mercredi 30 juin 2021

As the Pace of Vaccinations Slows, Biden Makes a Personal Appeal

The Biden administration is shifting its strategy from mass vaccination sites to a more localized effort, deploying top officials to canvass and knock on doors.

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Behind Biden’s Pledge to Share 80 Million Vaccine Doses: Lots of Bureaucratic Hurdles

A shipment to Pakistan was a recent move in a new phase of the administration’s pandemic response: a round-the-clock effort to clear regulatory and logistical hurdles to share doses with countries in need.

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Are masks coming back? The Delta variant has some different officials rethinking precautions.

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Turn Your Phone Into a Fitness Coach

You don’t need a smartwatch or an activity tracker to monitor your exercise, nutrition and other health information.

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As the Virus Rages, Putin Pushes Russians to Get a (Russian) Vaccine

In his annual call-in show, President Vladimir V. Putin struck a changed tone after previously having cast his country’s handling of Covid-19 as a success story.

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Las vacunas de Pfizer y Moderna podrían generar una inmunidad duradera, según científicos

Las células inmunes siguen combatiendo al coronavirus meses después de la inoculación, reportaron los investigadores.

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mardi 29 juin 2021

Masks Again? Delta Variant’s Spread Prompts Reconsideration of Precautions.

Los Angeles County and the W.H.O. warned that even immunized people should wear masks indoors. Some scientists agreed, but urged a localized approach.

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Why You Still Might Want to Have a Home Covid Test on Hand

At-home rapid Covid-19 tests can offer unique benefits for weddings, parties, travel or for households with children or at-risk adults.

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How to Wash Fruits and Vegetables

A food safety specialist offers tips on helping to keep your food safe.

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lundi 28 juin 2021

Training the Next Generation of Indigenous Data Scientists

A new workshop explores the right of Indigenous people to govern the collection, ownership and use of their biological and cultural data.

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‘It’s Tough to Get Out’: How Caribbean Medical Schools Fail Their Students

The institutions are expensive, often operated for profit and eager to accept applicants. But graduates have trouble landing residencies and jobs.

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Three Studies, One Result: Vaccines Point the Way Out of the Pandemic

New scientific research underscores the effectiveness of vaccines and their versatility in the fight against the coronavirus.

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Mixing Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines provides strong protection, according to a preliminary study.

Administering a first dose of one vaccine and a second dose of the other, in either order, is likely to provide potent protection, the researchers said.

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Juul Settles N.C. Vaping Case, Agrees to Pay $40 Million

The settlement is the first in a stream of lawsuits against the company, which has been accused of deceptive marketing practices that contributed to a wave of nicotine addiction in teenagers.

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Air Pollution’s Invisible Toll on Your Health

Children, pregnant women, the elderly and those with pre-existing heart or lung disease are the most vulnerable.

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Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines Are Likely to Produce Long-Lasting Immunity, Study Suggests

Close examinations of more than a dozen vaccinated people found that immune cells were still organizing to fight the coronavirus months after inoculation.

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dimanche 27 juin 2021

Helping Drug Users Survive, Not Abstain: ‘Harm Reduction’ Gains Federal Support

Overdoses have surged during the pandemic. Now, for the first time, Congress has appropriated funds specifically for programs that distribute clean syringes and other supplies meant to protect users.

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samedi 26 juin 2021

As Parents Forbid Covid Shots, Defiant Teenagers Seek Ways to Get Them

Most medical consent laws require parental permission for minors to get a vaccine. Now some places are easing restrictions for Covid shots while others are proposing new ones.

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Cryonics During the Pandemic

The business of cryopreservation — storing bodies at deep freeze until well into the future — got a whole lot more complicated during the pandemic.

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vendredi 25 juin 2021

How to Make Summer Last (Almost) Forever

But first the bad news: It’s already half over. Plus, typeface puzzles, the “Dragon Man” skull and more in the Friday edition of the Science Times Newsletter.

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Is the Forced Contraception Alleged by Britney Spears Legal?

The United States has a dark history of court-sanctioned sterilization, but more recent rulings and legislation suggest it would violate a basic right.

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Delta Plus, a New Variant, Raises Concerns in India

The version of the virus has been found in several other countries, too. Officials say that they are gathering data about its strength and emphasize that vaccines still offer protection.

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Gibraltar Votes to Ease Abortion Restrictions

Voters decided by a wide margin to lift a near-ban on the procedure, which had been one of the strictest such laws in Europe.

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jeudi 24 juin 2021

Is the Forced Contraception Alleged by Britney Spears Legal?

The United States has a dark history of court-sanctioned sterilization, but more recent rulings and legislation suggest it would violate a basic right.

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New Therapy for Aggressive Prostate Cancer Improves Survival

The experimental treatment relies on radioactive molecules that seek out tumor cells, a strategy that may be useful against other cancers.

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A Coronavirus Epidemic Hit 20,000 Years Ago, New Study Finds

A few dozen human genes rapidly evolved in ancient East Asia to thwart coronavirus infections, scientists say. Those genes could be crucial to today’s pandemic.

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‘Death Doulas’ Provide Aid at the End of Life

End-of-life doulas support people emotionally, physically, spiritually and practically: sitting vigil, giving hand massages, making snacks.

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The Pandemic Seems to Have Made Childhood Obesity Worse, but There’s Hope

It points the way to some possible means of fighting it.

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mercredi 23 juin 2021

Heart Problems After Vaccination Are Very Rare, Federal Researchers Say

More than 1,200 cases have been reported, mostly mild and more often in young men and boys. The benefits of vaccination still far outweigh the risks, experts said.

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Scientist Finds Early Coronavirus Sequences That Had Been Mysteriously Deleted

By rooting through files stored on Google Cloud, a researcher says he recovered 13 early coronavirus sequences that had disappeared from a database last year.

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Scientist Finds Early Virus Sequences That Had Been Mysteriously Deleted

By rooting through files stored on Google Cloud, a researcher says he recovered 13 early coronavirus sequences that had disappeared from a database last year.

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Musical Chairs? Why Swapping Seats Could Reduce Orchestra Aerosols.

Moving super-spreading instruments, like the trumpet, closer to air vents could limit the aerosol buildup on stage, according to a new study.

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C.D.C. Advisers to Discuss Rare Heart Problems in Vaccinated Youth

The majority of cases have been mild, with symptoms like fatigue, chest pain and disturbances in heart rhythm that quickly clear up.

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There’s a ‘Severe Blood Shortage’ in the U.S., Red Cross Says

The American Red Cross said rising trauma cases, transplants and surgeries had led hospitals to ask for more blood than expected.

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C.D.C. advisers are expected to discuss rare heart problems in vaccinated younger people.

The majority of cases have been mild, with symptoms like fatigue, chest pain and disturbances in heart rhythm that quickly clear up.

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How to Exercise in the Summer Heat

As record high temperatures batter much of the country, expert advice on staying active this summer.

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mardi 22 juin 2021

With Mass Vaccination Sites Winding Down, It’s All About the ‘Ground Game’

The shift away from high-volume centers is an acknowledgment of the harder road ahead: a highly targeted push, akin to get-out-the-vote efforts, to persuade the reluctant to get shots.

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Covid's Delta Variant: What We Know

The variant is gaining traction worldwide. But vaccines are driving down coronavirus case numbers in the U.S., and it’s unclear whether Delta will reverse that trend.

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White House Says It Will Narrowly Miss July 4 Vaccination Goal

People ages 18 to 26 have been slow to get their shots, aides to President Biden said, ruling out the possibility of getting 70 percent of adults at least partly vaccinated by Independence Day.

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Ei-ichi Negishi, Nobel Prize Winner in Chemistry, Dies at 85

His work in creating a method to build complex organic molecules applied to everything from pharmaceutical manufacturing to electronics.

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They Relied on Chinese Vaccines. Now They’re Battling Outbreaks.

More than 90 countries are using Covid shots from China. Experts say recent infections in those places should serve as a cautionary tale in the global effort to fight the disease.

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New Drug Could Cost the Government as Much as It Spends on NASA

The Alzheimer’s treatment will cost $56,000 per patient, and millions may use it. The result: “crazy numbers” for Medicare.

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lundi 21 juin 2021

Many Alzheimer’s Experts Say Use of Aduhelm Should Be Sharply Limited

Even those who supported the F.D.A.’s approval of the controversial new drug said authorizing it for anyone with Alzheimer’s disease was much too broad.

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Medicaid Enrollment Surpassed 80 Million, a Record, During the Pandemic

The increase points to the program’s growing role not just as a safety net, but also as a foundation of U.S. health coverage.

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C.D.C Studies Say Young Adults Are Less Likely to Get Vaccinated

Many adults under 40 surveyed by researchers expressed distrust of the vaccines, fear of side effects or skepticism about the need for the shots.

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I’ve Recovered From Long Covid. I’m One of the Lucky Ones.

Much of the country is moving past the pandemic. But many people still can’t, and I know exactly how that feels.

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The Secrets of ‘Cognitive Super-Agers’

By studying centenarians, researchers hope to develop strategies to ward off Alzheimer’s disease and slow brain aging for all of us.

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Morning People May Be at Lower Risk of Depression Than Night Owls

Going to bed early and waking up early may help to provide some protection against depression, a new study suggests.

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dimanche 20 juin 2021

Wondering if the Covid Vaccine Worked? Get the Right Test, at the Right Time

Scientists generally recommend against antibody testing after vaccination. But for some people, it makes sense.

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With Vaccination Goal in Doubt, Biden Warns of Variant’s Threat

Speaking at the White House, the president did not mention his goal of getting 70 percent of adults partly vaccinated by July 4 but trumpeted a different milestone: 300 million shots in his first 150 days in office.

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Covid Lab-Leak Theory Renews "Gain-of-Function" Research Debate

Talk of ‘gain-of-function’ research, a muddy category at best, brings up deep questions about how scientists should study viruses and other pathogens.

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Brazil Reported One of the Highest Covid-19 Death Tolls in the World

The country reached 500,000 official deaths, behind only the United States and the presumed death count for India.

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Wondering if the Vaccine Worked? Get the Right Test, at the Right Time

Scientists generally recommend against antibody testing after vaccination. But for some people, it makes sense.

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Covid Lab-Leak Theory Renews "Gain-of-Function" Research Debate

Talk of ‘gain-of-function’ research, a muddy category at best, brings up deep questions about how scientists should study viruses and other pathogens.

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Desperate for Covid Care, Undocumented Immigrants Resort to Unproven Drugs

Shut out from mainstream medicine, some immigrants are buying expensive, unproven Covid therapies from “wellness” clinics or turning to the black market.

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vendredi 18 juin 2021

Traveling This Summer? Here’s What You Should Know About the Delta Variant.

It’s the most contagious form of the coronavirus so far. Here’s what you need to know before traveling.

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On the Pointless of Pointy Shoes

Archaeological advice on post-pandemic footwear. Plus: brittle stars in a “weirdo box,” a possible Viking ransom and more in the Friday edition of the Science Times newsletter.

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Taiwan Orders Some Tech Workers to Stay Indoors to Tackle an Outbreak

Activists say that the measures discriminate against migrant laborers, an essential pillar of the island’s high-tech industries.

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High Hopes for Johnson & Johnson’s Covid Vaccine Have Fizzled in the U.S.

Production problems and a brief pause on its use kept the one-dose vaccine from becoming the game changer that health officials across the country believed it would be.

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For a Science Reporter, the Job Was Always About the People

In two decades covering medicine for The New York Times, the people I met, and the truths they revealed, have always stayed with me.

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jeudi 17 juin 2021

The Maldives Lured Tourists Back. Now It Needs Nurses.

The island nation kept Covid cases low, and its resorts open, for much of the pandemic. But a recent surge exposed its overreliance on expatriate health workers.

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Parents and caregivers reported mental health issues more often than others during the pandemic, a C.D.C. study says.

The report follows innumerable anecdotes and several studies suggesting spikes in mental health problems among parents and caregivers during the pandemic.

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Obamacare Survives Latest Supreme Court Challenge

The court sidestepped the larger issue in the case, whether the 2010 health care law can stand without a provision that required most Americans to obtain insurance or pay a penalty.

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A Pill to Treat Covid-19? The U.S. Is Betting on It.

A new $3.2 billion program will support the development of antiviral pills, which could start arriving by the end of this year.

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Nations weigh mandates and incentives to drive up vaccination rates.

While some parts of the world have used lures such as free lottery tickets to lift inoculation rates, officials in a few places may go straight to requiring shots.

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mercredi 16 juin 2021

CureVac’s Covid-19 Vaccine Disappoints in Clinical Trial

A preliminary analysis showed that CureVac’s mRNA vaccine had an efficacy of just 47 percent. “This is pretty devastating for them,” one expert said.

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Covid Proved the C.D.C. Is Broken. Can It Be Fixed?

The pandemic revealed the glaring weaknesses of the world’s premier public health agency — and just how much work it would take to reform it.

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CureVac’s Covid Vaccine Performed Badly in Trial, In Part Due to Variants

The results were a blow to hopes that the vaccine could help meet the world’s urgent need. “This is pretty devastating” for the company, one expert said.

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Vaccine Maker Earned Record Profits but Delivered Disappointment in Return

Emergent BioSolutions was awarded a $628 million federal contract with no competitive bidding. Top executives received big bonuses while factories mostly sat idle and tens of millions of Covid-19 doses were thrown away.

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Richard R. Ernst, Nobelist Who Paved Way for M.R.I., Dies at 87

His development of advanced analytical techniques formed the basis for M.R.I. technology used in hospitals and helped chemists determine the structure of complex molecules.

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Brigitte Gerney, ‘Crane Lady’ Who Survived Collapse, Dies at 85

Her legs were crushed when she was trapped for six hours in Manhattan in 1985, touching off a media frenzy. Miraculously, she was able to walk again.

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Lifelong Exercise Adds Up to Big Health Care Savings

People who start to exercise before or during middle age typically save from $824 to $1,874 annually on health care costs after retirement.

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mardi 15 juin 2021

Scientists Report Earliest Known Coronavirus Cases in Five US States

Blood drawn from nine people in the earliest days of the pandemic tested positive for the infection. But some experts questioned the results.

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Scientists Report Earliest Known Coronavirus Infections in Five U.S. States

Blood drawn from nine people in the earliest days of the pandemic tested positive for the infection. But some experts questioned the results.

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Why Asia, the Pandemic Champion, Remains Miles Away From the Finish Line

While the United States edges toward normalcy, countries like Japan, South Korea and Australia are still facing months of uncertainty and isolation as their vaccination campaigns just start to gain steam.

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Study Finds Many Post-Covid Patients Are Experiencing New Medical Problems

An analysis of health insurance records of almost 2 million coronavirus patients found new issues in nearly a quarter — including those whose Covid infection was mild or asymptomatic.

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Covid Survivors Smell Foods Differently

Long after some people have recovered from the virus, they find certain foods off-putting.

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Asia Struggles to Cast Off the Pandemic Despite its Early Lead

While the United States edges toward normalcy, countries like Japan, South Korea and Australia are still facing months of uncertainty and isolation as their vaccination campaigns just start to gain steam.

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Covid Vaccine Card: What You Need to Know

For now, the best way to show that you’ve been inoculated against the coronavirus is a simple white card. Here, your key questions are answered.

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How Should My Group Deal With an Unvaccinated Student?

The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on the obligations faced by those who choose not to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

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Many Post-Covid Patients Are Experiencing New Medical Problems, Study Finds

An analysis of health insurance records of almost 2 million coronavirus patients found new issues in nearly a quarter — including those whose Covid infection was mild or asymptomatic.

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lundi 14 juin 2021

What Are The Roadblocks to a Covid Vaccine Passport?

Creating a digital certificate of vaccination against the coronavirus is one of the hottest debates right now. What’s keeping it from happening, and why are some people opposed?

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CDC Travel Guidelines: What You Need to Know

In updated recommendations, the federal health agency said both domestic and international travel was low risk for fully vaccinated Americans. But travel remains far from simple.

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Vermont is the first state to partially vaccinate at least 80 percent of its eligible population.

The state has done so well with vaccination that it can now safely drop its pandemic restrictions, Gov. Phil Scott said on Monday.

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‘Flying Treats’: Can Dogs and Cats Snack Safely on Cicadas?

Jittery pet owners are asking vets, animal poison control centers and Twitter. Read on for answers.

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Virus Scientist Kristian Andersen On Fauci Email and Lab-Leak Theory

In early 2020, Kristian Andersen wrote to Anthony Fauci about the possibility of an engineered coronavirus. His research has since dispelled those suspicions.

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China’s ‘Bat Woman,’ at the Center of a Pandemic Storm, Speaks Out

Shi Zhengli, a top virologist, said in a rare interview that speculation about her lab in Wuhan was baseless. But China’s habitual secrecy makes her claims hard to validate.

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How the Virus Unraveled Hispanic American Families

Deaths in Santa Clara County, Calif., highlight a terrible disparity of the pandemic: Covid-19 killed many Hispanic Americans at younger ages.

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Shi Zhengli, Chinese Virologist, Faces Scrutiny Over Wuhan Lab Research

Shi Zhengli, a top virologist, said in a rare interview that speculation about her lab in Wuhan was baseless. But China’s habitual secrecy makes her claims hard to validate.

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Novavax Offers U.S. a Fourth Strong Covid-19 Vaccine

The company’s large U.S. trial found an efficacy rate of about 90 percent. But at this point, the nation is awash in other shots.

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The Health Benefits of Coffee

Drinking coffee has been linked to a reduced risk of all kinds of ailments, including Parkinson’s disease, melanoma, prostate cancer, even suicide.

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For Younger Women, High Blood Pressure May Carry Heightened Risks

Women, but not men, with even mildly elevated blood pressure in their early 40s were at increased risk for later heart disease and early death.

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dimanche 13 juin 2021

Outbreak of Poisonous Browntail Moth Caterpillars Plagues Maine

The caterpillars, known as browntail moths, have tiny hairs that can cause skin rashes and even breathing issues for some people.

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Judge Dismisses Houston Hospital Workers' Lawsuit Over Vaccines

The decision appeared to be among the first to rule in favor of employer-mandated vaccinations for workers.

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samedi 12 juin 2021

F.D.A. Still Lacks a Permanent Commissioner

With the pandemic easing, the federal agency’s long-term agenda for drug approvals or new issues is languishing without a permanent commissioner.

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Logistics, cost and official standards are needed for the dogs to fulfill their potential in medical fields.

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vendredi 11 juin 2021

What to Know About Testing and Vaccine Requirements for Travel

Do you need to be vaccinated or have a negative Covid-19 test for your next trip? Check this guide before traveling domestically or abroad.

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Where the Grass is Greener, Except When It’s ‘Nonfunctional Turf’

Plus, mammoths in Vegas, watermelon snow, Miami’s looming sea wall and more in the Friday edition of the Science Times newsletter.

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C.D.C. Investigating Cases of Heart Inflammation Following Immunization

More than half of the cases were reported in people ages 12 to 24. Not all are likely to be verified or related to vaccines, and experts believe the benefits of immunization far outweigh the risk of these complications.

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How to Reopen Offices Safely

Flush the taps, focus on indoor air quality and consider getting creative about staff schedules.

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Her Sister Died of a Brain Tumor. Now She Was Having Similar Symptoms.

Humanity has planted flags on the moon, yet a moonshot for brain cancer has yet to be realized.

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jeudi 10 juin 2021

Three F.D.A. Advisers Resign Over Agency’s Approval of Alzheimer’s Drug

The drug, Aduhelm, a monthly infusion priced at $56,000 per year, was approved this week despite weak evidence that it helps patients.

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C.D.C. Calls for Updated Childhood Vaccinations After Decline Last Year

The number of vaccine doses administered to children dropped by as much 63 percent as stay-at-home orders were issued in spring of 2020.

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Vaccinated Adults Helps Protect Unvaccinated Children, Study Finds

The study, based on anonymized Israeli medical records, showed that vaccination’s benefits extend to people who have not received a shot.

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OSHA Issues Covid Workplace Safety Rule, But Only for Health Care

The Labor Department says it will issue optional guidance to other employers. Some advocacy groups say more is needed.

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UnitedHealthcare May Deny Emergency Visit Coverage

Within days of announcing a policy shift aimed at cutting back on reimbursements for emergency room care, the major insurer retreated — for now.

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The C.D.C.’s New Leader Follows the Science. Is That Enough?

By all accounts, Dr. Rochelle Walensky is a fierce advocate and an empathetic scientist. But C.D.C. advice must be better attuned to the real world, critics say.

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Menstrual Cups in Museums? It’s Time.

Objects designed for birth, fertility and parenthood have long been neglected by institutions. A new book and exhibition series aims to change that.

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Moderna Apples for Authorization of Its Covid Vaccine for Adolescents

A clinical trial found no cases of symptomatic Covid among teens fully inoculated with Moderna’s vaccine, which translates to an efficacy of 100 percent.

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mercredi 9 juin 2021

Biden to Send Millions of Pfizer Vaccine Doses to 100 Countries

The White House’s move is part of a nascent campaign to inoculate the world, and came as President Biden faced intense pressure to do more.

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Biden to Send 500 Million Doses of Pfizer Vaccine to 100 Countries Over a Year

The White House’s move is part of a nascent campaign to inoculate the world, and came as President Biden faced intense pressure to do more.

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Jessica Morris, Whose Brain Cancer Was Her Cause, Dies at 57

After her diagnosis of glioblastoma in 2016, she founded an organization that advocated for patients and research.

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A Multibillion-Dollar Plan to End Polio, and Soon

A global partnership announced plans to spend more than $5 billion to eradicate poliovirus.

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Reports of Severe Covid or Death After Vaccination Are Rare, but Not Unexpected

No vaccine is ever 100 percent effective, experts say, stressing that the shots remain critical in reducing severe disease and death from the coronavirus.

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Severe Covid Cases Among the Vaccinated? They're Rare.

No vaccine is ever 100 percent, experts say, stressing that the shots remain critical in reducing severe disease and death from the coronavirus.

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AstraZeneca Shots Carry Slightly Higher Risk of Bleeding Problem, New Study Says

But the research, involving 2.53 million adults in Scotland, found that the vaccine’s benefits outweighed the small risks.

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Government Warns Doctors and Insurers: Don’t Bill for Covid Vaccines

Such billing has been rare, but public concern about it may be contributing to hesitancy about getting the shot.

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The Best Type of Exercise? A Blood Test Holds Clues

Researchers are studying the proteins in blood to learn why some of us respond to certain forms of exercise better than others.

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mardi 8 juin 2021

How To Get a Better Night's Sleep

You can overcome ‘coronasomnia.’ Experts say it just takes practice building new and better habits.

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In the U.S., vaccines for the youngest are expected this fall.

Pfizer and Moderna are testing their vaccines in children under 12, and are expected to have results in hand by the end of the summer.

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Shopping Cart Theory, and Practice

An essential tool. An inspiration for artists. A public nuisance. The humble shopping cart has been all of these in the decades since it was invented. But what does it reveal about our character?

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Alzheimer’s Drug Is Bonanza for Biogen, Most Likely at Taxpayer Expense

Despite scant evidence that it works, the drug, Aduhelm, is predicted to generate billions of dollars in revenue, much of it from Medicare.

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A U.N. Declaration on Ending AIDS Should Have Been Easy. It Wasn’t.

Even with U.N.’s previous goals unmet, delegates tried to water down provisions regarding protections for vulnerable populations and patents for essential drugs.

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lundi 7 juin 2021

F.D.A. Approves Alzheimer’s Drug Despite Fierce Debate Over Whether It Works

Aducanumab, or Aduhelm, is the first new Alzheimer’s treatment in 18 years and the first to attack the disease process. But some prominent experts say there’s not enough evidence it can address cognitive symptoms.

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F.D.A. Approves Alzheimer’s Drug Despite Fierce Debate Over Whether It Works

Aducanumab is the first new Alzheimer’s treatment in 18 years and the first to attack the disease process. But some prominent experts say there’s not enough evidence it can address cognitive symptoms.

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Looking to Tackle Prescription Overload

Older adults often take more medications than they need, or than is safe. Increasingly, geriatric experts and their patients are exploring the benefits of “deprescribing.”

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How the ‘Alpha’ Coronavirus Variant Became So Powerful

A new study suggests how the variant first identified in Britain hides from the human immune system. Its stealth may be part of its success.

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For Small Gyms, Handling the Pandemic Meant Expanding

From on-demand video libraries to rooftop classes, boutique workout spots broadened beyond their tight spaces.

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We Could All Use a Health Coach

Health coaches can give patients the tools they need to improve their own care and well-being, but they aren’t widely available.

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dimanche 6 juin 2021

New York Turns to Smart Thermometers for Disease Detection in Schools

The technology company Kinsa will distribute as many as 100,000 internet-connected thermometers through the city’s elementary schools.

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We’ll Probably Need Booster Shots for Covid-19. But When? And Which Ones?

Scientists are asking a lot of questions about Covid-19 booster shots, but they don’t yet have many answers. Here’s what they know so far.

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samedi 5 juin 2021

Alzheimer’s Drug Poses a Dilemma for the F.D.A.

If the agency approves it, aducanumab would be the first new Alzheimer’s treatment since 2003. Patients are desperate for new options, but some scientists say there isn’t enough evidence it works.

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Blinded by Brighter Headlights? It’s Not Your Imagination.

The rising use of light-emitting diodes and the popularity of pickups and S.U.V.s have prompted complaints about the glare and intensity of headlights.

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Why A.I. Should Be Afraid of Us

Because benevolent bots are suckers. Plus, racism in medical journals, the sperm-count “crisis” and more in the Friday edition of the Science Times newsletter.

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Red Knots in Steepest Decline in Years, Threatening the Species’ Survival

The annual count along the Delaware Bay beaches showed another severe drop in numbers of the shorebird, whose migration is one of the longest avian journeys in the world.

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vendredi 4 juin 2021

Ganga Stone, Who Gave Sustenance to AIDS Patients, Dies at 79

At the height of the AIDS epidemic, she started God’s Love We Deliver, a charity that brought hot meals to people who were too ill to cook.

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How a Nursing Shortage Affects Families With Disabled Children

A nursing shortage — driven by the pandemic — has made life miserable for parents with profoundly disabled children. “What if I’m so exhausted that I make a mistake?”

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Teens Are Rarely Hospitalized With Covid, but Cases Can Be Severe

Adolescents were hospitalized with Covid three times as often as with flu, researchers reported. Nearly one-third wound up in I.C.U.s.

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Susan Cole, Advocate for Traumatized Children, Dies at 72

Ms. Cole examined the link between abuse at home and problems in the classroom, and sought to make schools “trauma sensitive.”

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C.D.C. Says Child Covid Hospitalizations Are Rare, but More Frequent Than Flu

The findings run counter to claims that influenza is more threatening to children than Covid-19 is.

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The Sperm-Count ‘Crisis’ Doesn’t Add Up

Reports of a decline in male fertility rely on flawed assumptions, a new study contends.

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Can Travel Be Fun Again?

For many people, after more than a year of the pandemic, travel feels like something to dread. But it can still mean liberation, the author and psychologist argues.

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jeudi 3 juin 2021

U.S. Covid Vaccine Donations Will Go to 'Wide Range' of Nations

Latin America, South and Southeast Asia and Africa will be among the recipients of an initial 25 million excess doses that the Biden administration is sharing this month.

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First U.S. Vaccine Donations Will Go to ‘Wide Range’ of Nations in Need

Latin America, South and Southeast Asia and Africa will be among the recipients of an initial 25 million excess doses that the Biden administration is sharing this month.

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Arthur Staats Dies at 97; Called ‘Time Out’ for Unruly Kids

A behavioral psychologist, he advised that it was more productive to briefly isolate a misbehaving child than to spank or yell at him. Thus a household phrase was born.

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When a Surgeon Became a Covid-19 Patient: ‘I Had Never Faced the Reality of Death’

Infected early in the pandemic, Dr. Tomoaki Kato, a renowned transplant surgeon, was soon on life support, and one of the sickest patients in his own hospital.

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A Surgeon Becomes a Covid Patient: 'I Had Never Faced the Reality of Death'

Infected early in the pandemic, Dr. Tomoaki Kato, a renowned transplant surgeon, was soon on life support, and one of the sickest patients in his own hospital.

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Don’t Eat Cicadas if You’re Allergic to Seafood, F.D.A.Warns

The insects have emerged by the billions this year across the Eastern United States and have curious foodies salivating. But their similarities to crustaceans makes them an allergy risk, health officials warned.

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The Disease Detective

Joe DeRisi invented a way to find pathogens that scientists didn’t even know to look for. Can it help prevent the next pandemic?

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Virtual Reality Therapy Plunges Patients Back Into Trauma. Here Is Why Some Swear by It.

An experimental treatment seems poised to address a dire mental health crisis.

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mercredi 2 juin 2021

Medical Journals Reluctant to Take on Racism, Critics Say

An editor’s departure at JAMA is bringing calls for a sharper focus on racism and its consequences.

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When Your Job Harms Your Mental Health

Naomi Osaka advocated for her well-being at work. Here’s how you can too.

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F.D.A. Approves New Drug to Treat Vaginal Yeast Infections

Regulators OK’d a new antifungal treatment, but critics say it is unneeded and costs too much.

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For Many Workers, Change in Mask Policy Is a Nightmare

After a shift by the C.D.C., employers withdrew mask policies that workers felt were protecting them from unvaccinated customers.

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On-the-Job Exercise May Help Protect Against Heart Disease and Cancer

Men who had physically demanding jobs lived, on average, about a year longer than those who were deskbound.

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mardi 1 juin 2021

Editor of JAMA to Step Down Following Racist Incident

Dr. Howard Bauchner will leave his post after a colleague suggested “taking racism out of the conversation” on a journal podcast.

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Moderna Seeks Full F.D.A. Approval for Covid Vaccine

The company’s application follows the move by Pfizer and BioNTech to seek full approval last month. The vaccines already have emergency use authorization in the United States.

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For Sleep Apnea, a Mouth Guard May be a Good Alternative to CPAP

People with sleep apnea who can’t tolerate the noise and discomfort of a CPAP machine might benefit from a mouth guard or surgery.

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The Covid Vaccine Is Free, but Not Everyone Believes That

Concern over unexpected bills was one of the reasons given by survey respondents for hesitation about getting the shot.

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How to Rearrange Your Post-Pandemic ‘Friendscape’

Re-entry offers an opportunity to choose which relationships we wish to resurrect and which are better left dormant.

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Why Teens Need a Break This Summer

The pandemic has been the psychological workout of their lives. The next few months can be a time of recovery.

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