jeudi 31 décembre 2020

A holiday all about drinking and reveling with mobs of strangers — what could go wrong?

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A Pharmacist is Arrested After He Allegedly Allowed 500 Vaccine Doses to Spoil

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42 people in West Virginia are mistakenly given a virus treatment instead of the vaccine.

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How Does the Coronavirus Variant Spread? Here’s What Scientists Know

Contagiousness is the hallmark of the mutated virus surfacing in the U.S. and more than a dozen other countries.

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In Minority Communities, Doctors Are Changing Minds About Vaccination

Many Black and Hispanic Americans mistrust government officials, and instead have turned to physicians they have long known.

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Why Covid-19 Vaccines Take a While to Kick In

Reports of Covid-19 cases that appeared shortly after a single shot of a two-dose vaccine shouldn’t cause concern.

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Here’s Why Distribution of the Vaccine Is Taking Longer Than Expected

Health officials and hospitals are struggling with a lack of resources. Holiday staffing and saving doses for nursing homes are also contributing to delays.

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Vaccines Take a While to Kick In. Experts Say That Means the Body Is Doing Its Job.

Reports of Covid-19 cases that appeared shortly after a single shot of a two-dose vaccine shouldn’t cause concern.

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More than 500 vaccine doses were left out to spoil on purpose by a hospital employee.

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Here’s Why the ‘Last Mile’ of Vaccine Distribution Is Going So Slowly

Health officials and hospitals are struggling with a lack of resources. Holiday staffing and saving doses for nursing homes are also contributing to delays.

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mercredi 30 décembre 2020

74 of Our Favorite Facts for 2020

Each day, our editors collect the most interesting, striking or delightful facts to appear in articles throughout the paper. Here are 74 from the past year that were the most revealing.

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‘Grim’ Virus Discoveries in Colorado and California Alarm Scientists

A more contagious variant of the coronavirus may alter the course of the pandemic in the United States, researchers said.

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Warp Speed Officials Say Covid Vaccine Distribution Is Going Too Slowly

“We know that it should be better, and we’re working hard to make it better,” said Moncef Slaoui, a leader of the federal effort to accelerate vaccine development and distribution.

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74 Facts for 2020

Each day, our editors collect the most interesting, striking or delightful facts to appear in articles throughout the paper. Here are 74 from the past year that were the most revealing.

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U.K. Authorizes Covid-19 Vaccine From Oxford and AstraZeneca

Health officials hope to soon vaccinate a million people per week as the country’s hospitals are overwhelmed by cases of a new, more contagious coronavirus variant.

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What Can Be Learned From Differing Rates of Suicide Among Groups

White Americans have higher rates than most other racial and ethnic groups.

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He Was Hospitalized for Covid-19. Then Hospitalized Again. And Again.

Significant numbers of coronavirus patients experience long-term symptoms that send them back to the hospital, taxing an already overburdened health system.

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Britain Authorizes Covid-19 Vaccine From Oxford and AstraZeneca

Health officials are hoping to soon vaccinate a million people per week as the country’s hospitals are overwhelmed by cases of a new, more contagious variant of the virus.

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mardi 29 décembre 2020

Britain Authorizes Covid Vaccine From Oxford and AstraZeneca

Health authorities are hoping to soon vaccinate a million people per week as the country’s hospitals are overwhelmed by cases of a new, more contagious variant of the virus.

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More Contagious Coronavirus Variant Found in Colorado

It’s the first confirmed U.S. case of the variant, which has overwhelmed hospitals in Britain.

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U.S. Diet Guidelines Sidestep Scientific Advice to Cut Sugar and Alcohol

The government’s new nutritional recommendations arrive amid a pandemic that has taken a huge toll on American health.

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Is Dairy Farming Cruel to Cows?

A small group of animal welfare scientists is seeking answers to that question. Facing a growing anti-dairy movement, many farmers are altering their practices.

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Runners’ Post-Pandemic Dreams

We asked what you’re hoping to do when it’s safe again. Here’s what several runners told us.

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You’re Infected With the Coronavirus. But How Infected?

Knowing the amount of virus carried in the body could help doctors predict the course of a patient’s illness.

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lundi 28 décembre 2020

Is Dairy Farming Cruel to Cows?

A small group of animal welfare scientists is seeking answers to that question. Facing a growing anti-dairy movement, many farmers are altering their practices.

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H. Jack Geiger, Doctor Who Fought Social Ills, Dies at 95

He used medicine to take on poverty, racism and the threat of nuclear destruction. Two groups he helped start won Nobel Peace Prizes.

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Small Number of Covid Patients Develop Severe Psychotic Symptoms

Most had no history of mental illness and became psychotic weeks after contracting the virus. Cases are expected to remain rare but are being reported worldwide.

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Don’t Let the Pandemic Stop Your Shots

Even as older adults await the coronavirus vaccine, many are skipping the standard ones. That’s not wise, health experts say.

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Revisiting the Unseen Corners of the World

During a year with limited travel possibilities, our World Through a Lens series offered Times readers a weekly escape. Here are some of the highlights.

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Soothing Anxiety and Stress: Advice From the Year in Well

Exercise, new news habits, even dipping your face into an icy plunge pool are among the steps you can take for a mellower new year.

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The Risks of Using Steroids for Respiratory Infections

Doctors often prescribe them for sore throats and the common cold, even though evidence of benefit is sorely lacking.

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Her Stomach Hurt Unbearably. Her Doctors Were Baffled.

Then she remembered a story from her mother.

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samedi 26 décembre 2020

New Year, Same Quarantine

A ‘Happy New Feels-The-Same Year’ isn’t too exciting a prospect. Here’s how to emotionally prepare yourself for the excitement lag.

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New Year's Eve at Home

A highlight reel of what to watch and do (virtually, of course) to ring in the new year.

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Turn Your Sex Life Around

With all its stress and uncertainty, this year hasn’t exactly been a banner year for intimacy. But that can change.

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Recipes for Hot Cocktails

Festive and full of good cheer, these warm drinks will bring comfort to cold nights ahead.

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Play These Games Digitally

The best way to digitally bond may be to beat the pants off your father-in-law.

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Things To Do At Home

This week, bake a classic tarte Tatin, celebrate Noon Year’s Eve or enjoy a birthday concert from Patti Smith.

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Good News About the Coronavirus Vaccine Is Becoming Contagious

Polls show that pervasive skepticism is melting, partly because of the high efficacy rates in trials and the images of real people getting the shot.

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Homes Divided: Vaccinated Health Workers Chart a New Normal

They’ll be vaccinated but their families won’t, at least not yet. So for now all the precautions remain in place.

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vendredi 25 décembre 2020

Turkey and Brazil Say Chinese Vaccine Effective, With Sparse Supporting Data

The clinical trial in Turkey was much smaller than those of other major vaccine candidates, making the researchers’ claims for it less certain.

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Boston Doctor Develops Severe Allergic Reaction After Getting Moderna Vaccine

The patient, who has a severe shellfish allergy, recovered quickly with treatment. Until now, reports of severe reactions had been linked to the Pfizer vaccine.

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US Will Require UK Travelers to Have a Negative Coronavirus Test

The new rule, which takes effect on Monday, will apply to Americans as well as foreign nationals.

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Covid Vaccine Launch Evokes Memories of Polio Era

Many older Americans, shut in during this year’s pandemic, share haunting recollections from the polio era of their childhood.

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jeudi 24 décembre 2020

U.S. to Require Negative Covid-19 Test for All Travelers From U.K.

The new rule, which takes effect on Monday, will apply to Americans as well as foreign nationals.

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She’s a Chess Champion Who Can Barely See the Board

Like the fictional Beth Harmon in “The Queen’s Gambit,” she’s trying to find a way to get to Russia to compete. Unlike Beth, she’s blind.

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Covid-19: How Much Herd Immunity is Enough?

Scientists initially estimated that 60 to 70 percent of the population needed to acquire resistance to the coronavirus to banish it. Now Dr. Anthony Fauci and others are quietly shifting that number upward.

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Who Should Get the Covid-19 Vaccine Next? A Debate

With limited doses available, and a pandemic claiming more lives every day, a complex moral calculus has begun. Five thinkers weigh the choices ahead.

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How Much Herd Immunity Is Enough?

Scientists initially estimated that 60 to 70 percent of the population needed to acquire resistance to the coronavirus to banish it. Now Dr. Anthony Fauci and others are quietly shifting that number upward.

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China Aims to Tackle Obesity with New ‘Healthy China’ Initiative

According to a new government report, more than half of the country’s adult population is either overweight or obese. Chinese officials have vowed to address the problem with a campaign.

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mercredi 23 décembre 2020

Coronavirus Variant Is Indeed More Transmissible, New Study Suggests

Researchers warn that the British variant is so contagious that new control measures, including closing down schools and universities, may be necessary.

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Pulse Oximeters May Be Less Accurate for Black People. Should You Use One?

Although a new study showed the technology is more error prone in people with darker skin, doctors say the device is still useful for anyone monitoring Covid-19 at home.

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U.S. and Pfizer Seal Deal for 100 Million More Vaccine Doses

The company agreed to deliver the additional doses of its coronavirus vaccine by the end of July, helping address a looming shortage.

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Fathers Health Tied to Pregnancy Loss

Conditions like hypertension, high cholesterol, obesity and diabetes in a father may affect whether a pregnancy reaches full term.

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How Mink, Like Humans, Were Slammed by the Coronavirus

Rampaging infections at farms caused scandal, scientific head-scratching and a search for a vaccine — for mink.

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What to Know of Covid-19 Antibody Drugs: Cost, Availability and More

Here’s information about who these therapies can help, how much they cost and how to find out if you can get them where you live.

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Covid Antibody Drugs Go Unused as Need Soars

While such treatments are promising, their use has been slowed by testing lags, overwhelmed hospitals and a perception the therapies are only for well-connected people.

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Secret to Longevity? 4-Minute Bursts of Intense Exercise May Help

Including high-intensity training in your workouts provided better protection against premature death than moderate workouts alone.

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Secret to Longevity? 4-Minute Bursts of Intense Exercise May Help

Including high-intensity training in your workouts provided better protection against premature death than moderate workouts alone.

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How Confident Can You Be in a Coronavirus Test?

Things like which kind of test it was, and the reason for taking it, should factor into how much credence to give a positive or negative result.

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Does Your Dog Have Diabetes? You May Be at Higher Risk of Diabetes, Too

People with diabetic dogs were 32 percent more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than those with healthy dogs. Cat owners showed no such link.

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Sugary Drinks May Be Bad for Aging

Consumption of both sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened drinks was tied to an increased risk for frailty in women over 60.

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mardi 22 décembre 2020

Trial of High-Dose Blood Thinners in I.C.U. Patients Is Halted

Giving anticoagulants to hospitalized Covid-19 patients is routine. But high doses may sometimes do more harm than good, a safety board finds.

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Pfizer Nears Deal to Provide More Vaccine Doses

The company could provide at least tens of millions of additional doses of a coronavirus vaccine under an agreement that would give it better access to the supplies it needs to expand manufacturing.

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Pfizer Nears Deal to Provide More Vaccine Doses

The company could provide at least tens of millions of additional doses of a coronavirus vaccine under an agreement that would give it better access to the supplies it needs to expand manufacturing.

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Sloan Kettering Paid $1.5 Million Severance to a Cancer Doctor Forced Out Over Conflicts

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center gave Dr. José Baselga a payout after he resigned under fire in 2018 over his ties to health care companies.

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How Midwives Have Stepped in in Mexico as Covid-19 Overshadows Childbirth

Midwives and doctors struggle to help women give birth safely during the grim days of the pandemic.

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Pulse Oximeters and Coronavirus: Devices Have Higher Error Rate in Black Patients

A study showed that the devices, which measure oxygen levels in the blood, were three times more likely to give misleading readings in people with dark skin.

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In Mexico, Midwives Step in as Covid Overshadows Childbirth

Midwives and doctors struggle to help women give birth safely during the grim days of the pandemic.

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‘Each Day Is Critical’: South Korea’s 11th-Hour Battle with Covid

Officials are racing to secure more I.C.U. beds after an explosion of infections caused a bottleneck of patients. If cases aren’t brought under control, the government may impose Level 3 restrictions for the first time in South Korea.

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Covid Vaccine During Pregnancy? Even Doctors Struggle With This Question

A doctor struggles with the lack of data surrounding the Covid-19 vaccine and pregnancy.

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A Wintry Tale of Deliverance

The George Saunders story “Tenth of December” poses a question that absorbs many patients and caregivers: Can we save ourselves or each other from suffering?

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lundi 21 décembre 2020

The New Covid Strain in the UK: Questions and Answers

A newly identified variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus appears to be more contagious than established ones. Here’s what scientists know.

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Ex-Bloomberg Reporter, Christie Smythe, Who Covered Martin Shkreli Reveals Relationship With Him

Christie Smythe helped break the story of Mr. Shkreli’s arrest in 2015. Then she “started to fall for him,” she said, and quit her job at Bloomberg News.

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The U.K. Coronavirus Variant: What We Know

A newly identified variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus appears to be more contagious than established ones. Here’s what scientists know.

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Now That Grandma Has Been Vaccinated, May I Visit Her?

The start of a mass coronavirus vaccination campaign at U.S. nursing homes has brought hope to many families. But it may be a while before restrictions loosen. Here are answers to common questions.

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Ex-Bloomberg Reporter Who Covered Martin Shkreli Reveals Relationship With Him

Christie Smythe helped break the story of Mr. Shkreli’s arrest in 2015. Then she “started to fall for him,” she said, and quit her job at Bloomberg News.

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China Long Avoided Talking About Mental Health. Then Covid Hit.

The government has deployed extensive resources to address the spike in depression and anxiety. But social stigmas and long-term challenges remain.

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What You Can Do Post-Vaccine, and When

Particularly in the early months of vaccination, many activities should wait, experts say — and plan to keep your masks.

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Surgery in the Time of Covid

Patients must balance the chance of a life-threatening Covid-19 exposure against the opportunity for relief from a condition that may be painful but is not considered urgent.

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In a Covid Winter, How to Stay Warm, Safe and Social

The right gear, a little planning and practicing for the cold temperatures can help you take celebrations outdoors to avoid Covid-19.

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How Having a Child With Autism Helps Me Ride Out the Pandemic

My life has been filled with uncertainty for a long time, but my son has helped me stay flexible, adjust expectations and persevere.

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Don't Postpone Children's Health Care in the Pandemic

As we celebrate the rollout of the new Covid vaccines, don’t forget the standard immunizations and other steps to keep children safe.

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dimanche 20 décembre 2020

Hospitals Are Still Facing Shortages of Masks and Other Protective Gear

Health care workers are urging the incoming Biden administration to use the Defense Production Act to increase domestic manufacturing of personal protective equipment.

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Frontline Workers and People Over 74 Should Get Shots Next, CDC Panel Says

The recommendation was a compromise aimed at getting the coronavirus vaccine to the most vulnerable of two high-risk groups.

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‘Covid Can’t Compete.’ In a Place Mired in War, the Virus Is an Afterthought.

In Afghanistan, life goes on as though the coronavirus never existed. “Fake news,” some say, even as a second wave has brought on a surge of new cases and hospitalizations.

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‘The Pandemic Is a Prisoner’s Dilemma Game’

Using game theory, researchers modeled two ways of prioritizing vaccinations, to see which saved more lives.

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The Coronavirus Is Mutating. What Does That Mean for Us?

Officials in Britain and South Africa claim new variants are more easily transmitted. There’s a lot more to the story, scientists say.

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samedi 19 décembre 2020

Things To Do At Home

This week, stream Handel’s “Messiah,” listen to a conversation with Haim or check out virtual artwork from Judy Chicago.

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Knit to Improve Your Mood

This inexpensive hobby abounds with benefits. And once you get good, you’ll be a mitten machine.

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Accessible Parks for Kids and Families

Many federal and state park systems offer inexpensive access for children and their families.

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How to Build a Geodesic Dome

Roll up your Sunday paper and create your own geodesic dome.

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C.D.C. Panel Endorses Moderna Vaccine for Americans

The approval sets the stage for widespread inoculations in the United States with a second coronavirus vaccine.

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vendredi 18 décembre 2020

Covid Guide: How to Get Through the Pandemic

Times are tough now, but the end is in sight. If we hunker down, keep our families safe during the holidays and monitor our health at home, life will get better in the spring. Here’s how to get through it.

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F.D.A. Clears Moderna's Covid Vaccine

The Food and Drug Administration authorized a second coronavirus vaccine for emergency use, clearing the way for millions more Americans to be immunized next week.

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Employers Can Require Workers to Get Covid-19 Vaccine, U.S. Says

The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission said employees could be barred from the workplace if they refused the vaccine.

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In Massachusetts, Inmates Will Be Among First to Get Vaccines

As prison outbreaks rise, the state has moved inmates forward in the line to receive inoculations.

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A European Official Reveals a Secret: The U.S. Is Paying More for Coronavirus Vaccines

But the price difference is negligible considering the enormous economic consequences of the pandemic.

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Karen Killilea, 80, Dies; Turned Disability Into Triumph

She refused to be limited by her cerebral palsy. Her story was the subject of two widely read books and became an inspiration to many.

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What People With Allergies Should Know About Covid Vaccines

Four people so far have had allergic reactions after getting the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Experts say that shouldn’t deter most people from getting a jab.

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Christmas Is Coming. Cue the Guilt Trips and Tears.

Thanksgiving gatherings were upended by the pandemic. With Christmas upon us, families are having another round of fraught conversations about in-person celebrations.

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How New York City Vaccinated 6 Million People in Less Than a Month

When a single case of smallpox arrived in Manhattan in 1947, a severe outbreak was possible. A decisive civil servant made a bold decision.

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jeudi 17 décembre 2020

States Complain of Smaller Covid Vaccine Shipments Than Expected

The smaller number of expected doses, which appeared to be the result of a scheduling hiccup, reignited tensions between the federal government and Pfizer over vaccine supply.

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F.D.A. Panel Endorses Moderna's Coronavirus Vaccine

An advisory group’s recommendation will mean millions more Americans can be inoculated, extending protection against Covid beyond big urban areas into rural and suburban regions.

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Sacklers Deny Personal Responsibility for Opioid Epidemic in House Hearing

It was the first time in years that members of the family that owns Purdue Pharma have taken questions publicly, and the exchanges were tense.

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The Vaccines Are Supposed to Be Free. Surprise Bills Could Happen Anyway.

“It is the American health care system, so there are bound to be loopholes.”

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She Saved Thousands of Best Friends. Then Covid-19 Killed Her.

Valerie Louie rescued dogs and matched them with families, including ours. These beloved pets helped countless people bear up during the pandemic, making her death a particular Covid-19 cruelty.

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mercredi 16 décembre 2020

After personal threats over a local mask mandate, the Dodge City, Kansas, mayor resigns.

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Hospitals Discover a Surprise in Their Pfizer Vaccine Deliveries: Extra Doses

Pharmacists have found that they can squeeze an additional dose from some of the glass vials that were supposed to contain five doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

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How Effective Is the Mask You’re Wearing? You May Know Soon

A C.D.C. division is working with an industry standards group to develop filtration standards — and products that meet them will be able to carry labels saying so.

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New Scan Finds Prostate Cancer Cells Hiding in the Body

The test seems likely to improve the diagnosis and treatment of a disease that kills 33,000 American men each year.

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Chicago Girl Raises $22,000 for Children’s Hospital With Friendship Bracelets

Hayley Orlinsky, 7, has sold some 9,000 bracelets to raise money for Covid-19 equipment at the hospital that cared for her as an infant.

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Health Care Worker Had Serious Allergic Reaction After Pfizer's Covid Vaccine

It’s unclear whether the person had a history of severe allergies. Two similar reactions happened last week in Britain.

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Paul Farmer Is Awarded the $1 Million Berggruen Prize

The medical anthropologist won the prize, which is given to “thinkers whose ideas have profoundly shaped human self-understanding and advancement.”

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From Voter Fraud to Vaccine Lies: Misinformation Peddlers Shift Gears

Election-related falsehoods have subsided, but misleading claims about the coronavirus vaccines are surging — often spread by the same people.

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‘Like a Hand Grasping’: Trump Appointees Describe the Crushing of the C.D.C.

Kyle McGowan, a former chief of staff at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and his deputy, Amanda Campbell, go public on the Trump administration’s manipulation of the agency.

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This Is the Health System That Biden Inherits From Trump

With medical spending down for the first time in decades, gains in care for the poor and vulnerable are under threat.

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Fitness 2020: The Year in Exercise Science

The novel coronavirus crept into and transformed every aspect of our lives, including the way we work out.

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Life After Covid: When Can We Start Making Plans?

We asked Dr. Anthony S. Fauci and other experts when they thought life would start to feel more normal.

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Her Wrist Was Swollen and Excruciatingly Painful. Steroids Didn’t Help.

At first, it was just sore. Then she could barely turn a doorknob or hold her cellphone. What brought this on?

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A snowstorm in the Northeast threatens to snarl vaccine deliveries.

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mardi 15 décembre 2020

Tom Cruise Erupts at ‘Mission: Impossible’ Crew Over Covid-19 Breach

On a film set in Britain, the actor tore into the crew with an expletive-laden rant. Production of the blockbuster film had previously been delayed by the pandemic.

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A new survey finds that about a quarter of Americans don’t want to get vaccinated.

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In New Hampshire, the governor will wait his turn to get the vaccine.

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If teachers get vaccinated quickly, can students go back to school?

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The first Covid-19 vaccines bring Americans hope in small doses.

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New At-Home Covid Test Gets Green Light From F.D.A.

Unlike similar at-home tests, Ellume’s does not require a prescription.

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The first coronavirus vaccines bring Americans hope in small doses.

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The next vaccine challenge is to reassure older Americans.

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Moderna Vaccine Is Highly Protective and Prevents Severe Covid, Data Show

The positive review likely ensures that the F.D.A. will approve a second coronavirus vaccine this week for millions of Americans.

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With First Dibs on Vaccines, Rich Countries Have ‘Cleared the Shelves’

The U.S., Britain, Canada and others are hedging their bets, reserving doses that far outnumber their populations, as many poorer nations struggle to secure enough.

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Music During Surgery May Aid Recovery

Patients undergoing surgery who listen to soothing talk and music while under anesthesia may wake up feeling less pain.

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Covid Stole My Sense of Smell. The City’s Not the Same.

I never thought I’d miss the fetid odor of garbage and fish wafting through the window of my sixth-floor Chinatown walk-up.

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lundi 14 décembre 2020

The Next Covid Vaccine Challenge: Reassuring Older Americans

The two leading coronavirus vaccines seemed to work well in elderly trial volunteers. “I just can’t understand why people are afraid,” one 95-year-old said.

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Did You Get the Coronavirus Vaccine, or Are You Planning To?

The New York Times would like to hear from people in the U.S. who received a vaccination against Covid-19, or hoped to get one.

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Fruit Flies Are Essential to Science. So Are the Workers Who Keep Them Alive.

Sustaining the world’s biggest Drosophila collection during the pandemic has been a challenge, but the people in Indiana who supply the insects to labs around the world stay dedicated to the task.

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After a Covid-19 Semester, College Doctors Reflect on Sports

Weighing the risks and benefits of participating in sports against the larger public health factors.

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In many Covid-19 obituaries, personal details are accompanied by virus pleas.

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Falls Are Tied to Social Isolation

People who lived alone or who had few social contacts were up to 24 percent more likely to have falls than their socially connected peers.

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In Iowa, an emergency room nurse is first in line for vaccination.

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Hearing Aids Could Use Some Help

The vital medical devices could be inexpensive and available over the counter. But efforts have stalled under the F.D.A.

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Improving Your Balance to Prevent Falls

Balance is something the body learns to do automatically by engaging the postural muscles.

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Why Paying People to Be Vaccinated Could Backfire

Some economists and politicians have proposed offering financial incentives, but that risks sending an unintended message.

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U.K. to Ease Rules on Blood Donations by Gay and Bisexual Men

The new policy, which will take effect next summer, was described by Britain’s health secretary as a landmark and by an activist as “a fundamental shift toward recognizing people are individuals.”

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dimanche 13 décembre 2020

Trump Administration Plans a Rushed Effort to Encourage Americans to Be Vaccinated

A large-scale public education campaign, delayed by false starts and investigations, will get off the ground just as the coronavirus vaccine becomes available to high-risk Americans.

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Covid Patient Study Shows Some Benefit From an Arthritis Drug

Baricitinib had previously attracted some scrutiny from experts, who were unsure when it would most help their patients.

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Fears of a ‘Twindemic’ Recede as Flu Lies Low

Despite early worries, flu patients are not competing with Covid-19 patients for ventilators, and the threat of dueling outbreaks may be waning.

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Vaccinated? Show Us Your App

Covid-19 health pass apps could help reopen businesses and restore the economy. They could also unfairly exclude people from travel and workplaces.

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samedi 12 décembre 2020

Make Your Own Seltzer

With our constant need to hit ‘refresh’ right now, sparkling water is in high demand. Here’s how to save money and the planet by making it yourself.

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Guide to Jigsaw Puzzles

Whether made of cardboard or sculpted out of wood, jigsaw puzzles test skills like spatial reasoning and can help to stave off anxiety. They can also be works of art in their own right.

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Things To Do At Home

This week, make the perfect cheese board, dance with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater or listen to authors read excerpts from their work.

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Grief Films For Children

We are at a time when large numbers of children are experiencing loss. Here are seven movies to help them develop coping skills.

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Recipes for Chocolate Truffles

Enticingly imperfect, hand-rolled truffles are a one-bite affair.

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Jigsaw Puzzle Activity

It’s a 🧩. It’s a 🌽. It’s a rebus, too. Play this game to discover a classic holiday song.

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C.D.C. Panel Recommends Pfizer Vaccine for Patients as Young as 16

The advisory panel of experts endorsed the vaccine and will soon issue specific guidance for pregnant and lactating women and for people who have had severe allergic reactions to other shots.

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First Coronavirus Vaccines to Head to States, Starting Historic Effort

Distributing supplies is a daunting logistical challenge, involving sophisticated tracking equipment, military contingencies and tight security.

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Amid Pandemic, Scientists Reassess Routine Medical Care

All this year, patients stayed away from doctors’ offices in droves, postponing tests and treatments. Maybe there’s a silver lining.

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vendredi 11 décembre 2020

Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women May Opt to Receive the Vaccine

Although no coronavirus vaccine has been studied in these women, many scientists believe the benefits will outweigh any potential risks.

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F.D.A. Clears Pfizer Vaccine, and Millions of Doses Will Be Shipped Right Away

An initial shipment of about 2.9 million doses of the vaccine will be sent around the United States over the next week.

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Alzheimer's Researchers Study a Rare Brain

A woman in Colombia with a rare genetic mutation recently made the ultimate donation to science.

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Snow Leopards Are the Latest Cats to Get the Coronavirus

Lions and tigers had already contracted the virus, but have recovered.

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Pfizer's Covid Vaccine and Allergies: How Concerned Should You Be?

British health officials recommended that people with severe allergy reactions not be given the vaccine. Such reactions to vaccines are rare, even in people who have allergies to food or bee stings.

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Australia Scraps Covid-19 Vaccine That Produced H.I.V. False Positives

Of the dozens of coronavirus vaccines being tested worldwide, the one under development at the University of Queensland was the first to be abandoned.

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It’s Not Just You: Picking a Health Insurance Plan Is Really Hard

Most Americans make poor choices. So do most professional insurance brokers, a new study finds. But robots may help.

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Australia Scraps Covid-19 Vaccine That Produced H.I.V. False Positives

Of the dozens of coronavirus vaccines being tested worldwide, the one under development at the University of Queensland was the first to be abandoned.

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jeudi 10 décembre 2020

California Travel Restrictions: What You Need to Know

Restrictions in the state are complicated and changing quickly, leading to confusion about travel rules.

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California Travel Restrictions: What You Need to Know

Restrictions in the state are complicated and changing quickly, leading to confusion about travel rules.

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F.D.A. Panel Gives Green Light to Pfizer's Covid Vaccine

The blessing of these experts means that the agency will likely OK the vaccine’s use, paving the way for health care workers to begin getting shots next week.

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Airlines Gear Up to Transport Vaccines That Could Revive Travel

Planes are one part of an elaborate supply chain to move billions of doses of vaccines around the world.

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Remote School as the Gateway Drug to Social Media

For parents who did not expect their children to have devices or use social media so young, virtual learning was an unexpected push into the digital deep end.

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Talking to Kids About O

I teach sex ed. In light of a recent report on exploitation of children on the site Pornhub, I have some talking points for parents.

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We Know How to Curb the Pandemic. How Do We Make People Listen?

Could better public health messaging persuade more people to change their behavior?

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The New Abortion Rights Advocates Are on TikTok

Gen Z activists have been unapologetic and confrontational, a shift in tactics for a movement at a crossroads.

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mercredi 9 décembre 2020

Covid Testing: What You Need to Know

Long lines, slow results and inconsistent advice have left many of us confused about when and how to get tested. We talked to the experts to answer your questions.

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The Loneliest Childhood: Toddlers Have No Covid Playmates

Covid-19 has meant the youngest children can’t go to birthday parties or play dates. Parents are keeping them out of day care. What is the long-term effect of the pandemic on our next generation?

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‘Small Town, No Hospital’: Covid-19 Is Overwhelming Rural West Texas

As cases soar in Texas, hospitals are filling up from El Paso to Lubbock. The Big Bend region is especially vulnerable, with just one hospital for 12,000 square miles.

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Holidays in a Pandemic? Here’s What Happened in 1918

The festive season fell between two deadly waves of the so-called Spanish flu. Families still gathered, often with empty chairs at the table.

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U.A.E. Is First Government to Approve a Chinese Coronavirus Vaccine

But the announcement by the United Arab Emirates was met with silence from the Chinese vaccine maker, and raised more questions.

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Amazon Halo Review: The Fitness Gadget We Don’t Deserve or Need

The retail giant claims that its health product is extremely precise at scanning body fat. I found otherwise.

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Social Inequities Explain Racial Gaps in Pandemic, Studies Find

Higher rates of infection and mortality among Black and Hispanic Americans are explained by exposure on the job and at home, experts said.

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Exercise for Weight Loss: Aim for 300 Minutes a Week

Overweight men and women who exercised six days a week lost weight; those who worked out twice a week did not.

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Children’s hospitals are pitching in to help with the flood of adult Covid-19 patients.

With a rising tide of Covid-19 patients threatening to overwhelm hospitals, public health officials across the United States are reaching for a safety valve that the Northeast used in the spring: borrowing beds in children’s hospitals to care for adults.

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mardi 8 décembre 2020

McKinsey Issues a Rare Apology for Its Role in OxyContin Sales

The firm faced criticism after a report revealed that consultants had discussed destroying documents related to the opioid business and proposed that a drugmaker pay its distributors rebates for overdoses.

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18 Days After Giving Birth, Woman Dies From Covid-19

Erika Becerra, 33, was intubated almost immediately after she gave birth to her first son, Diego. Her brother said she never got to hold the boy.

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For a Nation on Edge, Antacids Become Hard to Find

Queasy Americans, fighting upset stomachs and worries about the pandemic, have stocked up on prescription and over-the-counter medications, making them scarce in some parts of the country.

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Pfizer’s Vaccine Offers Strong Protection After First Dose

The Food and Drug Administration’s first analysis of the clinical trial data also found that the coronavirus vaccine worked well regardless of a volunteer’s race, weight or age.

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C.D.C. Call for Data on Vaccine Recipients Raises Alarm Over Privacy

The Trump administration is requiring states to submit personal data — including names, birth dates and addresses — of Covid-19 vaccine recipients.

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Here’s Why Vaccinated People Still Need to Wear a Mask

The new vaccines will probably prevent you from getting sick with Covid. No one knows yet whether they will keep you from spreading the virus to others — but that information is coming.

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Volunteering May Be Good for Your Health

Before the pandemic, I’d been spending less time in my basement office and more time out doing some good with like-minded people. Was this the magic elixir that improved my health?

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My Grandchild's First Sleepover

I worried that at night, when homesickness tends to intensify, my granddaughter would cry for Mommy and Daddy. I was prepared to not get much sleep.

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lundi 7 décembre 2020

Trump Administration Passed on Chance to Secure More of Pfizer Vaccine

The pharmaceutical company offered the government a chance to lock in additional supplies before its vaccine was proved effective in clinical trials.

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Birth Defects Tied to Higher Cancer Risk

Major birth defects are associated with an increased risk for cancer in childhood. New research suggests the risk persists into adulthood.

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Pressure on California hospitals is still mounting fast, Newsom says.

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Are Cities Safe During a Covid-19 Outbreak?

Dense urban centers were vilified when the pandemic struck, rekindling the age-old town vs. country debate. We asked seven experts if the backlash was warranted.

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Is American Dietetics a White-Bread World? These Dietitians Think So

A new generation of practitioners says the profession pays inadequate attention to different kinds of diets, body types and lives.

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Coronavirus Apps Show Promise but Prove a Tough Sell

Technology to alert people exposed to the virus could slow transmission, pilot studies show, but only if people and states sign up. So far, most haven’t.

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A Rare Pandemic Silver Lining: Mental Health Start-Ups

Using teletherapy, metrics and matching algorithms, entrepreneurs are focusing on addressing aspects of the mental health care system that they view as broken.

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Scandal Dogs China’s ‘King of Vaccines,’ Partner to AstraZeneca

The British-Swedish drugmaker has joined with a huge Asian company to produce a Covid-19 vaccine in China, where shady reputations are common in the pharmaceutical industry.

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Family Rifts and Estrangement Threaten Mental and Physical Health

For most people, estrangements and family rifts are a source of chronic stress that threatens “mental, social and physical well-being.”

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dimanche 6 décembre 2020

Trump Officials Push Ambitious Vaccine Timeline as California Locks Down

As cases surge and hospital beds fill up, federal officials said a vaccine could be distributed to as many as 24 million people by mid-January.

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Anti-Vaccine Scientist Has Been Invited to Testify Before Senate Committee

The selection of Dr. Jane M. Orient as federal health officials are trying to promote a vaccine to end the coronavirus pandemic prompted harsh criticism from Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York.

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samedi 5 décembre 2020

Spice Up Your Holiday Cookie Decorations

Baking experts show how to transform simple sugar cookies into dazzling treats.

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What to Consider Before You Travel

If you’re thinking of traveling in the coming weeks, here’s what to think about first.

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Easy DIY Home Repairs

With a few tools and a little know-how, these five home repairs are relatively easy to complete.

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Things To Do At Home

This week, learn to fold paper airplanes, watch a new ballet or bake Emily Dickinson a birthday cake.

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The Elderly vs. Essential Workers: Who Should Get the Coronavirus Vaccine First?

The C.D.C. will soon decide which group to recommend next, and the debate over the trade-offs is growing heated. Ultimately, states will determine whom to include.

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Is ‘Natural Immunity’ From Covid Better Than a Vaccine?

And if you’ve already had Covid-19, do you still need a vaccine? Experts tackle questions about vaccine immunity.

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The Swiss Cheese Model of Pandemic Defense

It’s not edible, but it can save lives. The virologist Ian Mackay explains how.

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vendredi 4 décembre 2020

As Virus Spreads, C.D.C. Draws Up an Urgent Battle Plan

The multipronged advice, for individuals and state and local officials, may augur a national strategy in the months to come, experts said.

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Cliff Joseph, Artist, Activist and Therapist, Dies at 98

After agitating for the inclusion of Black artists in New York museums, he helped introduce a multicultural perspective to the field of art therapy.

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Many of us are stress eating because of the pandemic.

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What Hearing Loss Feels Like in ‘Sound of Metal’

The director Darius Marder and the sound designer Nicolas Becker went to great lengths to put viewers inside the head of a musician going deaf.

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Baricitinib, a Covid-19 Drug from Eli Lilly, Is Expensive And Doesn't Do Much

Baricitinib, an arthritis drug made by Eli Lilly, may reduce recovery time by a day, but costs about $1,500 and comes with side effects.

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Covid 'Long-Haulers' Need Medical Attention, Experts Urge

In a two-day meeting sponsored by the N.I.H., officials acknowledged an insufficient understanding of the issues and warned of a growing public health problem.

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Overlooked No More: Barbara Waxman Fiduccia, Reproductive Rights Advocate

A sexual health educator and counselor in Los Angeles, she challenged a dominant culture that viewed people with disabilities as asexual beings.

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Could a Blood Test Show if a Covid-19 Vaccine Works?

A new monkey study offers a ray of hope for speeding up clinical trials of Covid-19 vaccines.

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Sports, Covid and Kids: New Pediatric Guidelines

Children and adolescents who want to return to sports after having the coronavirus should be cleared by a doctor for heart risks.

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All Santa Wants for Christmas Is to Stay Out of Politics

After a brush with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, professional Santa Clauses are just trying to get through this holiday season safely.

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How 700 Epidemiologists Are Living Now, and What They Think Is Next

They are going to the grocery store again, but don’t see vaccines making life normal right away.

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Could a Blood Test Show if a Covid-19 Vaccine Works?

A new monkey study offers a ray of hope for speeding up clinical trials of Covid-19 vaccines.

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Yes, Many of Us Are Stress-Eating and Gaining Weight in the Pandemic

A global study confirms that during the pandemic, many of us ate more junk food, exercised less, were more anxious and got less sleep.

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jeudi 3 décembre 2020

‘Nobody Sees Us’: Testing-Lab Workers Strain Under Demand

Laboratory technologists have been working nonstop to help the nation diagnose an ever-growing number of coronavirus cases.

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The Newest Hotel Amenity? Virus-Scrubbed Air

Hotels, and even some cruise ships, are installing state-of-the-art filtration systems that claim to tackle the coronavirus where it is believed to be the most dangerous: in the air.

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How Teenagers Use Free Time Affects Mood

Different choices for how young people use free time lead to different kinds of relief.

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Building Emotional Safety Nets for Men

Support networks with other men can help fend off the loneliness and isolation many men experience.

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Her Legs Would Barely Follow Her Brain. Then She Saw Double.

She’d just quit drinking, but could that really have anything to do with these disturbing symptoms?

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mercredi 2 décembre 2020

Many Trial Volunteers Got Placebo Vaccines. Do They Now Deserve the Real Ones?

Some vaccine experts worry that “unblinding” the trials and giving all of the volunteers vaccines would tarnish the long-term results.

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C.D.C. Officials Shorten Recommended Quarantine Periods

The agency also urged Americans to stay home during the coming holidays, and to get tested if they do travel.

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Moderna to Begin Testing Its Coronavirus Vaccine in Children

The company said the trial would involve children ages 12 through 17.

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CVS to Give Out Covid-19 Treatment in Nursing Homes

The three-month pilot program involves just 1,000 doses of the medication in seven big cities. It’s not clear how much impact that will have as demand surges.

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Dr. Michael Davidson, Who Studied Infectious Disease, Dies at 77

He told a friend that he would have relished the chance to help end the coronavirus pandemic, had he not been retired. The virus claimed him instead.

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Why the U.K. Approved the Pfizer Covid Vaccine First

When early results from the final trials began to roll in, scientists were well prepared. Now, they face the logistical challenge of putting the vaccine to work.

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How the U.K. Approved a Covid Vaccine So Fast, and What's Next

When early results from the final trials began to roll in, scientists were well prepared. Now, they face the logistical challenge of putting the vaccine to work.

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Can These Period Underwear Crusaders Convert You?

The Hollywood stylist Karla Welch has found a new calling in an up-and-coming menstrual product.

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Exercise 11 Minutes a Day for a Longer Life

The sweet spot for physical activity and longevity seemed to arrive at about 35 minutes a day of brisk walking or other moderate activities.

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mardi 1 décembre 2020

Long-Term-Care Residents and Health Workers Should Get Vaccine First, C.D.C. Panel Says

The C.D.C. director will decide by Wednesday whether to accept the recommendation. States aren’t required to follow it, but most are expected to.

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Rapid Testing for Children Barrels Ahead, Despite a Lack of Data

Testing companies have revealed little about how their products perform in minors. That could be a problem.

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Erectile Dysfunction: The Foods You Eat May Affect Your Risk

Men who ate a diet high in vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish and unsaturated fats, and low in meats and whole-fat dairy, had a lower risk of erectile dysfunction.

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Virus May Have Arrived in U.S. in December, but Didn’t Spread Until Later

Blood samples collected in mid-December indicate possible infections more than a month before the known first case of Covid-19, but do not show community transmission.

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Who Will Get the Coronavirus Vaccine First?

A C.D.C. advisory panel will decide on its recommendations on Tuesday afternoon. Here’s what we expect, along with answers to other questions about the new shot.

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A Shifting View on Telemedicine

Where just last year, communication with patients and families through a screen felt crass, now it’s the compassionate thing to do.

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