lundi 31 août 2020

In an Era of Face Masks, We’re All a Little More Face Blind

Your brain’s powers of facial recognition are going to need some time to get used to the coverings we’re wearing to keep each other healthy.

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Coronavirus News: Live Updates

The country, which has lost more than 64,000 people to the virus, now the world’s third-highest death toll.

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dimanche 30 août 2020

Covid-19 News: Live Updates

The jump in infections comes as the daily rate continues to decline. New Delhi is reopening its subway, even as India sets global records for new cases.

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‘A Hail Mary’: Psychedelic Therapy Draws Veterans to Jungle Retreats

Ayahuasca, a vomit-inducing hallucinogenic brew, draws thousands of people each year — including former soldiers — to jungle retreats that have become an unlicensed and unregulated mental health marketplace.

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samedi 29 août 2020

How to Meet New People, Even at a Distance

Online and offline platforms are helping strangers form social connections, which are crucial for our health, especially in a pandemic.

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What to Know About Colon Cancer

The cancer that killed Chadwick Boseman is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, and rates are rising among younger people.

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In a Naked Pandemic Race, You Can Leave Your Hat On

When we can’t go outside without covering our faces, there’s a special appeal in the opportunity to uncover everything else.

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Trump Program to Cover Uninsured Covid-19 Patients Falls Short of Promise

Some patients are still receiving staggering bills. Others don’t qualify because conditions other than Covid-19 were their primary diagnosis.

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Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.

The usual diagnostic tests may simply be too sensitive and too slow to contain the spread of the virus.

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Covid-19 Live Updates: Latest News and Analysis

A program aimed at helping U.S. coronavirus patients without insurance has left some facing large bills instead. Some college students are decamping to far-flung locations.

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Loving a Champion Hugger in an Air-Hug Season

Pressing our hearts together is my husband’s fast-track return to the intimacy he grew up with. For me, growing up with a more reserved British dad, it took some getting used to.

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vendredi 28 août 2020

What Is Ulcerative Colitis, the Ailment Afflicting Shinzo Abe of Japan?

The disease that has afflicted Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan is a chronic malady that can strike at a young age and flare up unpredictably.

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The Psychiatrist Will See You Online Now

Experts have long predicted that psychotherapy was poised to go virtual. The pandemic may prove them right.

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Two P.R. Experts at F.D.A. Have Been Ousted After Blood Plasma Fiasco

The agency’s chief spokeswoman, Emily Miller, was removed from her position just 11 days into the job.

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When Retirement Comes Too Early

Workplaces have grown steadily less friendly to older employees, and the pandemic has pushed more of these workers from the labor market.

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Covid-19 News: Live Updates

A coalition of local health departments called on Trump administration officials to change new recommendations that people without Covid-19 symptoms do not need to be tested.

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C.D.C.’s ‘Clarification’ on Coronavirus Testing Offers More Confusion

After saying that those exposed to the virus need not get tested, the agency’s director clarified that “testing may be considered” for those people.

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jeudi 27 août 2020

Exercise May Boost Your Vaccine Response

Two new studies of elite athletes found that working out amplifies the immune response to a flu shot.

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Covid-19 Live Updates

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, are set to speak for the first time since talks on an economic recovery package collapsed.

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Schools Find Health Risks in Water After Covid-19 Lockdowns

A number of schools found the bacteria that causes Legionnaire’s disease in their water, and experts say more should expect to see it.

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What if the First Coronavirus Vaccines Aren’t the Best?

Dozens of research groups around the world are playing the long game, convinced that their experimental vaccines will be cheaper and more powerful than the ones leading the race today.

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Experiences With Cancer, Captured in Works of Art

The program Brushes With Cancer pairs patients with artists whose works make visible a disease that can be invisible and isolating.

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Top U.S. Officials Told C.D.C. to Soften Coronavirus Testing Guidelines

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention abruptly changed its recommendations, saying people without Covid-19 symptoms should not get tested.

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Massage Therapy Without the Touch

With Covid-related restrictions in place, massage therapists are reimagining ways to help their clients.

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A Strange Rash Had Doctors Stumped. Was It an Insect Bite?

After what felt like a sting, a red blotch grew and darkened on his shin. And then a twin rash somehow showed up on the other leg.

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mercredi 26 août 2020

Antibiotics May Interfere With Hormonal Contraceptives

A new analysis of data on drug side effects has found that a wide range of antibiotics may be associated with unintended pregnancy.

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Can You Gain Weight From Eating Too Little?

There’s a risk you might read only one sentence and then leave this page, but it’s worth the risk to make sure this point is clear: you will not gain weight from eating too few calories.

If there’s nothing else you learn from this post, let it be that. But, there’s so much more that explains why (and how) under-eating can seemingly lead to weight gain. 

One of the hardest parts of dieting — which happens to almost everyone — is that moment where you get frustrated with weight loss and you try to reduce calories, even more, to make the scale drop lower again.

And what happens? You appear to be gaining weight.

It’s incredibly frustrating and you insist your body must be broken, or maybe it’s the gluten…or dairy…or artificial sweeteners that are making you fat. But, artificial sweeteners are not to blame, and your body isn’t broken.

3 Reasons You Gain Weight (When You Least Expect It)

So what’s going on? Precision Nutrition outlined many reasons why it seems like under-eating can lead to weight gain, even though it’s not the case.

In our experience with online coaching clients, we’ve seen everything. But, when it comes to weight loss, there are three common reasons you might continue to struggle with weight loss, even if it seems like you’re doing everything right. 

All of them, ultimately, deal with the ways that it’s easy to misunderstand calories. As we already mentioned, you can’t under-eat your way to weight gain. But, you can appear to be under-eating and still gaining weight.

We want to make sure you can easily identify all of the sneaky ways you can be tricked into following a diet that only leads to added frustration (and a scale that won’t move).

Foods With Hidden Calories

Whether you’re a dieting pro or don’t know the difference between a carbohydrate and protein, hidden calories suck and they are everywhere. The Precision Nutrition article shared the following example, which we’ve witnessed hundreds of times:

I once had a client discover he was using ten tablespoons of olive oil — 1200 calories — rather than the two tablespoons — 240 calories — he thought he was using in his stir-fry. Oops.

It’s frustratingly simple for hidden calories to pile up quickly day-over-day, and week-over-week, and that’s all it takes to keep you in a plateau or even gain weight, despite your best efforts. 

Rather than worrying about counting calories, it’s important to easily recognize where most hidden calories are typically found. 

See the graphic below, so you can think twice when you eat. What makes all of these hidden-calorie foods so difficult is that they are calorically dense. That means, even if they are healthy for you (which several of them are), just a small serving packs a big punch of calories, which is why it’s so simple to eat much more than you thought. 

A graphic showing foods with hidden calories: butter, oils, nuts & nut butters, sauces, drinks

How Much Is A 2,000-Calorie Diet

Because very few of us spend our time measuring and weighing food (and rightfully so), it can be shocking to learn just how much we underestimate the number of calories we consume a day.

And the research backs it up. On average, people will underestimate their caloric intake by 30 percent, and sometimes they can estimate by as much as 45 percent. That makes a big difference.

And, to be fair, a lot of people will make it seem like this is an education issue, but even pros can’t tell how much food is in a meal. Case-in-point:

A few years ago Dr. Berardi (JB, as he’s known around here) went out to eat with some friends at a well-known restaurant chain. He ordered one of their “healthier” meals that emphasized protein, veggies, and “clean” carbs. Then he finished off dinner with cheesecake. Curious about how much energy he’d consumed, he looked it up.

Five. Thousand. Calories.

I’ve had the same issue. And it can be minor things. Like how my “1 spoonful” of Justin’s Maple Almond Nut Butter is closer to eating half a jar, but I could count 1 spoonful. You might not keep track, but your body does.

Calories-In, Calories-Out Is Confusing 

Yes, this law of thermodynamics is still the #1 determinant of weight loss or gain. But what counts as “calories in” or “calories out” is not that simple.

For instance, all of the following factors can influence your “calories in” equation: the composition of your meals (protein, carbs, fats), your body type, the amount of muscle/amount of body fat, hormones, genetics, your environment, how you slept last night, levels of stress, and much more.

Let’s just take one small example. When you eat a meal, each type of food has a different “thermic effect of food” or TEF. This is the rate at which your body metabolizes a meal. Or, in other words, it’s how many additional calories you’ll burn when you eat a specific food.

infographic of the different thermic effects of food

Protein has the highest TEF, which ranges from 25 to 35 percent.

Comparatively, carbs are only 6 to 8 percent, and fats are the least metabolically active with a TEF of about 3-5 percent.  

That means if two people each eat a 500-calorie meal, but one person has more protein and the other person has more fat, the “calories-in” model will look different for each individual, even if they are having the exact same number of calories.

All of which is to say, many factors matter in determining how your body stores (and burns) calories. So, when frustration kicks in, don’t give up on yourself, don’t try to be perfect, and remember that there’s no use in trying to outsmart the system. 

It’s not that we’re lying (though we can sometimes deceive ourselves, and others, about our intake). More than anything, it’s that we struggle to estimate portion sizes and calorie counts. This is especially difficult today when plates and portions are bigger than ever. And energy-dense, incredible tasting, and highly brain-rewarding “foods” are ubiquitous, cheap, and socially encouraged.

Instead, search for a diet you think you can follow. And when you start following it, add checks and balances to keep you accountable, and support to remove the need for “perfection.” And then other systems that ensure you won’t be overeating without your own knowledge.

If you need help with finding the right diet, or someone to help you with those checks and balances, our online coaching program may be right for you. Every client is assigned two coaches — one for nutrition and one for fitness. Find out more here. 

Have questions? Share them in the comments below.


Should I Cut Out Alcohol To Get Rid Of Fat?

Why Am I Hungry All The Time?

The Beginner’s Guide To Fat Loss

The post Can You Gain Weight From Eating Too Little? appeared first on Born Fitness.

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Covid-19 News: Live Updates

Fast and free testing, robust contact tracing and low community spread have helped students return to class in person.

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The 2020 Back-to-School List for Teens’ Emotional Well-Being

Forget backpacks and binders. Here are the essentials teenagers will need for the strange school year ahead.

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A Woman May Have Been Cured of H.I.V. Without Medical Treatment

In dozens of other patients who suppress the virus without drugs, it seems to have been cornered in parts of the genome where it cannot reproduce, scientists reported.

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Coronavirus Superspreader Event in Boston Led to Thousands of Infections

A February meeting of biotech executives became a coronavirus “superspreading” event with a transmission chain across the globe.

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Why Does the Coronavirus Hit Men Harder? A New Clue

Women produce a more powerful immune response than do men, a new study finds.

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The Extra Stigma of Mental Illness for African-Americans

In my Black community, therapy was stigmatized as something for people who could not handle challenges.

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Honey May Ease Coughs and Other Respiratory Symptoms

A review of studies confirms an old home remedy: honey for colds.

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mardi 25 août 2020

C.D.C. Now Says People Without Covid-19 Symptoms Do Not Need Testing

The revision prompted confusion and alarm from experts, who called the move “potentially dangerous.”

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Can You Get a Flu Shot Now? Yes, and Doctors Say You Should

You could help prevent a “twindemic” of influenza and Covid-19, they say. Doctors have specific advice for people over 65, pregnant women and those with egg allergies. Here’s what you need to know.

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Covid-19 Live Updates: Flu Season Could Worsen Virus Testing Delays

More than 500 virus cases have surfaced at the University of Alabama’s Tuscaloosa campus since classes resumed Wednesday.

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Flu Season Could Make Coronavirus Testing Delays Even Worse

The nation’s testing efforts will be further overwhelmed once influenza, R.S.V. and other seasonal viruses arrive.

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Roaming Through Lanzarote’s Otherworldly Vineyards

The desolate beauty of the winemaking tradition on Lanzarote, the easternmost of the Canary Islands, is evidence of human resilience in the face of adversity.

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Young Adults’ Pandemic Mental Health Risks

In a new C.D.C. survey, 18- to 24-year-olds reported the highest levels of symptoms of anxiety and depression, and a quarter of them said they had seriously considered suicide.

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Medication and Lifestyle May Lower Breast Cancer Risk

There is compelling evidence that two classes of drugs normally prescribed following breast cancer treatment can also help prevent the disease.

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lundi 24 août 2020

F.D.A. ‘Grossly Misrepresented’ Blood Plasma Data, Scientists Say

Many experts — including a scientist who worked on the Mayo Clinic study — were bewildered about where a key statistic came from.

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First Documented Coronavirus Reinfection Reported in Hong Kong

The patient did mount an immune response to the new infection, however, and did not experience symptoms.

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Africa to Celebrate the End of Wild Poliovirus (but Not the End of Polio)

One strain of the virus is said to have been eradicated across the African continent, but another is still infecting hundreds of people each year.

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Disability, Work and Coronavirus: What Happens Now?

The pandemic has made work and social life more accessible for many. People with disabilities are wondering whether virtual accommodations will last.

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Covid-19 News: Live Updates

A patient was diagnosed with a second case of Covid-19 more than four months after the first, scientists in Hong Kong said.

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F.D.A. Allows Expanded Use of Convalescent Plasma to Treat Coronavirus Patients

The move came on the eve of the Republican convention and after President Trump pressed the agency to move faster to address the pandemic.

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How to Set Pandemic Boundaries for Relatives

You’d do anything for them in a crisis, but the crisis isn’t going away. Here’s how to get your life back.

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Cartilage Is Grown in the Arthritic Joints of Mice

Researchers discovered a way to awaken dormant stem cells and transform them into cartilage. If the technique works in humans, it may help ease debilitating joint pain.

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dimanche 23 août 2020

Billions in Hospital Virus Aid Rested on Compliance With Private Vendor

The Department of Health and Human Services told hospitals in April that reporting to the vendor, TeleTracking Technologies, was a “prerequisite to payment.”

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To Test Spread of Coronavirus, These Scientists Put on a Concert

In Germany, volunteers gathered in an arena for an experiment that could help create safety measures for live events around the world.

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Covid-19 Updates: White House Claims a 'Therapeutic Breakthrough' Is Coming

President Trump is expected to announce an emergency authorization of convalescent plasma, which the F.D.A. delayed last week. Florida and Texas cases pass 600,000, following California. Life in China is returning to normal.

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samedi 22 août 2020

Covid-19 Updates: Global Death Toll Surpasses 800,000

The pandemic is increasingly lethal in South America. Three U.S. states find cases linked to the Sturgis motorcycle rally. A judge blocks a couple’s 175-guest wedding in New York.

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C.D.C. Suggests Some Child-Care Centers Can Reopen Safely

Outbreaks at U.S. colleges are forcing sudden changes and sending students scrambling. With cases surging, Europe braces for a new phase in the pandemic.

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Why Getting Children Flu Shots Is Even More Important This Year

Doctors offer advice on when and where to safely get vaccinated.

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vendredi 21 août 2020

Trump Administration Says Some Coronavirus Tests Can Bypass F.D.A. Scrutiny

The new policy states that so-called laboratory-developed tests will no longer require F.D.A. authorization.

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Why Antibody Tests Won’t Help You Much

Most antibody tests are useful only for large population surveys, diagnosis in certain children or when initial diagnostic testing fails, according to an expert panel.

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What to Know About Stuttering

The speech disorder can play havoc with sociability, relationships, even identity, but there are ways to handle it.

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Can Artificial Sweeteners Keep Us From Gaining Weight?

Sugar substitutes may help stave off weight gain, but they have metabolic effects that some experts find concerning.

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For Quick Coronavirus Testing, Israel Turns to a Clever Algorithm

Inspired by a mother’s question, the new method will be introduced across Israel this fall, just in time for flu season, and could be coming soon to the U.S.

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Live Covid-19 Updates

With cases surging, Europe braces for a new phase in the pandemic. U.S. debt is now larger than the size of the nation’s economy.

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In Pandemic, More Are Paying for Direct Access to Their Doctors

Concierge care has grown fast as patients no longer want to sit in a waiting room with strangers. But it comes at a high price.

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Covid-19 News: Live Updates

N.C. State will shift instruction online, and other universities cautioned young people as they returned to class.

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Scarred by My Own Hands

Scars covered my body, dozens and dozens of scars all over my arms and legs. Scars that I made myself.

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jeudi 20 août 2020

New Measures Aim to Boost Vaccine Rates for Flu and Children’s Shots

Pharmacists may now vaccinate young children under a new federal emergency rule aimed at helping families who missed well-child visits during the pandemic.

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U.S. Mail Delays Slow Delivery of Medicines

In addition to concerns over mail-in voting, the cost-cutting at the Postal Service affects the millions of people who get their prescriptions by mail.

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Oleandrin, Covid-19 Treatment Pitched to Trump, Could Be Dangerous

The chief executive of My Pillow, a Trump donor, claims oleandrin is a miracle cure for Covid-19. But no studies have shown that it is safe or effective, and the shrub it’s derived from is poisonous.

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Local Officials in China Hid Coronavirus Dangers From Beijing, U.S. Agencies Find

A new U.S. intelligence report says top officials in Beijing were in the dark in early January on the true dangers of the virus. That could affect U.S. policy on China.

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Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Bagged Peaches Sickens Dozens

At least 68 cases and 14 hospitalizations have been reported in nine states, federal health authorities said.

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U.S. Takes Steps to Protect Older People for Flu Season and Increase Child Vaccination Rates: Live Updates

Overburdened health care specialists are finding themselves on the front lines as schools reopen. India’s crisis is now spreading to the hinterlands along its southern coastline.

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Covid-19 News: Live Updates

Overburdened health care specialists are finding themselves on the front lines as schools reopen. India’s crisis is now spreading to the hinterlands along its southern coastline.

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An ‘Unprecedented’ Effort to Stop the Coronavirus in Nursing Homes

Researchers are testing an experimental drug to halt sudden outbreaks. The trial may bring a new type of treatment for the virus.

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Latif Nasser, Harvard Ph.D., on the Rewards of Being Dumb

They include getting your own Netflix show. Nasser, a science journalist known for his work on “Radiolab,” talked about going on-camera for “Connected” and the importance of staying curious.

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Pediatric Doctors Group Apologizes for Racist Past Toward Black Physicians

The American Academy of Pediatrics recently joined other prominent medical organizations in confronting its history of discrimination.

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What if We Worried Less About the Accuracy of Coronavirus Tests?

Regularly using the most accurate tests possible for millions of Americans is impractical. Could a shift in approach slow the spread of infections?

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From Handshakes to Fist Bumps: The Future of the Business Greeting

On the future of handshakes, fist bumps and even footshakes.

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With Virtual Reality, Caregivers Can Become Patients

Carrie Shaw’s struggle with her mother’s dementia led her to create a company that allows users to experience the struggles of growing older.

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Is Resilience Overrated?

I want people to be proud of themselves for being resilient. I just don’t want it to be the only option.

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mercredi 19 août 2020

Bryce Hall, TikTok Influencer, Has Power Shut Off by Los Angeles

This month, Mayor Eric Garcetti said that Angelenos who violated the city’s guidelines on gatherings during a health crisis would have their water and power turned off. Today, he followed through.

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This Trawler’s Haul: Evidence That Antibodies Block the Coronavirus

Three crew members aboard were spared when the virus spread through the boat. They were the only ones who had antibodies at the beginning of the trip.

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E-Bikes Are All the Rage. Should They Be?

Two new studies shed light on whether pedal-assisted electric bikes provide good exercise, and how safe (or unsafe) they might be.

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The Glory (and the Taboo) of ‘WAP’

All praise Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion, whose new song addresses a concern I hear a lot from my patients.

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Covid-19 News: Live Updates

Top U.S. health officials intervened just as the F.D.A. was prepared to issue an emergency authorization for plasma as a coronavirus treatment.

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Blood Plasma Treatment for Covid-19 Now on Hold at F.D.A.

Government health leaders including Dr. Francis S. Collins and Dr. Anthony S. Fauci urged caution last week, citing weak data from the country’s largest plasma study.

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1.5 Million Antibody Tests Show What Parts of N.Y.C. Were Hit Hardest

The data from the city is on a far larger scale than previously released information, and includes all antibody test results reported to the city’s Department of Health.

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Why Pooled Testing for the Coronavirus Isn't Working

Combining samples for coronavirus testing, an approach once hailed by U.S. health officials, only works when the vast majority of tests are negative.

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Obesity May Be Bad for Your Brain

As body mass index increases, less blood flows to the brain, which may help explain why obesity is tied to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s.

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A Novel Way to Combat Covid-19 in Nursing Homes: Strike Teams

Borrowing from a model used for natural disasters, states are sending teams of responders to help facilities with outbreaks.

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Contact Lenses May Slow Nearsightedness in Children

Children who wore high-power bifocal contacts had less worsening of myopia.

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mardi 18 août 2020

Trump Ethics Panel Urges Rejection of Fetal Tissue Research

A new advisory board, appointed by the Trump administration, recommended that the health secretary reject funding for virtually every fetal tissue research project it considered.

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Why Pooled Testing for the Coronavirus Isn't Working

Combining samples for coronavirus testing, an approach once hailed by U.S. health officials, only works when the vast majority of tests are negative.

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Why Pooled Testing for the Coronavirus Isn't Working in the U.S.

Combining samples for coronavirus testing, an approach once hailed by U.S. health officials, only works when the vast majority of tests are negative.

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Save the Gaiters!

A small study prompted fears that neck gaiters could spread more virus droplets than they stop. But new research shows that those face coverings can protect just as well as other cloth masks.

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Covid-19 Cases and Deaths: Live News Updates

Bill de Blasio is the only big-city mayor planning some in-person learning for students. The Democratic National Convention opened with searing criticism of President Trump’s handling of the pandemic.

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Are Mammograms Worthwhile for Older Women?

Some might be better off not knowing they have breast cancer because they are likely to die of other causes long before breast cancer would threaten their health.

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Covid-19 News: Live Updates

Bill de Blasio is the only big-city mayor planning some in-person learning for students. The Democratic National Convention opened with searing criticism of President Trump’s handling of the pandemic.

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How Children’s Sleep Habits Have Changed in the Pandemic

Spending more time on screens, staying up late and sleeping late may require some adjustments for the start of the school year.

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Remdesivir Tests for Covid Treatments Enter New Phase

A clinical trial showed that remdesivir helped hospitalized patients. Now researchers are asking whether when the drug is paired with another antiviral drug, patients will recover faster.

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lundi 17 août 2020

Coronavirus Doctors Battle Another Scourge: Misinformation

Physicians say they regularly treat people more inclined to believe what they read on Facebook than what a medical professional tells them.

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Judge Blocks Trump Officials’ Attempt to End Transgender Health Protections

The decision arrived a day before a Trump administration rule narrowing the legal definition of sex discrimination was set to take effect.

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Beaten Back, the Coronavirus Regains Strength in France

Faced with an increase in infections, especially among young adults, French health officials are expanding mask rules and warning against complacence.

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One Mask Rule Most New Yorkers Ignore

Restaurant diners are supposed to wear facial coverings except when eating or drinking. Hardly anyone does.

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Covid-19 Live Updates: Misinformation Becomes a New Front for Doctors to Battle

Students and teachers will be screened for infection even as the Los Angeles school district begins instruction remotely. The Democratic National Convention begins today and will be conducted almost entirely online.

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What if ‘Herd Immunity’ Is Closer Than Scientists Thought?

In what may be the world’s most important math puzzle, researchers are trying to figure out how many people in a community must be immune before the coronavirus fades.

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dimanche 16 août 2020

The Art and Science of Foods That Fill You Up

How much are you eating? Do you know? Counting calories can suck, and be a lot of work, but it’s worth doing for at least 2-3 days to get a sense of whether or not your eating is on target.

But let’s say your daily calorie intake is about where it should be. In that case, we’d look to incorporate more foods that enhance your feeling of fullness. Research to date has found that there are three keys to achieving it.

(Sadly, none of them are bacon.)

They are protein, fiber, and water.

So how do you get more of them into your life? Here’s a simple way to make it happen and feel more in control of your diet (and hunger) than ever. 

Prioritize protein at every meal.

Research consistently shows protein is the most filling macronutrient, so it’s great to have a serving of it at each meal. If you want to take it a step further, you could set a goal.

“We recommend approximately 0.8-1g of protein per pound of target bodyweight if you are active,” says Born Fitness nutrition coach Natalie Sabin. (Note: Target body weight is what you want to weigh, not necessarily what you weigh currently.) “Not only is protein satiating, but it’s also muscle-sparing — meaning you’re more likely to hold on to your lean mass when you are in a calorie deficit.”

a carton of multi-colored eggs

Meat, eggs, and dairy are all good sources of protein. If you are a strict vegetarian or vegan, then rice and beans, quinoa or tofu are all go-to options.

Choose carbs that fill you up (the right way).

According to the satiety index, fresh fruits and vegetables are ideal additions. Potatoes, beans, and oatmeal are all proven to quell hunger longer — which makes sense since all are rich sources of dietary fiber. So are fruits.

Researchers at Penn State University found that when subjects consumed a 125-calorie apple before lunch, they ate 200 fewer calories in the meal that followed. They also reported a greater feeling of fullness.

2 bowls of oatmeal topped with fruit

Let’s get nuts.

You might think that, with high concentrations of calories and fat, nuts wouldn’t be a great idea for dieters. But nuts are a surprising success story when it comes to weight control.

According to obesity researcher and writer Stephan Guyenet, Ph.D., nuts “are less calorie-dense than they might seem because some of their calories pass through the digestive system unabsorbed.”

Basically, he means: When you eat a serving of almonds, which is about 162 calories, your body won’t necessarily take in all of those calories. Some will just pass right through you, a phenomenon that researchers attribute to the nut’s hardness and high fiber content.

This doesn’t mean you should go crazy and gob down handful after handful. There’s a big difference between “not all of the calories get absorbed” and “calorie-free.” (And let’s be clear: nuts are definitely not calorie-free.) Enjoy, but watch your serving sizes here.


Just add water.

Numerous studies show that consuming water before a meal reduces calorie consumption and increases the feeling of fullness. Many people have heard the “8 glasses a day” rule, but few actually do it.

From wherever you’re starting, see if you can add three glasses to your daily regimen: one before (or during) breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you opt to drink during the meal rather than before, try taking a sip between bites.

If you’re doing all of these things, but still feel like you barely make it to lunch without gnawing your arm off, switch up one more thing: How often you eat.

Some people prefer to eat several smaller meals and snacks per day, while others find they do better by eating just 2 or 3 bigger meals. As we’ve explained before, so long as your calorie total is the same, neither option is better or worse. It’s simply a matter of preference.

If you’re looking for more personalization and hands-on support, our online coaching program may be right for you. Every client is assigned two coaches — one for nutrition and one for fitness. Find out more here. 


What To Eat For Breakfast To Fill You Up

Cinnamon Apple Yogurt Parfait With Protein Granola

The Beginner’s Guide To Fat Loss

The post The Art and Science of Foods That Fill You Up appeared first on Born Fitness.

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Scientists See Signs of Lasting Immunity to Covid-19, Even After Mild Infections

New research indicates that human immune system cells are storing information about the coronavirus so they can fight it off again.

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Fearing a ‘Twindemic,’ Health Experts Push Urgently for Flu Shots

There’s no vaccine for Covid-19, but there’s one for influenza. With the season’s first doses now shipping, officials are struggling over how to get people to take it.

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Dr. Jay Galst, a Specialist in Eyes and Coins, Dies at 69

An ophthalmologist with a numismatic hobby, he combined those interests in an unusual book. He died of the novel coronavirus.

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Fearing a ‘Twindemic,’ Health Experts Push Urgently for Flu Shots

There’s no vaccine for Covid-19, but there’s one for influenza. With the season’s first doses now shipping, officials are struggling over how to get people to take it.

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Coronavirus News: Strong Immunity May Follow Even Mild Cases

California heat wave and power cuts create a pandemic quandary. And new C.D.C. guidance reflects rising cases among children.

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Coronavirus Crisis Has Made Brazil an Ideal Vaccine Laboratory

Widespread contagion, a deep bench of scientists and a robust vaccine-making infrastructure have made Brazil an important player in the quest to find a vaccine.

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samedi 15 août 2020

Coronavirus Live Updates: Arizona School District Cancels Reopening

Romney blasts Trump’s handling of pandemic. In many U.S. cities, fears of a public transit ‘death spiral.’ South Korea reported 166 new cases, the country’s highest daily count since March.

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The Particular Pain of Pandemic Grief

I had never told my father I loved him until he lay dying half a world away, body wrecked with coronavirus.

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How Young People Can Own Their Health Care (Even if They Still See a Pediatrician)

Helping young adults with the skills they need to transition to health care independence — with a bonus script for canceling appointments.

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vendredi 14 août 2020

Study Says Obesity Raises Risk of Death from Covid-19 Among Men

Obesity is not an independent risk for women, according to a new study, perhaps because their fat is distributed differently.

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Study Says Obesity Raises Risk of Death from Covid-19 Among Men

Obesity is not an independent risk for women, according to a new study, perhaps because their fat is distributed differently.

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Older Children and the Coronavirus: A New Wrinkle in the Debate

A new report from South Korea throws into question an earlier finding regarding transmission by older children.

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Obesity Raises the Risk of Death From Covid-19 Among Men

Obesity is not an independent risk for women, according to a new study, perhaps because their fat is distributed differently.

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Coronavirus Live Updates

With tax revenues plummeting, states could face a cumulative budget gap of $555 billion through the 2022 fiscal year, according to one estimate.

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Clinical Trials of Coronavirus Drugs Are Taking Longer Than Expected

Antibody trials sponsored by Regeneron and Eli Lilly are off to a slow start because of a dearth of tests, overwhelmed hospitals and reluctant patients.

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Coronavirus Live Updates

With tax revenues plummeting, states could face a cumulative budget gap of at least $555 billion through the 2022 fiscal year, according to one estimate.

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When Will Long-Term Care Facilities Reopen to Visitors?

Struck hard by the pandemic, nursing homes and assisted living facilities shut their doors to outsiders. Many families are still waiting to see their loved ones.

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One I.C.U., Five Patients: A Different View of the Virus’s Toll

With exclusive access in a Houston hospital, a Times team documented the impact of the health crisis on Hispanic families, in words, images and graphics.

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Managing Pandemic Health Risks on College Campuses

How college students can stay healthy during an unpredictable fall semester.

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Gum Disease Tied to Colon Cancer Risk

People with periodontal disease had a higher risk of polyps that can lead to colon cancer.

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jeudi 13 août 2020

Anxiety and Depression Rises Among Young Adults, Blacks and Latinos in Pandemic

A new C.D.C. survey indicates that young people, as well as Blacks and Latinos of all ages, are showing signs of deteriorating mental health and some are resorting to substance abuse.

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Don’t Like What You See on Zoom? Get a Face-Lift and Join the Crowd.

Cosmetic surgeons say business is booming after elective surgery opened up, with quarantine proving a time to heal in secrecy from renovation of face and body.

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Can You Catch the Coronavirus from Frozen Food? Experts Say No.

Reports that the virus was detected in a trans-continental shipment of frozen chicken wings sparked concerns online. But experts aren’t worried.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Reports Nearly 1,500 Daily Deaths, Reflecting Continued Toll of Summer Surge

Fewer new jobless claims and a rising deficit could further hamper stimulus talks. New Zealand revives its “go hard, go early” approach as officials investigate a mysterious new outbreak.

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Feel Like You’re Going Out of Your Mind? Consider Your Mind-Set

No one likes to make mistakes, but how you manage them can be a key to a stronger future.

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In N.Y.C.’s Coronavirus Surge, a Frightening Echo of the 1918 Flu

This spring, death rates rivaled those seen during the country’s deadliest pandemic, a new study finds. “What 1918 looked like is basically this.”

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Coronavirus Live Updates: New Zealand Races to Trace Source of New Outbreak

The president’s demands for reopening classrooms helped convince many teachers that it would be unsafe. New Zealand revives its “go hard, go early” approach as officials investigate a mysterious new outbreak.

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New Jersey Gym Owners Are Desperate to Reopen

New Jersey is one of seven states where health clubs have been barred from reopening. The governor says it’s too soon, but some gym owners are rebelling.

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He Was an Active Guy. Suddenly His Legs Ached After a Few Blocks.

He was in robust health, but then his legs hurt, he was chronically congested, even his ears became swollen. What could cause all that?

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On Native American Land, Contact Tracing Is Saving Lives

As the coronavirus spread on the Fort Apache reservation in Arizona, medical teams sought out residents who might have been exposed. The effort paid off in unexpected ways.

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Whether You Are a Night Owl or Early Bird May Affect How Much You Move

Early risers did the equivalent of walking 20 to 30 minutes more each day compared to “evening types,” who tend to stay up late.

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Living Near an Airport May Raise Risks of Preterm Birth

Pregnant women exposed to soot from jet engines were at increased risk of giving birth prematurely.

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mercredi 12 août 2020

With Less Breastfeeding Support, Mothers Are Turning to Online Help

The pandemic has resulted in fewer resources for breastfeeding women, but experts say it’s still crucial to seek guidance.

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Coronavirus Live Updates

New Zealand has returned to a partial lockdown. New Jersey’s governor is expected to give school districts the option to offer all-virtual classes, relaxing his original policy.

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11 Supposedly Fun Things We’ll Never Do the Same Way Again

The pandemic could change unexpected parts of our lives for years to come, experts say.

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Infertility Was Distressing. The Military Made It Even More Complicated.

For service members like me, Tricare health insurance and the limited number of military medical facilities offering fertility treatments add more stress to an already emotional process.

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The Nation Wanted to Eat Out Again. Everyone Has Paid the Price.

Governments and restaurant owners wanted to get back to business. But bars and restaurants have become a focal point for clusters of Covid infections.

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mardi 11 août 2020

How Russia’s Rushed Covid-19 Vaccine Could Backfire

Vaccines are among the safest medical products in the world — but only because of the intense rigor of the clinical trials that test their safety and effectiveness.

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How Russia’s Rushed Covid-19 Vaccine Could Backfire

Vaccines are among the safest medical products in the world — but only because of the intense rigor of the clinical trials that test their safety and effectiveness.

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When Things Aren’t OK With a Child’s Mental Health

Everyone is stressed and anxious now. We have to find and help the children who are hurting most.

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Murder Charges Over Stillbirth in California Set Off Heated Legal Battle

Can women be prosecuted for murder after a stillbirth? The case of Chelsea Becker in Kings County hinges on the courts’ interpretation of a small subsection in the state’s penal code.

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‘A Smoking Gun’: Infectious Coronavirus Retrieved From Hospital Air

Airborne virus plays a significant role in community transmission, many experts believe. A new study fills in the missing piece: Floating virus can infect cells.

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Russia Approves Coronavirus Vaccine Before Completing Tests

The country became the first in the world to approve a possible vaccine against the virus, despite warnings from the global authorities against cutting corners.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Worldwide Cases Reach 20 Million

Russia is the first country to approve a vaccine, and its announcement raises fears that the country is rushing for political purposes. The number of virus cases worldwide has now passed 20 million.

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Russia Approves Coronavirus Vaccine Before Completing Tests

The country’s regulators became the first in the world to approve a possible vaccine against the virus, despite warnings from the global authorities against cutting corners.

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Should a Study on Pesticides Affect Our Use of Them?

Recent research, which found a link between pyrethroids and deaths from heart disease, highlights the limitations of epidemiological research.

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For Doctors of Color, Microaggressions Are All Too Familiar

“They ask you if you’re coming in to take the trash out — stuff they wouldn’t ask a physician who was a white male.”

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lundi 10 août 2020

Coronavirus Live Updates

Nearly 100,000 children tested positive in the last two weeks of July, according to a new report. During a visit to Taiwan, the U.S. health secretary praised the island’s response to the pandemic.

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Citrus Flavoring Is Weaponized Against Insect-Borne Diseases

The E.P.A. has approved nootkatone, which is found in cedars and grapefruit. It repels ticks, mosquitoes and other dangerous bugs for hours, but is safe enough to eat.

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A Rare Economic Bright Spot in the U.S. Health System: The Vet’s Office

Usually during an economic downturn, people tend to spend less on health care for pets. This time, the opposite is happening.

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Stephen Hahn, F.D.A. Chief, Is Caught Between Scientists and the President

Many medical experts — including members of his own staff — worry about whether Dr. Hahn has the fortitude and political savvy to protect the scientific integrity of the F.D.A. from Mr. Trump.

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Ohio Governor Says His Flawed Virus Test Shouldn’t Undercut New, Rapid Methods

Several states are trying to increase coronavirus testing with faster methods, undeterred by less accurate but quicker readouts.

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U.S. Official, Alex Azar, Praises Taiwan During Highest-Level Visit in Decades

The visit signals the growing importance of Taiwan, which Beijing claims as its territory, as ties between the United States and China deteriorate.

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New York Is Positioned to Reopen Schools Safely, Health Experts Say

Transmission, even in New York City, is well below thresholds experts say are safe, but issues like adequate ventilation to combat aerosol spread of the virus remain.

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dimanche 9 août 2020

Salmonella Cases Linked to Onions Increase to Nearly 900

Grocery chains, including Publix and Giant Eagle, have recalled onions supplied by Thomson International and products that may contain the onions.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Latest News and Analysis

New Zealand marked 100 days with no new reported cases of local coronavirus transmission, a major milestone as outbreaks persist across the world, including neighboring Australia.

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Following One Contact Tracer on the Trail of the Virus

With over 200,000 cases in Los Angeles County alone, contact tracers like Radhika Kumar have their work cut out for them.

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samedi 8 août 2020

C.D.C. Closes Some Offices Over Bacteria Discovery

The move highlights the risk of Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks when buildings are reopened after coronavirus lockdowns.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Latest News and Analysis

Talks on a new U.S. pandemic relief package are stalled and its crucial benefits are expiring. President Trump said he would use executive orders to provide aid, but it is unclear whether he has the power to do so.

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Parents of College Students Worry, Should They Stay or Go?

“This is a situation where you have to pray for the best and be ready for the worst,” one father said.

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vendredi 7 août 2020

A Birthday at the Cemetery

All I could think about was how quickly the first 40 years of my life had flown by and how nothing was guaranteed ahead.

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A New Hampshire Poet Laureate Lifts Her City’s Covid-19 Advisories

Tammi Truax, the Portsmouth poet laureate, writes a weekly poem for the city’s coronavirus newsletter, breaking up grim statistics with verse.

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Why the Coronavirus is More Likely to ‘Superspread’ Than the Flu

Most people won’t spread the virus widely. The few who do are probably in the wrong place at the wrong time in their infection, new models suggest.

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Fewer Hip Fractures May Reflect a Drop in Smoking Rates

Bone drugs may account for only a small percentage in the decline in hip fractures over the past 40 years.

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Need to Take the MCAT? You'll Still Have to Do It in Person

Admissions tests for many graduate schools have gone online. But not the MCAT, the exam for aspiring doctors. It must still be taken in person, pandemic or not.

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Covid-19 Live Updates: Global Tracker

Lawmakers and White House officials are still divided over pandemic aid as a program to help small businesses is set to end. The Ohio governor tested positive — and then negative — for the virus.

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Coronavirus Live News and Updates

Lawmakers and White House officials are still divided over pandemic aid as a program to help small businesses is set to end. The Ohio governor tested positive — and then negative — for the virus.

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Five-Minute Coronavirus Stress Resets

How to get unstuck from your anxiety.

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Is Your Child an Orchid, a Tulip or a Dandelion?

Highly sensitive children, like orchids, thrive in the right environment, experts say.

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jeudi 6 août 2020

‘Godspell’ in 2020: Masks, Partitions and a Contactless Crucifixion

The first professional musical staged in the United States since theater shut down is also a de facto public health experiment.

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The Coronavirus Is New, but Your Immune System Might Still Recognize It

Some people carry immune cells called T cells that can capitalize on the virus’s resemblance to other members of its family tree.

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Why Influencers Won’t Stop Partying Anytime Soon

Creators in Los Angeles say that hosting and posting about big social gatherings is part of their job, coronavirus or no.

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Live Coronavirus News: Global Tracker

A photo of a crowded school hallway circulated on social media raises further alarm about the return to U.S. classrooms. France and Germany see worrisome rises in daily case counts.

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See for Yourself: How Airplanes Are Cleaned Today

Airlines are fine-tuning their cleaning procedures — where they clean, how frequently and with which tools. This is what the new processes look like.

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Even Asymptomatic People Carry the Coronavirus in High Amounts

Researchers in South Korea found that roughly 30 percent of those infected never develop symptoms yet probably spread the virus.

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Coronavirus Live News and Updates

Los Angeles may cut off power to homes or businesses that host large gatherings in defiance of orders. France and Germany see worrisome rises in daily case counts.

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Fast, Less Accurate Covid Tests May Ease the U.S. Backlog, Experts Say

Experts are revising their views on the best methods to detect infections, setting aside long-held standards so that the spread of the virus can be more quickly tracked and contained.

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C.D.C. Warns of the Dangers of Drinking Hand Sanitizer After Fatal Poisonings

Four people died and nearly a dozen others were poisoned after swallowing alcohol-based hand sanitizer, federal health officials said.

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Health Experts to F.D.A.: Make Your Vaccine Deliberations Public

A letter signed by nearly 400 health experts asked the agency to use its vaccine advisory panel when reviewing data on coronavirus trials.

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The Many Symptoms of Covid-19

From a sniffle or cough that feels like allergies to severe body aches and crippling fatigue, the symptoms of coronavirus can be unpredictable from head to toe.

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Can a Physically Taxing Job Be Bad for Our Brains?

Physical demands required for work may have negative consequences for brain health, a new study suggests.

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mercredi 5 août 2020

Major U.S. Health Insurers Report Big Profits, Benefiting From the Pandemic

Consumers are probably entitled to millions of dollars in rebates under Obamacare rules that cap companies’ profits.

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Live Covid-19 News Updates: Global Tracker

Six U.S. states have entered a pact to reduce testing times. About one-third of Afghanistan’s population, or roughly 10 million people, have probably been infected by the coronavirus and recovered, its health ministry said.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Governors Seek to Reduce Testing Times in U.S.

Chicago is the nation’s third-largest district, and its decision leaves New York as the only major school system that will try to offer in-person classes. Six states have entered a pact to reduce testing times.

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So You Want to Volunteer in a Coronavirus Vaccine Trial

How do you sign up? Will you get paid? Who will cover the costs if you get sick? Here’s a look at the basics.

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Coronavirus and Weddings: Take It Seriously

Despite precautions, the coronavirus has swept through a number of weddings, large and small, infecting guests and vendors.

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Why Parents Should Pause Before Oversharing Online

As social media comes of age, will we regret all the information we revealed about our families during its early years?

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How Hot Is Too Hot?

The human body can survive at surprisingly high temperatures, so long as you’re prepared to sweat.

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In This Pandemic Summer, Don’t Forget About Kids’ Other Risks

Reinforcing summer safety with some of the special twists and dangers of this dangerous and twisty time.

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mardi 4 août 2020

As Trump Praises Plasma, Researchers Struggle to Finish Critical Studies

Thousands of Covid-19 patients have been treated with blood plasma outside of rigorous clinical trials — hampering research that would have shown whether the therapy worked.

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Does Blood Plasma Work for Covid-19 Patients? No One Knows.

Thousands of Covid-19 patients have been treated with blood plasma outside of rigorous clinical trials — hampering research that would have shown whether the therapy worked.

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F.D.A. Adds More Hand Sanitizers to List of Products to Avoid

The agency has moved to keep several of the products, which it found to have inadequate concentrations of alcohol, from entering the United States.

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Novavax's New Covid-19 Vaccine Studies Praised By Scientists

The company has received a $1.6 billion grant from the government’s Operation Warp Speed to have 100 million doses ready by early 2021.

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Forget Spas and Bars. Hotels Tout Housekeeping to Lure Back Travelers.

Hilton has partnered with Lysol, Four Seasons with Johns Hopkins Medicine. But new research shows hotels can be easily contaminated by the coronavirus.

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The Benefits of Talking to Strangers

Casual connections with people we encounter in the course of daily life can give us the sense of belonging to a community.

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Tracking Coronavirus: Live Updates on Cases and Deaths Globally

Tens of millions of Americans have lost crucial jobless benefits, and lawmakers still can’t seem to agree on a relief measure. Israel’s troubled school reopenings could be a lesson for the U.S.

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Scientists Uncover Biological Signatures of the Worst Covid-19 Cases

Studies of patients with severe cases of Covid-19 show the immune system lacks its usual coordinated response.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Fight Over Aid Package Drags On

Tens of millions of Americans have lost crucial jobless benefits, and lawmakers still can’t seem to agree on a relief measure. Israel’s troubled school reopenings could be a lesson for the U.S.

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Red Onions Linked to Salmonella Outbreak, Officials Say

More than 500 cases and at least 75 hospitalizations have been reported in the United States and Canada, the health authorities said.

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lundi 3 août 2020

Dementia on the Retreat in the U.S. and Europe

Rates of dementia have steadily fallen over the past 25 years, a new study finds. But the disease is increasingly common in some parts of the world.

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Coronavirus Live Updates

Dr. Deborah L. Birx said the U.S. had entered a “new phase” in the fight against the virus, and urged people to consider wearing masks at home. With a focus on the coronavirus, other deadly diseases are making a comeback.

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‘The Biggest Monster’ Is Spreading. And It’s Not the Coronavirus.

Tuberculosis kills 1.5 million people each year. Lockdowns and supply-chain disruptions threaten progress against the disease as well as H.I.V. and malaria.

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Share Your Medical Bills for Coronavirus

As we explore how the pandemic is changing U.S. health care, you can help by showing what you’re being charged for testing and treatment.

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A Hospital Forgot to Bill Her Coronavirus Test. It Cost Her $1,980.

Send us your medical bills. We’ll use them to investigate hospital and doctor billing practices.

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Providers: How Has Covid-19 Changed Your Practice?

We want to hear from health care providers in the U.S. about how the pandemic has changed work.

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Is Telemedicine Here to Stay?

The answer largely depends on whether Medicare and private health insurers will adequately cover virtual doctor visits once coronavirus outbreaks subside.

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Scientists Worry About Political Influence Over Coronavirus Vaccine Project

Operation Warp Speed has moved along at a rapid clip. But some people involved in the process fear pressure to deliver an October surprise for President Trump.

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Covid-19 Testing Is in Short Supply. Should You Still Get a Test?

Public health officials once suggested only people with symptoms should be tested. Now some say getting one is a civic duty.

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dimanche 2 août 2020

Live Coronavirus Updates: Tracking Global News, Cases and Deaths

Florida faces hurricane season. The virus is picking up speed in the Midwest, and in other states that thought they had already seen the worst of it. India’s home minister tests positive.

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Birx Says U.S. Coronavirus Epidemic Is in a New Phase

She and other top health officials in the Trump administration warn states of a deepening spread of the coronavirus, in both rural and urban areas.

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samedi 1 août 2020

Connie Culp, First Face Transplant Recipient in U.S., Dies at 57

Her near-total face transplant in 2008 was the most complex at the time. She was the fourth patient in the world to undergo such a procedure.

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Gambling on College Football Almost Fixed My Dysfunctional Family

If Covid takes the football season away from us, we’re in danger of losing the bond we’ve taken so many years to build.

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Coronavirus Live Updates: Officials Meet on Capitol Hill After $600-a-Week Lifeline for Jobless Expires

California has confirmed over 500,000 cases. Vietnam reported its third death. Florida, already pummeled by the virus, is now facing Hurricane Isaias.

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Indian Billionaires Bet Big on Head Start in Coronavirus Vaccine Race

The world’s largest vaccine producer, the Serum Institute, announced a plan to make hundreds of millions of doses of an unproven inoculation. It’s a gamble with a huge upside. And huge risks.

from NYT > Health
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Can Humans Give Coronavirus to Bats, and Other Wildlife?

Federal agencies suggest caution in U.S. bat research to avoid transmitting the novel coronavirus to wildlife.

from NYT > Health
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The Coronavirus Infected Hundreds at a Georgia Summer Camp

The camp took precautions but did not require campers to wear masks, the C.D.C. reported. Singing and cheering may have helped spread the virus.

from NYT > Health
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