lundi 30 novembre 2020

Berry-Flavored H.I.V. Medication Is Ready for Babies

For the 80,000 children who die of H.I.V. each year, drugs are often bitter or hard to swallow. Dolutegravir will soon come in a tasty dissolving tablet.

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Prisons Are Covid-19 Hotbeds. When Should Inmates Get the Vaccine?

Corrections staff so far will receive high priority for a coronavirus vaccine, but not the millions of vulnerable inmates held in U.S. facilities.

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The Long Darkness Before Dawn

With vaccines and a new administration, the pandemic will be tamed. But experts say the coming months “are going to be just horrible.”

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Oregon Nurse Is Placed on Leave Over TikTok Video Mocking Masks

The nurse’s employer, Salem Health, said the post showed “cavalier disregard for the seriousness of this pandemic.”

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London A.I. Lab Claims Breakthrough That Could Accelerate Drug Discovery

Researchers at DeepMind say they have solved “the protein folding problem,” a task that has bedeviled scientists for more than 50 years.

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London A.I. Lab Claims Breakthrough That Could Accelerate Drug Discovery

Researchers at DeepMind say they have solved “the protein folding problem,” a task that has bedeviled scientists for more than 50 years.

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Moderna Applies for Emergency F.D.A. Approval for Its Coronavirus Vaccine

The first shots could be given as early as Dec. 21, if authorization is granted.

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Despite Pandemic Shutdowns, Cancer Doesn’t Take a Break

The danger of delayed screenings is greatest for people with known risk factors for cancer.

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New Guidelines Cover Opioid Use After Children’s Surgery

Parents should not be afraid of managing the child’s pain with opioids when they are needed, but should make sure a child does not have access to leftover doses.

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dimanche 29 novembre 2020

Should Isolation Periods Be Shorter for People With Covid-19?

Patients are usually most infectious two days before symptoms begin and for five days after, a new analysis finds.

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samedi 28 novembre 2020

Make a Poem From Newspaper

A cento is a poem written using borrowed lines, like ones from this publication. Don’t forget to give credit.

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Making Bar Trivia Virtual

Though many bars are under lockdown restrictions, pub quiz companies still operate online. You provide the booze, they provide the brainteasers.

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Ways to Get Your Kids Moving

Teens and tweens need exercise, period. Many parents are finding informal, creative and encouraging ways to get their isolated offspring outside safely.

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Listen to Indigenous Podcasts

Expand your understanding of Native history issues beyond the fourth Thursday of November. Here are some Indigenous podcasters recommending their favorite Native-made audio.

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Things To Do At Home

This week, listen to the music of Billie Holiday, attend a fashion workshop or get your tarot cards read.

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A.A. to Zoom, Substance Abuse Treatment Goes Online

It began as a stopgap way to get through the pandemic, but both participants and providers say virtual sessions have some clear advantages and will likely become a permanent part of recovery.

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vendredi 27 novembre 2020

McKinsey Proposed Paying Pharmacy Companies Rebates for OxyContin Overdoses

Court filings reveal consultants’ talk of a records purge during the opioid crisis, and shed new light on sales advice given to the billionaire Sackler family and their drug company, Purdue Pharma.

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Covid Overload: U.S. Hospitals Are on the Brink

As the coronavirus pandemic surges across the country, hospitals are facing a crisis-level shortage of beds and staff to provide adequate care for patients.

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Biden’s Plan for Seniors Is Not Just a Plan for Seniors

The incoming administration aims to tackle child care, elder care, preschool and more in one ambitious aid program.

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Biden’s Plan for Seniors Is Not Just a Plan for Seniors

The incoming administration aims to tackle child care, elder care, preschool and more in one ambitious aid program.

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Ghost Ships

My sister was my other half until we tacked in different directions, making our own life choices.

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The Coronavirus Won't Stop Evolving When the Vaccine Arrives

The coronavirus is not a shape shifter like the flu virus, but it could become vaccine resistant over time. That prompts researchers to urge vigilance.

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They Beat Back the Virus (Again and Again and Again)

Hard-to-trace clusters, along with pandemic fatigue, have forced officials in Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan to keep recalibrating their responses.

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The Coronavirus Won't Stop Evolving When the Vaccine Arrives

The coronavirus is not a shape shifter like the flu virus, but it could become vaccine resistant over time. That prompts researchers to urge vigilance.

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jeudi 26 novembre 2020

Military’s Role in Vaccine to Be Strictly Behind the Scenes

While no troops will be administering shots or dropping off doses, scores of Defense Department employees are involved in the effort.

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Dr. Mary Fowkes, 66, Dies; Helped Science Understand the Pandemic

She performed autopsies at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York that found blood clots in vital organs, suggesting how much the virus spreads through the body.

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Their Teeth Fell Out. Was It Another Covid-19 Consequence?

People who already have dental problems may see them aggravated by encounters with the coronavirus, some experts suggest.

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mercredi 25 novembre 2020

After Admitting Mistake, AstraZeneca Faces Difficult Questions About Its Vaccine

Some trial participants only got a partial dose of AstraZeneca’s vaccine. Experts said the company’s spotty disclosures have eroded confidence.

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Bill Gates, la Covid-19, et le combat pour vacciner la planète

Le milliardaire travaille avec l’OMS, les groupes pharmaceutiques et plusieurs ONG pour dompter le coronavirus à travers le monde, y compris dans les pays les plus pauvres. Réussiront-ils?

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Is It Safe to Fly During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Studies suggest that flying is a relatively lower-risk activity, and millions are traveling by plane over the holidays. But the picture is not complete. Here’s what the science says about mitigating exposure.

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Doctors and Nurses Are Running on Empty

Doctors and nurses on the front lines are running on empty, under increasing duress as the pandemic surges and hospitals are overrun with patients.

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Is It Safe to Fly During the Pandemic? Answers From the Experts

Studies suggest that flying is a relatively lower-risk activity, and millions are traveling by plane over the holidays. But the picture is not complete. Here’s what the science says about mitigating exposure.

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It’s Time for a Digital Detox. (You Know You Need It.)

Excessive screen time can be harmful to our well-being, but we can free ourselves from tech’s hooks with goals, rules and boundaries.

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The Reigning Queen of Pandemic Yoga

The YouTube celebrity Adriene Mishler made yoga accessible and search-optimized even before so many Americans were confined at home. Can she help us learn to live better lives in front of the computer?

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mardi 24 novembre 2020

Purdue Pharma Pleads Guilty to Role in Opioid Crisis as Part of Deal With Justice Dept.

The admission in federal court brought a formal end to a major investigation that resulted in a multibillion-dollar settlement between the drug maker and the government.

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Masks Offer Covid Protection, Provided You Wear Them Right

New research shows adding a filter and improving the fit makes a cloth mask work even better.

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Early Coronavirus Mutation Made It Harder to Stop, Evidence Suggests

Scientists were initially skeptical that a mutation made the coronavirus more contagious. But new research has changed many of their minds.

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AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 Vaccine: What You Need to Know

AstraZeneca’s new clinical trial results are positive but confusing, leaving many experts wanting to see more data before passing final judgment on how well the vaccine will work.

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Holiday Gifts for Health and Wellness

Give someone the gift of healthy living this year with one of these gift ideas from the writers and editors of Well.

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Giving Thanks for My Imperiled Nurse

One of the people I credit with extending my life as a cancer patient is now struggling with her own diagnosis of advanced lung cancer.

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lundi 23 novembre 2020

Politics, Science and the Remarkable Race for a Coronavirus Vaccine

The furious race to develop a coronavirus vaccine played out against a presidential election, between a pharmaceutical giant and a biotech upstart, with the stakes as high as they could get.

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Small Social Gatherings Aren’t Driving the Virus Surge (So Far)

Yes, the coronavirus can be spread over cocktails and dinners. But these get-togethers do not account for the huge rise in cases seen now, the data show.

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Good Sleep Habits Tied to Lower Risk of Heart Failure

People who slept seven to eight hours a night, didn’t snore and weren’t excessively tired during the day were less likely to develop heart failure.

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Vegetarian or Vegan? Watch Your Bone Health

Those who ate a meat-free diet were at increased risk for bone fractures.

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Premature Birth Tied to Increased Depression Risk

Girls born before 28 weeks of gestation were at three times the risk of those born full term.

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AstraZeneca and Oxford Say Vaccine Is Up to 90 Percent Effective

The drug maker said its vaccine candidate was 70 percent effective on average, and potentially up to 90 percent effective, at preventing Covid-19 in an early analysis.

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Snapshots of Daily Life in a Remote Region of Portugal

The Barroso is one of Portugal’s most isolated areas, known for its rough terrain, abiding agricultural traditions and stunning beauty.

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Can an Algorithm Prevent Suicide?

The Department of Veterans Affairs has turned to machine-learning to help identify vets at risk of taking their own lives.

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The Risks of Another Epidemic: Teenage Vaping

“We’re stepping backward from all the advances we’ve made in tobacco control,” one investigator said.

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Improve Emergency Care? Pandemic Helps Point the Way

Momentum is gathering for telemedicine, which could alleviate a longstanding problem: wait times.

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Being Thankful and Hopeful in This Weird and Terrible Year

It’s a year for getting through the winter as well as we can, for thinking about how to help those who are bearing the greatest burdens, and for waiting hopefully for better times.

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Ad Council’s Challenge: Persuade Skeptics to Believe in Covid Vaccines

The nonprofit marketing group led a polio vaccine campaign in the 1950s. Now it is working on a $50 million ad blitz to counter concerns about coming treatments.

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Bill Gates, the Virus and the Quest to Vaccinate the World

The billionaire is working with the W.H.O., drugmakers and nonprofits to defeat the coronavirus everywhere, including in the world’s poorest nations. Can they do it?

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dimanche 22 novembre 2020

Ad Council’s Challenge: Persuade Skeptics to Believe in Covid Vaccines

The nonprofit marketing group led a polio vaccine campaign in the 1950s. Now it is working on a $50 million ad blitz to counter concerns about coming treatments.

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Pat Quinn, Who Promoted A.L.S. Ice Bucket Challenge, Dies at 37

Mr. Quinn, who learned he had A.L.S. a month after he turned 30, was credited with helping to make the ice-bucket videos a viral sensation that raised $220 million worldwide.

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The U.S. Has Lots of Ventilators -- but Too Few Specialists to Mind Them

A burst of production solved the dire shortage that defined the first wave of Covid-19. But the surplus may not be enough to prevent large numbers of deaths.

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samedi 21 novembre 2020

Holiday Table Decoration Activity

With a little paint and accordion folding, your newspaper can become décor for your Thanksgiving table.

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Things To Do At Home

Spend this holiday week experimenting with turkey bones, painting botanical art or running a virtual race.

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F.D.A. Grants Emergency Authorization of Antibody Treatment Given to Trump

The treatment, made by the biotech company Regeneron, is a cocktail of two powerful antibodies that have shown promise for people who get it early in the course of the disease.

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Why Are States Imposing Virus Curfews?

State and city leaders are trying to slow the spread of the coronavirus without full lockdowns. But whether curfews will help remains unclear.

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Antibodies Good. Machine-Made Molecules Better?

With help from computer algorithms, researchers designed proteins from scratch that can trounce the coronavirus in lab animals.

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No, a Negative Coronavirus Test Does Not Mean You Can Safely Socialize

A negative test is helpful, scientists and doctors say. But it doesn’t mean you should skip other measures, like quarantining, masking and distancing.

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vendredi 20 novembre 2020

Pfizer Applies for Emergency F.D.A. Approval for Covid-19 Vaccine

A large team of regulators at the agency will take about three weeks to review an application spanning thousands of pages.

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Covid Vaccines Are 95% Effectives. What Does That Mean?

You might assume that 95 out of every 100 people vaccinated will be protected from Covid-19. But that’s not how the math works.

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These Algorithms Could End the Scourge of Tuberculosis

In rural India and other places where tuberculosis is rampant, A.I. that scans lung X-rays might eliminate the scourge.

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Scientists: How Has the Pandemic Changed Your Work?

We want to hear from scientists whose work has been upended — positively or negatively — by the pandemic.

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What 635 Epidemiologists Are Doing for Thanksgiving

Those who are gathering with family or friends are taking precautions or rethinking their holiday rituals altogether. Most are staying home.

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Carving a Turkey and Becoming a Man

My father brought the brutality of the slaughterhouse to the table with him. I had to find other role models to become a different kind of man.

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jeudi 19 novembre 2020

World Health Organization Rejects Antiviral Drug Remdesivir as Covid-19 Treatment

In a review of several trials, the World Health Organization found that Gilead’s drug did not improve survival rates for patients nor did it help them recover.

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Hospitals, Health Care Workers Issue a Call to Arms for Wearing Masks

With the pandemic raging in the U.S., a new ad campaign features frontline medical personnel pleading for everyone to mask up.

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W.H.O. Rejects Antiviral Drug Remdesivir as a Covid Treatment

In a review of several trials, the World Health Organization found that Gilead’s drug did not improve survival rates for patients nor did it help them recover.

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C.D.C. Pleads With Americans to Stay Home on Thanksgiving

Even as the White House downplays the coronavirus threat, health officials warned against traditional gatherings with those from outside the immediate household.

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H.I.V. Death Rates Fell by Half 2010-2018, C.D.C. Says

From 2010-2018, significantly fewer people died of H.I.V.-related causes, although survival rates for women and people of color did not improve as much.

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Smithsonian Museums Are Latest to Shutter as Virus Surges

Eight D.C.-area institutions that had reopened to the public will again temporarily close their doors, starting Monday.

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Many Employers Avoid Covid Tests Over Cost, Not Availability

A survey sheds light on why many companies aren’t testing workers. There is also “confusion and uncertainty as to how tests work,” a researcher said.

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A Call to Arms: Wear a Mask

With the pandemic raging in the U.S., a new ad campaign features frontline medical personnel pleading for everyone to mask up.

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How Do I Make Thanksgiving Grocery Shopping Safer?

With coronavirus cases raging across the U.S., holiday food shopping just got more complicated. We asked the experts for advice.

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He Finished His First Marathon. Then His Arm Felt Weak.

Soon after the race, he could barely straighten one arm. How could running have caused this?

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mercredi 18 novembre 2020

Wearing Masks to Prevent Coronavirus: Here's What Scientists Know

The accumulating research may be imperfect, and it’s still evolving, but the takeaway is simple. Right now, masks are necessary to slow the pandemic.

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The Coronavirus Is Airborne Indoors. But We’re Still Scrubbing Surfaces.

Scientists who initially warned about contaminated surfaces now say that the virus spreads primarily through inhaled droplets, and that there is little to no evidence that deep cleaning mitigates the threat indoors.

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The Coronavirus Is Airborne Indoors. But We’re Still Scrubbing Surfaces.

Scientists who initially warned about contaminated surfaces now say that the virus spreads primarily through inhaled droplets, and that there is little to no evidence that deep cleaning mitigates the threat indoors.

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Confused About Masks? Here’s What Scientists Know

The accumulating research may be imperfect, and it’s still evolving, but the takeaway is simple. Right now, masks are necessary to slow the pandemic.

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Spike Lee’s Next Project: A Viagra Musical

Lee and Kwame Kwei-Armah will write the movie musical, about the invention of the little blue pill, which will feature music by Stew Stewart and Heidi Rodewald.

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Danish Study Questions Use of Masks to Protect Wearers

Masks prevent people from transmitting the coronavirus to others, scientists now agree. But a new trial failed to document protection from the virus among the wearers.

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Does an Autoimmune Disorder Affect My Covid-19 Risks?

Patients with conditions like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, who may take immune suppressing drugs, do not appear to be at greatly increased risk from coronavirus.

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New Pfizer Results: Coronavirus Vaccine Is Safe and 95% Effective

The company said it planned to apply for emergency approval from the Food and Drug Administration “within days.”

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Children in U.S. May Miss 9 Million Vaccine Doses in 2020, Report Warns

The Blue Cross Blue Shield Association said vaccinations for measles, polio and other highly contagious diseases had fallen by as much as 26 percent during the coronavirus pandemic.

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How the Out-of-Control Pandemic Is Speeding the Hunt for Vaccines

The surge in coronavirus cases worldwide is helping researchers measure more quickly how well their vaccines protect against Covid-19.

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Does an Autoimmune Disorder Affect My Covid-19 Risks?

Patients with conditions like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, who may take immune suppressing drugs, do not appear to be at greatly increased risk from coronavirus.

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Wearing a Mask During Workouts Really Isn’t So Bad

Two new studies found little downside to donning masks during vigorous exercise. And wearing a mask may do much good.

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mardi 17 novembre 2020

F.D.A. Authorizes First At-Home Coronavirus Test

The test relies on a nose swab and can be run in just 30 minutes. But it requires a prescription, and has not been evaluated in asymptomatic people.

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Americans Are More Willing to Take a Coronavirus Vaccine, Poll Suggests

The Gallup survey held promise for an eventual vaccine rollout, but its authors cautioned that confidence remained lower than it was earlier in the pandemic.

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The Coronavirus Vaccines Will Likely Work. Making Them Fast Will Be Hard.

Front-runners in the coronavirus vaccine race won’t make nearly as many doses this year as were predicted, but they may kick into high gear next year.

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Immunity to the Coronavirus May Last Years, New Data Hint

Blood samples from recovered patients suggest a powerful, long-lasting immune response, researchers reported.

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Inside the Chaotic, Cuthroat Gray Market for N95 Masks

As the country heads into a dangerous new phase of the pandemic, the government’s management of the P.P.E. crisis has left the private sector still straining to meet anticipated demand.

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Vaccine Unproven? No Problem in China, Where People Scramble for Shots

Many say they are reassured because politicians and executives have been inoculated. But experts say the risks outweigh the benefits.

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How Parents Can Tame the Stress of Climate Crises

When pandemic parenting is topped off by wildfires, hurricanes and other extreme events, some stress-relieving measures are particularly suited to getting through the challenges.

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Exercise After Covid-19? Take It Slow

Heart and lung damage can happen after even mild illness, prompting doctors to recommend caution before returning to your workout.

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‘How Did We Not Know?’ Gun Owners Confront a Suicide Epidemic

The toll of self-inflicted gun deaths has led to an unusual alliance between suicide-prevention advocates and gun-rights proponents.

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lundi 16 novembre 2020

How Do Moderna’s Early Vaccine Results Compare with Pfizer’s?

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Is Moderna in Operation Warp Speed?

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Moderna’s Covid Vaccine: What You Need to Know

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Dr. Céline Gounder, Adviser to Biden, on the Next Covid Attack Plan

Schools are essential while restaurants are not, said Dr. Gounder. And manufacturers may soon be ordered to produce protective gear for health workers.

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Is it safe to go to a holiday get-together?

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How do Moderna’s early results compare with Pfizer’s?

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Is Moderna in Operation Warp Speed?

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Albert R. Jonsen, 89, Dies; Brought Medical Ethics to the Bedside

A former Jesuit priest and leader in bioethics, he believed that an ethicist should be part of a patient’s medical team when hard decisions have to be made.

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Coronavirus Vaccine: Early Data Show Moderna's Version Is 94.5% Effective

Moderna is the second company to report preliminary results from a large trial testing a vaccine. But there are still months to go before it will be widely available to the public.

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Spain’s Other Covid Casualties: Undetected Cancer Cases

A raft of lawsuits has emerged from a health care system where the struggle to fight the pandemic has led to neglect of other serious conditions.

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The Greatest Gift to Loved Ones This Covid Winter? Don’t Infect Others

“Our biggest worry is Covid-19 fatigue,” a coronavirus expert says. “People are losing respect for the virus and letting their guard down, which is a bad idea.”

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How Pediatricians Are Fending Off Coronavirus Myths

Doctors report misinformation at both extremes, with some parents worrying about taking impossible precautions and others encouraged to believe their children can’t get infected.

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Heat Waves May Be Bad for Your Pregnancy

Each one-degree Celsius increase in temperature was associated with a 5 percent increase in preterm birth and a 5 percent increase in stillbirth.

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dimanche 15 novembre 2020

Doctors Are Calling It Quits

Thousands of medical practices are closing, as doctors and nurses decide to retire early or shift to less intense jobs.

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samedi 14 novembre 2020

Organize the Garage

There is supposed to be room for cars and you’re probably never going to use that old paint. Here’s how to bring order to your home’s last messy place.

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Video Games to Relax

Unlike loud, stress-inducing shoot-’em-ups, these ones are meant to calm the mind and offer moments of quiet and clarity.

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Tips for Pandemic Insomnia

If you are not sleeping well these days, you’re not alone.

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Airport Activity

Airport codes will finish the Thanksgiving-themed phrases, and the boarding passes reveal a secret image and holiday message.

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Missing From State Plans to Distribute the Coronavirus Vaccine: Money to Do It

The government has sent billions to drug companies to develop a coronavirus shot but a tiny fraction of that to localities for training, record-keeping and other costs for vaccinating citizens.

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vendredi 13 novembre 2020

Send Holiday Cards This Year

You can still connect with loved ones near and far with a holiday card, and referencing the pandemic is OK. Just be mindful of your tone.

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China’s New Testing Policy for Travelers Is Problematic, Experts Say

Airline passengers must present negative antibody test results before boarding. Scientists consider it a largely useless way to curb disease transmission.

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As the Pandemic Surges, C.D.C. Issues Increasingly Assertive Advice

Agency scientists often contradict the Trump administration now, but critics urge a more public stance.

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People Are Choosing Kidney Dialysis at H

A new Medicare program aims to increase the proportion of patients using home dialysis and receiving transplants.

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Until a Vaccine Arrives, a Worrisome Road Ahead

In an interview, the science reporter Donald G. McNeil Jr. says that medical help is coming, but the fight is far from over.

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How Can My College Student Come Home Safely for Thanksgiving?

As coronavirus infections rage across the U.S., we asked the experts how families and students should manage the risks of the holiday break.

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How to Avoid a Surprise Bill for Your Coronavirus Test

Get tested at a public facility. Question what services are being provided. And know your rights under federal law.

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When It Comes to Living With Uncertainty, Michael J. Fox Is a Pro

In his fourth memoir, “No Time Like the Future,” the actor and activist opens up about his newfound, uniquely upbeat brand of pessimism.

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Medicare's Choices Have Grown, but Many Americans Don't Review Options

A new study shows that more than half of enrollees don’t review or compare their coverage options annually.

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Singing My Dad Back to Me

For a moment, songs let us share the same space in our minds, though it’s only as temporary as the memory occupying his.

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Is It Possible to Outgrow A.D.H.D.?

The challenges of the diagnosis make it unclear whether the condition is outgrown or simply becomes better managed, experts say.

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jeudi 12 novembre 2020

Teens in Covid Isolation: 'I Felt Like I Was Suffocating'

Remote learning, lockdowns and pandemic uncertainty have increased anxiety and depression among adolescents, and heightened concerns about their mental health.

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Measles Deaths Soared Worldwide Last Year, as Vaccine Rates Stalled

The new data, from the W.H.O. and C.D.C., alarmed public health experts, who fear the effect of the coronavirus pandemic this year could bring more bad numbers.

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These Researchers Tested Positive. But the Virus Wasn’t the Cause.

Several scientists working with harmless genetic material have discovered that their research may have contaminated their coronavirus tests.

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mercredi 11 novembre 2020

Navy Research Confirms Need for Strict Coronavirus Testing Protocols

Two new studies clarify how Covid-19 spreads among young adults and expose the limits of quarantine measures.

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A Tough Call for Families: How to Spend Thanksgiving

If you’re feeling pressured, here are a few ways to keep the peace.

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Women Doctors Are Less Likely to Perform C-Sections

Female obstetricians are less likely than their male colleagues to perform cesarean sections, a review of studies has found.

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How Exercise Might Affect Immunity to Lower Cancer Risk

Working out may enhance the immune system’s ability to target and eradicate cancer cells, a study in mice suggests.

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Ibuprofen vs. Acetaminophen for Pain and Fever in Infants

Both drugs appear to be effective for relief of fever and pain in children under 2, though ibuprofen may offer some marginal benefits.

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India's Covid-19 Cases Drop. A Second Wave May Loom.

While some hope the worst might be over, lapsed vigilance, cold weather and the festival season could spark a resurgence.

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Who Will Win the 'Genius Dog Contest?' Watch the Competition Begin

Scientists in Hungary are streaming experiments with dogs that know many words, featuring them in a contest of canine intelligence.

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Now’s the Time to Sign Up for Health Insurance. Here’s How.

It’s open enrollment season for the Affordable Care Act. Anyone who needs insurance for next year can pick a plan now.

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Brain Scientists Explore the How of When

A new study offers the strongest evidence yet of “time cells” in the brain.

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mardi 10 novembre 2020

New Type of Test May Better Discern Immunity to the Coronavirus

The test detects the response of T cells to the virus — an arm of the immune system that may be just as important as antibodies to preventing reinfection.

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$1,944 for a Coronavirus Test? How Readers Helped Us Spot an Unusual Trend

After patients sent us copies of their medical bills, I noticed a pattern that called for a closer look.

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Limiting Indoor Capacity Can Reduce Covid Infections Significantly, New Study Shows

Research using cellphone data in 10 U.S. cities last spring could help influence officials’ decisions on new restrictions as cases resurge around the country.

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After a Broken Bone, the Risk of a Second Fracture

Far too few patients are referred for treatment that could stave off another costly, debilitating and sometimes deadly fracture.

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Covid Threatens People With Intellectual and Developmental Challenges

People with these disorders are three times more likely to die of Covid-19, compared with patients without the conditions, a new analysis found.

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The Children Never Had Covid. So Why Did They Have Coronavirus Antibodies?

A provocative study suggests that certain colds may leave antibodies against the new coronavirus, perhaps explaining why children are more protected than adults.

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Brazil Halts Trial of Chinese Coronavirus Vaccine, CoronaVac

The Brazilian government offered little explanation as to why it had abruptly stopped testing a promising coronavirus shot that thousands of people have already received.

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Who Will Get the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine First?

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Is the Pfizer Vaccine for the Coronavirus Safe?

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Who Will Get the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine First?

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Is the Pfizer Vaccine for the Coronavirus Safe?

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Helping Children With Anxiety in the Pandemic

Even in an anxious time, children’s anxiety is treatable.

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Pfizer’s Covid Vaccine: 11 Things You Need to Know

What’s the big deal? Was it part of Operation Warp Speed? When can you get one?

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Was the Pfizer vaccine part of the government’s Operation Warp Speed?

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Who will get the new vaccine first?

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Is the Pfizer vaccine safe?

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Pandemic Advice From Athletes

Athletes who have endured the most grueling tests have a lot to tell us about how to thrive in the pandemic.

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lundi 9 novembre 2020

Eli Lilly’s Antibody Treatment Gets Emergency F.D.A. Approval

The authorization raised immediate questions about who would get access to the antibody treatments, which are in short supply.

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Mink and the Coronavirus: What We Know

Mink are the only animal known to both catch the virus from people and transmit it to them.

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The Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine, Explained

What’s the big deal? Was it part of Operation Warp Speed? When can you get one?

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Pfizer’s Early Data Shows Vaccine Is More Than 90% Effective

Pfizer announced stunning early results from its coronavirus vaccine trial, cementing the lead in a frenzied global race that has unfolded at record-breaking speed.

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Shot to Prevent H.I.V. Works Better Than Daily Pill in Women

Researchers ended a clinical trial of the drug early because the results were so convincing. The more effective drug would be given in six injections a year instead of as 365 daily pills.

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‘Stand by Her’: In China, a Movement Hands Out Free Sanitary Pads in Schools

Students and teachers are placing pads outside bathrooms as part of a grass-roots campaign to fight period poverty and to remove the stigma surrounding menstruation.

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Old Dogs, New Research and the Secrets of Aging

The ways that dogs grow and age may provide potentially useful similarities with people.

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Covid Infections in Animals Prompt Scientific Concern

Mink in Denmark are not the only animals that could become reservoirs for the coronavirus to spread new mutations to people.

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Celebrating Thanksgiving This Year

Thanksgiving is even more of a logistical puzzle this year, and some people are solving it differently.

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Enjoy the Holidays Alone

Single people make up one third of all American households and finding ways to celebrate this Thanksgiving means taking action ahead of time.

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dimanche 8 novembre 2020

Students Return For the Holidays

Plan out the trip home and set ground rules for safe socializing. And remember that they’ve had a tough year, too, so give them the space to talk about it.

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Shopping For Health Insurance

If you’re shopping for health insurance this fall for coverage starting Jan. 1, start early and set aside a full day to learn about your options.

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Six in White House, Including Trump’s Chief of Staff, Have the Coronavirus

Mark Meadows aided President Trump’s efforts to play down the virus throughout the summer. A Trump campaign adviser and four other White House aides also tested positive.

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An Explanation for Some Covid-19 Deaths May Not Be Holding Up

Recent studies have created doubts about an agent in cytokine storms, and suggest that treatments for it may not help.

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samedi 7 novembre 2020

Game Nights At Home

With the family together for the holiday, you might be looking for tabletop games that will delight kids and grown-ups alike. Here are a few you can all play together.

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Things To Do at Home

This week, pick the best indoor plants, jam with the ‘queen of Kindie rock,’ dive deeper into the power of the X-ray and be swept away by the San Francisco Symphony.

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Thanksgiving Dinner Safety Tips During Covid

Public health officials urge families to keep celebrations small, avoid mixing households and open the windows.

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When Turning 13 Is Not the Typical Rite of Passage

For my son, each birthday has been accompanied by complicated feelings, a reminder of the milestones he has not met and may never meet.

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vendredi 6 novembre 2020

Controversial Alzheimer’s Drug Faces Critical Test Before F.D.A. Panel

If ultimately approved, the drug, aducanumab, made by Biogen, would be the first new Alzheimer’s treatment in nearly two decades. Some evidence suggests it slows, but does not stop, cognitive decline.

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jeudi 5 novembre 2020

Nasal Spray Prevents Covid Infection in Ferrets, Study Finds

Scientists at Columbia University have developed a treatment that blocks the virus in the nose and lungs, is inexpensive and needs no refrigeration.

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Children Produce Weaker Coronavirus Antibodies, Study Finds

The research suggests that children clear the infection much faster than adults and may help explain why many don’t become seriously ill.

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Weight Training May Help Ease Anxiety

A basic program of lunges, lifts, squats and crunches eased anxiety levels in healthy young men and women.

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$26 Billion Settlement Offer in Opioid Lawsuits Gains Support

Three distributors and a drug manufacturer have proposed a deal that a majority of states and negotiators for small governments finally seem to like.

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A New Item on Your Medical Bill: The ‘Covid’ Fee

A surprise charge that can take advantage of vulnerable people and possibly violate consumer protection laws.

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Who Should Get a Covid-19 Vaccine First?

It depends on a complicated interplay of transmission rates, available doses and societal goals.

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mercredi 4 novembre 2020

Denmark Will Kill All Farmed Mink, Citing Covid Infections

Government officials said on Wednesday that a mutation in the virus could interfere with vaccine effectiveness in humans.

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Pursuing Leisure Activities May Not Protect Against Dementia

Researchers found no association between engagement in leisure activities at age 56 and the incidence of dementia over the following 18 years.

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Ancient Remains in Peru Reveal Female Big-Game Hunter

Scientists are divided on broader implications of the find for ancient gender roles.

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In a Stressful Time, Knitting for Calm and Connection

The yarn in my fingers connected me to the past, beyond this strange and terrible year, and to the family members far away.

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Social Isolation Tied to High Blood Pressure in Women

Women who are socially isolated have an increased risk for high blood pressure, researchers report. But men, not so much.

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Stress Relief Tips to Relieve Election Anxiety

If the one-two punch of pandemic stress and election stress feels like more than you can handle, try these tips to help you cope.

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mardi 3 novembre 2020

Betty Dodson, Women’s Guru of Self-Pleasure, Dies at 91

She was a second-wave feminist who taught consciousness raising with a twist, and her workshops on masturbation, buoyed by the internet, have inspired millions.

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The Double Whammy of Seasonal Affective Disorder in a Season of Covid

This winter the pandemic is expected to intensify the depression experienced by many people with the syndrome known as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.

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lundi 2 novembre 2020

Pregnant Women Face Increased Risks From Covid

If symptomatic, they were more likely to develop complications and die than nonpregnant women with symptoms.

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Dementia ‘Took its Toll’ on Sean Connery, Wife Says

The actor, who died this weekend, struggled with the debilitating condition in his final months, his wife told The Daily Mail.

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Tests Show Genetic Signature of Coronavirus That Likely Infected Trump

The White House did not take basic steps to investigate its outbreak. We worked with geneticists to sequence the virus that infected two journalists exposed during the outbreak, providing clues to how it may have spread.

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A Rapid Virus Test Falters in People Without Symptoms, Study Finds

A head-to-head comparison of lab and rapid coronavirus tests drew mixed reactions from experts, who raised concerns about accuracy.

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Pandemic Grandparenting, Beyond the Dreary Video Calls

Instead of stilted, office-style Zoom sessions, families can use digital connections in creative ways to foster more meaningful relationships, experts say.

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