samedi 30 avril 2022

Fuad El-Hibri, Who Led a Troubled Vaccine Maker, Dies at 64

His company, Emergent BioSolutions, won a lucrative contract to produce Covid vaccines but then had to throw out millions of contaminated doses.

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vendredi 29 avril 2022

Philip J. Hilts, 74, Dies; Reporter Exposed a Big-Tobacco Cover-up

In one of many scoops for The Times, he revealed how the tobacco industry had kept secret its own research showing that nicotine was harmful and addictive.

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F.D.A. Sets Aside June for Potential Decisions on Vaccines for Children Under 5

Both Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech have asked the agency to approve their vaccines for children under 5.

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jeudi 28 avril 2022

Patients Taking Experimental Obesity Drug Lost More Than 50 Pounds, Maker Claims

The data have not yet been peer reviewed or published. But experts said the drug may give people with obesity an alternative to bariatric surgery.

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F.D.A. Moves to Ban Sales of Menthol Cigarettes

Public health experts say the proposal could save hundreds of thousands of lives, especially among Black smokers — 85 percent of whom use menthol products.

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Backlash Erupts as N.Y.U. Weighs Hiring Scientist Accused of Harassment

A walkout at New York University’s medical school was held to protest the possible hiring of Dr. David Sabatini, who has been accused of sexual misconduct.

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Climate Change Will Accelerate Viral Spillovers, Study Finds

In a warming world, bats in Southeast Asia will be especially prone to spreading viruses to other mammals, researchers found.

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How to Get Covid Treatments in New York City

Both antiviral treatments and monoclonal antibodies that treat Covid-19 are available across the city, but some public health experts worry that too few people know how to get them.

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mercredi 27 avril 2022

Medicare Advantage Plans Often Deny Needed Care, Federal Report Finds

Investigators urged increased oversight of the program, saying that insurers deny tens of thousands of authorization requests annually.

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Lawmakers Dismiss McKinsey’s Apology on Opioid Crisis as ‘Empty’

The consulting firm’s top executive was apologetic before Congress but denied that advising both opioid manufacturers and their federal regulator posed a conflict of interest.

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Which Animal Viruses Could Infect People? Computers Are Racing to Find Out.

Machine learning is known for its ability to spot fraudulent credit charges or recognize faces. Now researchers are siccing the technology on viruses.

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mardi 26 avril 2022

The Coronavirus Has Infected More Than Half of Americans, the C.D.C. Reports

But prior infection does not guarantee protection from the virus, officials said, and Americans should still get vaccinated and boosted.

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Most Americans have been infected with the coronavirus at least once, the C.D.C. says.

Blood tests showed a sharp increase in the proportion of people — especially children and adolescents — in the United States who had antibodies indicating past exposure to the virus, the agency said.

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Do Vaccines Protect Against Long Covid?

Maybe, according to a growing number of studies, but there’s not yet a definitive answer.

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Can Virtual Reality Help Ease Chronic Pain?

V.R. treatments may provide relief similar to intravenous opioids — a tantalizing prospect for the millions of Americans living with chronic pain.

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What We Lose Communicating Through Text in a Pandemic

When my mother got Covid in April 2020, I learned what we lose over text.

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lundi 25 avril 2022

Who Helped End the Travel Mask Mandate?

The mask rule on planes and public transportation has been targeted by the travel industry and Republican lawmakers. In the end, it was brought down by a little-known nonprofit, a conservative judge and chance.

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Pulling Back the Curtain on Race and Health Care

Dr. Rachel Hardeman hopes to inspire others to think bigger about the link, and in turn, solutions that protect both mothers and babies. It isn’t an easy mission.

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dimanche 24 avril 2022

Covid Outbreak in Beijing Prompts Panic Buying and Fears of a Lockdown

Supermarkets stocked up as long lines formed. The Chinese authorities ordered mass testing to contain a rising number of coronavirus cases in an affluent district of the capital.

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samedi 23 avril 2022

‘It’s Life or Death’: The Mental Health Crisis Among U.S. Teens

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The Drive to Vaccinate the World Against Covid Is Losing Steam

Rates are stalling in most low-income countries well short of the W.H.O.’s goal to immunize 70 percent of people in every nation. Some public health experts believe the momentum is gone forever.

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Mask Ruling Underscores Deep Split in Attitudes

Many readers of The Times said a judge’s decision to strike down the mask mandate on public transportation was “political” and “outrageous.” Others called it a relief.

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Exploring the Health Effects of Ageism

Through more than three decades of research, the Yale psychologist Becca Levy has demonstrated that age discrimination can take years off one’s life.

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The Drive to Vaccinate the World Against Covid Is Losing Steam

Rates are stalling in most low-income countries well short of the W.H.O.’s goal to immunize 70 percent of people in every nation. Some public health experts believe the momentum is gone forever.

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vendredi 22 avril 2022

Ursula Bellugi, Pioneer in the World of Sign Language, Dies at 91

Her research advanced understanding of the brain and the origins of language — signed and spoken — and shed light on how humans communicate and socialize.

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Why Hasn’t the U.S. Asked for a Stay in the Mask Mandate Case?

The administration’s actions suggest either a botched case or a shrewd play for time as it gives up on the mask order but hopes to erase an adverse ruling, legal experts said.

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Tucker Carlson Has a Cure for Declining Virility

A promo for an upcoming Fox show describes a testosterone “calamity” among American men, along with an unlikely treatment.

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Why Hasn’t the U.S. Asked for a Stay in the Mask Mandate Case?

The administration’s actions suggest either a botched case or a shrewd play for time as it gives up on the mask order but hopes to erase an adverse ruling, legal experts said.

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jeudi 21 avril 2022

C.D.C. Issues Alert Over Cluster of Hepatitis Cases in Children

Alabama has reported that nine children under 10 had the rare condition, and a few suffered liver failure. Similar cases among children were reported in Britain.

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Routine Childhood Vaccinations in the U.S. Slipped During the Pandemic

Nationwide, the number of kindergartners with the required shots fell below the target for broad immunity, raising fears of outbreaks of measles and other illnesses.

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mercredi 20 avril 2022

Aid Workers in Ukraine Fight to Deliver Supplies Despite Lives Lost to Russian Shelling

Only one member of an aid convoy to Chernihiv, Ukraine, survived a shelling attack in March. But the convoy’s organizers have persisted through the dangers of the war.

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What Travelers Should Know About the Federal Mask Mandate

After a federal mask mandate was struck down on Monday, travelers are facing a patchwork of rules spanning air travel, trains, buses, cruise ships and ride-hailing services. Here’s what to know.

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Justice Department Appeals to Reinstate Transportation Mask Mandate

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ruled the mandate “necessary for the public health,” but an appeal risks creating a precedent that could permanently constrain the agency.

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Scientists Find No Benefit to Time-Restricted Eating

In a yearlong study, participants who confined meals to certain hours lost no more weight than those who ate at any time.

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F.D.A. Warns Patients About Some Prenatal Genetic Tests

The agency cites concerns that some manufacturers’ claims about test performance “may not be supported with sound scientific evidence.”

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Study Raises Questions About Popular Genetic Test for ‘Abnormal’ Embryos

The test leads people undergoing in vitro fertilization to discard thousands of embryos each year. The new research found implanting some “abnormal” embryos resulted in healthy live births.

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Gut Healing Is TikTok’s Latest Trend. Does It Work?

Despite what social media might have you believe, there is no overnight shortcut to better digestive health.

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mardi 19 avril 2022

Concerns Rise as Passenger Masks Fall

Health experts expressed dismay at a judge’s ruling that struck down the C.D.C. mask mandate for planes, trains and buses.

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Biden Administration May Appeal Mask Mandate Ruling

If the C.D.C. decides there is a public health basis for trying to reinstate and extend the mask mandate, the Justice Department will swiftly file an appeal.

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Omicron Was More Severe for Unvaccinated Children in 5-to-11 Age Group, Study Shows

Black children who had not been immunized made up about a third of those hospitalized during the winter surge.

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The end of a U.S. mask mandate for travel is met with elation and dread.

Some travelers and flight attendants cheered the end of the mask mandate but others are worried that it will result in more infections.

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Moderna Says Trial Suggests Redesigned Vaccines Protect Against Variants

Researchers combined Moderna’s existing vaccine with one designed to attack the Beta variant, and found it provided a stronger defense against several variants.

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M.R.I.s Are Finding Connections Between Our Brain Activity and Psychology

How might we leverage knowing that a particular neurological feature makes someone more vulnerable to autism or Alzheimer’s or more likely to achieve academically?

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A Door-to-Door Effort to Find Out Who Died Helps Low-Income Countries Aid the Living

Many developing countries don’t keep official death records. A novel effort uses “electronic autopsies” to count deaths, and record their cause.

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lundi 18 avril 2022

Scientists Question Data Behind an Experimental Alzheimer’s Drug

Studies linked to Cassava Sciences, once a stock market favorite, have been retracted or challenged by medical journals.

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Four Americans Were Infected With a Virus Variant Seen in Mink

The cluster is the first known instance of likely animal-to-human transmission in the United States.

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Four Americans Were Infected With a Virus Variant Seen in Mink

The cluster is the first known instance of likely animal-to-human transmission in the United States.

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dimanche 17 avril 2022

Americans Over 60 Should Get Second Booster, Official Says

Citing data from Israel, the Biden administration’s Covid response coordinator, said a second booster offered significant protection to older people.

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Is Covid More Dangerous Than Driving? How Scientists Are Parsing Covid Risks.

The coronavirus remains new enough and its long-term effects unpredictable enough that measuring the threat posed by an infection is a thorny problem.

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Jury Awards $450,000 to Man Fired Over Unwanted Office Birthday Party

The man asked a manager not to have a party because he had an anxiety disorder. What followed spiraled into a legal dispute over whether the man had a panic attack or a violent outburst.

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samedi 16 avril 2022

India Is Stalling the W.H.O.’s Efforts to Make Global Covid Death Toll Public

The agency has calculated that 15 million people have died as a result of the pandemic, far more than earlier estimates, but has yet to release those numbers.

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vendredi 15 avril 2022

A New Covid Breath Test Holds Promise, but Wide Use May Still Be Far Off

The F.D.A. authorized a breath-based test made by a small Texas company, which said it hoped that mobile sites could use the device.

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Sidney Altman, Who Stumbled on a Breakthrough in Genetics, Dies at 82

He shared a Nobel for finding that RNA was not just a carrier of genetic information but could also trigger life-changing chemical reactions in cells.

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Michael F. Neidorff, 79, Dies; His Company Was an Obamacare Stalwart

He transformed a small company into a corporation focused on providing health insurance under government programs. It now insures 25 million people.

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jeudi 14 avril 2022

Pfizer Says Booster Strengthens Immune Response for Children 5 to 11

Pfizer and BioNTech will soon ask the Food and Drug Administration for emergency authorization of Covid booster doses for that age group, the companies said.

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Two new Omicron subvariants are spreading quickly in New York State.

The new subvariants, both related to BA.2, may help explain rising infections in the region. They have been found in more than 30 states.

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Are There Better Ways to Track Covid Cases?

An increasing reliance on at-home testing and the closings of mass testing sites are making official case counts less reliable, scientists say.

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He Was Remarkably Healthy Until Chronic Diarrhea Nearly Killed Him

After weeks of having to rush to the bathroom day and night, the 77-year-old had lost 25 pounds. What was wrong?

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mercredi 13 avril 2022

Masks Stay On: C.D.C. Keeps the Mandate on Planes

Despite pressure from airlines and industry groups, the Biden administration extended the requirement to wear masks while traveling on public transportation through May 3.

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William G. Hamilton, Doctor to New York’s Ballet Dancers, Dies at 90

Invited by George Balanchine to be the in-house orthopedic surgeon at City Ballet, he laid the groundwork for the field of dance medicine.

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How to Choose a Mental Health App

There are thousands of apps that claim to promote mental well-being, but not all of them are safe or effective.

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Are You Reluctant to Get a Covid Booster?

Share your story with The New York Times.

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McKinsey Opened a Door in Its Firewall Between Pharma Clients and Regulators

The firm let consultants advise both drugmakers and their government overseers, internal records show. “Who we know and what we know” was part of their pitch.

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mardi 12 avril 2022

All Children 8 and Older Should Be Screened for Anxiety, U.S. Task Force Says

A panel of experts says the latest research supports early intervention for younger kids.

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Red States Push L.G.B.T.Q. Restrictions as Education Battles Intensify

With an eye toward parents’ anxiety, Republicans have put forward a wave of laws on classroom instruction, youth sports and health care. Some of the young people at the center feel isolated.

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Should I Have Lied to Help My Kid Brother Get Vaccinated?

The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on what we gain from making hard choices.

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lundi 11 avril 2022

New Drug Slashed Deaths Among Patients With Severe Covid, Maker Claims

A late-stage trial was halted after strong early results, according to the company, but outside scientists have not yet seen the data.

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Psilocybin Helps Alleviate Depression Symptoms, Small Study Says

The chemical derived from psychedelic mushrooms helped alleviate symptoms of depression and generated detectable neural responses that lasted weeks.

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This Psychiatric Hospital Used to Chain Patients. Now It Treats Them.

Sierra Leone, one of the world’s poorest countries, is working to build a modern mental health system from scratch.

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dimanche 10 avril 2022

Uptick in New Covid Cases Is Concerning but Not Surprising, Dr. Fauci Says

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci said on Sunday that the virus was still a threat, but that people needed to decide for themselves what risks they would take.

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Will the Virus Cooperate With Broadway’s Spring Rebound?

It will be the busiest April for Broadway openings in more than a decade. But some of its biggest stars have been sidelined by positive tests.

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samedi 9 avril 2022

I Reported on Covid for Two Years. Then I Got It.

Apoorva Mandavilli has covered the coronavirus since the pandemic started. But contracting the virus herself taught her something no research paper could.

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In a Michigan County, Stimulus Funds Are Remaking Public Health Programs

Many cities and counties say that shoring up local public health systems is crucial to recovering from the pandemic and addressing entrenched health disparities.

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Calling TIAs Strokes Could Help Patients Seek Proper Care, Neurologists Say

Two neurologists argue that calling T.I.A.s what they are — minor strokes — could prompt patients to seek the help they need more quickly.

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vendredi 8 avril 2022

Having Covid Can Be Confusing. Here’s What to Expect

Having Covid can be a wildly confusing experience. But you can still make a plan to get through the course of illness.

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Why a Coronavirus-Flu ‘Twindemic’ May Never Happen

Scientists are exploring a theory suggesting that exposure to one respiratory virus helps the body fend off competing pathogens.

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What a Negative Result Means on At-Home Covid Tests

If you have symptoms but get a negative home test result, you may need to keep taking precautions and test again (and again).

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jeudi 7 avril 2022

New Omicron Subvariant Reaches New York: Should I Worry About BA.2?

The Omicron subvariant BA.2 is causing an increase in infections, especially in Manhattan. But hospitalizations have yet to rise.

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Guadalupe Maravilla as Artist and Healer

Guadalupe Maravilla’s sculptures at the Brooklyn Museum and MoMA explore the trauma caused by war, migration and family separation.

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I Reported on Covid for Two Years. Then I Got It.

Apoorva Mandavilli has covered the coronavirus since the pandemic started. But contracting the virus herself taught her something no research paper could.

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mercredi 6 avril 2022

F.D.A. Panel Weighs Challenges of Revamping Covid Vaccines for Fall

A meeting of the committee underscored how many uncertainties lie ahead, including whether a vaccine that works better against variants can be ready by fall.

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A second booster helped protect older people from Omicron infection, but waned quickly, an Israeli study says.

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In India, Parents of Children with Rare Disease Plea for Help Online

India makes many of the world’s drugs, but treatments for rare diseases like spinal muscular atrophy are imported and prohibitively costly. In desperation, parents are raising funds on social media.

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Is 30 Minutes of Exercise a Day Enough?

Science says you may need less exercise than you think to live a long and healthy life.

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Inside a Campaign to Get Medicare Coverage for a New Alzheimer’s Drug

The Alzheimer’s Association has pushed relentlessly to get broad access to Aduhelm, despite safety risks and uncertain evidence that it helps patients.

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mardi 5 avril 2022

The F.D.A. Suspends Use of Glaxo Antibody Drug in the U.S.

Manufacturers said lab testing revealed that the authorized dosage of the drug was not sufficiently potent against BA.2.

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Can A.I.-Driven Voice Analysis Help Identify Mental Disorders?

Early tests have been promising, but issues involving bias, privacy and mistrust of “black box” algorithms are possible pitfalls.

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Susan Cain’s ‘Bittersweet’ Explores the Upside of Sadness

Susan Cain’s new book examines how sadness makes us whole.

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Learning the Right Way to Struggle

Several common educational strategies lean into the idea that, in the classroom, challenge is something to embrace.

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lundi 4 avril 2022

C.D.C. Will Undergo Comprehensive Re-Evaluation

The re-evaluation is the first step to modernizing the C.D.C. for the future.

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¿Debes recibir otra vacuna de refuerzo contra la covid?

La FDA ha autorizado inyecciones adicionales para los estadounidenses de edad avanzada y los que tienen ciertas inmunodeficiencias. Esto es lo que los científicos saben sobre quién necesita las dosis y cuándo.

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Holy Cross to Rename Science Complex for Fauci

The move, announced Monday, will coincide with Dr. Anthony S. Fauci’s 60th reunion at the college’s campus in Worcester, Mass., in June.

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Covid Vaccines for Kids Are Dividing Divorced Parents

For some parents who share custody, the Covid vaccine has created a minefield of issues that initial divorce decrees could not have anticipated.

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U.S. nursing home deaths appear to be at pandemic lows.

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dimanche 3 avril 2022

Covid and Diabetes, Colliding in a Public Health Train Wreck

After older people and nursing home residents, no group perhaps has been harder hit by the pandemic than people with diabetes. Experts hope policymakers will take notice, and finally get serious about tackling the nation’s diabetes crisis.

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samedi 2 avril 2022

Cuts in Britain Could Cause a Covid Data Drought

Countries that once led the world in coronavirus monitoring are now scaling back, leaving the world less prepared to spot future variants, experts said.

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What to Know About the Bird Flu Outbreak

More than 15 million chickens and turkeys from infected commercial and backyard flocks in 19 states have been killed, officials said.

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How the Covid Pandemic Created a Surrogate Shortage in the U.S.

Vaccine debates, pandemic parenting and general burnout have converged to create yet another shortage in the United States: of women willing to carry other people’s babies to term.

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vendredi 1 avril 2022

What Is Aphasia? Bruce Willis’s Diagnosis, Explained

Bruce Willis will retire from acting after being diagnosed with the condition. Here’s what we know about it.

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Overlooked No More: Elizabeth Hayes, Coal Town Doctor Who Fought for Miners

“Dr. Betty” led 350 miners on a strike in Pennsylvania in 1945 demanding that the mining company that owned their town improve horridly unsanitary conditions.

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Cannabis for Better Sex? Here’s What the Science Says.

The research is thin, but anecdotal experience suggests that the right dose and delivery method can make a positive difference for some people.

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State officials in the U.S. say they still have far too few epidemiologists, a C.D.C. survey finds.

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