lundi 31 octobre 2022

Cholera Outbreaks Surge Worldwide, Following Floods, Droughts and Wars

A record number of outbreaks has drained the cholera vaccine supply, leading the W.H.O. to ration emergency vaccinations.

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dimanche 30 octobre 2022

samedi 29 octobre 2022

Pandemic Learning Loss Is Not an Emergency

In a vacuum, test score declines look like bad news. But none of this happened in a vacuum.

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Young People on TikTok Are Self-Diagnosing

While social media can help people feel less alone, using it to evaluate symptoms has several downsides.

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vendredi 28 octobre 2022

Pandemic Learning Loss Is Not an Emergency

In a vacuum, test score declines look like bad news. But none of this happened in a vacuum.

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jeudi 27 octobre 2022

OB-GYN Residency Programs Face Tough Choice on Abortion Training

Many residency programs for obstetricians and gynecologists are in a risky position, caught between state abortion bans and accreditation requirements.

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mercredi 26 octobre 2022

Fetterman’s Debate Showing Raises Democratic Anxieties in Senate Battle

The Democratic nominee’s performance in Pennsylvania thrust questions of health to the center of a pivotal Senate race, adding uncertainty to the contest and worrying some in his party.

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WHO Lists Top Fungi Health Threats

The pathogens cause infections that kill millions of people each year and often go undiagnosed. Even when identified, a growing number of infections is resistant to the current crop of drugs.

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Most Hospitalized Monkeypox Patients in the U.S. Were H.I.V.-Positive

“Monkeypox and H.I.V. have collided,” a C.D.C. researcher said.

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What to Know About the Pine-Sol Recall

Clorox is voluntarily recalling tens of millions of bottles of scented Pine-Sol cleaning products that may be contaminated with bacteria.

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Gene Treatment for Rare Epilepsy Causes Brain Side Effect in 2 Children

The side effect, a buildup of fluid in the brain, led to the death of one of the children and presents a grave setback for a class of personalized medicine.

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mardi 25 octobre 2022

Some Breast Cancer Patients Could Skip Surgery, Study Suggests

In a small trial, chemotherapy alone was sufficient to treat women with certain kinds of tumors.

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Biden Receives Updated Covid Booster and Urges Americans to Follow Suit

With a possible winter surge on the horizon, the president tried to draw attention to the retooled shots, which Americans have been slow to receive so far.

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Uterine Cancer: What to Know About Symptoms and Treatment

A new study raised alarms about chemical hair straighteners being linked to the disease, but doctors say there are telltale symptoms to watch for.

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Unilever Recalls Dry Shampoo Products in U.S. and Canada

More than a dozen aerosol dry shampoo products from brands like Dove and Suave may have elevated levels of benzene, a carcinogen, the company said.

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With Promise of Legalization, Psychedelic Companies Joust Over Future Profits

Cash rich start-ups are filing scores of patent claims on hallucinogens like magic mushrooms. Researchers and patient advocates worry high prices will make the therapies unaffordable.

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dimanche 23 octobre 2022

The One Where Matthew Perry Writes an Addiction Memoir

In “Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing,” the actor gets serious about sobriety, mortality, colostomy bags and pickleball.

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A ‘Tripledemic’? Flu and Other Infections Return as Covid Cases Rise

Flu cases are higher than usual for this time of year and are expected to soar in the coming weeks. A third virus, R.S.V., is straining pediatric hospitals in some states.

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samedi 22 octobre 2022

Did the Pandemic Change Your Personality? Possibly.

For more than two years, Covid disrupted social rituals and rites of passage. Now a recent study suggests we have become less extroverted, creative, agreeable and conscientious. The declines in some traits were sharper among young people.

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NLCS: How the Phillies Decided to Travel Home Early

Despite a recommendation to stay the night in San Diego on Wednesday, Philadelphia’s road-weary players elected to get home as quickly as possible. So far, so good.

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vendredi 21 octobre 2022

Beryl Benacerraf, 73, Dies; Pioneered the Use of Prenatal Ultrasound

A radiologist with an uncanny visual sense, she revolutionized the diagnosis of fetal abnormalities like Down syndrome.

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A Vermont Town’s Water Official Resigns Amid Fluoridation Confusion

Kendall Chamberlin, the town’s water superintendent for over 30 years, said he had been lowering fluoride levels well below state guidelines for more than a decade.

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Cough Syrup: What We Know About Tainted Medicine from India

Tainted syrup from India may be connected to the deaths of dozens of children in Gambia, officials said. Indonesia banned cough syrup sales, though the link there is unclear.

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A New Procedure Could Expand Reproductive Choices for Transgender Women

Retrieving viable sperm from men with low fertility and from people who have used estrogen therapy for years has been a challenge, doctors say. A new, less invasive technique has promise.

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Biden Administration to Offer Plan to Get Addiction-Fighting Medicine to Pregnant Women

Pregnant women are more likely to die of a drug overdose than the average woman of childbearing age, but less likely to be accepted for medication-based treatment.

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mercredi 19 octobre 2022

How the ‘Black Death’ Left Its Genetic Mark on Future Generations

Scientists have discovered several genetic variants that protect Europeans from the bubonic plague — but also increase the risk of immune disorders.

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These Doctors Admit They Don’t Want Patients With Disabilities

When granted anonymity in focus groups, physicians let their guards down and shared opinions consistent with experiences of many people with disabilities.

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Britain Scales Back Foreign Aid, Threatening Progress in Global Health

The nation is often the second-largest donor to groups working in poor countries to prevent and treat infectious diseases, and to provide reproductive health services to women.

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mardi 18 octobre 2022

‘You Don’t Look Anorexic’

New research shows that our assumptions about eating disorders are often wrong — and that many larger-bodied people are starving themselves.

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Sadder but Wiser? Maybe Not.

A landmark 1979 study found that depressed people had a more realistic view of their influence over events. New research calls that into question.

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lundi 17 octobre 2022

Hair Straighteners May Pose a Small Risk for Uterine Cancer, Study Finds

A national study suggests a link to this particular cancer among women who reported frequent use of the chemical products.

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Elizabeth Holmes Case Takes On More Drama Ahead of Sentencing

The founder of Theranos, the failed blood testing start-up, asked for a new trial after a surprise visit from a key witness to her house.

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Half the World Has a Clitoris. Why Don’t Doctors Study It?

The organ is “completely ignored by pretty much everyone,” medical experts say, and that omission can be devastating to women’s sexual health.

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samedi 15 octobre 2022

As White House Presses for Booster Shots, Americans Are Slow to Get Them

Only about 15 million doses of the new shots have been administered so far, and many Americans appear to be unaware of or simply uninterested in them.

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vendredi 14 octobre 2022

Overlooked No More: Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers, Creators of a Personality Test

Mother and daughter, they developed the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which has helped millions of people discover if they are introverts or extroverts or thinkers or feelers.

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jeudi 13 octobre 2022

Strength Training Beginners Guide: How to Make the Workout a Habit

For real this time.

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She Suffered From Headaches and Fatigue. Were Concussions to Blame?

She was a young athlete who suffered frequent head injuries. Her family assumed that was the cause of her strange symptoms — then she had a seizure.

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F.D.A. Confirms Widespread Shortages of Adderall

The agency cited Teva’s continuing supply problems as well as those of other drug makers struggling to fill the gap.

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‘Kind of Awkward’: Doctors Find Themselves on a First-Name Basis

While many physicians may avoid discussing the subject, a study showed that who gets addressed with the honorific “Dr.” may depend on gender, degree and specialty.

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mercredi 12 octobre 2022

Nearly Half of Covid Patients Haven’t Fully Recovered Months Later, Study Finds

The findings strengthened calls from scientists for more expansive care options for long Covid patients.

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FDA Authorizes Updated Covid Booster Shots For Kids 5 to 11

Regulators authorized the shots for older age groups in late August, but much of the general population appears either unaware or uninterested in them.

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Human Brain Cells Grow in Rats, and Feel What the Rats Feel

Human brain “organoids” wired themselves into rats’ nervous systems, influencing the animals’ sensations and behaviors.

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As Overdoses Soar, Rhode Island Embraces Drug Consumption Sites

It is the first state to legalize supervised drug consumption sites, which some addiction experts believe will help lower record overdose rates.

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mardi 11 octobre 2022

With Fall Migration, Bird Flu Flies Back Into Town

Zoos, bird rescue groups and other animal facilities are grappling with a “radically different” outbreak of avian influenza.

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As Hospitals Close Children’s Units, Where Does That Leave Lachlan?

Adult beds are more lucrative than children’s beds. So as institutions look to boost profit margins, pediatrics are often among the first services to be cut.

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lundi 10 octobre 2022

‘A New Frontier’ for Hearing Aids

Over-the-counter hearing aids are coming at long last. But lower prices and greater accessibility may take time to materialize.

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After Giving Up on Cancer Vaccines, Doctors Start to Find Hope

Encouraging data from preliminary studies are making some doctors feel optimistic about developing immunizations against pancreatic, colon and breast cancers.

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samedi 8 octobre 2022

Animal Rights Activists Await Verdict in Smithfield Piglet Case

The Utah trial has highlighted what the defendants argue is a lack of transparency for the treatment of animals at large corporate farms.

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How Insurers Exploited Medicare Advantage for Billions: ‘The Cash Monster Was Insatiable’

By next year, half of Medicare beneficiaries will have a private Medicare Advantage plan. Most large insurers in the program have been accused in court of fraud.

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vendredi 7 octobre 2022

Tell us about your experience with New York hospitals.

Do you work in a New York hospital? Are you an ambulance worker? Please help us report our next story.

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An Abortion Ban With Unexpected Consequences for Older Mothers

Older women are more likely to carry fetuses with genetic disorders that often can’t be detected until 15 weeks of pregnancy, beyond the limit set in a Senate proposal.

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A Canadian Family Is Seeing the World Before Their Children’s Vision Falters

A Canadian family is on a yearlong journey across Asia and Africa because three of their four children have an eye condition that causes blindness.

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jeudi 6 octobre 2022

Gun-Related Suicides and Killings Continued to Rise in 2021, C.D.C. Reports

The increases in homicides were particularly stark among Black and Hispanic men, while suicides involving firearms rose among all adults.

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Teenagers Keep Vaping Despite Crackdowns on E-Cigarettes

While use among youths has fallen since the peaks of 2018-19, resumption of in-school classes this year shows students still have access to flavored, disposable vapes.

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U.S. Health Officials Urge Vigilance as Ebola Spreads in Uganda

There are no cases in the United States, but the C.D.C. wants doctors to be on the alert for patients with telltale symptoms.

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Barnard College Plans to Offer Abortion Pills on Campus

It is one of many colleges and universities deliberating over how to respond to the fall of Roe v. Wade.

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A Father Chose to End His Life at 92. His Daughter Hit Record.

To cope with the impending loss of the family patriarch, who decided on medically assisted suicide, Ondi Timoner did what she knows best: She made a movie.

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mercredi 5 octobre 2022

Medical Care Alone Won’t Halt the Spread of Diabetes, Scientists Say

Now experts are calling for walkable communities, improved housing, and access to health care and better food, particularly in minority communities.

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mardi 4 octobre 2022

Hospital System to Refund Poor Patients Who Were Entitled to Free Care

Providence began reaching out to more than 700 patients after The Times contacted the hospital system about its billing and debt-collection practices.

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At Long Last, Can Malaria Be Eradicated?

Two new vaccines may finally turn back an ancient plague. But in unexpected ways, their arrival also complicates the path to ending the disease.

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For Autistic Mothers, Breastfeeding Is Complicated

Mothers with autism, who are less likely than others to breastfeed, have been hit particularly hard by the baby formula shortage.

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lundi 3 octobre 2022

Your Medical Test Results Are Available. But Do You Want to View Them?

The 21st Century Cures Act gave patients easy access to their health information. Now, some diagnoses delivered without context are causing high anxiety.

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Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Be Awarded Today

It will be the first Nobel Prize awarded this year, with more announcements being made over the coming week.

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samedi 1 octobre 2022

Uganda Races to Contain a Deadly Ebola Outbreak

The outbreak was caused by the Sudan strain of the virus, which has no approved vaccine or drug treatment. Scientists are now rushing to begin clinical trials in the coming weeks.

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Fentanyl Test Strips Highlight Rift in Nation’s Struggle to Combat Drug Deaths

Proponents say the ability to check drugs for the presence of lethal fentanyl may save lives. But critics say the strips enable drug use.

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