits that help put you in control of your diet, no matter your food preferences or lifestyle.

This includes time-tested techniques such as:

  • Eating slowly
  • Chewing more
  • Getting enough vegetables and fruit (yes, fruit. Fruits are not evil. Neither are carbs.)
  • Sleeping 7-8 hours a night

All those habits are a big part of an effective diet plan, but you rarely hear them discussed.

Eating slowly and chewing more helps ensure that the right signals are sent to your brain to indicate when you’re full. 

Fruits and vegetables keep you fuller for longer, are loaded with valuable nutrients, and have been proven to help you eat less of the things you love but know you need to limit (hello brownie sundae).

And, sleep is likely the most-underrated diet secret because lack of sleep does everything from make you hungry to increase your cravings for salty and sweet foods.

All of that knowledge is great, but following those simple habits can feel like a chore. So, how can you “make yourself” do it?

How to Stay Motivated (Even When The Scale Goes Up)

Motivation is tricky because it feels as if it’s just a decision, but it’s actually far more complex. Motivation is actually part-psychology and part-biology, according to Eleanor Simpson, associate professor of clinical neurobiology at Columbia University.

Beneath every choice you make, your brain does a complex cost-benefit analysis. The calculation takes into account your surroundings, your history, and how you are feeling at that very moment.

That math is more likely to come out in your favor if you’re already seeing results. Think about it: when you’re down a pound or two from last week, or you feel a little stronger in your next workout, it’s easier to keep pushing and believe you’re on the right track.

Text that says "you didn't come this far to only come this far"

But, what if you’re just getting started, feeling stuck, or you’re not seeing any changes? This is when you lose faith and motivation, and even the best plan falls apart.

That’s when you need to realize two things:

  1. Remember that weight fluctuation (spikes, dips, and plateaus) are part of the process. Within any given week, if you weigh yourself daily, you’ll see days where your weight goes up. This is normal. It could be a result of how you slept, whether you had more salt or carbs than usual, stress levels, and several other reasons. But, assuming you’re staying on track with your plan, the weekly and monthly trend should be headed down, which is exactly what matters.
  2. To help you get through those days when you see a spike or you “don’t feel like it,” make sure you’ve connected your goals to a larger mission. Or, you need to remind yourself what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and that it’s time to get things done and make your goals a reality, even if it feels like it’s not going to happen. 

How to Stick To Your Diet 

If you’re looking for a simple technique to help keep yourself accountable, you might want to borrow a tactic that comes from General Stanley McChrystal, a retired four-star general who once led the U.S.’s Joint Special Operations Command, which oversees units like the Navy SEALs and Army Rangers. 

According to motivation writer Eric Barker, McChrystal always tells his soldiers:

  1. Here’s what I’m asking you to do.
  2. Here’s why it’s important.
  3. Here’s why I know you can do it.
  4. Think about what you’ve done together before.
  5. Now let’s go and do it.

Now imagine this as a conversation between you and your body. You say:

  1. I’m asking you to go for a walk three times per week.
  2. It’s important because we’re trying to shed 20 pounds and walking burns calories.
  3. I know you can do it because you walk from your parking spot to the office every morning.
  4. You’ve dedicated hours at a time to those TPS reports at work, so you have the attention span to do this.
  5. Let’s go and get moving. 

blue building with "if not now, when?" painted on the side

Try that for any change you make this year. And if it doesn’t work, try listening to the Rocky theme before you do it.

That may sound ridiculous, but it’s effective. Barker explains that, when all else fails, energetic music can improve your performance. (And it doesn’t have to be Rocky. If you prefer hip hop, R&B or even metal, do your thing.) That’s not his opinion, it’s science.

Interested In A Custom Nutrition Plan?

At Born Fitness, we know every individual is unique. There’s no one-size-fits-all nutrition plan. Our team can develop a plan around your lifestyle to help you reach your goals.

If you’re looking for more personalization and hands-on support, our online coaching program may be right for you. Every client is assigned two coaches — one for nutrition and one for fitness. Find out more here. 


The Beginner’s Guide To Fat Loss

A New Approach To Fat Loss Nutrition

Eating At Night Does Not Make You Fat

The post What No One Tells You To Look For In A Healthy Diet appeared first on Born Fitness.

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School Closures in the Spring Saved Lives, Study Asserts

But, experts caution, the findings highlight a period when few precautions were in place, and do not apply to current discussions about reopening schools.

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Live Coronavirus Updates

Federal officials urged states to take aggressive action to slow the spread of the virus while the president talked up nonexistent “virus-free” areas. Big retailers are mandating masks, but enforcement is an issue.

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A Viral Epidemic Splintering Into Deadly Pieces

There’s not just one coronavirus outbreak in the United States. Now there are many, each requiring its own mix of solutions.

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Why Is There No Consensus About Reopening Schools?

Here’s what we know: With too many variables and too few studies, schools lack the tools and data they need to strike a balance between education and health.

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Stretching May Have Cardiovascular Benefits

A 12-week program of leg, ankle and foot stretching led to vascular improvements, even in areas not involved in the exercises.

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mardi 28 juillet 2020

Moderna Vaccine Test in Monkeys Shows Promise

This coronavirus vaccine developed by government researchers and Moderna enabled the animals to quickly clear the infection from their lungs.

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The Coronavirus Could Dodge Some Treatments, Study Suggests

A laboratory experiment hints at some of the ways the virus might elude antibody treatments. Combining therapies could help, experts said.

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With Eating Disorders, Looks Can Be Deceiving

Distorted eating behaviors occur in young people irrespective of their weight, gender, race, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

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‘Amazing, Isn’t It?’ Long Sought Blood Test for Alzheimer’s in Reach

Scientists say such tests could be available in a few years, speeding research for treatments and providing a diagnosis for dementia patients who want to know if they have Alzheimer’s disease.

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Live Coronavirus News Updates and Analysis

Leaders of stricken states are considering limits on businesses. Washington lawmakers are grappling with aid levels. President Trump shared a video with misleading coronavirus claims.

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How to Stop Biting Your Nails

Start by becoming aware of the behavior. What mood accompanies the biting? Are you more likely to chew in certain rooms?

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The Pandemic’s Toll on Children With Special Needs and Their Parents

Missing social contacts and altered routines, disturbed sleep and eating habits can be particularly intense for the kids with developmental challenges.

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lundi 27 juillet 2020

Does Wearing A Mask Protect Me? Growing Evidence Says Yes

People wearing face coverings will take in fewer coronavirus particles, evidence suggests, making disease less severe.

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Moderna Begins First U.S. Late-Stage Vaccine Trial

The study aims to enroll 30,000 people this summer and determine whether the vaccine is safe and effective, possibly by November.

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The Doctor Behind the Disputed Covid Data

Dr. Sapan Desai, who supplied the data for two prominent and later retracted studies, is said to have a history of cutting corners and misrepresenting information in pursuit of his ambitions.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Moderna and N.I.H. Begin Vaccine Trial

Dr. Deborah L. Birx, the Trump administration’s coronavirus response coordinator, urged states to close bars and ban gatherings. Vietnam will evacuate tourists after its first cases in months.

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A Possible Weapon Against the Pandemic: Printing Human Tissue

Bioprinting could be used for testing potential treatments for Covid-19, cancer and other diseases.

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On the Lookout for Moose on Michigan’s Isle Royale

The remote Isle Royale, tucked away in the northern reaches of Lake Superior, is one of America’s least visited national parks.

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When Caring for Your Child’s Needs Becomes a Job All Its Own

For some parents, work outside the home is impossible as they navigate complicated and frustrating systems for help. But they don’t have to go it alone.

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dimanche 26 juillet 2020

Live Global Coronavirus News: Antibody Puzzle Complicates Immunity Question

The expiring $600 unemployment payments are a flash point for Washington. Britain orders travelers from Spain into 14 days of isolation, upending vacation plans for thousands.

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Coronavirus in Texas: ‘You Do the Right Things, and Still You Get It’

A Texas family tried to ward off the virus. But as cases in the state soared and debates about masks and distancing raged, there was only so much they could control.

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Your Coronavirus Antibodies Are Disappearing. Should You Care?

Declining antibody levels do not mean less immunity, experts say. Besides, two widely used tests may detect the wrong antibodies.

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samedi 25 juillet 2020

Live Coronavirus Updates: World News

Friday was the fourth day running that the United States reported over 1,100 deaths. Pirate attacks are among the crime patterns shifting in the pandemic. New research sheds light on male vulnerability to severe Covid-19.

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Richard Gelles, Scholar of Family Violence, Is Dead at 73

He believed in reuniting families even if parents had abused their children — until he saw how often that approach threatened children’s safety.

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Vietnam, Lauded in Coronavirus Fight, Has First Local Case in 100 Days

A 57-year-old grandfather in the city of Danang, with no history of travel, tested positive and has been hospitalized. Health officials are tracing his contacts.

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A Life Full of Meaning

The diabetes camp that gave us hope had an unlikely connection to my father, a former priest who would have delighted in being our guardian angel.

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A Viewer Spotted a Lump on Her Neck. Now, She’s Having a Tumor Removed.

Victoria Price, an investigative reporter in Tampa, Fla., said she was grateful that a viewer sent her a terse email suggesting that she get her thyroid checked out.

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vendredi 24 juillet 2020

C.D.C. Calls On Schools to Reopen, Downplaying Coronavirus Risks

The agency’s statement followed earlier criticism from President Trump that its guidelines for reopening were too “tough.”

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FEMA Sends Faulty Protective Gear to Nursing Homes Battling Virus

The controversy over inadequate protective equipment has come to embody what critics describe as a haphazard federal effort to protect the 1.5 million Americans who live in nursing homes.

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Coronavirus Live Updates

Hong Kong, Spain, and Melbourne, Australia, are seeing resurgences. The U.S. recorded nearly 70,000 new cases, and President Trump canceled part of the Republican National Convention.

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jeudi 23 juillet 2020

Even in Toddlers, Excess Weight Sets the Stage for Heart Ills

Higher body mass index in 2- and 3-year-olds predicted higher metabolic risk scores in children age 11 to 12.

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When Grandparents Are Estranged From Their Grandchildren

At heart, estrangement from grandchildren reflects estrangement from adult children, the gatekeeper middle generation that can promote or deny access.

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Who Gets the Covid-19 Vaccine First? Here’s One Idea

A weighted lottery gives everyone a chance at a drug or vaccine in short supply. But some have a better shot than others.

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9-Day Waits for Test Results Threaten N.Y.C.’s Ability to Contain Virus

“Honestly, I don’t even really see the point in getting tested,” said one New Yorker who has waited nearly two weeks, with still no results.

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Viking Age Smallpox Complicates Story of Viral Evolution

An extinct version of the smallpox virus dating to 1,400 years ago prompts speculation about viruses becoming more lethal over time.

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Meditation May Be Good for the Heart

People who meditated had lower risk of high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, stroke and coronary artery disease.

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Living Near Oil and Gas Wells Tied to Premature Births

Flaring of natural gas was tied to an increased risk of preterm delivery.

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Coronavirus Testing Labs Again Lack Key Supplies

Just weeks after resolving shortages in swabs, researchers are struggling to find the chemicals and plastic pieces they need to carry out coronavirus tests in the lab — leading to long waiting times.

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Why Some Mosquitoes Prefer Humans

A few species find us irresistible; the rest are unimpressed. A three-year-long experiment offers an explanation for the difference in taste.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Nears 4 Million Cases

The president’s proposal had emerged as an obstacle to Senate Republicans’ plans for a stimulus package. Alabama, California, Idaho and Texas recorded daily death records.

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Once Science Fiction, Gene Editing Is Now a Looming Reality

The prospect of erasing some disabilities and perceived deficiencies hovers at the margins of what people consider ethically acceptable.

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The Lightness of Being a Couch Potato May Work to Keep Us Fat

Sitting may confuse cellular sensors into thinking we are lighter than we are, prompting the body to put on weight.

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mercredi 22 juillet 2020

Can You Become Reinfected With Covid? It's Very Unlikely, Experts Say

Reports of reinfection instead may be cases of drawn-out illness. A decline in antibodies is normal after a few weeks, and people are protected from the coronavirus in other ways.

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Covid-19 Patients No Longer Need Tests to End Isolation

Under new guidelines from the C.D.C., recovering coronavirus patients should be free to resume normal activity after 10 days, if they have no fever or other symptoms.

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Can You Become Reinfected With Covid? It's Very Unlikely, Experts Say

Reports of reinfection instead may be cases of drawn-out illness. A decline in antibodies is normal after a few weeks, and people are protected from the coronavirus in other ways.

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Before the A.D.A., There Was Section 504

In 1977, people with disabilities held sit-ins to demand action on a law that granted accessibility, paving the way for the Americans With Disabilities Act.

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Gut Microbes Might Keep Malnourished Children From Growing

Bacteria in the small intestine may drive inflammation that makes it harder for children to get the calories and nutrients they need.

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Health Care Comes to Us

Technology doesn’t have to cure the coronavirus to be an enabler for good.

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To Get People to Wear Masks, Look to Seatbelts, Helmets and Condoms

The ways we built habits around other routine safety measures can inform mask-wearing, experts say.

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Pfizer Gets $1.95 Billion to Produce Coronavirus Vaccine by Year’s End

Two pharmaceutical companies announced a nearly $2 billion contract for 600 million doses of a vaccine, with the first 100 million promised before the end of the year.

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The Fight for Fertility Equality

A movement has formed around the idea that one’s ability to build a family should not be determined by wealth, sexuality, gender or biology.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Daily Deaths Exceed 1,000

President Trump warned the outbreak would worsen and implored Americans to wear masks. Republicans are arguing over what to include in the next round of pandemic relief.

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The Link Between Parkinson’s Disease and Toxic Chemicals

A new book calls the increasing prominence of Parkinson’s “a man-made pandemic.”

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mardi 21 juillet 2020

States Must Standardize Coronavirus Data, Former C.D.C. Director Says

Dr. Thomas Frieden proposed uniform reporting guidelines for states. Experts said the C.D.C. should have done it months ago.

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Some Vaccine Makers Say They Plan to Profit From Coronavirus Vaccine

Moderna, which is receiving $483 million from the U.S. government, told lawmakers it would not sell its vaccine at cost. Pfizer has said it would also profit, but has so far taken no government money.

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Patient, Can You Spare a Dime?

Hospitals are increasingly soliciting donations from patients, and the patients don’t much like it, a new survey finds.

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Coronavirus Infections Much Higher Than Reported Cases in Parts of U.S., Study Shows

Data from antibody tests in 10 different cities and states indicate that many people with no symptoms may be spreading the virus.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: E.U. Agrees to $857 Billion Stimulus Deal

The landmark deal would issue grants to hard-hit members of the bloc. A temporary hospital in New York City that cost $52 million treated only 79 virus patients.

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Black Children Are More Likely to Die After Surgery Than White Peers, Study Shows

A large study, published in the journal Pediatrics, suggests that disparities exist in surgery outcomes, even among healthy children.

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China Uses W.H.O. Inquiry to Tout Coronavirus Response

The global health agency sent two experts to China, but it is unclear how much access they are getting. They must first complete a two-week quarantine.

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lundi 20 juillet 2020

Black Children Are More Likely to Die After Surgery Than White Peers, Study Shows

A large study, published in the journal Pediatrics, suggests that disparities exist in surgery outcomes, even among healthy children.

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Google Coronavirus Apps Give it Way to Access Location Data

Some government agencies that use the software said they were surprised that Google may pick up the locations of certain app users. Others said they had unsuccessfully pushed Google to make a change.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Teachers Unions Sue DeSantis Over His Order Pushing Florida Schools to Fully Reopen

Top Republicans met with President Trump to smooth the way on negotiations for the next round of virus aid. India recorded at least 40,000 new infections on Monday, its highest single-day total.

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Trump Says He ‘Aced’ a Cognitive Test. What Does That Really Mean?

Experts say one popular test that the president might have taken is by no means definitive, or even diagnostic.

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New Treatment for Covid-19 Shows Promise, but Scientists Urge Caution

A small study of an inhaled form of a commonly available drug, interferon beta, suggested it could reduce the odds of patients becoming severely ill.

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Hong Kong Puzzled by New Coronavirus Wave

Doctors are seeing more cases a day than they had in previous outbreaks, and a number of infections with unknown origin have made the outbreak harder to contain.

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New Treatment for Covid-19 Shows Promise, but Scientists Urge Caution

A small study of an inhaled form of a commonly available drug, interferon beta, suggested it could reduce the odds of patients becoming severely ill.

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Coronavirus Live News and Updates

Airlines, hotels and restaurants are lobbying for part of a new pandemic relief package. The Bahamas closes its doors to U.S. citizens.

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Coronavirus Live News and Updates

Airlines, hotels and restaurants are lobbying for part of a new pandemic relief package. The Bahamas closes its doors to U.S. citizens.

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Testing Backlogs May Cloud the True Spread of the Coronavirus

Public health experts say delays in testing continue to hinder attempts to track and contain the spread of disease.

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dimanche 19 juillet 2020

Coronavirus Live News and Updates

President Trump calls Dr. Anthony S. Fauci “a little bit of an alarmist.” The White House seeks to cut billions from Senate Republicans’ next relief bill.

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During Coronavirus Lockdowns, Some Doctors Wondered: Where Are the Preemies?

Hospitals in several countries saw dips in premature births, which could be a starting point for future research.

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samedi 18 juillet 2020

Older Children Spread the Coronavirus Just as Much as Adults, New Study Finds

The study of nearly 65,000 people in South Korea suggests that school reopenings will trigger more outbreaks.

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Coronavirus Live News and Updates

Leaders across the U.S. are looking at new restrictions as caseloads surge and deaths rise. Nicaragua’s Sandinistas are being cut down by an outbreak they denied.

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Mistrust of a Coronavirus Vaccine Could Imperil Widespread Immunity

Billions are being poured into developing a shot, but the rapid timetable and President Trump’s cheerleading are creating a whole new group of vaccine-hesitant patients.

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A Covid-19 Lesson: Some Seriously Ill Patients Can Be Treated at Home

To ease pressure on hospitals, Northwell Health brought medical workers, oxygen tanks and intravenous equipment into patients’ homes. Now Florida is taking cues.

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vendredi 17 juillet 2020

Flossie Wong-Staal, Who Unlocked Mystery of H.I.V., Dies at 73

A molecular biologist, she helped establish the virus as the cause of AIDS, then cloned it and took it apart to understand how it evades the immune system.

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No Bleach and Dirty Rags: How Some Janitors Are Asked to Keep You Virus-Free

Planes are wiped in under 10 minutes. Many custodians have to bring their own supplies. Yet as the U.S. reopens, companies are boasting of high safety standards to lure customers.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Newsom Announces Rules Forcing Most California Schools to Start Remotely

The number of deaths in the country is increasing, and more than half the states have enacted mask orders. Brazil surpasses 2 million total cases, and India has hit a million.

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Inside Johnson & Johnson’s Nonstop Hunt for a Coronavirus Vaccine

In Boston and in the Netherlands, scientists are racing to build a vaccine against the virus strangling the world.

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You’re a Senior. How Do You Calculate Coronavirus Risk Right Now?

Early in the pandemic, older adults were told to stay at home. With different states reopening or re-closing, weighing the risks is more complicated.

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Feeling Stuck? Five Tips for Managing Life Transitions

Whatever the wolf is that disrupts your story, here are ways to emerge as the hero.

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Live Coronavirus Cases Updates

The number of deaths in the country is increasing, and more than half the states have enacted mask orders. Brazil surpasses 2 million total cases, and India has hit a million.

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India Coronavirus Cases Surge Past One Million

Several states and cities have reimposed total and partial lockdowns as the pandemic accelerates. India now ranks third in the world in infections.

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jeudi 16 juillet 2020

CVS Fined for Safety Issues at Oklahoma Pharmacies

The state faulted the company for prescription errors and inadequate staffing, a rare action that followed complaints at drugstore chains across the country.

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In Coronavirus Vaccine Race, China Strays From the Official Paths

Beijing is offering several vaccine candidates to employees of state-owned companies and the armed forces, while also conducting clinical trials in other countries.

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How Novavax Won $1.6 Billion From Operation Warp Speed For Coronavirus Vaccine

Novavax just received the Trump administration’s largest vaccine contract. In the Maryland company’s 33-year history, it has never brought a vaccine to market.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Dire Numbers Prompt Mask Orders in U.S.

The National Security Agency said a hacking group associated with Russian intelligence was targeting health care organizations to gain intelligence about vaccines.

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Big Business in Bangladesh: Selling Fake Coronavirus Certificates

A hospital owner was arrested trying to flee in disguise after selling certificates saying that migrant workers were coronavirus-free. Most were never tested.

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How Exercise May Bolster the Brain

Exercise prompts the liver to pump out a little-known protein that appears to rejuvenate the brain, a new study found.

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Living With Aphantasia, the Inability to Make Mental Images

When the mind’s eye cannot see, counting sheep or navigating streets with a “mental map” can be impossible.

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mercredi 15 juillet 2020

Citing Educational Risks, Scientific Panel Urges That Schools Reopen

Younger children in particular are ill-served by remote learning, according to a report issued by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine.

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What to Eat Before and After a Workout

You might want to think twice before you rush to slug down another post-workout smoothie. Your pre-workout routine of oatmeal and fruit? It might not be helping in the way you think. And the extra BCAAs you’re drinking during your workout? The real impact is likely only on how much money you have in your wallet.

From building muscle to surviving your endurance runs, the rules of workout nutrition have completely changed. But, there’s one big problem: few people are aware of what really helps you fuel before a workout and recover afterward.

Which is why this is both your warning and a sigh of relief. The latest breakthroughs have rewritten the script, and that’s good news for anyone who likes to exercise. Gone are the days of carb-loading or rushing to have protein within 30 minutes of finishing your workout.

In fact, both nutrient timing and workout nutrition needs have liberating truth: Neither matters as much as we once believed.

So, while you might look at the past as wasted, it’s best to view these new rules for what they are: a serious fitness upgrade that makes it easier than ever to eat the right way to fuel performance, strip away fat, or even build extra muscle without all the extra, unnecessary eating.

Confusion 101: Are Sports Drinks Better Than Water?

If you really want to know why the advice has been so misguided, you don’t have to look any farther than the sports drink aisle at your grocery store.

For most weekend warriors, the need for a sports drink (think Gatorade, Powerade, or any other energetic adjective + “ade”) isn’t as real as the ads make it seem.

Yes, there can be benefits to sports drinks. But, the liquid rejuvenation is limited to a very select group of exercises that deplete their bodies of certain nutrients.

And, for most gym-goers, runners, and weekend warriors, it’s rare that you ever push your body to the point of needing the type of energy locked inside the bottle.

You see, most people’s workouts fall into one of 2 categories:

  1. High intensity but shorter duration (think less than 1 hour of gym activity)
  2. Lower or moderate intensity for a longer duration (think 1-2 hour runs)

In both of these cases, the only necessary hydration is water. If you want a little boost, then you might want to sip on some electrolytes (think more sodium and potassium than you’ll find in sports drinks, as well as calcium and magnesium), and a few carbs to help with hydration — but not the 30 grams of sugar packed into your favorite sports drink.

When you’re working out at a high intensity and for longer periods of time (think more than 2 to 3 hours), that’s when sports drinks offer the most benefits because they refill what is lost during that type of extreme condition.

If you regularly sweat out 2 to 3 percent of your body’s weight during long duration, intense exercise—3 to 6 pounds, for most of us—you probably need more sodium. That’s what a sports drink provides.

The same goes for the minerals you lose through heavy sweating. For example, most athletes know about electrolytes. In particular—potassium, magnesium, and sodium—are essential (and have the name “electrolyte) because your body needs them to transmit electrical signals from your brain to your muscles. This is what allows your body to function.

But, the same type of research that was used to formulate products like Gatorade was also the basis of your workout strategy. In other words, Gatorade was designed more for high-level athletes than high-level executives, mothers, fathers, and typical gym-goers.

This was the basis of nutrient timing theory: The high carb amounts. The immediate need for protein. The fear of fats slowing down recovery.

The reality? None of it was really designed for your body.

Do You Have To Eat Directly After Your Workout?

Let’s set one thing clear: What food you put into your body is still very important and determines how hard you can exercise and how well you recover.

The bigger issue is exactly what you should be eating, or maybe, more importantly, when you should be eating it.

The idea of the “anabolic window” or that you need to eat as soon as possible after finishing your workouts is one of the most misleading pieces of fitness advice that has persevered for decades.

It’s based on a fear-driven, scientifically-debunked mentality that your muscles live in an hourglass, and with each passing second of eating before or after a workout you were losing out on improvement.

For the past 20 years, the prevailing idea was that you had about 30 to 60 minutes to eat something after your workout. If not, your body would become catabolic (a state of stress) and you would lose muscle, not recover fast enough, and fail to see the benefits from all your hard work and time invested.

When you think about it, the theory seems crazy. How could the human body have such a small window for recovery?

That was the question exercise physiologist Dr. Brad Schoenfeld aimed to solve.

He reviewed a large number of studies that examined nutrient timing and set out to answer a simple question: Is there such thing as the “anabolic window?”

Turns out there is—but it’s much bigger than anyone ever suggested. And the timing of your meals after a workout isn’t even the biggest indicator of your success. (More on that in a moment.)

When Should You Eat After Your Workout?

After you exercise you burn up your main energy store of carbohydrates, also known as glycogen. So, it only makes sense that you need to refuel glycogen by eating lots of carbs to replace what was lost.

But, when food was consumed in a shorter window of time after a workout there was no significant difference than when it was consumed after a long delay.

In fact, the research would go as far as suggesting that your post-workout window is actually the entire 24 hours after you train, with the key time to eat ideally occurring anywhere within 4 hours after you finish your last set, stop your run, or end your athletic event.

Not exactly the same message as slug your protein shake before your muscles shrink.

man drinks a protein shake inside of a gym

How did this massive misunderstanding occur?

It goes back to the sports drink phenomenon. The “glycogen emptying” idea wasn’t really applicable to the average person. In reality, it takes a tremendous effort to completely deplete your glycogen stores.

Extreme marathoners can do it. Bodybuilders who train twice per day can do it. NFL athletes who play a 3-hour game can do it.

But you? It’s a different story.

Most people don’t’ go to the gym completely fasted or do workouts that completely tap-out your energy reserves (even if you feel exhausted). And yet, those were the test conditions used to determine what to eat after your workout.

While it might feel like your body needs food immediately, the ROI of rushing to or even forcing food into your system is minimal: you won’t see added strength, additional muscle, faster fat loss, improved endurance, or a boost in recovery.

The new rules of nutrient timing focus on the bigger picture. If you want to perform and look your best, then you need to consider three factors: what you eat before your workout, what you eat after, and what type of activity you perform.

Need help understanding the proper foods to fuel your body? Our coaches can create a plan for you. Find out more here.

How to Fuel Your Workouts The Right Way

Just because the timing of your post-workout meal has been reduced from urgent to “apply on your time,” doesn’t mean the entire concept of nutrient timing is dead.

In fact, it’s just the opposite. There’s never been a clearer idea of exactly what you should be eating to help your body. And the biggest breakthrough is clear. Protein is the new carbs.

It used to be that you needed to fuel up with carbs prior to your workout and then replenish after your workout. This all ties back to glycogen as a primary source of energy and fuel for your body. Most research tested the benefits of using carbohydrates as fuel and then tested different amounts of carbs.

But, even that rationale was a bit flawed. Nutrient timing should focus on three aspects that help improve your performance and appearance.

Glycogen replenishment: Glycogen is your fuel. The more you have the harder you can push your body for longer periods of time.

Protein breakdown: If you want to gain muscle, protein synthesis (anabolism) has to be greater than protein breakdown (catabolism).

Protein Building – Protein Breakdown = Muscle Growth or Loss

So, it only makes sense that you want to slow the breakdown process.

Protein synthesis: Eating protein after a workout is supposed to optimize the other side of the same equation by increasing muscle protein synthesis, the process that helps you repair and rebuild muscle.

Combined, all three of these factors influence how hard you can train (endurance, strength, work capacity), how well you recover, and your ability to build muscle and burn fat. So it only makes sense that what you eat should target any or all of these goals.

Do Carbs Help Your Workouts?

Carbs are a great source of fuel for your body. But, eating more carbs doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have more energy. And that’s because depleting glycogen is actually very difficult.

For example, let’s say you did a full-body workout of 9 exercises, performed 3 sets of each exercise (so 27 sets total), and pushed at a high intensity of 80 percent of your 1 rep max. That’d be a grueling workout, but when researchers tested this exact protocol, they found that it only depleted about one-third of total glycogen stores.

Even crazier? When a similar workout was tested and followed with no food, about 75 percent of the depleted glycogen was replenished within 6 hours.

So what’s going on? Your body is protective of your energy. The more you deplete your glycogen, the faster resynthesis occurs. The higher your intensity, the quicker you recharge. Even in marathon runners and endurance athletes, complete resynthesis is usually complete within 24 hours.

That’s not a call to avoid carbs. They are important and necessary, and if you’re exercising they need to be a part of your plan.

But, the extreme nature of pre-workout (carb-loading) and post-workout (insulin-spiking) carb needs were overblown. You don’t need to fuel up with hundreds of grams of fuel pre, during, and post-workout because you’re not tapping out your glycogen.

When your tank is empty, you’ll know it without question. So, your ideal carb plan will ultimately depend on the type of activity you perform.

How Much Protein Should You Eat After a Workout?

When eating protein and carbs was compared to carbs alone, it instantly became clear that protein is your body’s best friend. Adding protein improved recovery, muscle protein synthesis, and protein breakdown.

But most interesting? When protein and carbs (25 grams of protein and 50 grams of carbs) was compared to just protein alone (25 grams), there was no additional benefit in terms of muscle protein synthesis or muscle protein breakdown when the carbs were added.

The verdict: Protein is the new king of workout nutrition.

And it doesn’t end there. While we know that protein is important for preventing muscle protein breakdown and fueling muscle protein synthesis, and some carbs (but not too much) are good for glycogen, how much you eat around your workout should not be your primary consideration.

Research shows that the most important dietary factor for performance and appearance was not how much protein or carbs you had before or after your workout, but rather how much you ate in the entire day.

In essence, even if your pre- or post-workout nutrition was less than optimal (say, if you’re in a rush to get to work), as long as you still ate the right amount of nutrients (proteins, carbs, and fats) for the entire day, then you would still see benefits.

The Best Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition Plan

Timing nutrition around your workout is a good idea for both fueling your performance and helping recovery. But, you don’t need to stress the timing as much as we once thought. Instead, the urgency of nutrition depends more on the activity you perform and whether you eat something before you exercise.

When you enjoy a pre-workout meal, that will determine what you need after a workout. That’s because eating before your workout ensures that your insulin, amino acid, and glucose levels are still going to be high several hours after the workout.

Most mixed meals will keep your insulin levels high enough to stop protein breakdown for 4-6 hours. A 45-gram dose of whey protein will do the same for about two hours. Most studies have shown that if you eat protein before, immediately after, or several hours after your workout, your muscle protein synthesis will be about the same.

Translation: choose a pre- and post-workout nutrition approach that works for you.

If you don’t like to eat before a workout, then don’t. But you’ll want to emphasize that post-workout meal more because you won’t have protein or carbs in your system.

If you do like a meal before exercise, there’s no rush to refuel immediately after. Not to mention, if you load up on carbs (such as with oatmeal or some fruit), depending on your type of activity you might not even need post-workout carbs.

The closer your meal is to the training bout, the longer your window following the session. And both are dependent on your primary training goal. Meaning there isn’t a gold standard for what you should be eating around your workouts. Instead, you should fuel your body based on the type of activity you perform.

And remember, as long as you consume enough protein by the end of the day, your body generally has no trouble growing new muscle tissue, recovering, or having the energy needed to push through and become better.

To help you figure out your needs, use the activity chart below — based on the latest research — to help determine exactly what you need for your body and your goals.

The Ultimate Guide to Workout Nutrition

Your Goal: Endurance Sports

group of cyclists during a race

Examples: Long-distance track and cycling events, marathons, basketball, soccer, MMA

What to eat: Carbohydrates for replenishing muscle glycogen, maintaining stamina, and maintaining energy during your event.

What to remember: It’s easy to argue that nutrient timing is most important for endurance athletes because of the duration and demands of the activity. Performance is the main goal, therefore making carbohydrates more important as a fuel source during the activity and after for recovery. Protein, while useful for minimizing protein loss, is not as essential in the moment for these athletes, but is still important for recovery and retention of muscle.

Your Nutrition Plan

  • The Focus: carbs and protein
  • The dose: 0.2-0.25 g/lb target bodyweight for both protein and carbs

During your workout

  • For every hour of endurance activity, consume 8-15 g protein and about 15-30 grams of carbs. Liquids and gels are usually best for this.

Your Goal: Strength/Power Sports

person performing a deadlift

Examples: Olympic weightlifting, football, powerlifting, bodybuilding, high-intensity intervals

What to eat: Protein for optimizing muscle recovery and growth and minimizing muscle damage

What to remember: Based on the length of time and type of activity, muscle glycogen is not depleted to the extent of endurance sports. Protein is important for supporting strength and muscle growth while minimizing muscle damage and loss. Carbohydrates are important, but less so, and are generally taken care of by meeting total daily calorie and macronutrient goals.

Your Nutrition Plan

  • A balanced, full meal consisting of carbs and protein, 0.2-0.25 g/lb target bodyweight for both protein and carbs

Your Goal: Weight-Loss

person on elliptical machine

Examples: Any type of activity geared towards losing weight. This is your typical cardiovascular type of activity (walking, treadmill, stairstepper) or weight training. NOTE: This is not high-intensity work or something like CrossFit, which is more likely to fit into the strength or endurance categories.

What to eat: Fewer calories (calorie deficit) and more protein

Want a personalized fat loss plan? Our coaches can create a plan for you. Find out more here.


What to remember: The most important thing to keep in mind is you must burn more calories than you bring into your body. Create a calorie deficit first, and then worry about dialing in your pre- and post-workout nutrition.

Your Nutrition Plan

  • Eat a balanced, full meal consisting of carbs and protein, 0.2-0.25 g/lb target bodyweight for both protein and carbs

Your Next Steps

Remember that nutrient timing should focus on three core aspects: glycogen replenishment, protein breakdown, and protein synthesis. And rather than stressing over timing, focus on giving your body the proper nutrition based on what type of activity you perform.

Have questions? Share them in the comments below.

Or if you’re looking for more personalization and hands-on support our online coaching program may be right for you. Every client is assigned two coaches — one for nutrition and one for fitness. Find out more here. 

The post What to Eat Before and After a Workout appeared first on Born Fitness.

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What To Eat For Breakfast To Fill You Up

The rules of breakfast may have been rewritten, but that doesn’t mean the goal of breakfast has changed.

Even though breakfast is not the most important meal of the day (science suggests that no one meal is more valuable than another), breakfast eaters tend to experience the best benefits by selecting a filling breakfast that leaves you wanting less for lunch, curbs snacking, and gives you fuel for hours.

While eggs are a popular staple (and for good reason, they are loaded with protein and fat) and the foundation of a fulfilling breakfast, you can upgrade any egg-based meal to help keep you fuller for longer — like our hearty egg skillet.

If you want to upgrade your breakfast — or any meal — into a combination of foods that makes it easier to stay on track with your diet, we’ve provided a simple outline that will increase the fullness, satisfaction, and flavor so you have an easier time achieving your goals.

How to Kill Your Appetite

There are many factors that can make you feel hungry that have nothing to do with the foods you eat. For example, sleep deprivation is one of the biggest causes of hunger.

person, seemingly tired, sits with hands over face

Research published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that sleeping less than six hours triggers the area of your brain that increases your need for food while also depressing leptin and stimulating ghrelin.

The more ghrelin you produce, the more you stimulate hunger while also reducing the number of calories you burn (your metabolism) and increasing the amount of fat you store. In other words, you need to control leptin and ghrelin to successfully lose weight, but sleep deprivation makes that nearly impossible.

And if all that wasn’t enough, research published in Psychoneuroendocrinology found that sleep deprivation makes you select greater portion sizes of all foods, further increasing the likelihood of weight gain.

Translation: if you want to kill your hunger, start by getting a minimum of 6 hours of sleep per night, but (ideally), you’ll rest at least 7.5 hours per night.

When it comes to specific foods and feeling full, all calories are not equal. Some foods increase satiety or the feeling of fullness. In particular, if you want to feel fuller for longer (or, in this case, a breakfast that keeps you full for hours) and keep it simple, build a meal focused around 3 elements:

  • Protein
  • Fiber
  • Foods that retain water

Protein is the most-filling macronutrient, compared to carbs or fats.

Fiber helps control hunger by slowing down the process by which foods empty in your stomach and speeds up digestion, and that combo helps you stay satisfied for longer.

Drinking water helps with appetite and enjoying foods that retain water has been shown to help decrease how much food you consume.

What Foods Are Best At Controlling Hunger?

Because satiety determines your hunger and feelings of fullness, the satiety index was created to help you measure how well a meal keeps you satisfied.

It’s a simple way to know if the foods you eat are doing the job you want, which is mainly to keep you away from the snack drawer at work.

Foods that have a score of more than 100 are considered more filling, and those with less than 100 might leave you going for seconds or thirds on your meal.

satiety index bar chart

The foods that are best at keeping you full include:

  • Potatoes
  • Meat
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Vegetables
  • Cheese
  • Nuts
  • Legumes/beans

As an added benefit, research shows that spicy foods can also help suppress hunger.

Use any of those foods and you’re more likely to be fuller for longer. Combine several of those foods and you have the perfect recipe for energy, satisfaction, and the elimination of hunger.

The Best Egg Breakfast to Keep You Fuller (For Longer)

We couldn’t squeeze in every ingredient, but this breakfast has been approved by hundreds of online coaching clients, and it’s exactly what you can eat to fill you up and power you through any day.

This healthy egg breakfast recipe contains 6 of the foods that are highest on the satiety index, and it adds a touch of spice (if you like it) to help keep your hunger at bay.

If you try this recipe, be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments below!


  • 3 slices bacon, uncured & nitrate-free
  • 6 eggs, pastured
  • ¾ cup egg whites
  • 1 large sweet potato, cubed
  • ½ cup onion, diced
  • 20 Brussels sprouts, quarters
  • ¼ cup shredded Parmigiano-Reggiano
  • 1/4 cup lentils
  • Hot sauce (optional)


  1. Slice the bacon into ½” thick mini slices. Add those to a large saute pan or cast-iron skillet on medium heat. Cook for 5-7 minutes, the bacon should be about halfway cooked. Drain ½ of the grease from the pan.
  2. Add the chopped onion and lentils. Cook for about 2-3 minutes until they’ve softened, then add the sweet potato and Brussels sprouts. Keep the skin on the potato; that’s where a lot of the nutrients are. No need to de-stem the Brussels sprouts, just quarter. Try to make sure everything is about the same size so they cook evenly.
  3. Increase temperature to medium-high heat, and cook for 15 minutes, stirring every 2 to 3 minutes. You want the edges to brown so don’t stir constantly. After 15 minutes, cover and cook for an additional 2 to 3 minutes. This essentially steams the veggies for the last few minutes.
  4. Bro-hack tip: add the eggs, egg whites, and Parmigiano-Reggiano to a blender bottle. Yes, that protein shaker cup with the whisk ball in it. Shake it like a shake weight (the new Polaroid picture), and pour over the veggies.
  5. Season with salt and pepper, and scramble the eggs. Serve with hot sauce for an extra kick! Makes 2 large servings.

Nutritional Information & Macros

Dietary Information: Paleo, Gluten-Free, Nut-Free  

Macros per serving

  • 424 calories
  • 21g fat
  • 31g carbs
  • 36g protein


How Many Eggs are Safe to Eat? 

Reinventing Healthy Breakfast: Eggs on the Go

Upgrade Your Meal Prep and Eat Healthier in Less Time

The post What To Eat For Breakfast To Fill You Up appeared first on Born Fitness.

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