lundi 31 mai 2021

Something Bothering You? Tell It to Woebot.

When your therapist is a bot, you can reach it at 2 a.m. But will it really understand your problems?

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Coronavirus Variant Discovered in India is Renamed Delta

The W.H.O. said it will label variants with Greek letters instead of numbers. Scientists hope the change will end the practice of referring to the mutations by the places they were detected.

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For China’s Single Mothers, a Road to Recognition Paved With False Starts

Unmarried mothers are often denied government benefits. A debate over the policy is being propelled by a declining birthrate and a new generation of independent Chinese women.

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Two New Laws Restrict Police Use of DNA Search Method

Maryland and Montana have passed the nation’s first laws limiting forensic genealogy, the method that found the Golden State Killer.

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For China’s Single Mothers, a Road to Recognition Paved With False Starts

Unmarried mothers are often denied government benefits. A debate over the policy is being propelled by a declining birthrate and a new generation of independent Chinese women.

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Two New Laws Restrict Police Use of DNA Search Method

Maryland and Montana have passed the nation’s first laws limiting forensic genealogy, the method that found the Golden State Killer.

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Clinics Close, but Abortion Continues

Even as abortion is restricted, telemedicine allows some women to end unwanted pregnancies using legal medications.

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dimanche 30 mai 2021

A Vaccine Side Effect Leaves Women Wondering: Why Isn’t the Pill Safer?

Scientists were alarmed by blood clots possibly linked to the J&J vaccine. Some women wondered if there shouldn’t be more concern about oral contraceptives.

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‘On That Edge of Fear’: One Woman’s Struggle With Sickle Cell Pain

Cures for a disease that mostly afflicts Black people seem near, but may come too late for Lisa Craig, who lives with an agony like knives stabbing her bones.

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Nepal’s Covid Crisis Worsens as Workers Pay the Price

The Himalayan country is considering declaring a health emergency to help contain a second wave that experts say migrant laborers brought back from India.

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samedi 29 mai 2021

Things to do This Summer

In-person events are returning. You can attend a rodeo, watch the Perseid meteor shower or immerse yourself in the art of Vincent van Gogh. Here are suggestions for three months of fun.

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Summer Drink Recipes

You can’t go wrong with a gin and tonic or a caipirinha. But many summer cocktails could stand a spark of whimsy without compromising their honest appeal.

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Reassessing Personal Finances

Whether your bank account grew or shrank during the long months of lockdown, now is the time to take stock of your financial situation and decide your next steps.

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Books to Read This Summer

These vacation-themed reads run the gamut from tales of quaint murder mysteries and weddings run amok to reclaiming your mojo.

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Reassessing Boundaries

Over the past year, many of us have played our different roles — professional, parent, student — all from the same space, home. Now, we’re reassessing how much to share as we emerge into the public sphere.

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What We are Looking Forward to This Summer

Ahead of Memorial Day, and the unofficial start of summer, we asked readers to share what they are looking forward to most in the coming months. More than 100 people wrote in from across the United States with their post-pandemic plans. Here are a select few, edited and condensed for clarity.

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Ways to Improve the Planet After Covid

As the pandemic and lockdowns dragged on and on over the past year, most of us longed only for the day when the world would return to what it was before Covid-19 entered our vocabulary. For others, though, the months of seclusion led them to search for ways they might be able to make the world just a little better place than it was before. Here are a few ideas on improving your little part of the post-pandemic Earth that you could latch onto, or maybe you have some ideas of your own.

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Outdoor Science Activities

Don’t worry: No final exams, or hefty student loans are involved. All you need are a few simple items, and an abiding interest in the wonders of nature.

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U.S. Mask Companies Struggle to Compete with China

Remember when N95s were in short supply? American companies stepped in to manufacture them. Now, they can’t compete.

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vendredi 28 mai 2021

C.D.C. Says Vaccinated Camps Can Stop Masking and Distancing

Federal health officials also said that camps where all staff and campers are vaccinated can drop many restrictions, including masks, and return to full capacity.

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Reading Dan Frank, Book Editor and ‘Champion of the Unexampled’

Alan Lightman, Janna Levin and others recall the editor who shaped their work and a literary genre. Plus, more reading recommendations in the Friday edition of the Science Times newsletter.

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US Vaccine Rate: 70% May Be in Reach, New Poll Suggests

The survey found big increases over last month in Latinos getting the shot and in unvaccinated people who say they have made an appointment.

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Poor Americans More Likely to Have Respiratory Problems, Study Finds

Despite improvements in air quality and other advances, low-income Americans more often have asthma, lung disease and related illnesses.

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U.K. Approves Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

The single-dose vaccine becomes the fourth vaccine to be authorized for use in Britain.

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70 Percent Covid Vaccination Rate May Be in Reach, New Poll Suggests

The survey found big increases over last month in Latinos getting the shot and in unvaccinated people who say they have made an appointment.

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jeudi 27 mai 2021

U.S. Is Said to Have Unexamined Intelligence to Pore Over on Virus Origins

Intelligence officials have told the White House that computer analysis may shed light on the mystery.

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NFTs Linked to Nobel Prizes Are Being Auctioned by Berkeley

What would you pay for the invention disclosure forms filed by the creators of CRISPR or cancer immunotherapy?

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Scientists Don’t Want to Ignore the Wuhan ‘Lab Leak’ Theory, Despite No New Evidence

Many scientists welcomed President Biden’s call for a more rigorous investigation of a virus lab in Wuhan, China, though they said the so-called lab leak theory was still unlikely.

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Why Apple and Google’s Virus Alert Apps Had Limited Success

The virus-tracing effort raises questions about the power of Big Tech to set global standards for public health tools.

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mercredi 26 mai 2021

Biden Orders Intelligence Inquiry Into Origins of the Coronavirus

The directive came as health officials and scientists have renewed calls for a more rigorous examination.

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Subway Swabbers Find a Microbe Jungle — And Thousands of New Species

A team of international researchers has assembled an atlas of microorganisms present in 60 cities around the world.

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Judge Clears Purdue Pharma’s Restructuring Plan for Vote by Thousands of Claimants

The ruling was a milestone in yearslong efforts to make the OxyContin manufacturer pay for its role in the opioid crisis, but some plaintiffs feel the plan doesn’t go far enough.

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Immunity to the Coronavirus May Persist for Years, Scientists Find

Important immune cells survive in the bone marrow of people who were infected with the virus or were inoculated against it, new research suggests.

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The Best Time of Day to Exercise for Metabolic Health

Late-day exercise had unique benefits for cholesterol levels and blood sugar control, a study of overweight men eating a high-fat diet found.

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mardi 25 mai 2021

Moderna Vaccine Highly Effective in Adolescents, Company Says

The U.S., which has a surplus of vaccines, could soon have two options for teens while many countries face shortages.

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CDC Will Not Investigate Mild Infections in Vaccinated Americans

At least 10,000 vaccinated people were infected with the coronavirus through the end of April. Now the agency has stopped pursuing the mildest cases.

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C.D.C. Will Not Investigate Mild Infections in Vaccinated Americans

At least 10,000 vaccinated people were infected with the coronavirus through the end of April. Now the agency has stopped pursuing the mildest cases.

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Mount Sinai Seeks to Expand School Virus Testing Program

The health system, which is preparing to open a new laboratory that could process 100,000 tests a day, wants to take its program to public schools this fall.

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Moderna Says Its Covid Vaccine Is Effective for 12- to 17-Year-Olds

If approved, Moderna’s vaccine would become the second Covid-19 vaccine available to U.S. adolescents.

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Scientists Drove Mice to Bond by Zapping Their Brains With Light

The study, a tour de force in bioengineering, comes after two decades of research on brain-to-brain synchrony in people.

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lundi 24 mai 2021

Small Study Looks at Children With Covid Inflammatory Syndrome

A small study found that six months after hospitalization, most children with MIS-C did not have debilitating health issues. But some had lingering muscle weakness and emotional difficulties.

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Children With Covid Inflammatory Syndrome May Overcome Their Most Serious Symptoms

A small study found that six months after hospitalization, most children with MIS-C did not have debilitating health issues. But some had lingering muscle weakness and emotional difficulties.

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White House Says Dating Apps Can Help Vaccinated (and Frisky) Find Love

With new “I’m Vaccinated” badges, dating apps are plugging into a cultural conversation over how Americans can approach postpandemic dating.

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Stop Kissing and Snuggling Chickens, C.D.C. Says After Salmonella Outbreak

More than 160 illnesses and dozens of hospitalizations have been reported across 43 states, officials said. “These are not house pets and a lot of people confuse that,” a poultry educator said.

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Blind Man's Sight Partially Restored with 'Optogenetics' Gene Therapy

Using a technique called optogenetics, researchers added light-sensitive proteins to the man’s retina, giving him a blurry view of objects.

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What Convinced Me to Start Wearing Sun Protection

I’ve failed to practice what I preached about limiting sun exposure, but a new report has prompted me to reform.

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The Perilous Hunt for Coconut Crabs on a Remote Polynesian Island

On Makatea, an uplifted coral atoll marred by decades of mining, searching for crabs often requires gambling with the treacherous terrain.

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dimanche 23 mai 2021

These Sisters With Sickle Cell Had Devastating — and Preventable — Strokes

Kyra and Kami never got a simple test that could have protected them. Their story exemplifies the failure to care for people with the disease, most of whom are Black.

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samedi 22 mai 2021

The Return of Live Theater

As productions and festivals reopen this summer, it will be nice to experience some drama outside of our own.

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Discover a Water Sport

This should be the summer you become a swimmer, a paddler or a sailor — it’s easier than you think.

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Think Before You Make a Big Change

If you’re feeling the itch to overhaul your hair or finally get that tattoo or nose piercing, the timing makes perfect sense. But pump the brakes before breaking out the scissors or bleach.

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Things To Do At Home

This week, watch a performance from the New York City Ballet, take a tour of Lake Titicaca or learn about traditional tea ceremonies.

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Paul J. Hanly Jr., Top Litigator in Opioid Cases, Dies at 70

Mr. Hanly had been central to the current nationwide litigation against pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies and others in the opioid supply chain.

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Heart Problems in a Few Younger Vaccine Recipients Are Under Investigation

The agency is reviewing several dozen reports that teenagers and young adults may have developed myocarditis after vaccination, officials said. But the agency has not determined whether the vaccine caused the condition.

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Yes, Pot Is Legal. But It’s Also in Short Supply in NY and NJ

Cannabis corporations are rushing to meet what is expected to be a “tidal wave” of demand in New York and New Jersey.

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Big Candy Is Angry at Look-Alike THC Treats

As more states legalize recreational cannabis, Wrigley and others are suing over look-alike THC treats. They’re protecting their brands — and also, they argue, your kids.

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Yes, Pot Is Legal. But It’s Also in Short Supply.

Cannabis corporations are rushing to meet what is expected to be a “tidal wave” of demand in New York and New Jersey.

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Candy Makers Sue THC Lookalikes

As more states legalize recreational cannabis, Wrigley and others are suing over look-alike THC treats. They’re protecting their brands — and also, they argue, your kids.

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vendredi 21 mai 2021

Ventilation and Testing Can Help Keep U.S. Schools Open in Fall, Studies Suggest

They studies follow recent federal guidance that all schools teaching students from kindergarten through grade 12 should continue to implement mask-wearing policies through the end of the current school year.

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Big Hospital Chains Get Covid Aid, and Buy Up Competitors

The pandemic barely dented the financial outlook for some major networks, which continued to acquire weaker hospitals and ailing doctors’ practices. Critics worry consolidation leads to higher prices for medical care.

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Jerome Kagan, Who Tied Temperament to Biology, Dies at 92

A Harvard psychologist, he originally attributed personality traits to nurturing only. Then he concluded, We’re largely born this way.

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What Activities Can Unvaccinated Children Do? Advice From 828 Experts.

This phase of the pandemic, when adults can be vaccinated but young children cannot, is confusing for many families.

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Family Caregivers Feel the Pandemic’s Weight

Early studies reveal the toll that lockdowns, isolation and stress have taken on those who care for older Americans.

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Children and the Covid Vaccine: What Parents Need to Know

Children 12 to 17 are now eligible to get vaccinated against Covid-19. Here’s what we know about giving Covid shots to kids.

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First They Fought the Virus. Now They Battle the Medical Bills.

Insurers and Congress wrote rules to protect coronavirus patients, but the bills came anyway, leaving some mired in debt.

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jeudi 20 mai 2021

Severe Covid Is More Often Fatal in Africa Than in Other Regions

Inadequate treatment for critically ill patients contributed to higher death rates in Africa, compared to other parts of the world, a study found.

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Jane Brody and Anthony Fauci on Staying Fit and Focused at 80 and Beyond

The Times’s longtime Personal Health columnist and the nation’s most famous doctor met recently to talk about life as octogenarians and beyond. Listen to their conversation.

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The Latest Coronavirus Comes From Dogs

A newly identified coronavirus may not pose a serious threat, but the finding highlights the need to monitor animal viruses more proactively, scientists say.

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Can a Smartwatch Save Your Life?

The advent of wearable devices that monitor our heart rhythms both excites and worries doctors.

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mercredi 19 mai 2021

100 Million Vaccine Doses Held Up Over Contamination Concerns, Emergent Reveals

Executives from Emergent, which ruined millions of coronavirus vaccine doses, divulged to Congress the scope of the regulatory review of its troubled Baltimore plant.

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Contamination Woes Hold Back 100 Million Vaccine Doses

Executives from Emergent, which ruined millions of coronavirus vaccine doses, divulged to Congress the scope of the regulatory review of its troubled Baltimore plant.

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New Covid-19 Cases Dramatically Fell in Nursing Homes After Vaccination

The findings conform to recent guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about the protective benefit of vaccination.

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What Can and Can’t Be Learned From a Doctor in China Who Pioneered Masks

Dr. Wu Lien-Teh helped change the course of a plague epidemic in the early 20th century and promoted the use of masks as a public health tool.

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Dr. Aaron Stern, Who Enforced the Movie Ratings Code, Dies at 96

He was a New York psychiatrist who went to Hollywood to help lay down guidelines for sex and violence in films. Not everyone was pleased.

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Healthcare Start-Up Ro to Acquire Modern Fertility

Ro, the parent company of Roman, announced that it would acquire Modern Fertility, a start-up that offers at-home fertility tests for women.

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As Restrictions Loosen, Families Travel Far and Spend Big

Newly vaccinated families are opting for private jets, luxury resorts and guided tours in elaborate new twists on the old-fashioned family reunion.

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E-Bikes Can Provide a Good Workout

Pedal-assisted electric bikes provided a faster and more “fun” commute while raising breathing and heart rates enough to contribute to fitness.

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mardi 18 mai 2021

Jim Klobuchar Dies at 93, Minnesota Newspaperman and Amy’s Father

He rose to folk hero status with his derring-do as a journalist and came to national attention when his daughter, Senator Amy Klobuchar, spoke openly about his struggles with alcoholism.

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Airstrike Damages Gaza's Only Covid-19 Testing Lab, Officials Say

Health officials temporarily suspended coronavirus screening. Experts have warned that the conflict with Israel could worsen the pandemic in the territory.

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How Do I Know if My Teen Is OK?

In the pandemic, many of the traditional measures that indicate a teen is thriving have been rendered irrelevant.

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lundi 17 mai 2021

They’re Vaccinated and Keeping Their Masks On, Maybe Forever

Face coverings have been a political flash point for more than a year. But now, the backlash is directed at people who don’t plan to take them off.

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Biden Dips Into U.S. Vaccine Supply to Send 20 Million Doses Abroad

President Biden’s pledge to ship out doses that could have been used domestically was a step toward a global campaign, but activists say much more is needed.

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How a Colorado Campus Became a Pandemic Laboratory

Colorado Mesa University and the Broad Institute of M.I.T. and Harvard have spent the last year exploring new approaches to managing outbreaks.

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Aspirin May Help Protect the Brain From Pollution's Toll, Study Suggests

Even short-term exposure to polluted air may impair mental ability in the elderly. Aspirin and other NSAIDs showed some protective effects.

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A Jane Brody Birthday Milestone: 80!

The secret to a happy and vibrant old age? Strive to do what you love for as long as you can do it.

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dimanche 16 mai 2021

In New Vaccination Push, Biden Leans on His ‘Community Corps’

Frantic efforts to vaccinate people in an underserved area of Philadelphia underscore a difficult new stage of the nation’s vaccination campaign, as door-to-door efforts become the norm.

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samedi 15 mai 2021

Learn To Skate This Summer

After a year spent largely indoors, adults are regaining a sense of balance on roller skates, bikes and skateboards.

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Mint Drink Recipes

Mint is a wonderful flavor to enrich warm-weather coolers.

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Things To Do At Home

This week, discover the cultural and societal impact of sneakers, practice your math skills or explore what a net zero climate might look like.

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Eula Hall, One-Woman Relief Agency in Appalachia, Dies at 93

Calling herself a “hillbilly activist,” she started a health care clinic and offered other services in chronically underserved eastern Kentucky.

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How Sickle Cell Trait in Black People Can Give the Police Cover

Sickle cell trait has been cited in dozens of police custody deaths ruled accidental or natural, even though the condition is benign on its own, a Times investigation found.

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Una revolución psicodélica llega a la psiquiatría

La psilocibina y el MDMA están a punto de convertirse en las nuevas terapias de moda, algo que no se veía desde el Prozac. Las universidades quieren participar, al igual que Wall Street. Algunas personas están preocupadas por la posibilidad de que la presión para liberalizar el acceso pueda tener consecuencias no deseadas.

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723 Epidemiologists on When and How the U.S. Can Fully Return to Normal

Government mandates are lifting, but these experts say the pandemic won’t really end nationally until more people, including children, are vaccinated.

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vendredi 14 mai 2021

Why the C.D.C. Changed Its Advice on Masks

Two scientific findings altered the calculus: Vaccinated people don’t transmit the virus, and the shots are effective against variants.

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Pfizer and Moderna Shots Are Powerfully Effective against Virus, Analysis Says

A new study of 1,800 health care workers confirms that the vaccines are working well in the real world, outside clinical trials.

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How the United States Beat the Coronavirus Variants, for Now

The country has managed to avoid a variant-fueled spike in coronavirus cases. Scientists say we were lucky.

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Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are powerfully effective against the virus, a C.D.C. analysis confirmed.

A new study of 1,800 health care workers confirms that the vaccines are working well in the real world, outside clinical trials.

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How the United States Beat the Variants, for Now

The country has managed to avoid a variant-fueled spike in coronavirus cases. Scientists say we were lucky.

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Businesses Offer Perks to Vaccinated Customers

Tossing their masks, jumping on side-by-side treadmills, sharing peanuts next to fellow sports fans, the vaccinated find special freedoms await.

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jeudi 13 mai 2021

Hundreds of Epidemiologists Expected Mask-Wearing in Public for at Least a Year

The C.D.C. said Thursday that vaccinated Americans no longer needed masks in most places. Other disease experts recently had a different message: that masks were necessary in public.

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Vaccinated Americans May Go Without Masks in Most Places, Federal Officials Say

Fully vaccinated people do not have to wear masks or maintain social distance indoors or outdoors, with some exceptions, the C.D.C. advised.

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Hundreds of Epidemiologists Expected Mask-Wearing in Public for at Least a Year

The C.D.C. said Thursday that vaccinated Americans no longer needed masks in most places. Other disease experts recently had a different message: that masks were necessary in public.

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In Survey, Epidemiologists Saw Continued Need for Masks

The C.D.C. said Thursday that vaccinated Americans no longer needed to mask most places. Other disease experts had a different message: that masks were necessary in public for at least another year.

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Covid Pandemic Demands Air Quality Changes in the Workplace, Researchers Say

The researchers issued a call to action to improve indoor air quality as a safeguard against the spread of contagions like the coronavirus.

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More Scientists Urge Broad Inquiry Into Coronavirus Origins

Researchers urge an open mind, saying lack of evidence leaves theories of natural spillover and laboratory leak both viable.

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Vaccinated Americans Now May Go Without Masks in Most Places, the C.D.C. said

Fully vaccinated people only need to wear masks in health care settings, on mass transit and in transportation hubs, and in prisons and homeless shelters.

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A Lingering Effect of the Pandemic: ‘Never-Ending’ Guilt

Many have felt unwarranted remorse over things they can’t control. Here’s how to stop the spiral.

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Many Unvaccinated Latinos in the U.S. Want the Shot, New Survey Finds

Issues of access and fears of employment and immigration consequences have kept their Covid vaccination rates low, the findings suggest.

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Covid Vaccines Protect Pregnant Women, Study Confirms

The shots may also have benefits for infants and do not seem to damage the placenta, according to the latest research.

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Sophomore Year 2020: Students Struggle With the Coronavirus Pandemic

A group of high school students try desperately to make it through an isolated and dire year.

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Vacunas para la COVID-19: ¿debo ponerme la segunda dosis?

Algunas personas siguen postergando su segunda dosis o tienen dudas sobre si es necesario vacunarse. Pero la COVID-19 sigue siendo un riesgo mortal para todos, no solo para los más vulnerables.

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mercredi 12 mai 2021

C.D.C Confirms More Cases of Rare Blood Clot Disorder Linked to J.&J. Vaccine

Six men were among the latest confirmed cases, which now total 28. Previous cases included only women.

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C.D.C. Advisers Endorse Pfizer Vaccine for Children Ages 12 to 15

Immunizations will quickly begin nationwide, officials predicted.

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How U.S. Epidemiologists Are Returning (Carefully!) to Everyday Life

Vaccinations mean the pandemic is moving to a phase when behavior will depend on people’s individual tolerance for risk.

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Experts Call for Sweeping Reforms to Prevent the Next Pandemic

Swift mask mandates and travel restrictions, an international treaty and the creation of new bureaucracies are among the recommendations presented to the W.H.O.

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Experts Call for Sweeping Reforms to Prevent the Next Pandemic

Swift mask mandates and travel restrictions, an international treaty and the creation of new bureaucracies are among the recommendations presented to the W.H.O.

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How Hospitals Can Help Patients and the Planet

Health care systems are trying to answer the central question of how to care for patients when climate change threatens their ability to remain open.

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With Hugs and Haircuts, Epidemiologists Start Returning (Carefully!) to Everyday Life

Vaccinations mean the pandemic is moving to a phase when behavior will depend on people’s individual tolerance for risk.

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His Legs Suddenly Felt Paralyzed. Could Intense Workouts Be the Cause?

When he tried to get up, he realized he couldn’t move. His weakness had a surprising cause — and an even more surprising cause behind the cause.

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How Exercise May Help Us Flourish

Physical activity can promote a sense of purpose in life, creating a virtuous cycle that keeps you moving.

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mardi 11 mai 2021

Why Haven’t You Scheduled Your Covid Vaccine?

If you’re feeling hesitant about getting your shot, we want to hear your questions.

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CDC Chief Defends Coronavirus Pandemic Guidance as Impatience Mounts

At a Senate hearing on the federal government’s pandemic response, Republicans criticized the government’s guidance for cruise ships, fishermen, summer camps and outdoor mask wearing.

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C.D.C. Chief Defends Pandemic Guidance as Impatience Mounts

At a Senate hearing on the federal government’s pandemic response, Republicans criticized the government’s guidance for cruise ships, fishermen, summer camps and outdoor mask wearing.

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Covid-19 Vaccines: Novavax Reports More Delays

“I don’t see a lot going well for them at this point,” said one analyst.

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Dunbar’s Number Debunked: You Can Have More Than 150 Friends

A new study questions that figure, known as Dunbar’s number. The Oxford professor for whom it is named, Robin Dunbar, dismissed the new findings as “absolutely bonkers.”

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To Vaccinate Younger Teens, States and Cities Look to Schools, Camps, Even Beaches

The F.D.A.’s authorization of Pfizer’s Covid shot for 12- to 15-year-olds is a milestone in battling the coronavirus, but actually getting them vaccinated involves new challenges.

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Is It Covid or the Flu? New Combo Tests Can Find Out.

New tests for respiratory illnesses can look for more than 20 pathogens at a time.

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New Drugs Could Help Treat Obesity. Could They End the Stigma, Too?

The hope is that new treatments will encourage people to think of obesity as a chronic disease, like high blood pressure or diabetes.

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What Are Puberty Blockers?

Recent conservative legislation has targeted a class of drugs used to treat transgender adolescents. But what do these drugs actually do?

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Diet Companies See Gains as Americans Try to Drop Pandemic Pounds

In recent weeks and months, as people have ventured out more often, business has jumped for companies that sell plans to help lose weight.

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Why Do Humans Feed So Many Animals?

Researchers want to learn more about the connections between humans and the feeding of birds, beasts and other fauna.

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Need a Pandemic Reset? Try This 10-Day Challenge

Studies show that moments of disruption offer a unique opportunity to set and achieve new goals. The 10-day Well challenge will help you get started.

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lundi 10 mai 2021

FDA Authorizes Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine for Children 12 to 15

The shots may allow millions of youngsters to get back to school, camps, sleepovers and hangouts with friends.

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F.D.A. Authorizes Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine for Children 12 to 15

The shots may allow millions of youngsters to get back to school, camps, sleepovers and hangouts with friends.

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The F.D.A. authorizes the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for children 12 to 15.

The shots may allow millions of youngsters to get back to school, camps, sleepovers and hangouts with friends.

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‘I Need to Know I Tried’

Time-limited trials offer I.C.U. patients and their families a sense of empowerment in the face of low odds.

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Do Statins Really Cause Muscle Aches?

People taking cholesterol-lowering statin drugs often report muscle pain, but the pain may be the same when they take a look-alike placebo pill.

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dimanche 9 mai 2021

Things To Do At Home

This week, check in with NASA’s Perseverance rover, listen to orchestral music or celebrate Eid al-Fitr by making a custard dessert.

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How MDMA and Psilocybin Became Hot Investments

Psilocybin and MDMA are poised to be the hottest new therapeutics since Prozac. Universities want in, and so does Wall Street. But some researchers are wary about this going too far.

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Fauci Says Indoor Mask Guidance Should Ease With Vaccinations

The comments from President Biden’s chief medical adviser came just two days after the C.D.C. belatedly highlighted the danger of airborne transmission.

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After a Traumatizing Year, Black People Turn to Therapy

The death of George Floyd and other high-profile police killings have helped encourage African-Americans to seek treatment, mental health experts say.

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samedi 8 mai 2021

Cruise Line Threatens to Skip Florida Ports Over Proof-of-Vaccination Ban

Norwegian Cruise Line plans to require Covid-19 vaccine documentation from its crew members and customers, but Florida recently enacted a law that bars businesses from doing so.

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Joseph D. Mount Was Charged For Organizing a Hike of More Than 150 people to the Grand Canyon.

Prosecutors said at least 150 people showed up, astounding rangers and overwhelming visitors who struggled to steer clear of the hikers, many of whom were not wearing masks or social distancing.

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vendredi 7 mai 2021

Airborne Coronavirus Is a Threat, the C.D.C. Acknowledges

The new focus underscores the need for the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration to issue standards for employers to address potential hazards in the workplace, multiple experts say.

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In Covid-19 Vaccine Data, LGBTQ People Fear Invisibility

Few states collect sexual orientation or gender identity data, so no one knows how many people in some communities are getting vaccinated.

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In Covid Vaccine Data, L.G.B.T.Q. People Fear Invisibility

Few states collect sexual orientation or gender identity data, so no one knows how many people in some communities are getting vaccinated.

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From the Wastewater Drain, Solid Coronavirus Pandemic Data

The coronavirus could turn sewage surveillance into a mainstream public health practice.

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Therapy on Aisle 7: Retailers Are Entering the Mental Health Market

CVS, Walmart, Rite Aid and other large chains are working to integrate behavioral health services.

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From the Wastewater Drain, Solid Pandemic Data

The coronavirus could turn sewage surveillance into a mainstream public health practice.

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Walmart, CVS and Other Retailers Enter Mental Health Market

CVS, Walmart, Rite Aid and other large chains are working to integrate behavioral health services.

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Health Advocate or Big Brother? Companies Weigh Requiring Vaccines.

It is a delicate decision balancing employee health and personal privacy. Some companies are sidestepping the issue by offering incentives to those who get shots.

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jeudi 6 mai 2021

Many American parents are hesitant to vaccinate their children for Covid-19, a new poll shows.

The survey also found that only 9 percent of adult respondents who had not gotten the shot planned to do so, suggesting that the country is nearing the limit of people who want to get vaccinated.

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Want a Coronavirus Vaccine? U.S. Pharmacies Say Walk Right In.

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The pandemic has made some Americans rethink the daily shower.

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Covid Pandemic Forces Families to Rethink Nursing Home Care

Even with vaccines, many older people and their relatives are weighing how to manage at-home care for those who can no longer live independently.

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Otro efecto de la COVID-19: la miopía entre los niños

La disminución de la exposición a la luz exterior parece ser un factor importante en el aumento de los índices de miopía en los niños de todo el mundo.

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Parents Are Reluctant to Get Their Children Vaccinated for Covid-19, Poll Shows

The new survey also found that only 9 percent of adults who hadn’t gotten the shot planned to do so, suggesting the country is nearing the limit of people planning to get immunized.

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See Fewer People. Take Fewer Showers.

Some people said they started bathing less during the pandemic. As long as no one complains, they say they plan to keep the new habit.

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How Food May Improve Your Mood

The sugar-laden, high-fat foods we often crave when we are stressed or depressed, as comforting as they are, may be the least likely to benefit our mental health.

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Poll Shows Parents Are Reluctant to Get Their Children Vaccinated for Covid-19

The new survey also found that only 9 percent of adults who hadn’t gotten the shot planned to do so, suggesting the country is nearing the limit of people planning to get immunized.

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mercredi 5 mai 2021

Pfizer Vaccine Is Highly Effective Against Variants, Studies Find

Two studies showed the vaccine to be more than 95 percent effective at protecting against severe disease or death from the variants first identified in South Africa and the U.K.

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This New Covid Vaccine Could Bring Hope to the Unvaccinated World

The German company CureVac hopes its RNA vaccine will rival those made by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech. It could be ready next month.

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Operating Rooms Go Under the Knife

Hospitals are bringing together surgeons, anesthesiologists and nurses with architects, engineers and administrative staff to rethink the modern operating room.

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Why Exercise Can Be So Draining for People With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Even a gentle session of leg lifts set off an exaggerated nervous system reaction in older women with rheumatoid arthritis.

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mardi 4 mai 2021

Biden Shifts Vaccination Strategy in Drive to Reopen by July 4

President Biden, facing a slowing rate of vaccinations and a hope for near normalcy by Independence Day, said the government would shift from mass vaccination sites to local settings.

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Tamara Press, Olympian Whose Feats Raised Questions, Dies at 83

She won three gold medals in the 1960s but was the focus of speculation about her gender. She retired after pulling out of a track meet that would have required a sex test.

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New Covid Cases in Arizona Are Up 21 Percent in Two Weeks

The state, which lifted all its pandemic restrictions in March, has seen a 21 percent increase in its daily new-case average in recent weeks.

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Pfizer Will Seek Approval to Give Covid Vaccine to Children

The company said it also plans to apply this month for full F.D.A. approval — not just emergency authorization — for the vaccine’s use in adults.

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The Other Side of Languishing Is Flourishing. Here’s How to Get There.

Research shows that the pandemic took a toll on our overall well-being and left many of us drained. Here are seven simple steps to get you thriving again.

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With Covid Vaccines for Teens and Kids, Timing Matters

There can be a seven- or eight-week window around Covid vaccines when other shots can’t be given, so those who need them for camp, school or sports have to plan ahead.

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$100 as a Vaccine Incentive? Experiment Suggests It Can Pay Off.

A cash reward works best with Democrats, and relaxing safety guidelines seems to motivate Republicans, a survey study shows.

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How to Forget Something

With effort, it’s possible to forget certain memories. Start by identifying what triggers them.

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lundi 3 mai 2021

Biden Confronts Coronavirus Vaccine Patents

President Biden and drugmakers are facing demands from liberal activists and global leaders to suspend intellectual property rights on the vaccines as the pandemic surges.

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F.D.A. Set to Authorize Pfizer Vaccine for Adolescents by Early Next Week

The U.S. vaccination campaign will soon expand to millions more people, but public health experts say the move raises complicated questions about supply and access.

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F.D.A. Set to Authorize Pfizer Vaccine for Adolescents by Early Next Week

The move opens up the U.S. vaccination campaign to millions more Americans.

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Bill and Melinda Gates Are Divorcing

The couple’s separation is likely to send shock waves through the worlds of philanthropy, public health and business.

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Helen Murray Free Dies at 98; Chemist Developed Diabetes Test

She and her husband invented a dip-and-read paper strip that greatly simplified the diagnosis of the disease and paved the way for home test kits.

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MDMA Reaches Next Step Toward Approval for Treatment

A new study shows that MDMA, known as Ecstasy or Molly, can bring relief when paired with talk therapy to those with severe post-traumatic stress disorder.

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Why Nearsightedness Is on the Rise in Children

Decreased exposure to outdoor light appears to be a major factor in rising rates of myopia in young people around the world.

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La pandemia me enseñó a valorar la rutina

Las rutinas y rituales siempre me protegieron del caos. Cuando llegó la pandemia y todo se trastocó, me propuse reactivarlas.

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Reaching ‘Herd Immunity’ Is Unlikely in the U.S., Experts Now Believe

Widely circulating coronavirus variants and persistent hesitancy about vaccines will keep the goal out of reach. The virus is here to stay, but vaccinating the most vulnerable may be enough to restore normalcy.

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How Losing a Pet Can Make You Stronger

The process of acceptance and letting go builds the resilience necessary to navigate an array of life’s obstacles.

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Earlier Diabetes Onset Could Raise Dementia Risk

The younger the age at diagnosis for Type 2 diabetes, the higher the risk for Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia years later.

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Reaching ‘Herd Immunity’ Is Unlikely in the U.S., Experts Now Believe

Widely circulating coronavirus variants and persistent hesitancy about vaccines will keep the goal out of reach. The virus is here to stay, but vaccinating the most vulnerable may be enough to restore normalcy.

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samedi 1 mai 2021

Lawn Games to Enjoy

In this era of social distancing, lawn games like croquet, badminton and horseshoes offer a great way to spend some time outside.

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Make a Floral Cocktail

Flowers are magic. They are beautiful, uplifting and, when added to a drink, incredibly refreshing.

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Enjoy an Online Concert

Virtually live performances are getting livelier (and bigger), with some great acts and multi-artist concerts to watch this month.

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Things To Do At Home

This week, learn about the history of Cinco de Mayo, explore the future of America’s Chinatowns or make paper flowers.

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Manisha Jadhav, Key Administrator at Mumbai Hospital, Dies at 51

Dr. Jadhav took action when the pandemic hit last year, mustering personal protection equipment, food and transportation for the staff.

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Hundreds Reported Abnormal Menstruation After Exposure to Tear Gas, Study Finds

A scientific paper expands on social media reports of sudden onset of periods, spotting and other menstrual peculiarities during last summer’s protests in Portland, Ore.

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Celebrities Are Endorsing Covid Vaccines. Does It Help?

Some celebrity vaccine endorsements have delighted social media users. But epidemiologists say there isn’t much evidence proving that they boost vaccine uptake.

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