dimanche 28 février 2021

Plastic Surgeon Attends Video Traffic Court From Operating Room

California’s Medical Board started an investigation after Dr. Scott Green reported for the hearing on Zoom while in scrubs and with a patient on the operating table.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3sH73Q5
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Here is How Johnson & Johnson's Vaccine Differs from Pfizer and Moderna's

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In Quest for Herd Immunity, Giant Vaccination Sites Proliferate

A day at one mass site in Connecticut shows both the promise and the shortcomings of the approach, which is at the center of President Biden’s plan to bring the pandemic to an end.

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samedi 27 février 2021

How To Ritualize Tea Time

Tea might be the perfect drink for the pandemic winter malaise. Here’s how to start your own ritual.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/2NKuvNn
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Dances to Learn At Home

Online tutorials for TikTok and music-video routines can help prove you wrong. The “WAP” dance is within your reach.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/2ZZDkVX
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Things To Do At Home

This week, get a tarot reading, unwind with a yoga class or learn about pendulums.

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Show Thanks With A Gratitude Letter

Concerned about a friend or a loved one who may be feeling the winter doldrums? Try writing them a gratitude letter.

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Covid Vaccines: Johnson & Johnson's shot authorized by F.D.A.

The authorization of a third Covid-19 vaccine will bring millions more doses within days. But health officials worry that some people will see the vaccine as the inferior choice.

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Vulnerable Inmates Left in Prison as Covid Rages

At a federal compound in Connecticut, inmates in precarious health “are like sitting ducks,” one lawyer said.

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What Is Delta-8-THC?: The Hemp Derivative That's a Hot Seller

A once-ignored derivative of hemp has become a hot seller for people looking for a loophole around marijuana laws.

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This Drug Gets You High, and Is Legal (Maybe) Across the Country

A once-ignored derivative of hemp has become a hot seller for people looking for a loophole around marijuana laws.

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vendredi 26 février 2021

F.D.A. Expert Panel Endorses Johnson & Johnson’s Vaccine

With this last hurdle cleared, formal authorization of the one-dose vaccine is expected on Saturday and distribution within days.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3q5kA2c
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Want to Buy a Scrunchie Mask? Great. But Forget About That N95.

Scientists are urging Americans to upgrade their face coverings. But Amazon, Google and Facebook restrict the sale of medical-grade masks. Critics say the rules are outdated.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3pWkdXC
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How Pandemic Isolation Affected an Alzheimer's Patient in a Nursing Home

The pandemic has stolen away the chance to surround the sister we are losing to dementia with our love, so that she does not have to face death alone.

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jeudi 25 février 2021

The Coronavirus Is Plotting a Comeback. Here’s Our Chance to Stop It for Good.

Many scientists are expecting another rise in infections. But this time the surge will be blunted by vaccines and, hopefully, widespread caution. By summer, Americans may be looking at a return to normal life.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3qZSDtC
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Teens and Parents: Are You Grappling With Mental Health Issues?

The New York Times would like to hear from parents and adolescents who are dealing with mental health challenges.

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Children Are Consuming Hand Sanitizer. Here’s How to Keep Them Safe.

During the pandemic, there was a dramatic increase in exposures to hand sanitizer reported among kids under 6, U.S. poison center data shows.

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Vaccine Hesitancy in Cancer Patients

“If I accept the vaccine,” one cancer patient says, “it will be with a strong feeling of guilt that at best I will be prolonging my life for a few months or years.”

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Learning to Listen to Patients’ Stories

Narrative medicine programs teach doctors and other caregivers “sensitive interviewing skills” and the art of “radical listening” to improve patient care.

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mercredi 24 février 2021

Johnson & Johnson’s Vaccine Works Well and May Curb Virus Spread

F.D.A. studies show the shot strongly protects against severe illness and may reduce spread of the virus. But the drugmaker has fallen short of initial production goals.

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C.D.C. Traces Covid Outbreaks in Gyms, Urging Stricter Precautions

Coronavirus cases at fitness centers in Chicago and Honolulu were linked to carelessness about masks and symptoms, federal health officials found.

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A New Coronavirus Variant Is Spreading in New York, Researchers Report

The variant contains a mutation thought to help the virus dodge the immune system, but vaccines should still be effective, scientists said.

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New Findings on 2 Ways Children Become Seriously Ill From the Coronavirus

A large study found that young people hospitalized with acute Covid-19 have symptoms and characteristics that differ from those with a Covid-linked inflammatory syndrome.

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Will Tiger Woods Play Golf Again? Doctors Predict a Difficult Recovery

He risks infections, bones that do not heal, and foot and ankle injuries that impede walking. His ability to play pro golf again is in question.

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Head of McKinsey Is Voted Out as Firm Faces Reckoning on Opioid Crisis

Partners decided not to keep Kevin Sneader in the top job. Weeks earlier, McKinsey had reached a historic settlement agreement in the U.S. over its advice to drugmakers.

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Transplant Patient Dies After Receiving Lungs Infected With Coronavirus

In what appears to be the first case of its kind, a pair of donated lungs led to Covid-19 in an organ recipient, according to doctors at the University of Michigan.

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For Some Teens, It’s Been a Year of Anxiety and Trips to the E.R.

During the pandemic, suicidal thinking is up. And families find that hospitals can’t handle adolescents in crisis.

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Travel Quarantines: Enduring the Mundane, One Day at a Time

Running a half-marathon in your hotel room. Hearing the sea, but not seeing it. Fixating on food. Here’s how some travelers passed the time during their mandatory quarantines.

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Exercise vs. Diet? What Children of the Amazon Can Teach Us About Weight Gain

What we eat may be more important than how much we move when it comes to fighting obesity.

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Can Zapping Our Brains Really Cure Depression?

New research suggests that stimulating neurons in the brain can address psychological issues with surprising speed and precision.

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mardi 23 février 2021

For Some Teens, It’s Been a Year of Anxiety and Trips to the E.R.

During the pandemic, suicidal thinking is up. And families find that hospitals can’t handle adolescents in crisis.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3aMz6av
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Got a Pandemic Puppy? Learn How to Prevent Dog Bites

With new puppies and kids at home, doctors are worried about treating more children for dog bites.

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Studies Examine Variant Surging in California, and the News Isn’t Good

Two studies confirm that a new coronavirus mutant in California is more contagious, although the scale of its threat is unclear.

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Where a Vaccination Campaign Faces Skepticism, War and Corruption

A half-million doses arrived this month in Afghanistan, where many insist the virus isn’t real and vaccines aren’t needed. Those who want the vaccine fear that only the well-connected will receive it.

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Future Vaccines Depend on Test Subjects in Short Supply: Monkeys

The pandemic has highlighted the United States’ dependence on China for research animals, reviving calls for a “strategic monkey reserve.”

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How Meaningful Is Prediabetes for Older Adults?

A new study indicates that the condition might be less of a worry than once believed.

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lundi 22 février 2021

U.S. Reaches 500,000 Covid Deaths

In a single year, Covid-19 became a leading cause of death in the United States, rivaling heart disease and cancer, and has driven life expectancy down sharply.

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Researchers Halt Trial of Promising Sickle Cell Treatment

Two patients in a gene therapy study developed cancer years after treatment. It is not clear whether the therapy was responsible.

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Vaccines Adapted for Variants Will Not Need Lengthy Testing, F.D.A. Says

The agency’s new guidance will speed the development of vaccines that protect against more contagious variants of the coronavirus.

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She Beat Cancer at 10. Now She'll Join SpaceX's First Private Trip to Orbit.

St. Jude Hospital and Jared Isaacman, a billionaire entrepreneur, selected Hayley Arceneaux for a trip to orbit in a SpaceX capsule.

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How to Walk Safely in the Snow, Ice and Slush

Walk like a penguin: Turn your feet slightly outward and take short, flat-footed steps.

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vendredi 19 février 2021

Who Will Be the Next F.D.A. Chief?

Two leading contenders generate wider debate about the leadership needed to restore morale and scientific integrity to an agency battered by the politicized Trump administration.

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Intense Strength Training Does Not Ease Knee Pain, Study Finds

Millions of patients with knee osteoarthritis are told to exercise. A new study casts doubt on what sort of exercise is helpful.

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Annie’s Pledges to Purge a Class of Chemicals From Its Mac and Cheese

The move comes nearly four years after a study showed that chemicals believed to cause health problems in children and reproductive issues in adults were found in mass-market macaroni and cheese packets.

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Studies Suggest People Who Had Covid-19 Should Get Single Vaccine Dose

New studies show that one shot of a vaccine can greatly amplify antibody levels in those who have recovered from the coronavirus.

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People Who Have Had Covid Should Get Single Vaccine Dose, Studies Suggest

New studies show that one shot of a vaccine can greatly amplify antibody levels in those who have recovered from the coronavirus.

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‘I Am Worth It’: Why Thousands of Doctors in America Can’t Get a Job

Medical schools are producing more graduates, but residency programs haven’t kept up, leaving thousands of young doctors “chronically unmatched” and deep in debt.

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‘I Am Worth It’: Why Thousands of Doctors in America Can’t Get a Job

Medical schools are producing more graduates, but residency programs haven’t kept up, leaving thousands of young doctors “chronically unmatched” and deep in debt.

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What My Father’s Covid Survival Taught Me About Security

He’s a security guard. I work in nuclear security. The pandemic swept away my sense that we can really protect the ones we love from anything.

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Coronavirus Vaccines Are Reaching American Arms

Millions of doses of coronavirus vaccine are still sitting in freezers, allocated in excess to nursing homes or stockpiled for later use. Now states are claiming them.

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jeudi 18 février 2021

U.S. and Novavax Will Aid Global Vaccination Campaign

The Biden administration plans to make good on a promise to donate $4 billion, while the pharmaceutical company Novavax pledged to donate 1.1 billion doses of its vaccine.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/2NJselm
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Delays Turn Canada’s Vaccination Optimism Into Anxiety

After quickly approving a vaccine and getting an early start to inoculations, Canadians worry as the country falls behind in vaccinations.

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Clinical Trials Are Moving Out of the Lab and Into People’s Homes

After the pandemic forced thousands of trials to shut down, researchers found clever ways to conduct human studies remotely — while reaching more people, quickly and cheaply.

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Woman, 90, Walked Six Miles in the Snow for a Vaccine

Frances Goldman had struggled for weeks to book a coronavirus vaccination in Seattle. So when she got a Sunday appointment, she didn’t intend to miss it — even if it meant braving the elements alone.

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Are Some Foods Addictive

Food researchers debate whether highly processed foods like potato chips and ice cream are addictive, triggering our brains to overeat.

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Her White Blood Count Was Dangerously Low. Was Med School Still Safe?

She was days away from defending her dissertation when her doctor told her she needed to have a biopsy that could change her life.

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mercredi 17 février 2021

The C.D.C. needs to set air guidelines now for workplaces, scientists say.

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U.K. Approves Study That Will Infect Volunteers With Covid

Researchers hope to learn things about how the immune system responds to the coronavirus that would be impossible outside a lab.

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U.K. Approves Study That Will Deliberately Infect Volunteers With Coronavirus

Researchers are hoping to learn things about how the immune system responds to the coronavirus that would be impossible outside a lab.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3u3xGjH
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Mental Health Providers Struggle to Meet Pandemic Demand

With anxiety and depression on the rise during the pandemic, it has been challenging for people to get the help they need.

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C.D.C. Announces $200 Million ‘Down Payment’ to Track Virus Variants

Scientists say the new investment will help in the next couple of months, but hope that the stimulus package will provide much more.

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How Many Are Struggling to Book Appointments With Mental Health Providers Through Pandemic

With anxiety and depression on the rise during the pandemic, it has been challenging for people to get the help they need.

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Coronavirus Vaccine Nears Final Tests in Cuba. Tourists May Be Inoculated.

Amid bread shortages, Cuba gets one step closer to a scientific milestone: the mass production of a coronavirus vaccine invented on the island.

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How to Buy a Real N95 Mask Online

Fakes and little-known brands still abound, even as health officials have advised us to up our mask game. Here’s what to do.

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How Much Exercise Do You Need for Better Heart Health?

The more you do, the better, but even mild exercise like walking produces benefits for cardiovascular health, a large new study found.

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The Rise of the Wellness App

They’re everywhere, but they can’t address the real problem: the alienation of 21st-century work.

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My Mother Died When I Was 7. I’m Grieving 37 Years Later.

Delayed grief is sometimes triggered by an event later in life, experts say.

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mardi 16 février 2021

Scientists to C.D.C.: Set Air Standards for Workplaces Now

The agency has not fully reckoned with airborne transmission of the coronavirus in settings like hospitals, schools and meatpacking plants, experts said.

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Dozens Contract Covid-19 After Abundance 360 Conference

Peter Diamandis thought extensive testing could help create an “immunity bubble” for a conference in Culver City, Calif. It didn’t work. “I hope others can learn from my mistakes,” he said.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3rZTSZX
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N.Y.C. Covid Vaccine Disparities Revealed in ZIP Code Data: Officials

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Some Teens Volunteer for Covid Vaccine Trials to Get Their Lives Back

Immunizing teenagers is a critical part of slowing the pandemic and reaching herd immunity. But enrolling them in clinical trials poses challenges that are very different than wrangling adults.

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Bernard Lown, Inventive Heart Doctor and Antiwar Activist, Dies at 99

He created the first effective heart defibrillator and co-founded a physicians group that campaigned against nuclear war, earning a Nobel Peace Prize.

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Potential for New Coronaviruses May Be Greater Than Known

Researchers calculated the likelihood of different viruses recombining in the same animal to make new disease-causing pathogens.

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Grind Your Teeth? Your Night Guard May Not Be the Right Fix

Some experts say tooth-grinding is a behavior rather than a disorder, and the dentist’s chair isn’t the best place to address it.

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My Patients Need Me. Can I Quit?

The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on placing family above work despite the pandemic and becoming a volunteer in order to get the Covid-19 vaccine sooner.

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Covid-Linked Syndrome in Children Is Growing and Cases Are More Severe

The condition, which usually emerges several weeks after infection, is still rare, but can be dangerous. “A higher percentage of them are really critically ill,” one doctor said.

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lundi 15 février 2021

Piecing Together the Next Pandemic

From a small lab in Cambodia, Dr. Jessica Manning is on the lookout for emerging diseases.

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An Inside Look at Cuba’s Constant Struggle for Clean Water

Across the country, battling water scarcity requires a vast array of workers, from inspectors and fumigators to truck drivers and pipe layers.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3rVhe2T
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How Scientists Are Trying to Spot New Viruses Before They Cause Pandemics

Scientists want to build a weather system for viruses. It would require a big financial investment, plus buy-in from doctors, hospitals and blood banks.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3bcwC4p
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‘Right Now Feels So Long and Without Any End in Sight’

More than 700 people have been keeping digital diaries as part of Pandemic Journaling Project. It may be the most complete record of our shifting moods in this isolating year.

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An Inside Look at Cuba’s Constant Struggle for Clean Water

Across the country, battling water scarcity requires a vast array of workers, from inspectors and fumigators to truck drivers and pipe layers.

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Scientists Are Trying to Spot New Viruses Before They Cause Pandemics

Scientists want to build a weather system for viruses. It would require a big financial investment, plus buy-in from doctors, hospitals and blood banks.

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There’s No ‘One Size Fits All’ Treatment for Asthma

A new set of guidelines recognizes the complexity in the interaction between a patient’s genetics and the environment.

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dimanche 14 février 2021

New Yorkers With Many Health Conditions Are Now Eligible for Vaccination

People with conditions like obesity, hypertension, pulmonary diseases and cancer flooded the state’s sign-up site.

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7 Virus Variants Found in U.S. Carrying the Same Mutation

Scientists don’t know yet whether the mutation makes the variants more contagious, but they are concerned that it might.

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Despair Deepens for Young People as Pandemic Drags On

Experts paint a grim picture of the struggle with lockdown isolation — a “mental health pandemic” that should be treated as seriously as containing the coronavirus.

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New Yorkers with chronic health conditions can now sign up for the vaccine.

Among the qualifying conditions are obesity, hypertension, pulmonary diseases and cancer, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced this month. Pregnant women are also eligible.

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W.H.O. Researcher on His Trip to China Seeking Virus Origins

An interview with Peter Daszak, an animal disease specialist, just after his return from an investigative research mission to Wuhan, the site of the original Covid outbreak, and surrounding areas.

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samedi 13 février 2021

Sharing Unexpected Acts of Kindness

Ahead of Valentine’s Day, we asked readers to share moments when they stumbled upon acts of affection. Here are some of their stories.

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Ways to Enjoy Theater Virtually

Missing live performances during the pandemic? Get your theater fix with a handful of online stellar productions (new and old).

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Things To Do At Home

This week, celebrate Presidents’ Day, tune in to a discussion between two members of the Tuskegee Airmen Inc. and try a new recipe for Mardi Gras.

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David Katzenstein, AIDS Researcher With Focus on Africa, Dies at 69

He honed methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment, and made them accessible to underserved populations in sub-Sahara Africa. He died of Covid-19.

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U.K. Virus Variant Is Probably Deadlier, Scientists Say

New research estimates that the British variant could be 30 to 70 percent more lethal than the original virus.

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Dr. Fauci on the 2021 MLB Season: ‘You’ve Got to Do as Best as You Can to Protect the Players’

With spring training looming, the infectious disease expert — and Washington Nationals fan — weighs in on his optimism for the baseball season and whether he’d feel safe at a game.

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On W.H.O. Trip, China Refused to Hand Over Important Data

The information could be key to determining how and when the outbreak started, and to learning how to prevent future pandemics.

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vendredi 12 février 2021

F.D.A. Agrees Moderna Can Increase Vaccine Supply in Each Vial

Federal regulators are in favor of a simple, potentially quick fix to bolster coronavirus vaccine supplies: more doses per bottle.

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Three Men Are Accused in Scheme to Sell Covid-19 Vaccines

Prosecutors said the men created a fake duplicate of the Moderna website to fraudulently sell doses of the vaccine, which they never had.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3rOIYWZ
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The C.D.C. Has New School Guidelines. Here’s What You Need to Know.

The federal government’s new guidance for reopening classrooms does not require teachers to be vaccinated first.

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C.D.C. Draws Up a Blueprint for Reopening Schools

Amid an acrid national controversy, the agency proposed detailed criteria for returning students to classrooms.

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Dr. John Bentson, Who Invented a Better Brain-Imaging Tool, Dies at 83

Dr. Bentson was a neuroradiologist who came up with an improved way to provide imaging of problems in the brain and spinal cord. He died of complications of Covid-19.

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Pharmacies move to the forefront of the U.S. vaccine campaign.

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Covid Vaccines for Kids Are Coming, but Not for Many Months

Pfizer and Moderna are testing their vaccines on children 12 and older and hope to have results by the summer.

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As Millions Get Shots, F.D.A. Struggles to Get Safety Monitoring System Running

For now, the government has been relying on a patchwork of programs that officials say are hampered by limited size and gaps in data collection.

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jeudi 11 février 2021

With More Vaccines Secured, Biden Warns of Hurdles to Come

The Biden administration has secured more coronavirus vaccines, but the president struck a cautious tone about logistical issues that could keep some Americans from being vaccinated.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/2Z5CZRc
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175 Pediatric Disease Experts: It’s Safe to Open Elementary Schools Now

In many places, the debates over reopening are fraught. But in a survey, experts broadly agreed that schools don’t need vaccines to open safely.

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Tiny Blobs of Brain Cells Could Reveal How Your Mind Differs from a Neanderthal’s

Researchers grew clusters of brain cells in the lab with a gene carried by our ancient ancestors.

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is barred from Instagram over false coronavirus claims.

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Emptying the Dishwasher Can Enrich Kids’ Mental Health

Guiding children toward mastery of new skills can help them thrive — and get some household chores done at the same time.

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mercredi 10 février 2021

Americans Must Tighten Up, or Double Up, Their Masks, C.D.C. Says

With the vaccine rollout moving slowly and contagious coronavirus variants spreading, the agency said masks still offered powerful protection — if worn correctly.

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Semaglutide Brings Significant Weight Loss in Obese Patients

In a clinical trial, participants taking semaglutide lost 15 percent of their body weight, on average.

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‘A Game Changer’: Drug Brings Significant Weight Loss in Obese Patients

In a clinical trial, participants taking semaglutide lost 15 percent of their body weight, on average.

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How Merck, a Vaccine Titan, Lost the Covid Race

After ending its own Covid-19 vaccine trials, the company said that it is actively discussing with governments how to help its competitors make their shots.

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Helen Etuk, Who Planned to be a Pediatrician, Dies at 20

Ms. Etuk was attending classes at the University of North Texas when she caught the coronavirus, her mother said. She died of complications of the virus.

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Can’t Find an N95 Mask? This Company Has 30 Million That It Can’t Sell.

Health workers are still being forced to ration protective masks, but small U.S. manufacturers can’t find buyers, and some are in a danger of going under.

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Primary Care Doctors Feel Left Out of Vaccine Rollout

In the rush to immunize people against Covid, federal and state health officials have overlooked the role of doctors, physicians say.

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The Hardship of Social Distancing When Touch Is a Lifeline

For me, and many others with physical disabilities, touch is not merely a luxury or a pleasure, but an aspect of my functionality, my basic survival.

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Childhood Colds Do Not Prevent Coronavirus Infection, Study Finds

New research casts doubt on the idea that prior infections with garden-variety coronaviruses might shield some people, particularly children, amid the pandemic.

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Broad Coalition of Health Industry Groups Calls for Obamacare Expansion

Hospitals, doctors, insurers and employers say the Affordable Care Act can help the country achieve universal coverage

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College Student’s Simple Invention Helps Nurses Work and Patients Rest

The device, a wearable night light that can minimize disturbances for sleeping patients, is the brainchild of a University of Pennsylvania senior and a neonatal I.C.U. nurse.

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With Vaccines in More Drugstores, Pharmacies Go on Hiring Sprees

Pharmacies are dangling five-figure signing bonuses and competing against one another to quickly recruit pharmacists and support staff.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3jCLHja
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Running Is a Total Body Affair

We can thank our heads and shoulders — and not just our knees and toes — that we evolved to run as well as we do.

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mardi 9 février 2021

As Biden Pushes for Racial Equity in Vaccination, Data Is Lagging

The administration has race and ethnicity data for just 52 percent of vaccine recipients. Next week, it will begin shipping doses directly to clinics in underserved communities.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3rQl1ib
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Colleges vowed a safer spring, but then students, and variants, arrived.

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Could a Single Vaccine Work Against All Coronaviruses?

Scientists are working on a shot that could protect against Covid-19, its variants, certain seasonal colds — and the next coronavirus pandemic.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/2Z6WV65
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With Mission to China, W.H.O. Tries to Rehabilitate Its Image

A lead scientist said the research showed that the virus most likely spread naturally from animals to humans, playing down the possibility that it emerged from a laboratory.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3a1w7dN
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People With Dementia Are Twice as Likely to Get Covid, Huge Study Finds

The analysis of nearly 62 million electronic medical records in the U.S. also found that Black people with dementia were at an even greater risk.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3rCwkdG
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With Mission to China, W.H.O. Tries to Rehabilitate Its Image

A lead scientist said the research showed that the virus most likely spread naturally from animals to humans, playing down the possibility that it emerged from a laboratory.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/36VrGzx
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lundi 8 février 2021

Dental Practices Change in the Covid Era

The pandemic has forced dentists and hygienists to change some of the methods for maintaining good oral hygiene, to protect patients as well as themselves.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3jthgw0
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State Capitols Grapple With Mask Mandates Amid Coronavirus

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3cT6oGz
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A Few Covid Vaccine Recipients Have Developed a Rare Blood Disorder

A link to the vaccines is not certain, and investigations are underway in some reported cases.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3cRVnoG
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Facebook says it plans to remove posts with false vaccine claims.

The move, which applies to anti-vaccine posts unrelated to Covid as well, targets unpaid posts to the site and particularly Facebook pages and groups.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3a5kXFf
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Gorilla Glue as Hair Spray? ‘Bad, Bad, Bad Idea’

After more than 15 washes, various treatments and a trip to the emergency room, Tessica Brown’s hair still won’t budge. A TikTok explaining her dilemma has drawn a huge following and advice.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3p3A9qm
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Covid Crossroads: The Haves, Have-nots and Those Waiting

Frustration and at times resentment among those struggling to get a shot, and tempered elation on the other side of the divide.

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Pandemic Lessons in Improving the Medical System

The pandemic may prompt American medicine to become less expensive, more efficient and more effective at protecting people’s health.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3txuVqB
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Can Technology Help Us Eat Better?

A new crop of digital health companies is using blood glucose monitors to transform the way we eat.

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Dying of Covid in a ‘Separate and Unequal’ L.A. Hospital

Inside an overwhelmed facility in the worst-hit part of California, where the patriarchs of two immigrant families were taken when they fell sick.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/2Lt69GH
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dimanche 7 février 2021

AstraZeneca’s Vaccine Does Not Work Well Against Virus Variant in South Africa

The bad news, coming nearly a week after a million doses of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine arrived in South Africa, was a big setback for the country.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/36UdlmW
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US Health Experts: Vaccines Will Increase by Spring

Officials are racing to vaccinate as many people as possible in order to outpace more contagious variants of the virus that were first identified in Britain and South Africa.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3aCSYeY
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Where Do Vaccine Doses Go, and Who Gets Them? The Algorithms Decide

Health agencies and hospitals are using different formulas to allocate the coronavirus shots, exacerbating disparities in vaccine access.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3aJntjf
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Chicago Teachers Reach a Tentative Deal to Reopen Schools.

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Emil Freireich, Groundbreaking Cancer Researcher, Dies at 93

He helped devise a successful chemotherapy regimen for childhood leukemia, which had long been a death sentence.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3jobgog
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Yellen Warns Jobs Will be Slow to Rebound Without Stimulus

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Will the Super Bowl Cause a Coronavirus Surge?

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Virus Variant First Found in Britain Now Spreading Rapidly in U.S.

A new study bolsters the prediction by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that the so-called B.1.1.7 variant will dominate Covid-19 cases by March.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/2YSZ7OF
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samedi 6 février 2021

How to Exercise Outdoors in Cold Weather

Cold weather workouts do bring unique risks, but a little planning and preparation can help whether you’re going for a winter walk, trekking in snowshoes or sledding with the kids.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3rHi2sj
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Frank Shankwitz, a Founder of Make-a-Wish, Is Dead at 77

A state highway patrolman in Arizona, he helped a terminally ill boy become a motorcycle cop and then came up with a plan to help more children realize their dreams.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/2YTHOgh
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Abraham Twerski, Who Merged 12 Steps and the Torah, Dies at 90

A noted psychiatrist, he looked outside his Orthodox tradition to meld an eclectic menu of addiction treatments, including the A.A. idea of a “higher power.”

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3pWHRE9
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Is Your Vaccine Card Selfie a Gift for Scammers? Maybe

You finally got your vaccine, and you’re excited to share the proof. Here’s why that may not be a good idea, and what you can do instead.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3tznwXK
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In Afghanistan, a Booming Kidney Trade Preys on the Poor

Widespread poverty and an ambitious private hospital are helping to fuel an illegal market — a portal to new misery for the country’s most vulnerable.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/2MWpZuq
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How to Help When Adolescents Have Suicidal Thoughts

Even when rates of suicidal ideation increase, there are ways to keep kids safe.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3oSejpF
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Yes, People Are Smoking More

Some blame the pandemic for the stress and boredom that have led them to buy more cigarettes.

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vendredi 5 février 2021

The Coronavirus Is a Master of Mixing Its Genome, Worrying Scientists

New studies underscore how coronaviruses frequently mix their genetic components — which could contribute to the rise of dangerous variants.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3cHXBXF
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In Line for Vaccination, and Not Getting Younger

Residents and workers at long-term-care facilities are high-priority candidates for the Covid-19 vaccine. But many are still waiting.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3jmRQ2T
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How Scientists Shot Down Cancer’s ‘Death Star’

No drug could touch a quivering protein implicated in a variety of tumors. Then one chemist saw an opening.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/2MALbpS
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AstraZeneca Shot Found to Be Protective Against Coronavirus Variant First Seen in U.K.

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jeudi 4 février 2021

Health Care Workers Hit Hard by the Coronavirus Pandemic

Vaccines may be on the way, but many on the front-lines are burned out. Has the government done enough to help alleviate their stress?

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/36Csp8z
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Some Baby Food May Contain Toxic Metals, U.S. Reports

Testing found high levels of arsenic, lead and cadmium in some ingredients, congressional investigators said.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/39OntPQ
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How the Pandemic Is Coming to Prime Time. (Or Not.)

As series roll out after pandemic delays, they’re trying to predict what audiences want: Television that reflects our shared Covid reality? Or that provides a distraction from it?

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3tmr3bT
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Is Your Super Bowl Party a Superspreader Event?

Experts offer tips on how to stay safe. For one, don’t plan on shouting or cheering with your friends.

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Coming Soon: The ‘Vaccine Passport’

In the near future, travel may require digital documentation showing that passengers have been vaccinated or tested for the coronavirus. Answers to your questions.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/39MmwYf
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A Parallel Pandemic Hits Health Care Workers: Trauma and Exhaustion

Vaccines may be on the way, but many on the front-lines are burned out. Has the government done enough to help alleviate their stress?

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3rmeCL6
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Suddenly the Man Couldn’t See. Was His Chest Pain Connected?

A gray cloud obscured the vision in the man’s eye. A medical student in the E.R. found the cause in an entirely different part of his body.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3rpWgZV
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mercredi 3 février 2021

How New Vaccine News Gives Hope for Spring, if Enough People Get the Shots

New data from several vaccine trials offer positive signs, but many public health experts say emerging variants mean the next few months will be a race against the virus.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/39N4d56
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After a Rocky Start, Novavax Vaccine Could Be Here by Summer

Even with two other vaccines authorized, Novavax is having no trouble recruiting volunteers for its U.S. trial. If all goes well, the U.S. could see 110 million doses in June.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3rpkzXT
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After a Rocky Start, Novavax Vaccine Could Be Here by Summer

Even with two other vaccines authorized, Novavax is having no trouble recruiting volunteers for its U.S. trial. If all goes well, the U.S. could see 110 million doses in June.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/2LeVP52
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In the Vaccine Scramble, Cancer Patients Are Left Behind

Those with compromised immune systems are often advised to get the shots under medical supervision, but their cancer centers can’t always provide them.

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W.H.O. experts investigating the origin of the virus visit a lab in Wuhan.

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The AstraZeneca vaccine is shown to drastically cut transmission of the virus.

A new study by researchers at the University of Oxford underscores the importance of mass inoculation as a path out of the pandemic.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/2O1lfEq
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Lethal Chimp Disease Is Linked to Newly Identified Bacteria

Deaths at a Sierra Leone sanctuary that stumped people for 15 years have now been linked to a bacterium that seems to cause similar ailments in humans.

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Burned by Low Reimbursements, Some Doctors Stop Testing for Covid

Some insurers pay pediatricians less than the cost of the test itself, jeopardizing a tool to help control the pandemic.

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The AstraZeneca vaccine is shown to dramatically cut transmission of the virus.

A new study by researchers at the University of Oxford underscores the importance of mass vaccination as a path out of the pandemic.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3cvFnsu
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mardi 2 février 2021

States in the US are Pulling Back Vaccine Doses from Federal Program for Nursing Homes

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/36DKjrp
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Moderna’s Simple Fix to Vaccine Supply: More Doses in Each Vial

The company will ask federal regulators to increase the amount of coronavirus vaccine it can put in each vial by as much as 50 percent, potentially bolstering availability quickly.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3rgU2vS
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The Virus Variant Spreading in Britain May Make Vaccines Less Effective, Study Shows

The highly infectious variant has developed a worrisome mutation, new research has found. 

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The Virus Variant Spreading in Britain May Make Vaccines Less Effective, Study Shows

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The Hidden Epidemic on Travel’s Front Line

More than 6,000 employees of the Transportation Security Administration have contracted the coronavirus. Workers say lax safety measures have contributed to the spread.

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Even in Poorer Neighborhoods, the Wealthy Are Lining Up for Vaccines

Officials acknowledge that the coveted shots are disproportionately going to white people and that planners’ efforts to course-correct are having limited effect.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3j7E6ci
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I’m a Disabled Parent. It Took a Pandemic to Let Me Join the P.T.A.

My chronic illness made it hard to volunteer at my kids’ school. Now I can serve on the executive board of the P.T.A. without leaving my bed.

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lundi 1 février 2021

¿Qué vacuna debo ponerme?

Los especialistas en enfermedades infecciosas afirman que vacunarse con la vacuna de Johnson & Johnson, cuya eficacia contra el virus es menor que la de otras vacunas, seguiría mereciendo la pena.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3jbibBc
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Have You Had Covid-19? Study Says You May Need Only One Vaccine Dose

People who have already been sick with Covid-19 should still be vaccinated, experts say, but they may experience intense side effects even after one dose.

from NYT > Health https://ift.tt/3ozIsdv
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Had Covid? You May Need Only One Dose of Vaccine, Study Suggests

People who have already been sick with Covid-19 should still be vaccinated, experts say, but they may experience intense side effects even after one dose.

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Tony Bennett Reveals He Has Alzheimer’s Disease

“He’s not the old Tony anymore,” his wife, Susan, said. “But when he sings, he’s the old Tony.”

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Alzheimer’s Prediction May Be Found in Writing Tests

IBM researchers trained artificial intelligence to pick up hints of changes in language ahead of the onset of neurological diseases.

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The Case of the Serial Sperm Donor

One man, hundreds of children and a burning question: Why?

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How Climate Change May Affect Your Health

No matter where you live or how high your socioeconomic status, climate change can endanger your health, both physical and mental, now and in the future.

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